", MONDAY, APRIT. 18, 192., HOLDING THEM Uncertain, indeed is the feeling in a game is armed with every trick--how helpless you feel! What can you do when every heart-- from ace to king--1is held against you ? A -------- A Srna game of hearts, for instance. ! Had An Annoying Hacking Cough | GOT NO REST AT NIGHT. | Hacking coughs are very wearing | On the system. The:constant cough- ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an | itritated and inflamed condition, that | Unless you get immediate reltef the cough may become settled and ser + lone lung trouble ensue. There is no better remedy than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for re. Heving all kinds of coughs or colds, combining as it does the lung heal- ing virtues of the pine tree with which is combined wild cherry bark, and the soothing and healing expec torant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. Mrs. E. J. Ross, Penhold, Alta., Writes: -- 'About three years ago 1 caught a very bad cold, accompanied with a sore throat and hoarseness. Wks 80 hoarse you could not hear me speak. I could get mo rest at Right with the terrible annoying, backing cough. I tried several reme- dies, but they did me no good. I y saw Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup advertised so I got a bottla. It at bnce gave me relief, and after using four of them my cough had all goné. Now I always keep it in the house." "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yel- ALL - . - a nita Hamel i i i / 8 _&e a Copyright, 1921, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain tights reserves tt ------ Na --- NI " that assails onc when an opponent "ORIGINALS" GATHERING HERE Second Battle of Ypres on April 22nd. The Ottawa Qitizen of Friday has | Announcement - was made today the following: | by Lieut.-Col. R. H. Webb, D.S.0., Brig.-General William. St. Pierre |N.C., that there will be a reunion din- Hughes, D.S.0., superintendent of | ner of the "Originals" of 1914 in the penitentiaries in Canada, delivered | windsor Hotel, April 22nd, to com- an nstructive address on "The Evo- | memorate the second battle of Ypres lution of Our Penitentiary System," | fought six years ago on that date. before a small, but appreciative au- | Ex-officers and officers will gather MARRIED FIFTY-TWO WOMEN|*>** General Hughes Relates Story | win Celebrate 'of a Man in the Pen." | low wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark, price 38¢c. and 6oc. a _ bottle. Manufactured only by The T. Milbura Co., Toronto, Ont. Everywhere in the Dominion H ied ie Chi daughter of James skander Ray, of Was wife of Russell The "little angels" at home some- times give the school feachér a lot of trouble. { dience in St. Andrew's Presbyterian | here from all parts between Halifax church last evening. The meeting was | and London, Ont, for the occasion. presided over by the pastor, Rev. G. | D. Kilpatrick. The keynote of the address was that the last few years had seen a wonderful change in the conditions obtaining in the penitentiaries. A real effort was being made to reform the Inmates along sane and sensible lines, They were being afforded every opportunity to educate and fit themselves for carrying on vari- ous qccupations after they had ob- tained their freedom. Each institu- tion had been fitted up with clean, bright and airy work shops, where many trades were being taught by qualified instructors. The speaker paid high tribute to | the Salvation Army, which, he said, | was the only organization which was making a real effort to be of service to the inmates after their release from the penitentiaries. He thought other organizations should devote themselves to this work, as practical- ly every prisoner needed some form of assistance or guidance when re- leased. Gegeral Hughes related a story of one man in Kingston who had mar- ried 52 women. On one ocgasion ha! Was sentenced to two years for mar- | rying seven women, and four months | for stealing a horse and cart. The classification of the inmates includ- ed doctors, lawyers, and preachers. At present there are four preachers | in the Portsmouth Penitentiary. In answer to a question, General Hughes sald the present crime wave in Eastern Canada was not attribut- able to returned soldiers. A great many of the present day disturbers of the peace, he said, were youhg men. At present there were 400 young men under 20 years of age in the penitentiaries of Canada. He attribut- ed this partly to the lack of proper home training, and partly to the evil influence of the moving pictures. In answer to another question he said he was not in favor of administering the lash. He also hoped the day would come when hanging would be abolished. Give Control a Trial. Montreal, April 18.--The report of the Social Service Committee to the Anglican Synod comtains a re- commendation that the people sup- port the government's action in tak- ing over control of the liquor traf- fic. It voices thé opinion that the government is doing what it thinks best, and that under the circum- Stances it Is up to every citizen to give the new system a fair trial. Cheese Iroquois, April 18.--The first meeting of the Itoquois Cheese Board Was held on Friday afternoon. The theese boarded 460, ail colored. Bid on board, 23c; no sales; but all sold on the street at that price. In forgiving an insult you place Yourself in a way of forgetting it. | Final arrangements were made at a meeting here last night when Brig.- Gen, C. Armstrong, C.E., C.M.G., act- ed as chairman and Colonel Webb as secretary, It was announced tha! General Sir Arthur Currie, G.C.M.3., K C.B, ete, had gladly consented to act as chairman at the dinner and that the following officers were pleas- ed to become president and vice-pre- sident: Lieut.-Col. C. B. Price, D.8.0., D.C.M. (14th Bn.) and Captain W. M. Taylor, MC, C.F.A. It was resolved that a re-union dinner should be held in Montreal of the "Originals," who live in Military District No. 4 of the Canadian Ex- peditionary Forces, who went over in the flotilia in Sept., 1914, and to com- memorate the second battle of Ypres, and to include, by special desire, all of those who would care to come from any other District in Canada. The following will be eligible: (2) All officers who went over with the flotilla of 33 ships leaving Canada, in September, 1914, and who afterwards, during the period of the war, previous to the signing of the armistice, served with a unit in France, or any other battle front, or in the navy or air force with the Can- adlans or any other British or allied forces. (b) All NC.O.'s and men who went over as in para. (a) of tis item, and afterwards gained commis- sions in the Canadian or other British or allied forces. Summarized the points to remem- ber are: , Date--April 22nd, 1921. Place--Montreal, Windsor Hotel, s One of the thrill Grand Opera House. 18th, 19 h and 20th. But when He plays with HER, what does he care? Take the | game of cards in which \he is interested. It's the game of HEARTS--her heart and his---and she has HIS | heart, anyway---to have and to hold--forever! | AA A mc " It isn't the | | "Prince of Wales Salofi." Time--7.30 pm. For 8 o'clock on time, Dress--'Service Worn" Khaki. Price--$5 per plate, which covers | all expenses. | Tickets must be obtained before | the dinner, from the secretary-troas- arer, Lt.-Col. R. H. Webb, Windsor Hotel, Montreal. It is desired that all details as to tickets be definitely arranged as early as possible before the 20th of April, on account of the necessary arrange- ments being all confirmed. All further particulars will gladly : dent brings five effects, an ooth protection. be given by Lt.-Col R. G, Thackeray, M.C., phone Uptown 8048, Militia Hdqrs., Montreal; Lt.-Col. R. H. Webb, D.8.0., M C., phone Up, 2880, Windsor Hotel, Montreal, or Lt.-Col. J. 8. Morrisey D.8.0., phone West- "mount 8435, 482 Roslyn avenue, DOCTOR ESCAPES AS CAR BURNS Shannonville M.D. Dazed as Result of Bad 8pill on Side Road. Dr. Denyes, Shannonville, is around again after his sensational e=- cape in a motor accident a couple of evenings ago on the road between the fifth and sixth concessions ot Tyendinaga, Dr. Denyes was drivihg his large | Chandler machine along the sida- road and when at a point where the bank falls abruptly away, the aulo- mobile left the road and plunged into space, landing on its wheels twenty faet below, on the rock. The doctor was dazed by the fall bu: otherwise unhurt and when he came to, he found the motor on fire. A gentleman who was in the car with him was also fortunate in not being | injured. The auto had to be aban-! doned and it was consumed excep: | the metal body and the motor, | The auto had been wrecked in | the fall, but Xow it caught fire is a | question, unless the gasoline tank | was pierced or wrenched open, causing the oil to run over the en- gine. Residents who know the spot con- sider the doctor's escape as litils scenes from "Dam Monday. Tuesday and short of miraculous. SBE d Goods" at the 'ednesday, April THE M Mead Office : Moritreal, OF € Free Enough for 20 uses -- for a 10-day test. + That will-show the | delightful results. Send the coupon. Not Beauty Only These whiter teeth mean safer teeth as well No doubt the great reason why millions use Pep- sodent is to get prettier teeth. It removes the But science has more bésrant objects. Pepso- all of them mean bet- ter t The ruinous film Pilm is that viscous coat you feel. It clings to teeth, gets between the teeth and stays, Old meth. ods of brushing do not effectively combat it. So it often lingers long. Film absorbs stains, making the teeth look cloudy. Countless teeth are thus made dingy. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food sub- stance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of other seri. ous troubles. Most of the tooth and gum attacks are now traced to that film. \ Must combat it daily After diligent research science has found two ways to combat that film. Many careful tests have CANA 86. In The New-Day Dentifrice Ascientific film combatant, comhjned with two other mod- ern requisites. Now advised for daily use by leading dentists everywhere. Supplied by druggists in large tubes. Do We Take Small Accounts? We do more than that. Weinvite them--welcome them --and take care of them. If you wish to open a Savings Account for any -- or wish to 0 save by having particular purpose teach the children t an account in each ehild's name---deo hesitate to do so beca open a Savings Account, and deposits of € MERCHANTS cg WTORSHR: Manse Ringston Grand-Father nice his beard The secret is the --1the same as Mother uses for herself and Its purity assures skin comfort to the most delicate is why it is "Best for Baby and Best for Yous and other netural aroma to Baby's Pepsadénd the amounts to be deposited will be amail, $1. is sufficient te smiles while Baby tells him how feels and how sweet it smells. moming ash wid Baby's Ow proved them. Now leading dentists everywhere advise their daily use. . Both are embodied in a modern tooth paste -- Every use attacks the film in two ef- fective ways. It also brings three other results which have proved essential. Fights starch and acid Pepsodent does what fruit acids do. It.mult- plies the salivary flow. It multiplies the starch di- | gestant in the saliva, to digest starch deposits that cling. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, to neutralize the acids which cause tooth decay. Those are Nature's great tooth-protecting agents. Evety use of Pepsodent multiplies their powers. Effects are apparent Millions now know the delightful effects. Any- one who will can quickly see and feel them. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Then read the reasons in the change in your . A week may bring a life-long the coupon now. | teeth cleaning methods. Cut out 10-Day Tube Free THE PEPSODENT COMPANY Dept. B, 1104 8. Wabash Ave, Chicage, Mm. Mail 10-day tube of Pepsedent te . ONLY ONE YUSSE TO 4 PANY GRAND TRUN AGENCY, FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention sven your fam or friends going to or returhiag nn 'he Old Country. For Information and rates apply te J. P. HANLEY, CP. and 1 A GT. Ry. Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night | Sewing Machi | dewing Machines { ' i Spring is here and you will want to do a lot of sewing. Get that troublesome machipe overhauled and adjusted by an expert Te J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM BST. Phone 2056J. WATTS People's Florist --- a RAILWAY SYSTEM not $1. are BANK Established 18684. hdr skin, 'which Rib Bo) ........ 35¢c. a lb. Oven Roasts .......90c a Ih Pot Roasts ....,.. 28¢ a Ib. Hamburg Steak .. 20c. a Ib. Pork Sausages .... £3¢. a Ib. Choice Spring Lamb by the HOGAN'S | age to the premises In Smith's Fille of B. Bellamy. He had been mak: ing repairs to the building. Fire on Thursday did severe dem-