FRIDAY, APRIL 135, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; 'BUILDING ?| : ¢ ® ; ® ® ® REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? CES Estimates given by : = 0. Aykroyd & Sen . : It is our policy to encourage building as n Stree 70. | ---- . . . To Have Half-Holiday. | Rev. Bruce Taylor, D.D., principal o1 | cently at Peoria, Il, when Miss Ruth much as we can, by keeping our prices In Deseronto business places will | Queen's University, will be the Cooper, daughter of Pr. and Mrs J. line with the market, regardless of original Dr Waugh have the Wednesday half holiday |predcher of the day. Principal Tay- | F, Cooper, was married to Dr. Rupert . Le iv ny is t th t tractive | Stevens, of Ottawa. Dr. E a cost. during May, June, July, August and [lor is one of the mos attract S evens, o ttawa. Dr. E. L. Bruce, E : Dentist Septémber. preachers in Canada. Kingston, was Dr. Stevens' best man Several of our lines are down and we n ox Ck a i -------- Dr. Stevens was graduated. in arts | h . ] En Phone 2336.4 | Want German Guns.. A Nonagenarian. {and medicine from Queen's Univer- ||| Nave exceptiona values to offer ns used |, ~~RepresentativeMott-iwasking-ronst=Mres Was Boeth;==Brociyitie;- Ts rgity; whereohehad a aistinguished re- | White Pine of a good, sound grade. . gress to allot German guns to Cape [receiving congratulations of friends | cord, and did two years post graduato : : DAVID SCOTT | Vincent, Clayton" Alexandria Bay [on hér ninetieth birthday. « Mrs. work in New York and Brooklyn = . and Watertown, N.Y, for ofnamenta! | Booth, who is the mother of Messrs. | hospitals. He served three years in | S ANGI IN & CO Plumber purposes. : D. W. and G. L. Booth, is hale and the war with the Canadian Army | . * Fiumbing and Gas Work a specia). ln re { hearty despite her advanced years. Medical Corps, He is now practising Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington p, antee: Ad . : t 5 ! 45 Pod ut ar Fao a Mothers Read This. Her faculties remain unimpaired. {in Ottawa, Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Facto i Spring is here and now is the time : . . | 2 Phone 1415. : es + |to clothe your boys with a new suit. Friends in the New Land. | R.C. H. A. About Up to Strength. IN. - The Hamilton Spectator remarks | The R.C.H.A. is recruited up to = EEE ee ---- Smoke {See our range at $8 50, $10 and . | $12.50, ali new goods and latest [that "Pussyfoot" Johnson's reception | uyoy¢ ry1) strength. and, while noth f f in Canada has been such that he |. finite i tel 1 v styles. Prevost Cloth'ng House, in Canada has 8 : _ | Ing definite is known at present, it is | nternal and te nal Pai | Brock street. | might harbor the opinion that his | generally expected that the. unit will | are promptly relieved by : i old country opponents had migrated | joav6 for Petawawa and go into sum- | DR ' EC El | An Expert Secured. in order to have the pleasure of re- |... camp there about June 1st. Last | THOMAS CTRIC OolL f « DIAMOND DYB DY-OLA RIT TINTEX SUNSET and COLORITE HAT COLOR. We have all shades. ; b 3 po - . b OUR NEW STOCK QF GAR-_ DEN SEEDS HAVE._JUST ARRIVED Try Rennie's Seeds--they always grow, Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square 106 Wellington St. Ede bd bbb hdd dddeoleddodiid bid a Cdedod bb deb dod drobodededode de Kingston ARD 18 To. A G : . | Y REAT has arrived in Deseronto as superin- yo -------------------- sported by-train and returned by | BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEARS FOR ITS tendent of the Woodturning Proa- Six Sons as Pallbearers. route march. Petawawa is regarded | NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES, R H JONES Genuine Virginia blended ucis factory. Mr. Huffman is a The funeral 0! the late Mrs, Blia- | as an ideal camping ground for artil- | move rt ° «a for particular smokers broom handle expert with many |beth Florence Edwards, widow of the | lery units and the training under ac- | ---- aE us | years' experience. late Frank Edwards, Brogicy town- | tive service conditions as carried out | . : Auto Tops repaired, recover- . ---- ship, was held onl Sunday &fternool. | yo. 15 of great practical benefit to | SOW ARDS K P ed; sMp covers; all kinds of Carbon Bu g Lease Held Up. Interment being made din Cobden |.;) oye atter the winter in barracks | . AL cushions repaired i and | The proposition of renting the De-| cemetery. A noticeable. feature was | here. It is just likely, too, that the | : : . i'seronto wharf from the Canadian |that the body was borne to the Brave | militia batteries ordered to cam AND COAL KEEPS US 's | - i y S00) a r p in} BOAT CUSIONS insde all || Oxy-Acetylene Welding ire, art lon Je Canagis ber ix sons June will Join the RC.HL.3. and re. S S sizes with KAPOK filling. the council, pending eliminations cr rrr ene ceive their training under the super- | | WRIGHT'S Machine Works clauses in BES04ent 454 expiasAtON To Aguin Visit Ringetin. tor | Yi8ion of the permanent force offi- All k ¢ | 40 Princeas St. - - Phone 1264. | 5 10 needed repairs. Arrangements have been made cers. Barriefield camp will consist 1 | : | SERIE . a visit of all the Ottawa Kiwanians | ¢pjre)y of infantry and machine gun- inds ol cut wood and soft Coal. Married In Belleville, [ to Kingston on April 23rd to attend a ners, with signallers, engineers, etc. Phone 1 55 Uptown Office. i ! | St. Michael's' church, Beileville, big meeting of the Kiwanis Club in -------- 4 | | was the scene of a very pretty wedd- Kingston. The club will make the E J . ey x Watches and Clocks |ing on April 11th, when Theresa, | trip in special coaches as they did Do, pot sulle McGall Cigar Store, phone 81 I. A <a : . | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wha-| for the charter meeting of the King- : Repaired ; ien, Belleville, became the bride gion organization several months ago. A A i i rise : ati Dr. eq Fred Huffman, Shawano, Wis, |newing acquaintance. year men, horses and guns were tran- | ERATE RCL EARLY FIFTY YEARS 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 132. . --=by-- of Paul Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. { Gabriel Clement, Tweed. D. C. Healy Dies, | tion i : ; 's Ointment will relieve you at on G. W. LYONS Cholcest quality of Scranton | | mrs D. C. Healy, one of the best known | aad alord isk Denes ~ 6 3 box a ( ISE, : . od : ¥ 2 ¥ son, e! ' . ! Coal. No other kind sold by | Is Going Into Business auctioneers in Eastern Ontario, died om a ro if you Donita, k The resignation of P. F. Bréckel,!,; gmith's Falls, in his sixty-sixth | Daper and enciose 2c. stamp to pay postage. A oo, | secretary of the Belleville Y. M. C. A, |vear, Born in that town, he was also Sl INKIS | SEEDLESS der will be promptly attended || BOOTH & CO. was before the directors. It was ac-|3 rea] estate broker and insurance to. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 | cepted. Mr. Brockel wants to hand|,gent and had served in the town 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. jover to his successor about the 15th |. uncil for several terms. Mr. Healy, " J [of May. He is going into business. was twice married and leaves a wife ~~ re -- =e hs i a = By To Preach at Deseronto. 284 six children FOR COOKING FAULTY PLUMBING | CHOICE | The church of the Redeemer, De- ; xb -- E x C4 ! 5 to, will hold anniversary ser- Langemarc ay. . - - Wh 94 1s costry no marten wow | [I WESTERN MEATS fo oa May 1st, hi) gi Very| Plans are being prepared for the conomic ' olesome Ha us LOW THE PRICE i atv o ide, iy onan wo goats | d a 5 =! is being bu n | | ay, a ' i first basis. If you are going to || an 1 Pill a Laxative, ' all of the garrison' troops, R.M.C. ca- At the Methodist church parsonage The marriage took plac fetl build we will be pleased to quote 12 Pills a Cathartic 4 B kvill ' ® quietly you prices on the total fixtures J | COOKED MEATS ! ' dets, the militia units and high rockville, on Tuesday, Rev. G. W. |in Toronto of Joseph Mervin, form- and the cost of Installation. |3 Pills a Purgative, school cadets will take part in a par- AKERS Mc@all united in marriage Miss Alma | erly of Brockville, and now of Moni- Marguerite Topping, Forfar, to | real, and Florence R, Macdonald , , ' ,» of * 9 | This is the Way Milburn's Laxa-|ade to the cricket field, where a re- B it Liver Pills Work. view will be held by Brig.-Gen. W. B. Stanley Gifford, Chaffey's Locks. Toronto. avie aITe C King, C.M.G., D.8.0., general officer T You will never use any of the old commanding M.D., No. 3. The naval Plambers and Tinsmiths griping, nauseating, sickening, purg- : 203 cadets, with bugle band, will be pro WELLINGTON STREET Phone ing pills, containing as they do calo- minent in the parade, and the veteran ! Phone 688, i 1 in Jel Sud other drastic mineral aE. bodies of Kingston will have strong > representation present. Liver, a pill that {s purely vegetable. 1 1 Owing to the great care used in . procuring the highest grade of drugs Face Badly Injured. . : from which they are manufactured, 282 Princess Street they are as near perfect as it is pos-| Roy Moore, an employee at the sible to get a laxative remedy. Gibbard furniture factory, Napanee, They work gently and effectively, | was the victim of a painful accident. ~~. | without a gripe or pain. He was engaged in putting a belt on If you are troybled with constipa- |, planer which he had been operat- tion, biliousness; driven to distrac- ing, when the swiftly revolving belt tion with sick headaches, 1f your tongue is coated, your breath bad, broke and struck him in the face. your complexion muddy, your eyes; Ine left side of his face and fore- . yellow, have floating specks before| ead was badly lacerated and the eye P l ' the eyes, jaundice, itching, bleeding | was also injured. At first it was fear- | eop e S or protruding piles, stir up your slug-|ed the sight of the eye was destroyed, ; ° gish liver with a few doses of Mil-|but examination showed that the ] Florist burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. sight was not injured. Mr. Moore is Ww R ; e Mrs. Roy Mackie, Orillia, Ont. getting along nicely, . 177 Wellington street. writes:-- "I desire to express my thanks for the relief I have had by Street Railway Service. GOLDEN LION BLOOK, | | Fresh flowers and plants daily | | using Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I c ¥ Ne ' | Funeral designs, and wedding had been suffering for some time The Street Railway which has been | [bouquets to order. Phone 1763, | | [fom constipation and bad headaches. |EIVing a ten minute service during In ng 1137 . 9 I tried all sorts of cures, which did|the winter the same as it had ben es., . me no good, until I was advised tc|giving during the summer, came out g -- try your pills. I got great reliet after| quite successfully in its experiment taking only a few doses.' and cleared expenses and a little Price 25c. a vial at all dealers, or over. The com ' . » g pany has had several V ° ow direct on Jeocipt of price bY | winters without serious expenditures The hree So or a c ; oe ' O° tor snow cleaning and this has been H : 1 l S FROM to, Cnt. mann | & fine asset to the line. It ts said that there are prospects during the A new Sharples 50.000 SAMPLES ay . a Dr. Bell's Veterl Ww. coming summer to put on a six or Milking Machine. pS0000 one aSlidr (3 00)" Bottles eight minute service and if this is I 6¢ 9 . LAL Will sell cheap. Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed Tor done it is thought it will meet with 4 Colic, Inflammation 6f the Lungs, [|popular favor. E. Bra 1 IND er hong Tre or sk, Distemper, I Know Where the Flies Go (On raw ey H S aS . 18c. etc. Agents wanted, Write orb Stevens-Cooper Wedding. Morning) (On a Cold and Frosty Ti "DBRS. xivasTon, one, | A Wedding of much interest to Billy Jones FRONTS . 10¢ > ' many Ottawa people took place re- Down Texas Way (Baritone) Frank Oldfield ¢ . . Mr A rr esr eee ra SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, "His Master's Voice" Record 36268, 10-inch $1.00 NE in S ' H Oh! It's a Lovely War (Baritone) Zlliott Shaw LOINS ... . 15¢. NO TIME LIKE NOW. 1 Love the Lassies (Tenor) Charles Hart PATTON'S LEGS .......; 20c ni Ey CHARLES YRANY MILLER 8 "Ak hea them at . (Copyright, 1921. . All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) ° . DYE WORKS CHOPS . .. Se. ! Any "His Master's Voice" dealers (Late Montgomery's) We cannot check the world as it wheels around the sun, nar would Br avail anything to alter the calender and double the months or arrange ) Manufactured by Kingston's Only Dyer, * 4 the days upon a different scale. GRAM Princess Meat The question is whether it is not possible to get more out of these FExianas SFHUNE So. MUITLD, MONTREAL ne. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. flying years, and to do more with them. ; : Phone 214. 849 Pri st. Market If we cannot make the sun stand still or send back the shadow on the dial, can we not in some way make the days of more account and acquire a larger portion of the things which will be of value to us ? N-- Certainly we can. If we cannot make more hours, we can find more advantage in the hours we have, we can get more out of them and put DID YOU EVER TRY more into them and by using them prudently virtually extend them. The secret lies in the little word "now." . » Waa. nr Regie + PU S It contains the letters that spell "o-w-n." Wagstai®s Brambie Jelly. And the letters that spell "w-o-n."" have a full line of The beginning and the ending of the world's greatest endeavor dre We also other reliable makes of Marma- : . lages, Jam and Jellies for sale comprehended in that little word. Per ey ati It is short but it stretches all the way from inception to completion. : ' ercoats It is little and it indicates but an instant, yet it fills all time and it MAHOOD BROS > Bon Marche Grocery : will 811 alt eternity. ' . 7 Cor. King and Barl Streeq, NOW is the secret of filling our days to repletion. A ts Vi : -Vi : 1 113 P . Street License No. 5-3T14p Choice stock of Men and All that you are or have, all that you ever were or had, all that Phone 1844, you ever will be or have, all your dreams, hopes, possessions, loves, asso- Sats N een) |} BOY®' Sults--in all the latest R ciations are yours by virtue only of that slender thread of an instant NOW. | ~~ © 1 : en ne shades and styles. Yes, a potential thing is an instant of time ! ns bad ibd Ton Science; kingdoms, the earth and the stars must acknowledge sub-. F. W. CO A Ag ent Vicor | REAL EST ATE For a uifey Spring Overcoat, B| mission to this fraction of a second. FOR are away down. NOW is ours. (sweller) 158 Princess Street, dud 301). latest style, see us. Our prices NOW is all we have. The past is gone, the future is yet to come, but The value of the time we use we can measure, in a way; b ut who SALE can ever know the value of the time that has been lost ? abu . True, there are some things that cannot be done now. We have not 4 Ww. H. GODWIN I ZACKS 3 material for them. We have not the skill. It is not yet time for : R ry J. R OD GER . a ® hem to one. . * & SON But commonly even these can bb begun now, while the desire and the } : ; intention fresh A [ As Bae sd dnturmues rir Md strong. Te Vetta thing la ta make yourselt ¢ yan i Victor Records and Needles 132 Princess St. Now Is ours. It ig all we have. And we will never have it again. A ou a . a AAR AL 4 Ai AAR a8 . ' dada > VY PY . Wy