ad * _ VRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1081, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : - : | BLAMES HIGH RENTS | SWAM SWM SWM SWM SWM SWM SWAA SWM SWAASWM SW et ---------------- FOR SALE,OF GIRLS ; : 3 EIR GING LASS TREO MOWE [LTTND CESS TRELI0 MOE [11] NO LESS TI] NO MOWE [TITHE THEY TNT NE I | TT 30 MOTE [111] HO LESS 111] HO MO Fiqure It buy New Jersey Assomblyman Nee EE Tr he Charge o Y S€ son Makes t for Yours Misconduct by Landlords, | Honestly now ! Could you get for 50c. } New York, April 15. }-Assembly- | i i : r Neilso tf Jersey City, | any other prescription which would give | man Arthur Nelson, ° i the same Hiei service and oS | refuses to give details to support his | faction that a box of Zam-Buk daes? | charge that some uneducated moth- | Zam-Bukis a combination of powerful, | ors virtually have sold their daugh- baaling, Satpal Saleacie, 38 jehued and |p 10 landlords and real estate men | hi of soreness 5 at ae Rasa ans ® | to "escape eviction. He received a | tissue or abnormal conditign (such asin- |subpéena to appear before he Grand | ; Sasination, fonoring or blogd-poisoning) | Jury in Jersey City and tell the story it almost immediately soothes and heals. | of his investigation into housing cgn- It stops bleeding. It is highly antiseptic | qitjons, which resulted, he sald,'in oH disease a Jorms. 18 siuable alike | the discovery of the ruin of girls with ine fardernd 2 pith oF pigs) | their mothers' connivance. Zam-Buk is 100% pure herbalmedi- | 'In those cases which I found the eine, It contaitd no afimal fat nor |parents were mostly of foreign birth," mineral impurity. It cannot go rancid. |gajd Assemblyman Nelson. "They lived in the poorer districts of Jersey "For séven years we have used Zam-Buk in our home" writes L. B. City. I know that thing was done, It! does not show on the receipt for the Andresen, of 1407, E. 290d. St, ¥ | rent, of course, but I know that af- , "We simply could not get 'Whenever any of the an accident, we promptly sppt -Buk \ - : Scotland Woolen Mills 6 | LIMITED he lk el " : W. H STEVENSON ::.2. 'eviction, according to | J WITH | | will go before the Grand Jury uonaR Roun en BU {and give information enough to jus- i os moderate, tify an investigation. Any honest offi- 381 KING STREET EAST | cial who starts to investigate will -, find conditions as I have said. 1 Save the sidface and found that $30 and $35 a month you save Rint »Monied was now being paid for apartments Sig that rented for $8 a month five years Renews and Brings out the ; Pattern SX oN JIL IS BE Opens at Collier's Toggery, Tomorrow, Satur- day, showing the finest of all-wool imported "cloth backed up with superb tailoring. ago. Two and three families are now living is only sufficient rpom for one family. . "They cannot live decently. Some | of the people sleep in bathtubs and in hallways. I will not give the Grand Jury amy names. I will not publish the misfortunes of these people." CARUSO STUDYING TO RESUME ROLES Famous Tenor Enters Last Stage of Convalescence From [iness. [Gear SE IEE] FIFE I%E 3 Dries Hard Cleans Easily Is Waterproof This Opening with "Better Ciothes" is going to be a humdinger. We never go into anything and spend money on advertising unless we are sure we have the goods--better goods than we or anyone else ever offered before. We have something now that is going to bring you even- tually to our store. You might as well come to-morrow, Saturday, and get first choice of mater- STEVENSON & HUNTER Sr SREY SE New York, April 15.--Caruso had another premiere yesterday. Jubilant at entering the last stages of conval- escence from the critical illness that | has kept him in his room at the ho- | N a tel Vanderbilt for the last four We want to assure you that it is worth while. We want to tell you that there never was and we instruments: elocution and dra- months the famous tenor whistled : : matic art. Puplls may hegfn at |and hummed the airs of some of his doubt, ever will be again, such a splendid assortment of patterns in all-wool cloth of varied weaves, which means everything that your heart desires--including BLUE SERGES of stan- any date. Terms on application. * | favorite roles while his accompanist dard weight and absolutely guaranteed. UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF MATERIALS The Telgmann School of ials. Music Piano, violin and other stringed cepted. nearest Caruso has come to singing since he was stricken with pleurisy 216 Frontenac Street. last December. He also talked to Phone 1325j. } friends in Havana over the new sub- ---------- | gan to study all over again--by sing- | ing and my music." His associates in the Metropolitan Opera were overjoyed that the jubil- | CAUSE INDIGESTION politan Opera star, and 'You can tell everybody I feel fine. Today I be- Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat. Medical authorities state that near- 1y nine-teniths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive juices. ace of Caruso had taken flight and | that he was studying for the resump- | tion of his roles in the opera for the | next season. Despite many rumors that Caruso would never be able !to sing again, all were convinced that the season of 1921-22 would see him back in his old roles and doubtless sofge new ones with all the brilliant and"lustrous singing that has made OX Ox] The delicate stomach 1ining iw irritat- | the name of Caruso a synonym for ed, digestion is delayed and food | the present epoch in the history of sours, causing the disagreeable symp- opera. LH im D4 INTRODUCING OLD FRIENDS il ' The Scotland Woolen Mills Company, Limited, are really il too well-known in Kingston to need an introduction. | am glad, however, to see them back with us, and after a visit to their immense tailoring shops in Toronto, examining their materials and the tailoring of their garments, | have accepted their Agency feeling assured that in doing so | am doing the men of Kingston a good turn. I simply ask you to come in and see me, look over 'the fabrics that | am showing and the Model Suits that are on exhibition and. convince yourselves that "SWM- Better Clothes" at a "Possible Price" are the best made-to-mea- sure garments being offered to-day by anyone, anywhere. 15th April, 1921. yO TY Whar Mill-to-man Tailoring The question as to how the Scotland Woolen toms which every stomach sufferer ---------- a qatouts are not need- WILLIAM SMITH MADE ed In such eases and may do real A PRIVY COUNCILLOR i ANE Ir piatide ull digeative Rel 10a L's Sunpnta a | on Koll-Known Member quarter glass of water right after eat- | of Parliament. Mills Company can sell "Better Clothes" at a "Possible Price" of $30 is answered simply by the words "Mill td Man"--it's the cutting out of the middleman's profit--it's gettimg the first choice of the finest woolens weaved at the Mills--it's selling thousands of suits where other concerns are selling hundreds. It would be possible to sell at a lower 'price, but it would mean that Scotland Woolen Mills Company would have to use inferion | materials and inferior linings and trimmings. ' This they won't do because REPUTATION has built up their business and they are de- termined to maintain that reputation. ing: This sweetens the stomach, pre- vents the formation of excess acid | -- and there is no sourness, gas or pain. |. Ottawa, April, 15.--William Smith Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or{ M.P., of South Ontario, a veteran tablet form--néver liquid or milk)-- | member of the House of Commons, is harmless to the stomach, inexpen- has been elevated by the govern- sive to take and'is the most efficient | form of m ia for . | ment to the rank of a privy coun- | Afmesia Tor stomach pure, Hereafter he will be knows | poses. It is used by thousands of - | people who enjoy their meals with no | 88 the Hon. William Smith, although | more fear of indigestion. he is less formally and more affec- ; . tionately addressed by his many friends in parliament and out of it. Hon. William Smith has been ac- | tive in public life for forty years. He | was the unsuccessful Conservative | candidate for the House of Commons in South Ontario in 1882. He was | elevated, however, in 1887 and in { 1892. He was defeated in 1896 when | sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal party attained power, and again in 1900, In 1911, when the Conserva- {tives under Sir Robert Borden car- ried the country, Mr. Smith returned to the House of Commons, of which he has since been a member. He is an experienced member of the repre- sentative chamber, but he never sat in opposition, Mr. Smith is well known throughout Canada as a breeder and importer of pure-bred hérses and cattle and has done much to improve the standard of Canadian live stock. The honor conferred upon him by the government is re- garded by those who know him as a well-merited testimonial to his worth, 5 Should Make Up His Mind. The newly arrived visitor from tae "sticks" stood at the curbstone ra es y watching the traffic cop and sema- NNO AEST TREND | phore in some bewilderment. "Say, mister," he asked & passerby. "can't WAM S ala 124 that officer make up his mind? First v he says 'stop' and then he says 'go' on NIAGARA PEACH CROP SAFE. | Shae there contraption of his'n. Can't . . CANAD Al e decide once and for all?" V . IN LAUNDRY SOAP -------------- Trees Not Injured in Recent Cold It brings Sunlight and Comfort to every home. As a rule worthless people have 3 Spell. " =a any Surprise the wonderful results that come from the disposi y t. Catharines, April 15.--The best dispositions ro - . A good mother and sweet-faced kiddies and a clean home CASTO R IA tent cold spell, so far as learned, but To He hurries home, no stops, and puts his wages into trusty Some varities of apples, motably the For Infants and Children hands. Duchess, may be scarcer this year as In Use For Over 30 Years Does he want old conditions back ?--not on your Lifebuoy. a result of the cold snap. Sour cher- + Always bears E the Signawre of [GORP SEI OE OT TENS OUT-OF-TOWN MEN: SAMPLES SENT FREE ON REQUEST. OLLIER'S TOGGERY Opera House Block, Ki OROTNS CEST Rr SWM S EI TEST) Lal Grand IMORE ING LEE; CANADA'S HOPE LIES . NECESSITIES FOR YOUR MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR BOAT ~~AlL-WAY OILERS. ~~BRUSHES., --WIND DEFLEC Big Soap Sale now on! 10 BARS BEST LAUNDRY SOAP ties also may be less plentiful, as the cherry blossoms were affected by the 2X fie ' cold. The plum crop wag slightly in- Gilbert S ; ocery 254. jured. 194 Barrie Phone BiRetall Store 117 Brock St. : 3 . Phode 217