Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1921, p. 7

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THE UET | At Residence of William Makin, Sun- i bury, om THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, at { 2.30 pom. Terms: cash or endorsed ap- { DAILY BRI11 {SH WHIG. [ CREDIT SALE TWENTY CHOICE HOLSTEINS LABOR CHEF AT BANQ IT Continued From Page 1) _e been told that we must produce, | Proved motes at 7%. that we_ are inefficient Cdn you land men had to look toward aa old wonder that these men are not so | age unprovided for and we all had to efficient as they might be, but they scramble as we did. Civilization has are producing as much as they are not been so complete a success, but | allowed to produce. Have we ful-| cannot injure the developm3nt al- filled all the necessities of our race, | ready made. He instanced the in- of civilization, that our factories are y closed d Th not closed.] CT%e 1a the duration of life in Am- y 1 se: own ? ey are not closed-| : ared with that in Eur- | § ey if | because civilization is satisfied. Men a sompursy -- longer | y wn , i pi i -- +apply for work;~but---are--told- faest Trot 8, A1N8, Ali2en, r HH ; 3 ¥ L d : JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN More about the wonderful Tarzan, now in the popular edition. Other Titles of the Tarzan Series in stock ~The Return of Tarzan. | than people in the nineteenth cent- | Ho Siders: [ire is ne { ury, but there is still opportunity for | MLLER Be | improvement in the equalization of | but can that be done ? {opportunity. "I don't See it coming | through the state, which can only ref- | eree the game, so to speak, and see | the rules observed. It must come | through the individual himself." { He saw success In the future of | Canada in the solution of these prob- | lems for we have a great opportunity to deal with capital and labor and! the experience and experiments of | older countries. We have a good margin of prosperity to help us that | "--The Beasts of Tarzan. {tories have | work to do. | prevent you | to suit you, | Has finance control of industry in this country ? There are a great {many interlocking directorates with | power to say whether thousands of {| men shall work or live, There is too ~The Son of Tarzan. ~--Tarzan and the Jewels of Opal. ~Tarzan of the Apes. PRICE $1.00, AT : h | much power in the hands of the Ww () { financiers, and if they do not consid- & g 0 ® I} ler the workers the government ishould take a hand in making them hi |1et go. He quoted from a clipping jot a newspaper twenty-five years ago | | ptating-that the government decided they don't have. In Europe where {to fix an eight-hour day. countries are crowded, with feelings | { I ------ tense, opportunities are rarer than | Unemployment Situation. | Speaking of the present problem of { unemployment, Mr. Moore said that {he did not believe in bonusing idle- ness or that the stata should provide three meals a day, but it was the duty {of the government to give the oppor- | tunity to work for three meals a day. | Perhaps when industry is prosperous la fund might be created against de- | ° Diamond | pression or for building public works. i Let us help you in {| acti { The real meaning of the determina- your sel ction of an | tion of men without work and food acceptable birthday | is that they will not be drawn back to if | conditions of 1914. They volunteer- g1 t. {ed and were willing to stake all and [look forward to a new civilization. We carry a large | Every conceivable promise was made, stock to choose from jand some can and must be fulfilled. in diamond mounted Rings, Lavilliers, Bar Pins, Earrings. GREY SUEDE -- 2 strap, Shoes. - 141 PRINCESS STREET heavy sole, Walking here where opportunities and wealth © jare [S%e svendy Msthuted. They BROWN CALF--2 strap, heavy sole, Walking | chiet reason is the fact of greater Shoes. moderation as shown by both capita: BLACK SUEDE---2 strap Shoes, with high heels and labor. We still have old-fashions | --for a real dressy shoe cannot be equalled. ed employers, but there is not much | chance of the breaking up of union | organization. Wa have greater nat- WE ALSO SHOW a large range of Browns, Tans and Grey OXFORDS--whcih, of course, ar =1] the latest styles. Birthstone ural wealth and resources here torely upon and this presents greater pos- sibilities of solving our problems. | Referring to schools and colleges, | Dr. Skelton said these were tha great- est levellers of opportunity. We can, | by education and training, see that | artificial barriers are broken down, i by fitting them to take a part and ad- | vanca in the struggle of life. This is the biggest factor, the biggest ele- ment. There is a great deal to be done In education on industrial movements. All the world is facing | industrial prcblems,"and wa should | know what the experiments are, that | the public might be informed and be able to pass upon such issues. The | Winnipeg strike was a case deserving | of study as thy people do not really | | There is no good reason for poverty | to-day in Canada. If workmen will [not exert themselves to improve fit, We are in for a rude awakening in | Canada. We have the most virile {race and are these men going to sub- {mit to conditions that are intoler- |able? Regarding reduction in wages Mr. Do you have to scold the child for having a poor report from school 2] Special designs Are you sure it is not the fault of his or her eyes? In 909% of the cases it is. Let us examine their eyes and we will tell you if the trouble is there oJ, "The House of Better Ciasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 699 Kingston Jiu-jitsu was taught and practiced In China before it was known in Jap- an. A non-freezable wheat has been de- veloped for use in northern climates. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET DR.A.W. WINNETT D.ENTAL SURGEON. corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets Phone 863 | ~t BONDS AND DEBENTURES § C. §. KIRKPATRICK 36 Clarence Street. Tel, 568w, Po "Gifts That Last" FOR APRIL BRIDES We have just passed into stock an entirely new line of Cut Glass -- reasonably priced--in Bud Vases, Cylindrical Vases, Dinner Vases, Nappies, Comports, Fruit Bowls, Jugs, es. Candy Jars, Butter Plates, Water Tumblers and Sherbet Glass- Every article is delivered in high- class boxes, bearing our own im- print--the mark of quality. R. J. RODGER JEWELER and SILVERSMITH 132 PRINCESS STREET "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" made up. | | Moore said they were told prices | could not be reduced till wages went {down, but if there is.no work how [can you buy at any price? If prices |and wages dropped to 1914 rates, no- | body was any better off. Employers | | must help labor produce. We must squeeze some of the margin of profit. The speaker said that when coal in: creased $1.38 at the pit, the price was increased $7.50, and the mine paid 150 per cent. divident on a capital of $9,000,000. Other items were men- tioned, and the speaker argued that the factory unit of labor cost was very small owing to improved mach- inery, but the inanimate capital took all the benefit. In concluding Mr. Moore asked: 'Shall we live to work, or work to {live? Labor is to-day calling upon employers to meet it at the council board. It is prepared to co-operate to bring about conditions that will give a fair and just return." Prof. Skelton Praises Mr. Moore. Dr. Skelton, in speaking to "Our { Educational institutions," paid a high I tribute to Tom Moore, and expressed |the opinion that so long as 'labor's interests were in his hands it would be well led. He was a man of vision. He did not think, however, that we | were to see any sweeping changes | such as the 'socialist idea of govern- Jens, He expected some change so long as unemployment came upon us, | Tells the People : He is Satisfied QUEBEC MAN TALKS ABOUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS | Mr. Joseph Soucey Gives the Reason Why for Twenty Years Dodd's Kid- ney Pills Have Grown in Popular- ity With the People of Canada. | | | Mont Joli, Rimouski Co., Que., Apr. 11th.--(Special)--*"I got great benefit from the use of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. I am satisfied and I want you to tell the people so." That is the brief statement of Mr. Joseph Souey, a well-known and highly-respected resident of this place. He tells the secret of the pop- ularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Satis- fied people are telling their neigh- bors about them. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a kidney remedy. They strengthen the kid- neys so they do their full work of straining the impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills have been used for backache, diabetes, rheumatism, dropsy, urinary troubles and heart disease. People who used them are satisfied. Ask yeur neighbors about Kidney Pills, Dodd's SPRING FOOTWEAR TIES When buying Summer footwear 'have Straps or Ti because they will STRAPS your Spring and early » we know that you will es--very. much in mind, be worn this season. To meet this demand, we have a large stock of fashionable models, conservative expressions of the styles, at exceptionally low prices. Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE pee eR DA TWICE TOLD TALES | know all about it. He believed that | the schools and colleges should col- | lect all facts and spread them, espec- | ifally when things move too rapidly. | { Queen's Univorsity sant Prof. Clarke | to investigate that strike and his re- | port. will be published. The labor | movement is going to require more of | its leaders than mere organiaztion. | The must be constructive and take | mare responsibility and share control, } The leader of the future must have | a knowledge of the past and take a | wider phase of industry than that in | which he is immediately concerned. { The schools and colleges have some- | thing to do in training men for this work, and every boy and girl is going | to have some adequate education The | colleges of Canada have not been so ! active in this respect as those of other | countries. Many of them will realize | they have a duty here to do and what- | | | will most cheerfully be done. Other Addresses. Prof. Mackintosh endorsed what | Dr. Skelton said with respect to edu- | | cational institutions, and he saw in | the interest of labor in education a very hopeful sign. Rev. D. H. Burgess, speaking to "Our Friends," gave a very entartain- Ing address. Referring to capital {and labor he said "there must be mutual confidence that can only come from a religion that will help all to | live up to the Sermon on the Mount, We will thus solve the problem and | only then. We must get the hearts | and consciences of men." Ald. F. J. O'Connor hoped to see much good come from thy splendid meeting, dealt with civic affairs, | counselling all citizens to carefully study by-laws submitted to them be- fore voting. W. F. Nickle, referring to the prob- lems of Europe and the United States, declared that there was no' country in the world to-day that held out | such opportunities to the individual as Canada. Canadian was stimulated by the war as never before. She had always faced her problems in the past and won out. "Let us have compromis® and co- class differences and saeh contribute his utmost to increase the general welfare," said he in concluding. J. G. Elliott responded for the press. He said he got much inspira- tion from the meeting. He thought that Mr. Moore found that most peo- ple were influenced by two things, prejudice or sympathy. There was not the calm weighing of public utter- . News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. In spite of the winter's storms the | steamer Sharples is still sound and may yet be salvaged. A despatch from Halifax says that 2,300 new settlers landed in one day, all intending to go to the Canadian west. Rev. John Mackie will be granted a retiring annuity of $500 by tha con- gregation of St. Andrew's. The masters and mates held a fare- well smoker in their rooms last night. The work of opening Sydenham street to Brock street has been com- menced. Y The Board of Health was to meet las: night, but no quorum was obtain- able. : TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, Kingsten would be a better city with a new summer hote;, a boule- vard with trees on King street, a boat club house near the waterworks, a fountain in the park, and a driveway from the penitentiary to the Bath road. " Before selling, the directors of the Midland fair will give the city one more chance to purchase the exhibi- tion grounds. John Olephin has severed his con- nection with the gas company, alter Z9 years of continuous service. About 700 tons of binder twine will be put out at the prison this year. S ever can be done within their limits | nationality f operation, forget racial, religious and |i | Abernethy's Shoe Store (------ HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES ~--Whisks. --Polishes. ~--Brushes. --RBrooms. --(leansers and all House-cleaning supplies See our large packages of AMMONIA C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess Street. Phone 530. Order early for prompt delivery -- J FOR SALE Frame house, 7 rooms, in good location; hot water heat- er, electric lights, hardwood floors, newly decorated, and possession on May 1st. This property' 1s worth the money. Price $3,700. A. F. Purcell Phone 704. ances as was essential to/right aetion. The press of Canada was always sym- pathetic toward everything that tend- ed to improve the social fabric, main- tain Canadianism and patriotism that will stand the test of time, T. Angrove and W. Y. Mills spoke to the toast to the ladies, and W. Twigg and W. Driscoll the toast to the Kingston Trades and Labor Coun- cil ---- Issued 34 Prescriptions To One Person in Month Ingersoll, April 12.--Dr. F. DD. Canfield, a local practitioner, was fined $300 and costs on two charges of breaches of the O.T.A. On the first charge, that of having sold liquor, he was found guilty and fined two hun- dred dollars and costs. The second charge was that of having issued pre- scriptions contrary to law. Records showed that he had issued 180 pre- scriptions during March, and that 34 of these had been issued to one party. "Cash and Carry" Fails. Mion, April 12.--For several months past Milton housewives or their maids have had to go to the bother of dressing up to buy ths meat for dinner and carry it back home, there being no delivery by the but- chers. The carrying end of the cash THERE 18 SOMETHING VERY ATTRACTIVE ABOUT RATTAN FURNITURE All the very mewest designs and finishes. We have everything from Nagle Rockers, Arm Chairs, Lamps, Work Baskets and Fernerys, to the most el borate suites, The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for service. GOOD RED BLOOD is essential if one iz to en factulties. Eliminat ter by taking-- NYAL BLOOD PURIFIER It contains some of the best known blood remedies, good, old-fashioned Sulphur in a readily assimitable form. Clears the skin--eliminates Pimples--relieves Spring Fever, $1.00 FER EOTTLE Sargent's Drug Store Joy vigorous health and keen mental © Waste malter accumulated during the win- with New Eating House for Ladies and Gentlemen. Frontenac Cafe | Everything we serve is best quality and our prices will please you. Comfortable Dining Rooms and the latest Sanitary Kitchen Equipment. Call in and give us a trial. Open from 7.30 a.m. till | a.m. 65 PRINCESS STREET (near King Street) CLEARING OUT SALE Having to vacate our premises. we must sell before April 23rd, the following articles, machines, togls, tc, and we invite prospective pur- chasers to inspect them at shop. Though sales may be made earlier, shop will remain open for business until 23rd inst; Safe, heavy and light Spring waggons, counter scales, 5 hp. elec- tric motor, 2 switches and wiring, 2 \eiectric forge fans complete, quan tity shafting, hangers, pulleys and belting, hollow chisel mortolsing ma- chine, Universal wood-worker, wood turning lathe, woodworkers vice boit and nut threading machine. light punch and SAW gummer, Imperial power drill, emery grinder, bending mandrel tire bender, house cold tire setter, tire binder, 2 calking foot vises. 2 blacksmith's vices, anvil, 2 work benches, 2 desks, set auto box wrenches, bolt cutter, hammers, tongs, etc, and large quanfity lumber tims, iron bolts, ete. McNAMEE & SLACK 54 QUEEN STREET. "hon 1217w, and-carry system having proved a sumed on Saturday, much to the failure in more ways than one, daltv- light of the customers. The cash wy ~€ry to all parts of the town was re-%tem, however, is still in force. !

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