it most runs cmpremtamn ---- Bethe pt TO-DAY AND WEDNESDAY CONWAY "TEARLE ADVERTISING RATES: & word. Each cou- thereafier, naif CONDENSED First insertion, le. ecutiv insertion Minlmur ' i tHe lasert.ons, TO I5T. ents, The avove rates are for cash only, when charged ey are ouble = - _-- ; DESIR- charge. #4 LARGE LODGE ROOMS, { « r King kdward; j 1st Apply 168 Princ DRESS WAN LALN Wuud hospital i? { A LLUNA, AFL) MHS, A, | Ming 0am, Juy Bart street | FIRST CLASS HOOVES AND BUAKLD) | ail improvements, centrally MAID WANTED AT ROCKWOOD HOS- | ed. Apply 243 Brock Btreet. pital. Apply superinien it A LOUNn, GENIAL, WITH ences, Apply 13s William COR. KING Wood's old 1st - { FIRST-CLASS OFFICE, REFER- 1d Julinson streets, Dr el 'ssession May FUKN Clean and dry. Phone $26 SIORAGE FUR @mergnandise; Canh, ¥6 Brock strect. or 621. ' AP- TURE AND | InMEDIATELY, A NERSE MAID, Alice | | | ply to Mrs Goovdwin, 1 blreetl, MURSE FOR CHILDREN, mrs. Borland, 145 university 406 ED STONE all imp 4 Vacant April NINE ROOM 146 Montre Paone 1st. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ilererences required Apply 85 West cet SUMMER street, FOR Hagot and FURNISHED HOUSE montt Letween Street FOR | Cuarente 142 NURSE Mrs. Boriand, 4086 RIENCED Apply Phone EXP children University AN OF TWO UR HREE STREET | 'nist for light housekeeping; y W. H King, all conveniences i i ROOMS CARETAKER FOR QUEEN Ct Bh A t A GOOD G OR HOUSEWORK, AP. ply stating wage to Delorm Be- dure, Storekeeper, Lake, Unt FLAT TO unfurn- t, or June JANGTON re 1 furnished ished » i 1st Phone 1748J FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, bathroom floor; gas r Apply 396 I'rincess ONCE, A MIDDI AGED WOMAN at house-Keeper and companion tor | widow Apply Box Fk-11, Whig Office AT WITH | who can Apply 11 A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST general housework, one sleep at home preferred. ri Street. 'TS, 4 ROOMS and Barrie street; near » new 7 Apply L Princess, ---------- Montreal WANTED EXPERIENCED hand, singie, seasun or gagement, Apply Jas. L. Westbrook Cohen & Co CLEAN, Alry rovwns; your own lock and Frost's City Storage, 299-305 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, key. Queen street yearly en- | KF. Sproule STENOGRAFPHER AND GENERAL OF-| fice hand with p State wages expected experience. | Apply Box H-13, EXPER lady stenographer Appiy Mr Royal Bank BY UNFURNISHED FLAT ns and Kitchen- cooking and hot four stall gar- MAY 1st, of three large r ette. as ior ---- WANTED trustworthy secretary 2nd toor and head S. furnished tor light house- keeping; gas tor cooking and light, at the Pioneer Aparimeuts, 212 and 214 DWision street; Phone 1434w CANVASSER the city for Experienced man preferred stance to Box E-11, CAPABLE per month if we train you Apply Renulife Electric Co., Ltd. 41 Brock | Street. Phone 585J., for appoint-| room, furnished or ment, | central locality Phone; | copking a e rht COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, | to Boe Po, Wea hen! special short courses; one month : -- -- Auto Mechanics' course $50; oue| prow may Ist, APARTMENT OF month Gas Tractor Course $50; | four attractive and nicely decorat- plenty of time to finish for the ed rooms, kitchenette and bath: spring rush Hemphill Bros, Auto two fire-places; hot and cold wa. Gag 'I'ractor School, 163 King st, ter; electric light and h King W., Torunto. Board and room Street west. 1'. O. Box 1 $3.50 up. Call or write. ete ------ FOUR ROOM APAR "MENT, HARD. wood fioors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern in every way Rent $50.00 per month. Apply to White's Insur- ance Offiee, 259 Bagot Street, - 2 i me volume salesman or saleswo- Apply in first in- care Whig torical TO RENT, 60 QUEEN STREE yard, stavlés and sheds; also at rear of 185 Queen; large barn; suitable for garage and stables. Ap- ply 155 Queen Street. LARGE OF EARNING inexperienced | Canadian | SALESM $10 FOR LIGHY HOUSEKEEPING, KIT- unfurnished gas for Apply -- WANTED TO the finest | GOOD, RELIABLE MAN take orders and deliver line of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can-| dua, Highest commission of any concern in the country paid; alll BuLUS ure guaranteed or money re- lunded, Juach applicant must bel huancially responsible. If you are coking tor a good, independent. | Permanent position with unlimited | earning possibilities, this is your | oppurtunity Quick action neces- sary Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- J fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, ont, CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELILS, D.C, P ner Princess and Barrie e Hoor, Barrie St. « ntrgnce, « Consultation free Hours 9 t 2am T , 2nd Kingston Telephone 6 pm a @ ie | WANTED GENERAL SALESMAN -- SELF - RESPECT NG! . salesman, whose ambition ig be- | POSITION yond his present place, might find nore congenial empoyment wich us, and at the same (me double nis licome. We require a man of clean character--sound in nbina body, of strong personality, would appreciate a life's job with a fast growing concern, wnere in dustry would be rewarded with far above average earnings; married man preferred. Apply Mr. White- head, 2nd floor Royal Bank Build- ing, Kingston, BY grapher 133w STENO. COMPETENT os Phone Expe ced ang | FARM TO RENT, ABOU T 200 ACRES, iol by practical farmer; view to pur- chase. Frank Herring, Ccleman P.O, Toronto, ------ WANTED TO PURC § in good location; mode have possession May 1st; Apply to Box 0-4, must for cash. Whig Office, AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET- Lers for stores, oifice windows; oan. | tly spplied; will not wash off. free Sanpies. Acme Sign Co. x48 N. Wells, Chicago, Il. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO for cash or in bart payment of new vlanos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind. say Limited. 121 #'rincess street. LAWN MOWERS TO call at you lawn mower GRIND, WiLL home and grind your _ hroper Drop a ly Ellerbeck MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVA | card to WwW but to travel and appoint local r p-| Street. Phon resentatives, $1,092 and expenses | Tsou oe guaranteed first year, with good chance to make $2,600 and ex- penses, State a and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary 'Inston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARP INTER | see James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue. Phone 1598w. i -- me POSITION WANTED, WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE or hour. Apply Box J-12, Office. DAY 4 Whig MADGE nographer, EDGAR, PUBLIC $ Stencil and Mimeo- graph work done White's In. surance Office, 239 Bagot Street Phone 321. | | MISS | a meme. Mild Weather Fuel Economy . Use Pea Coai in the furn ace Good for any furnace. $1.50 per ton less than ot her sizes. Consult us regarding its uses. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street WHERE DO YOU GO WHEN YOU DIE? Not to the dump the same as an automobile. Your friends call the undertaker and he does the rest. We do one better with your troublesome automobile--we repair it and make it work like a charm, YOURS NEXT? DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. tt we Pn "at Auction Sale I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. Grand Trunk traffic earnings for No. 5. $1000. No. ¢, $12.00 Best Stovs for Garage or work shop. Cooks and other Stoves as we lucat- Mec- | Johnson | --} room house, | Phone 526; res. ysyw. | ESPE- | clien and dining room and one bed- | ri FOUND A MISC LANEOUS OF sonal ticles found in. t theatre, including Jeweler Gloves, Scarfs, Purse Money, ete owners | have same by app manager of the Allen and proving property FUUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED WHEE. Anyone finding anything and Wisning Lo reach the uwWuer may Gu su LY repuruing the fucts te 'ne dritlsh Waig. 'Lhe waver Lsement will be printed ia this Cusunin Iree of charge. Found articies" dues not Irn. lust. dogs, cattle, norses, These, if lost, may be ad- eulumnn rE { clude ele. vertised tor in the Lusi | HOUSE, | | KHAKI OVERCOAT IN FRONTENAC i rark Friday night. Finaer Kindy return to Zu8 wellington Street MUKN- to 4W ON FRIDAY piease return Reward GOLD BRIDGE, i ing Finder Barrie street dist and er WEEN MARCH IN CITY BETW usned { April k T cr | { | LOST OR STOLEN. MASSEY SILVER RIBBON | rom ovppwusite the Garde il, Bruck street, Wedne { evening Kindly rewurn to | Conatham b>lreet. FOR SALE. FLAGS, CANOES. | AWNINGS, TF W. Cooke, | Phone 436. | L PRIGHT PIANO OF GOOD MAKE; used Apply 75 York St | 5! | BUILDING LOT, LIVINGSTON AV B, | 1 near Kgng street-- 33x132--§325. | | Phone 621 | | sigintly | | WOLFE ISLAND COTTAGE, ON WA-| ter front; large garden; handy for | boat landing. Telephone Wolfe Is-| land 12 r 2. | A THOROUGHBRED FEMALE COL- lie dog, one year old; gentle and; kind . with children, Apply 46 Lower Rideau Street. | { RUG, WRITING | buffet and Brunswick Cab- Phonograph; all practically Apply 68 Lower Union Street. | ONE AXMINSTER | + aesk, i inet | new. | AND BUY ALL KINDS OF instruments, also cloth-| ing and furniture. Call and get our | | prices. L. Rout d, 289 Princess | street. Phone 1723. | | WE SELL | musical TWO BRICK HOUSES, 93 AND 5 | north side of William Street, hot | water furnace, gas and electric| light. Apply to W. H. Sullivan, 28] Jiarence sireet. A FRAME HOUSE, street; eight rooms; furnace; electric light; gas; lot 7 Cheap for cash sale. D-18, Whig Office. COLLINGWOOD | WwW, C. di 2 x 120 Box | Apply | FIVE | vo CHICK CHATHAM BHOODER. AP. = { EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE ~ | VERY | SCHOONER "MAROONED HEARTS" FOR SALE MART ER TT L_ STRONG STEEL. SA) le RERUN, each. Mills Co. 79 Clarence St BUILDING LOT, ALFH near Exhibition grou $130. Phone 326. t Tove. "THE KITCHEN LADY? Two Reel Mack Sennett Comedy CAMERON AND GLEN Comedy act ------------------------------------------------------------ NEW CONCERT ORCHESTRA 10 PIECES "Mills of the Forest" SHOW CASE, JONES Apply Prince of Wales Foor Bros. make, Lunch, 191 Princess sireot ply Baldwin, House of Industry, 362 ig Overture: Montreal street. Phone 66. +S; BOTH 18 stock | Apply | PURE BRED R. J. RED E PRICES combs from prize-w $2.50 to $5.00 per setti Black, 25 York Street Matinees . .15e.~25e. Evenings .. bred Barred Rocks and White yl andottes; excellent layers, $2.00 for 15. Jobn Potter, Portsmouth, EASILY ALLEN Now--VERA GORDON The Mother of "Humoresque" "The Greatest Love" A Vital Glowing Drama of Life. The Greatest Presentation of The Greatest Jheme! - . VINE GRAPHONOLA AND CERN selections; your own choice, $42 50. Terms §{ cash; $5 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Lamited, 121 Princess St { | PURE BRED WHITE A hort eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cpa | tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- mouth. f PROGRESSIVE, Ssunpun, AMERICUS | Everbearing Strawberry P'lants; al- | so 8 other varieties. Apply S Mc- | Cormack, 86 Collingwood Street Phone 1970J. CORNER STORE modern im- DESIRABLE and d ng provements; lot with | frontage on streets. Apply Box E-8, Whig Office "THE ONE BEST FET" Featuring ooky, the Humanzee" $s + PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF. fects, including Wilton Rugs, Vice trola, Hindo Curtain and Books; al- so Silk Tent, Lemaire Fleld Glasses, | etc. Apply 346 Albert Street. BABY B. | ocks; April Baby Chicks, 30c, W.| Wyandottes; May Baby Chicks, 25c Also one pen Brown Leghorns Book orders now. § Ontario St. MARCH CHICKS, 35e¢., Ro Mrs. I. BE. Kahut, 42 Montreal street, would like information concerning her son, Julius, 'aged nine years of age, who was taken from the playgrounds at St. Mary's-at-the-Lake, on Sunday, April 10th, ~------ en. "BERTHA CALKINS" carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can be inspected at Picton Ontario. Further particulars and price on application. L. VvanDusen, Pic- ton, Ont. 1921. DANCING LESSONS Every Night AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. All the Latest Dances MRS. 8. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. Hall Phone 357 Residence 1878 id When You Eat Let It Be tle Best. Ask for GOLD BOND CANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS AT ALL GROCERS MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, speclalize in mili- tary boots; buy all kinds second. hand goods; highest prices paid. I. | Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin-| cess Street. ONE FRAME HOUSE, SIX ROOMS and gateway; good garden and fruit trees, $2500. Also house, 4 rooms with good garden and gate- way, $1500. Apply to 71 Stephen Street. OLD HENRY PERCIVAIL ESTATE, 110 acres. north half of 3, and eleventh concession, base line, Wolfe Island W. F. Nickle or W. H. Stella. in tenth | south of] Apply | Montray, MOTOR BOAT, 19 FT. LONG x 4 @" beam; engine, 5 h.p.; double cylin. der and clutch; auto top and cush- lons; speed eight miles per hour; | great bargain at $125.00 Apply FRAME DWELLING, WITH 7 ROOMS, | detached kitchen, electric light gas, three piece bath, good garden Possession May 1st Price $2500. Apply 194 Division street. BRED BARRED ROCK AND ite Wyandotte Baby Chickens. each. Hatching eggs from winners, $3 to $5 per 15. White, phone 2301 r. 4, Ont. PURE w 40c. prize Joseph Portsmouth A McLAUGHLIN model; first ROADSTER, 1920 class condition; only 1500 miles. Spare tire; two bump- ers; tires all good Call at 130 Barrie street. or phone 1074w. A SEVEN ROOM single frame; electric lights; gas for cooking; Johnson street. $1,.- 300. cash. Balance on time. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. $3,500 WILL BUY SPECIAL OFFER--PURE BRED BAR- red Rock eggs for hatching from Cobourg and Guelph strain; worth $3 a setting; reduced for this 'month to $1. Orders left at Gil- bert's Grocery will be looked after EGGS FROM DUBERRY'S, second to none, Barred Plymouth Roucks. Individual matings, exhi- bition strain. $2 to $4 per setting. 15 eggs. Charles Duberry, 53 Bev- erly Street. CTTING BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. ©7C, Camp Beds, with new mattress, $8.50 2 newly upholstered Arm Chairs $9.00 1 Diamond Point Edison Machine, 200 Records, $45.00. 1 Victor, large size, 20 Records $45.00 Three-quarter and full size beds at $3.50--8$10.00 Counter, $15.00. 1 £how Case, $10.00 SPECIAL ! We have reduced our price on Anti. que Furniture 13%. LESSE'S ANT QUE § Phone 1045. 507 Pr RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT ND SoLD Big Bargains in Used Cars--Smashing Reduett . $250 buys Mclaughlin Truck. $330 buys Ford Touring 1917 $360 buys Ford Touring 1918. 385 buys Ford Touring 1918, 395 buys Ford Touring 1918. 475 buys #ord Roadster 1920. 00 buys Chevrolet Touring 1918. 50 buys Chevrolet Roadster 1919. 00 buys Dodgs Touring 1917 750 buys Overland Roadster 1918, McLaughlin Special, 2000 milies, cord tires, Cost $2750. Exchanges made. HOP an Street. run good as Terms arranged, GEO. A. PALMER Corner Bagot and Queen IDEAL GASOLINE NGIN made by Goold, Shapely anda Mure h. p. 2 Excelsior Motor- running order. Also &round and baby carriage tires put while you wait Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 373 King street. Phone 1032w, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE well-built stone residence, 9s Earl Street. Interior just painted and decorated; 12 rooms. Open fire grates. For Inspection, apply to J. Gilbert, 19¢ Barrie Street. Knapp's Boat Shop, Barriefield. | | ON AND AFTER Thur., April 14th the BAGOT STREET CAR wil leave Princess Street at 7.30 a.m. instead of 6.30 a.m. as heretofore. | 1 McLaughlin Top Buggy, with steel tires and auto back; almost new 1 Ice Cream Wagon and Harness, 2 Ford Speedsters. 1 Seven l'assenger Studemaker Car, 1 Five Passenger Gray Dort Car. 1 Seven Passenger Tudhope Car. Apply between the hours of ® p.m and ¥ p.m. at 169 RAGLAN ROAD ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI- s, Merchants Bank ,Chambers, "of Brock and Wellington BUY BGGS FROM JOHN MARSHALL'S exhibition strain of White Rocks and White Wyandottes: three to five dollars per 15. Henergizer and | ---- Chicklivia for sale. At 191 Queen Street. Phone 181w, FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. il 22 John street WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF gvod second hand furniture and stoves. Any person baving stoves @.¢ furniture to dispose of, we wii} Vay highest prices. J. Thompson, 433 Princess street. Phone 1600w. DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE closed until April 12th, 1921. FOR SALE DR EXCHANGE HOUSE, lots and barns, big stone house, on corner; 9 rooms; gas; electric hot water heated; cemented cellar; | large cattle barn; can hold 26 head | of cattle; slaughter house; horse stable; 4 stalls; large drivehouse and garage; hen house, etc. Eight building lots; large garden and fruit orchard. A reasonable offer will be accepted. Apply 338 Prin- cess Street. Telephone 799 or 2007. ee etree ras me pa DRS. SFARKRS AND SPARKS, LEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1550. Open evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at $2 Princess St, ov or Hank of Nova Scotia. Phone 1602, LAND SURVEYOR F. F. MILLER, B.Ap,, Se. C.E., 0.L.S,, DLS. M.E1C, Napanee, Ont. On- tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street, MEDICAL. DR. C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. BIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, etc. large or small, fusranteed XX FINANCIAL SLAs, WOOD, gold leal; posters, showcards, eto. artistically written and designed by Shaw, at 206 Princess Streat Kingston. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society, incorporated 1861. President. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. . Cunningham, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 27 Clar- ence street, Kingston. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law oXice, corner of King and Brock, over Hoyal Bank Money to loan. Phone 1999. PERSONAL PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING BATEMAN'S KEAL ESTATE, SALE FOR #730~FOR SA LBL ALDING LOTS on| Alwington Avenue; 890d location, ING! 3 north end; 4 rooms; B. and 833x132; for immed $2000--FRAME ROUSE; 11 ROOMS; | sbout an acre of land; suitable for | summer rders; near Westport. | { $2.200-FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B | and C.; electric ligh : good cellar, &his and furnace: $3,000--RRICK SEMI-DETACHED; § 'rooms; B. and C.; hot air: . 34 ace. t air; sas; Bar FARWS--SEVERAL GOOD F . FARMS FOR TO LET : DWELLING; 6 ROOMS; PINE STREET. week ended April 7th were--1921, $1,802,346; 1920, $1,982,648, de- crease $180.302, TWO LARGE GARDEN LOTS, G. A. BATEMAN, 158 Wellinxrton Street. HAIR. (JJOLES, WARTS, MIRTH. | ooie--oon DECORATING, J. H. athe oh Ancers, oA, Ne. Ie Janeway, 37 Cherry Street. Phone glasses fitted and furnished after zw. others have failed. Goitre removed, 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin, WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card te A. Mounteer, 54 Arch sireet. IF YOU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, an ALE, MONEY | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. CARTING. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING rooms and halls; low prices; paper furnished. Work guaranteed sat- isfactory. Drop a card or call H. B. Rowley, 138 Bay street. place your order with us now; genera] carting, ashes moved, etc Charles Andre, corner of Bagot and Charles Street. Phone 184yF. : HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, Paper Hangers and 1ateror deco- UPHOLSTERIN r2.,0r8. ow the time to have or 0! a. your interior decorated. ° Phone CALL OR DROP A CARD 13074. : Gavine, upholsterer, 216 TO W. J Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repair Leave orderg at or drop a card 104 Clergy street. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popular shapes and sizes Upholstering and repairl done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING --J, Flanagan, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metalije gold letters fur store and office windows. 247 Montreal street Phone 1432. TAILORING. GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER suits cleaned asd repaired now. Re- jalring and pressing done f$rompt- y. A I Work guaranteed. . Rob- eran, 73 Bagot streel. aeay Prin woes 3 ished; guns, gramaphones. ete. re- paired promptly and guaranteed Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. maa doar ------ The Greatest Attraction of the Year--Griftith at His Best. Fail To See It! * D. W. GRIFFITH'S "Wonder of The 201 Century™-- Boston Herald ---- ONLY TWO DAYS IN KINGSTON secs ------------. ~OBDER... SEATS AT ONCE r------------------ A NEW ART FORM coMminNiNg DRAMA, PAINTING, POETRY AND MUSIO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 20 PRICES: Evening, 50c. to $2.00. Matinee, Wednesaay, 25¢ to $1. Last Times in the Vicinity of Kingston. a eg GRAND--3 DAYS, APRIL 18-19-20 4 SHOWS DAILY--1.30, 3.30, 7. and ®» O'CLOCK IGNORANC PRUDERY! QUACKERY! HYPOCRISY! are the greatest factors in the spread of a horrible scourge, See "DAMAGED GOODS" you will be apmed for life aguiust the peril of living de Mats. ec. amd 35e. Evenin, i, an Then PRIC STRAND OTIS SKINNER --] Noe "KISMET" Presented With an Atmospheric Prolog" The Most Wonderful Attraction in Years! TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW NOW PLAYING! rm ------------------ The Greatest Play of the Season! THURS, FRI, SAT, PRICILLA DEAN and LON CHANEY in "OUTSIDE THE THE MUSICAL COMEDY RE QUEEN ZEPHRA Auspices of Annandale Chapter 1.O.D.E. FUNDS FOR WAR MEMORIAL SPECTACULAR SCENERY, GORGEOUS COSTUMING, DAZZLING ELECTRICAL EFFECTS Special Concert Orchestra A Show That Appeals To All! GRAND OPERA HOUSE, APRIL 14--15---106 MATINEE, SATURDAY, APR. 16th . $1.00, 75¢., 50c. and 25c. Sale of reserved seats now open, Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of John PF. Coady, Late of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, Hoiler- muker, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to R. 8. O. Cap. 121, See. 56, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of said John P, Coady, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1919, are required on or before the 30th day of April, 1821, to deliver to T. J Rigney, 39 Clarence Street, Kingston, Solicitor for the Ad- ministratrix of sald estate, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after said last mentioned date, Administratrix will proced to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard to those claims only of which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be liable for any part of said assets to any person of whose claim she shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. T. J. RIGNEY, Administratrix's Solicitor Kingston, April 11th, 1921. TORS r------ Tenders will be received by the Clerk of Township of Wolfe Island up till 12 o'clock noon on Friday, April 15th, 1921, for furnishing, crushing and delivering 200 or more toise of stone as directed by Council at 80 much per toise; also for grad- ing; Township to furnish grader. Tenders to be in sealed envelopes, marked "Tender." J. D. COSGROVE, Township Clerk, 42 Cents Per Gallon MILLARD'S GROCERY Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 2351w. Police and armed posses of farm- ers are searching for the missing bandit known as "Pat," whc made his escape when four men attempted to rob a bank at Melbourne, Ort. He is in a swamp. Sidney and William Murrell and Henry J. Williams, cap- tured, are in the county jail 'under heavy guard. VELL STREET---Sm house; water and sewer. Price $1,200. YORK STREET--Brick dwelling: 9 rooms; 5 bedrooms; lights and gas for cooking; 3 piece bath; garage. Price hen terms. barn; Easy all frame house; Lot 50x120. $4,000. MONTREAL STREET-- Brick house; 7 rooms; electric light, gas for cooking; furnace; good cellar; storm windows and doors; large lot. Price $4,350. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street A BARGAIN 1920 Dodge Touring Car SLIGHTLY USED Equipped with 2 Cord Tires, Spare Tire Bumper, Non-glare Lenses, Radiator Cover and 1921 License. Varnish and Up- - holstering like new. Cost $2,375.00 when purchased. A snap to a quick buyer. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 80 MONTREAL STREET - . PHONE 400.