TUESDAY, APRIL 12, vz. DIAMOND DYE DY-OLA RIT TINTEX SUNSET and COLORITE HAT COLOR. We have all shades. Pre ET % 5 i i OER NEW SPOCH=--OF GAR DEN SEEDS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Try Rennie"s Seeds--they always grow. Austin's Drug Store Coermer King and Market Square Kingston Phone 380 . . . Advice Regarding Moving As Conveyances will be much in demand the beginning of May, we advise the timely placing of orders for large wag- gons with us, Kingston Transfer Co. 1583 WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 877, » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. LJ BUILDING ?| ® |! REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son ~ Kingston and Vicinity 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Dr. Waugh Dentist Returned to New York, Dr. James Dwyer, eye. and ear specialist, who came. here over two | weeks ago for the burial of his sister, | returned to New York on Monday, » ox i Phone 256. ix) Winnipeg. : "The death took place in Winnipeg, on March 30th, of Clara Brown, ag- ed seventy-tWo years. The deceas- ed was a daughter of the late Mr. tand Mrs. John Brown, Newburgh. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiambing and Gas Work a special. |] t5. All work guaranteed. Addresy -- {| 143 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, W. H_ STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Has Returned Home, | Howard Leaden, 14 Dufferin street { has returned from Detroit, Mich., { where he visited his uncle, William | Leaden, Woodward avenue, and his {aunmt, Mrs. Clifford Ralph, Rox- borough street west, Toronto. | Waggons and ucks Repaired. | Prices moderate. . = KING STREET EAST EERET---- > Mothers Read This, { Spring is here and now is the time Angrove's Repair to clothe your boys with a new suit. See our range at $8.50, $10 and | Seales, Talking Maehines, eye] 1 $12.50, all new goods and latest | Daby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, pte, We styles. Prevost Clothing House, do repair work right and guaramtee Brock street. | satisfaction. 7 107 WELLINGTON STREET Carbon Burning Temperance Rally: | .The prohibitionists want all their | triends to know that they are having la workers' meeting to-night in the | Y.M. C. A, to be addr ad hy A. B { Cunpingham, after which they will {hold ward conferences. WRIGHT'S Machine Works | 40 Princess St. Phone 1264. an | Oxy-Acetylene Welding Married at Belleville Gilbért Stewart Yorke, Tamworth, Watches and Clocks Repaired --by--- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. « Call or 'phone and your ore dor will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. If you dre going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation, + 4 Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tihsmiths 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688, W.R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. T For Sale A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. * 'E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, OB A EA A Ne s PATTON"S DYE WORKS {late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 314. 849 Princess St. -- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafll's Ginger Marmalade, Wagatai's Fincupple Marmalade, Wagstail's Brambie Jelly, We also have a full line of other reilable makes of Marma- lages, Jam and Jellies for sale Li tn] Bon Marche Grocery 50 and Miss Miss Mary Lavonia School- Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder leraft, of Point Anne, were quietly $0,000 one dollar (31.00) bottles || wedded on Wednesday at St. Thom- Free to horsemen who give the || . Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for [as rectory, Belleville, by Archdeac- on Beamish. They will reside at Colle, Inflammation of the Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Dist. , : 3 Tamworth, where Mr. Yorke is a well-known farmer, 000 SAMPLES Lungs, emper, ete. Send 26c. for Mailing Package, etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.8,, KINGSTON, Ont. _-- THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the earpen. tery line. Estimates given op all kinds | of repairs and mew work: alse hard- wood floors of mall kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop Queen Street. FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontxrio and West Sta Phone 67. | | i | { 1 | Visiting His Family. J. J. Graham, late provost marshal for Kingston during the war, but now special agent for the Canadian Na- tional Railway' investigation depart- ment, Port Arthur, arrived in the city on Saturday on a brief visit to his family. He returns west on Tues- | day. No Need For Women's Party, Mrs. Adam Shortt, addressing the Business Womens Club, Toronto, says that there is no place for a women's party. There are many men, she declares, whose ideals are | as high as the ideals of any woman, | and she believes that men and wo- {men should work together for the solution of national problems. Asks Franchise Continued The Sun Life Assurance Co., which controls the public utilities of Corn- wall, is offering to spend $100,000 in improving the street railway tracks on Pitt street and in renewing CHOICE | its electric light plant, etc., provided | smilies i [ the town will renew its electric light- ing contract'for ten years under the {franchise submitted in 1911. Remembered by Friends Friends and neighbours gathered Cullopgh, Lonsdale, to spend a soc- ia] evening before their' 'departure for their home in Regina, Saskatchewan. An address was given by Mrs. W. Waddingham and Mrs. R, Sampson, and purse of money presented. new Death of Miss Ileen Ready. The death took place this week of Miss Ileen Ready, second eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ready, Deseronto, Miss Ready, who had been in charge of Bell Telephone central for some time, contracted a cold which developed into pneumon- ia. During the week Miss Ready's condition grew worse and despite all that loving care could do for her, she passed away. A Gift From His Sons Rev. :M. Howard, retired, Metho- dist minister, Wellington, has receiv- ed the gift of a house from his son, Hon. Justice Howard, Montreal. This gentleman and his brother, Dan- {lel Hersey Howard, also of Mont- | real, visited his parents, and pur- | chased the property owned and oc- | cupied by Mark Petitt, for his fath- ler. Mr. Howard is to be congratu- lated on the receipt of such a gift and on having such splendid sons. Died of Complications In the death of Melville S. Whyte | at the Smith's Falls hospital, Perth lost a young boy verging into man- | hood with a very bright future. | Melville was taken ill and his ap- jrendiz was successfully removed in an operation, Complications devel- {oped and he passed away. He was {a twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. | Whyte, of Perth, formerly of Balder- son. Aged seventeen years. | | | Shipped to Peace River Two motor boats, purchased at Brockville by the Natural Resources branch of the Department of Inter- ior, were shipped to Peace River, Alberta. The larger of the two erafts is the Rambler III, owned by E. A. MacKenzie, having a speed of 28 miles an hour. The other boat is that formerly owned by the late Lt. Col. R. A, Bowie, M. D., C. M Both will be used in connection with government survey parties in the far north. Aged Lady Badly Hust Mrs. Sandford Reddick, 4th con- cession of Sidney, who had a collar atrthechomeof--Mrr-apd-Mre=~Meew | bone brokenjand was otherwise in-| [juréd is still in considerable .pain. Mrs Reddick, nearly seventy years of age, was thrown to the ground | ed to turn just as she was getting | | shapped. She was at the home of | herson, Mr. F. Phillips, 4th line of Sidwey at the time." There she was given medical attention. | Dr. Mahood' Suffers Broken Arm. Dr. A, E. Mahood, Ottawa, brother ed a broken arm Sunday when the overturned, Dr. child run out on to the driveway al- most directly in front of his car. | striking down the child. In doing so | his car turned turtle, Dr. Mahood | was taken to the office of Dr. J. G. | Scott, where the extent of his in- | juries was ascertained, and later he was removed to Rideau street hospi- tal, His condition is not serious. The Injured Ones, The Toronto Mail and speaking of the disturbances at the "Pussyfoot Johnston meeting in | Ki ton says: "The injured ones are those prohibitionists and others who attended the Kingston rally for | | the purpose of gathering inspiration | | | Empire or information from Mr, Johnston. | | They had a right to be protected from { {the organized body of disturbers. | 1 The latter, only injured their own cause and probably 'enhanced the | prestige of Mr_ Johnston, They are | giving him advertising that will prove valuable to the prohibitionist forces." A Dairy Resolution. At the annual meeting of the pat- rons of the Bath cheese factory, after | discussion about matters of general | interest and especially concerning | the payment of milk received at the ! factory according to its test for but- ter fat, a resolution was introduced strongly denouncing the practical ap- plication here of the Provincial Dairy Act, for the payment of milk at the cheese factory according to its test for butter fat, because of its being impractical to get a true and exact test for butter fat from milk that is | taken just once a day to the cheese | factory; because of the largely added expense it would entail, of the greatly | increased work it would bring to the | cheesemaker and the secretary, and | because it would not be of any bene- fit to any one individual among the patrons, and because 'the cheese in- dustry was now in a condition in | which it could not bear any deduction { from its profits. This resolution was | { carried unanimously, Indian Psychology. WESTERN MEATS | Indian psychology is to take its and | : | place in sport. Just what Indian COOKED MEATS { psychology amounts to it a definite | sense is more or less a mystery to everyone but an Indian, But, what- Phone | ever it is, it is going to be introduced | into football, | William H. Dietz, who several years ago made quite a reputation as a football player and strategist at . 282 Princess Street N -- DEVELOPING, Carlisle, is now coaching Purdue University, and he has declarec that "I am going to use Inllian psychology in coaching the team this year, giv- Our customers smile when they re- ceive their prints from us. We can make prints and enlarge- ments from a snap-shot or photo. | Ing attention to the individual rather than the mass. If this plan fails, of If you have mot seen our work, leave your next film at:-- A serious condition which Is re- lieved when you arouse the liver, using Dr Crem > CvarPilly A 's -LiverPills. Onepilladose. Tn aliossin How They Saw Teacher .. "What is an orphan?" snsked the teacher. None of the children seem- ed to know. "Well, I'm an g¢phan," teacher, ( Then the hal popped up and the Small boy remarkéd, "An orphan is a woman who would like to be mar- ried, but nobody'll have her." ------------ The Beads of Borneo. Probably the choicest and most valuable beads in the world are those possessed by the natives of Borneo. In many cases they .are very old and have been kept for cen- turies in one family. A rich chief may possess a collection of old beads worth many thousands of dollars. eee Collapsible Drum For travelling musicians a Pen- nsylvanian hag invented a full sized bass drum that can be folded and carried in two cases, one an ordinary suit-case, the other about the same size but of different shape. -- said the Mrs. Hannah Jane Sedore, Tweed, passed away April 7th, aged eighty- four years, arter a few days' illness, death resulting from brain hemorr- hage and paralysis. course, I will be compelled to change St my tactics, But I do not think it will fail, Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks. ...85c. "Take a brick home with you." Se (Copyright, 1921; All Rights Rese YOUR OWN EIGHT HOURS By CHARLES GRANT MILLER rved by United Feature Syndicate.) mm, Choice Pot Roasts 18c¢. Ib. Choice Rib Roasts 20c. Ib. do in the hours belonging to you ? the glory of humanity, Every man has approximately ei kimself, Of this hullabaloo, one would think succe Cor. King snd Karl Stregy, License No. 5-37149 Phone 18464. SR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE a things. The simple matter of fact effects of plain and palpable causes, Pork Chops 28¢ and 30c b.. Princess Meat Market seven to seventy times seven. reason that stands out like a mounta People fail because they are nu ceed. A determined spirit overcem front it. study the game, They decide upon throughout their lives. With plan for it, work for it, W. H. GODWIN & SON i Real Estate and Insurance i 80 Brocl: Street. Phone 424. || | i { ' They get it--not Earnestness meahs success; indi the game, and wins. When a man gets beat at any kind of game he says that he is out of practice, ! Adult rhinoceroses wo horns. always «have t best opportunity for good fortune, You work faithfully in the hours sold to an employer, Eight hours a day or more are sold to employers. not many men shirk or slight their tasks. the best they can----for the other man. We have seen lists of reasons for failure runnin Most of the lists ignore entirely the one Among a hundred or a thousand young men there are a What do you And, be it said to They do ght hours a day in which to work for time how prodigicus is the waste ? Most careers are made or marred. in the h the burners of oil at the shrine of knowledge you whose life has been rich in the joy of achievemen Probably success has been the theme for more discourses, written and spoken, than any other subject, unless it be failure. . ours after supper. Among will find about every man t. To judge by the 8s and failure fearfully mysterious is that they are plain and palpable g all the way from in above ant-hills. ot in earnest about wanting to suec- es all the difficulties that may con- few who 2 line of action. They hew to the line. They miss a lot of "good times," but joy is evemly distributed minds set upon success, they study for it, ht for it, live for it, and get it. etimes, but nearly always. ference, failure. Earnestness studies Indifference lags, and loses. The eight hours a day which are a man's own time offer him his No Way of Telling + There recently entered the office | if a Torpnto dentist a most extraord- itQry looking youth, very loudly dressed and wearing a most vacuous expression. His hat was forced down upon his ears so that they stuck out at right angles and he made known his troubles in a low murmur utterly 'devoid of emotion "I am afraid to administer gas," whispered the dentist to his assist- ant, when it was ascertained that the youth wanted a tooth extracted. "Why 80?" asked the assistant. "How," demanded the dentist, "am I to know when he is unconscious?" Almost an Invitation "Well, that's enough to try the patience of Job!" exclaimed the vie- ar of a little village, as he threw aside «the local paper. "Why! What's the dear?" asked his wife. "Last Sunday I preached from the text: "Be thee, therefore, stead- fast," answered the good man, "but the printers make it read: 'Be thee there for breakfast." --Answers. matter, Smoke T&B Sy.oke a pi, nd enjoy T eB - artridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now pi do Nujol is a lubricant, not a laxative, vy,» Without forcing or irri ing, Try bled ood waste. The many tiny muscles in the intestines can then re- move it regularly. Ab- solutely harmless--tryit.. from a buggy, her horse having mov- | Dire eShemfeth-freavity-and- g=hone of the Mahoods, of Kingston, suffer- | automobile in which he was driving | Mahood noticed a | Quick to realize the impending col- | lision he swerved the car and avoided | i | ------------ | superior quality. Flooring, and now been waiting for, AIA aE 1 FEI ~~ S. ANGLIN & Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1416. HARDWOODFLOORING We have just received a mixed car of Hardwood Floor- ing, containing" Maple, Birch, plain Oak and Quartered Oak, all There has been considerable reduction in the price of Oak is a good time to lay that floor you have A cncmmasata Co. = SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, "phone 811. ', SUNKIST Economic USE SEEDLESS . RAISINS FOR COOKING Yi Wholesome = Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. | HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. A J. O. HUTTON, Phone 703 TOLET SIX ROOM F LAT--very desirable-- cellent locality. Also some desirable houses for sale.' KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited eXx-~ B. G. ROBERTSON 67 Clarence Street. BROCK SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only," Gourdier's STREET, - SII A Suits and . We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality * Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices - $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One doot below Randolph Hotel) Where are Britain's Sheep? We had nearly 31,000,000 sheep before the war, and now we have only 23,000,000. Stupid Govern- ment control and the indiscriminate slaughter of young ewes and e lambs are said to be the chief for the declime, and there is ta a National Sheep League to #ge the increase of flocks.