FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BOYS' SUIT SALE 73 SUITS on sale for the balance of this week-- all sizes--regular values--$12 to $18-- NOW $1.95 TWO SUITS FOR $14.95 ® ® : 9 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET, "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." Anderson Bros. Limited Popular Up-town Fruit and Vegetable Market NEW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Attractive Features for Saturday Shoppers! BANANAS 240 dozen large ripe stock - 75 dozen at 165 dozen at . . . NEW FRUITS PINEAPPLES .35-40-50c. STRAWBERRIES .........30c. to 35c. ORANGES .........38c., 2 dozen 70c. GRAPEFRUIT--lare size ...12%c. each LEMONS--good size . .......25¢c. dozen APPLES--Russets, Stark, Ben Davis. .45c. dozen "ss es seas NEW VEGETABLES Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Asparagus, Cu- cumbers, Radishes, Tomatoes, Green On- ions, Celery, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, Texas "Dry" Onions. SPECIAL VALUES IN GROCERY, FRESH MEAT, PROVISION, POUL- TRY AND FISH DEPARTMENTS Be sure and patronize our Fruit and Yege- table market Saturday evening. Bargains 7to 10 p.m. Call phones Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. ei davies... 40c. dozen Ir Letters to the Editor Rev. Mr. Forster Replies, Kingston, April 15.-- (To itor): 1 am not a member Liberty League and have no connec- tion whatever with the liquor inter- est. I never use liquor of any kind as a beverage. I have been able with God's help and blessing to get sever- rat Hardened AHA KINg ana rghting men to turn over a new leaf Mr the Ed- of the - Heth. Ste Lawson's scurrilous championship of | the modern Pharisee is like his poet- ry-----of a very poor quality and not worthy of a reply. All who oppose | prohibition and the unjust O. T A. are not whiskey rowdy sympathi as he insinuates, Sober, God-fearing, | Christian men object to the O. T. A. Because it is unjust, favoring the rich at the expense of the poor, The O, T. A. is unjust because it {makes a criminal of the offender. ! He has to prove his innocence. The { murderer, adulterer, burglar is in- i nocent till he is brought in guilty by the evidence brought in before | judge and jury. The O, T. A. practically makes the |common magistrate in the country | with his ljttle schooling and little or ino knowledge of the law practically | infallible. He can send his victim to | | jail for an indefinite term. We want | {a sane, common-sense law which | ican ®e enforced, A law ilke the O. |T. A. is fast bringing all law into | contempt The present wave of crime, with | the population in penitentiary rapid- | ly increasing, ought to make us care- | fully "look into the cause of crime amongst the youth of our country. Want of religious and moral 'train- ing in the Christian homes of the country is the cause of the downfall of many a youth. I have no intention whatever of engaging in a newspaper controversy with anyone. Thanking you for your valuable space, I remain yours for temperance in all things. (REV.) J. W. FORSTER Ph b bbb RRP T edd ddd + + 4 WHAT UNIVERSITIES GET. # * -- > Hon. Mr. Grant, + Western University, $200.000, instead of $84,000, and Queen"s, $325,000, instead of $165,000. Hon. Mr. Ferguson said he was surprised .to find out that uni- versities were to get along on "a beggarly pittance." The Minister said the universities had agreed. Mr. Ferguson said they couldn't help themselves. Principal Taylor was at first non-plussed as to the grant made to Queen's University. He got in touch with Hon. Mr. Grant, minister of education, and he reports that Queen's University was granted an ad- ditional $40,000 for mainten- ance, making a total of $205, 000, while $125,000 has been granted for the heating plant. The principal says that in the matter of maintentance there will have to be some close figuring to come within reason- able distance of meeting the needs of the institution, but he hopes that by a close revision of the expenses, some changes will be made to advantage. + 3 tNys398%asrsisetsy PEFR LEFF PERF PPP AR PEPE A PEF PPI B BE * . > PEP rrr bbb r erred Declares Raney Is Lying; Counsell Replies to Attack Hamilton, April 15.--J. L. Coun- sell, Hamilton lawyer, who defended Magistrate Hastings in the celebrated Dunnville investigation, today fired a broadside at Attorney General Ra- ney for his remarks in the legisla- ture last night when the minister charged that Counsell had been "em- ployed by the bootlegging and gam- bling fraternities.' "It is typical of Raney, and cow- ardly as well," he said. 'Raney was speaking in the House, where he knows he is privileged. He knows he is lying. Raney is doing more for the liquor intérests than anybody I know. The peoplé will stand only so much. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself and take the prohibition people with him." LATE MRS, TWINING. A Halifax Woman Dies in London on : April 9th, Halifax, N.S., April 15.--Cable ad- vices announce the death at Kingston Hill, London, on April 9th, of Mrs. Ada L. Twining, Halifax, widow of H. St. George Twining, who died here some years ago, and m other of the Countess of Donegal. Mrs. Twining's death followed a short {ll- | ness. All through the war Mrs. Twining was engaged in Red Cross and hospital work in France. She was the daughter of the late C. H. M. Black, Halifax. The Countess and Col. Oxley, post- master of Halifax, have been ap- pointed executors of Mrs, Twining's estate. 3 Sea Bibby's $24.75 bina suits. Sentenced to be hanged for mur- der while Chicago was under stand- ard time, Sam Cardinella objected to being executed under daylight saving time. He will be given the extra hour of life. See Bibby's $25.00 top coat, Premier Meighen held a conversa- tion with the President of Cuba by telephone, through the Bell Tele- phone service. The estate of the late J. L. Engle hart, former chairman of the T. and N. 0. Railway, will exceed $2,000,- 000. See Bibby's $28.50 blue suits. Toronto will this year receive | $900,000 more than last year; | "| ance, {Northern Pacific .. . ! Plerce Arrow .e | Rep. Iron & Steel .. {U.S. | Royal Dutch | Southern Pacific | | | | Can. | | | minister of +# | teresting report on the work she has Education, announced in the le- + | gislature that the University of | | | 1U.8, Steel .. .. STOCK MARKETS. [=] . Quotations Bongard, Bagot Furnished by Ryerson & Co., 237 «Street. New York Stocks. Opening. Am. loco. .. .. .. 8335 Am. Sugar .. .. .. 90% 8¢ Am. Inter. Corp. .. 41 Smelters .. .. .. .. 38% Baldwin Loco. .. B. &£ 0... Closing. Spindle Anaconda ... CPR, cc cor oars Crucible Steel .. General Motors .. Inter. Nickel | Inter. Paper | Kennicott Copper Mex. Petroleum .. Rubber : {N.Y.]. Studebaker .. .. Sinclair Oil .. .. .. Canadian Stocks. Brazilian 307% Brompton .. es 33D. Steamship ven 23 Can. Steamship, pfd. 51% Cons, Smelters .. .. 15 Dom. Steel .. .. ... 410, | Nat. Breweries .. .. 40 Steel of Canada .. . 58% lode tdedss Pe | {4 FIFTY PER CENT. TAX ON GERMAN IMPORTS Paris, April 15.--The Chamber of Deputies adopted the bill pro- viding for a fifty per cent tax on German imports as a penalty on Germany because of non- fulfillment of reparations obligations. The vote was 383 to 79. her Tiree ata tie es Ped rb Err r beer [sc HOQL ATTENDANC E OFFICER | | Submits Report On Her Work to | Board of Education. | Mrs. M. Easson presented an in-| been carrying on as attendance offi-| cer, to the Board of Education on Thursday night. Her report follows: Number of cases for non-attend- 40; number of visits made to | 180; cases before the police | magistrate, 5; number of requests || for examination, 3; number of re-| quests granted, 1; notices served on i parents, 8. Two employers were noti- fied fcr infringement of the school attendance act. | homes, Prohibition Mass Meeting. The local Referendum Committe has arranged a mass meeting at fe e |! Allen theatre for Sunday alternoon ! at 4 o'clock. An orchestra will ve in attendance, and Mr. John A. Paz- || terson, K.C., of Toronto, and other || speakers will discuss the "real issue" || in vote to be taken this coming! Monday. All citizens are invited. [I Prohibition Workers Meet. {| On Thursday evening the prohibi-|| tion workers, who will man the dif-|| ferent polls in the importation refer- | endum vote on Monday evening, held | meetings, to make final arrange- || ments. Some of the meetings were | held at the Y.M.C.A. while others || took place at the churches. | ------ | The Kingston Humane Society | The annual business meeting of || the Kingston Humane _Society will | be held Friday evening, April 15th, at 8 o'clock in the committee room | of St. George's hall. The public ig invited. See Bibby's $25.00 top coat. contradicts the statement that Mrs. || John Voteary, who recently returned from Toronto, had nursed her daugh- ll ter-in-law, Mrs. Eddie Voteary, || through her illness. He provided a || nurse for the last few weeks. I! The real estate firm of Trumpour | ! & Loyst, recently established in | Kingston, has disposed of the farm | of Myles Walker, in Kingston town- | ship, to Mrs. Thomas White, of this | city. The government control memorial was largely signed at the Thursday night meeting in Ontario hall. Many | copies were distributed. | Spanish River Pulp & Paper Mills, Ltd., asks employees to accept 30 per cent wage cut. Parade of tiie P. W, O. R. armour- ied 8. p.m. Friday, April 15th, SATURDAY | 10 0CL0CK | 12 Navy and Black | Tricotine Suits Fresh from tailors--new, fashionable, well-made, and at a re- markable low price. -- $25.00 $38.50 to $42.50 are the regular value of these special All Wool Tricotine Suits for Saturday's selling. Each coat lined in plain or novelty Silk, braid bound styles, others elaborately embroider- ed with Bugle Beads and Silk; others showing pin-tucks, arrow- heads, silk stitching and pretty buttons. COLORS: Navy, Black Tricotine ON SALE SPRING COATS $14.50 up Smart Coats of spring-like character--ranging from the longer, graceful-looking Dollman to the smart and jaunty short Coat. Were these not specially purchased they would demand a much greater SIZES 16, 18, 20 10 O'CLOCK price. MATERIALS Wool Velour Wool Tricotine Polo Cloth Pretty Tweeds Homespuns COLORS Harding Blue Camel Sand Grey Navy Black SPRING FROCKS PRICED $22.00 UP A DIVERSIFIED PRESENTATION OF THE REAL NEW A colorful array indeed of these lovely frocks for Spring-- not one of the favored types advanced for this season is missing. The price is more than moderate when the character is remembered. Style and sizes for the woman and the miss. --Lovely Canton Crepes. --Fine Tricoline and Serge. --Smart Taffeta Silks. --Charmenuse Satin. BUTTERICK PATTERNS Please call for your May Delineator. Also Summer Quarterly Fashion Book. Turkish troops have bottied up a Greek army in Brusa. Movie photographers are not made welgome at Doorn. Bibby's $15.00 raincoats. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 and £36 PRINCESS STREET. Phene 147 for Ambul. nce. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undert.ker. Phone 577. 230 Prince. Streez. JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street hone 599 "A D. HOLTON Oxford Stocks Are At Their Best Light weights are ready--new shades, new styles--stocks are full up. We have chosen the best of the new ideas. Now is 8 "the chance to choose yours, BLACK AND BROWN--WING TIP--SEMI-BROGUE BROWN BROGUE SLATER BLA GUNMETAL CALF--RUBBER HEEL BROWN BROGUE--LIGHT WEIGHT Those who watch for the newest ideas will be interested in the latest arrivals.