Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1921, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. GRAND---T0-NIGHT, TUESDAY, WED. 2 | 4 SHows DAILE-1.30, 3.30, 7. and 9 O'CLOCK J HE PEOPI E 'S FOR UM To-day-Pauline Frederick IGNORANCE! PRUDER)Y ! QUACKERY! HYPOCRISY! --R is are the greatest factors in the spread of a horrible scourge, "Roads of Destiny" See DAMAGED GOODS Then you will be armed. for life against the peril of living PRICES :--Mats, 23¢. and 33e. Svenings ------ ---- ------ e-- -- y It's tremendous strength will uf SALE { You out of yourself. YOR ; It's beautiful message will leave CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL | Fav sang e NL leis 50 cents. 1338w street, string of beads. ea SAVINGS The Merriest Mix-up in Comedy 4 VAY pry 163J SMALL STRONG STEEL SAVI Cy od 5 Ny Cs y . Wellin ree i roe er may hav , 3 : ell ine Street. Owner may ha BUILDING LOT, ALFRED STREET Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23 Rebs helabistion ate TISED FREE. TO BUY FORD ROAI FISED FRE Truck, for « : : r r iy fee | CF . : | do so DY Teperiing the aa. ' FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES | TO LET. ¥irst insertion. lc. a word, Each co { a ? f 5 = R--_ T 1 ASS f 4 4 . : er ------ = i PIANO, IN FIRST CLAS of the really big pictures o Seoul Wot HEA Ler halls POSITION "TY COMPETENT STENO- | FOUND A IAN, IN TIT Class he re OP v | grapher Experienced hone | FRIDAY AFTERNOON ON GOR® 2251w. "SHUFFLE THE QUEENS" ry J whe above rates are for cash only, AN EXPERIENCED MAIL gE banks. $1.60 eacn." Mills Co, v|[ (Lop 0 "FAUST ral Mrs A : > COMING LE 5 Te ---- rung same at 353 ision Street 4 2 "ON VCR iE HELP WANTED AT ONCE, TWO UNFUR- ame at 353 Liv near Exhibition grounds--33x100-- CONSTANCE TALMADGE MATINEE SATURDAY ¥ | to the New England Bakery, Col- | . v Palmer's 4 finding anything an | lingwood street. . 1 Sn E Friday and Saturday Nights 1 A GIRL FOR GK . eee e-- ie THe Britisn Whig. The adver- Brog. make. Apply Prince of Wales | » LL LL LLL I FART PacENTLANOUT 200 ACHE, tisement Will be printed fn this | | Lunch, 19) Princess street. | FURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY. 133 &€ 2 - A tie " pre r= mn po v - Sv 3 + tok; orl Nan EMPLOYED. chase. | Nene Terimw fs bur sian free OF coarg | 0 CHICK CHATHAM BROODER. AP. | Sydenpam Street : Mrs. Philip Du Mouliy, 105 Bagot PO. I ronto, "Found articles" does not ply Baldwin, House of Industry, 362 | GARAGE, KING OR GORE STREETS, : Btreet -- | Montreal street. Phone 56. J. 8B. McCani, 'phone 126 2s Ee -------------------------------------------------------------------- One lusertion, «9C, lhree lasertions Xi when charged the are doubl . A 3 HOUSE a & yas d housework. Apply to A CHILD'S BROWN GLOVE ON Clarence St. ALLEN PREMIER ORCHESTRA » e " - s nished rooms, w gas for light a TICLE ADVEHR- $180. Phone 326 . mene. -- GOOD SMART BOY WITH A BICYCLE he Keening h FOUND ARTICLES | "DANGEROUS BUSINESS", . : : b i se keeping } , eee etme eee eee eet Apply to College Book Stor -- comin A TAVLOR SAFE FOR SALE. APPLY Trans-Canada All-Star English Players ONE EXPERIENCED NURSE $ 4 corner Bag sen | NNE lo reach the owner clude lost dogs, catt EC aia eee <r WANTED L. HOUSE ste. The it t ma a ee} CHEESEMAKER FOR BOLE'S LAKE t and 10 to 25 acres, near oe sage It lost, | TWELVE RHODE ISLAND RED HENS | -------------- . i. : try. / ck Atwoo 3 ~3afles, vertised for In the "Lost TWE nope ke | FURNISHED Hol TO LET; DESIR- . factyry Apply to Brock Atwood he Y. McCann, 86 Brock street € --all laying; must make rooms tor | Sble Toation Apply by phone Saturday Matinee (By Request) Tichborne « 8 or 621. [ hicks. Abply Iiy Earl Birest | 1087, - : -- = = Phone 1087. . -MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | J FIAT OR HOU == mm | - - ¢ ' ' erences required Apply 55 : ATS 4 ie - = re ; BoTH LARGE LODGE ROOMS, 13 ¢ fos lerences FEuuIY 2bply ] y Digiie of Septem a FOUND. BR Lae i BOTH over King Edward; p y : uple without ee -------------------- FER a dad 1st. Apply 169 Princess Street : FOR INFANT TEN i : VELVET HANDBAG, CONTAINING $2.50 to $5.01 Stree chat st English Acting--The Best English Plays at Pre-war Prices old Aon te Mrs. Birdsall, " A bat and other articles. Owner Black, 25 York Stree | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, The Brat English Ant ag of Sag! " ) and $1.50. King street Gr in part vayment Fiano may nave same by paying for this | mee FOR HATCHING FROM PURE | all improvements, centrally locat- PRICES: -- . Evenings 25c¢., 50c. 75¢., $1.00 and $1.50. - : pianos and Boar Lay Vv Lange | advt. and proving property. Apply Hous x Barred Rocks and White Wy- | £d. Apply 243 Brock Street. Saturday Matinee 25-50-75 and $1.00. JEN ee Say Limited. 121 Princess street. {ear OBrien 79 Atel Sireel °° andottes; excellent layers. 32.00 for | CTORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND Seat Sale Wednesday. University. Pn 406 : rE ~ oe 1 15. John Potter, Portsmouth. ! merchandise; clean aud dry. Me- niversity hone . Ww ANTED ] FW FEKS wo LOST. BIG SALE OF TIRES FOR THIS! Cann, §6 Brock street. Phone 326 or ire 1 r infur She * ALN. oy 1 WANTED = EXPERIENCED FARM rooms for li Ug kaoy a Big ek only--500 Bicycle Tires pr S21, " ler Pi tah f that hand, single, season or yearly en- hig tating terms, to Box Q-18,| GOULD PIN, IMPERIAL COAT OF ARMS sale at George Muller's Bicycle | NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, % emer Presantating o gagement, Apply Jas. L. F. Sproyle | hig Office with words Oxtord and Bucks. Re: Works, 371-373 King street. | 146 Montreal St. all improvements s FAMOUS STORY Westbroo f= ree cr-------- : -------- ward. Keturn to 116 urdnance | Phone 1099 ring 3 Vacant April With an All-Star Cast CANVASSER TO JANE SRDERS 1¥ "call a r r 'our BANK BOOK, ROYAL BANK, oN: GENUINE GRAPHONOLA nN TEN k the city r an historical volume 18 \ 10te 29. p er ki y oC : you cholce, $42.50. o- jo 3 v Fxperlenced salesman or sieswo- | «Awa mower "pn © Eile FEturR to. Whi Office or Als Terms 37 can. 48 Por toneh. ov. Dy en LERNISIY on an Deferred, FRY dn frst in- | Street *hon Tw Theatre, and re reward Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. | keeping. '192 Colborne Street. Tele. # 8 4 8 | ==== : we Em eset EE yaa Tt R= ml phone 1194J ---- | LENS FROM A MAXWELL CAR BE-| p i BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE 'HIL " ; - : THREE BEST KINDS EVER-BEARING | AGENTS WANTED eo Sidney Abbott's residence, | | TR AED Dorcas strain, $3.00) Sore OF FURMSHED HOU FROM s : pha: T Tucsiny The Geentest Stu¥y Ever Filmed! Strawberry plants. Subarg, Pro. | Bath Koad and Crystal Springs SE Io00 for 15. Alse 30 ekg (hia. PARE OF FURNMSHED § couple; west Special i : CONCERT LATEST NEWS gressive and Americus, $3.00 per ra Sohn { school Finder please return to tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports-| ® Eh Iv After Schoo ; : Ss COMEDY hundred Several other kinds I'S 500% PROFIT GOLD LET. pet I i ¥ har . * &na_of city; near car lines. Apply $10.00 IN CASH By the Famous $ ME ANIC rey. . : Te rs for stores. office windows; oa. Sidney Abbott, jath Road. mouth. 0-15, Whig Oftjice To the child writing the]" Strand Orchestra of the DAY $1.00 per hundred. Mail orders fill- | = z heat canny on PHYLLIS DEVLIN Half Hour S . u 3 ily applied; will not wash off; free op . y pecia ed promptly. Phone 19704. § Mec- | gE i Q N : BICYCLE, "PERFECT," FOR SALE, | a Drama Cormack, 86. Collingwood Street. Pele Cnicasme, Sign Coe SG N LOST OR STOLEN. | Tread tres in "excellent Sool: | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN | "BLACK BEAUTY" Prany - ORO -- rtm sesamin i tion; used only °eigh weeks. | dry. alry rovms; your own Jock an COME AT uN B--MEN Su-10 DAILY, | 3 EN, NOT TO CANVASS | Ao. 11627 MASSEY SILVER RIBBON Apply 210 Union Street or phone key. Frost's City Storage, 299.305 a ar sia] Shore, courses; 50. sbut to trayel and appoint local rep. Bicycle from opposite the Garden | 113. | Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989w. "DANCING LESSONS | Nea. . 4 a CS' course i Snel resentatives, $1,092 and expenses| Lance Hall, Bruck street, Wednes- | =--------m---- sp : poo " . RSP osih Gas Tractor ares 35u. | Buaranteed first year, with @igoog Cnutham Serect diy return to 21| COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST | TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- D . = b 0 ce 0 plenty of time to finish for the chance to make $2,600 and >ood | Chatham Street fuel gn the market. We are de- clally furnished for light house- Every Night spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto | hse $ta ter : | - = em | liverfng 1-4 tons at $2.50 14 tons! keeping; gas for cooking and light, Gas Tractor School, 163 King st. Dones. State--age: and qualifica- | ele a ot y. | at the Pioneer Apartments. 212 and k I 1 | |S Th Ba ; AT GARDEN HALL | = ___ ~~ { | | | ls W., Toronto. Boara and room tions Experience unnecessary t : is ¥ . Sivisio : $5.50 up. Call or write jw Inston. Co, D « Toronto Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. Hours 7 p.m. to 9 p.m, | Phillips Penne, Inte the ONY of PN sam---- Er iS, TE "LAGS JA) \ SN] ZEN STREET; L iE J Jatest Dance < ston, the County o rom ; g { WANTED + : a NINGS, THY N. Coaks. | MEN AND WOMEN'S cLoTHING, | TC RENT, 8 QUEEN ITREE LARGE « All the Latest Dances NE. gn King Er t, decensed. GOOD, RELIABLE MAN W ANTED TO L PHOLSTERING | Phone 436. . Cooke oh } Fi, g yard, stables and sheds: als at MRS. S. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. enac, take orders and deliver the finest AM ---- house furniture, speclalize in mili- rear of 185 Queen; large barn:|: P 357 Residence 1878 | Notice is hereby given, pursuant ta Hine of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can. | ALY, OR DRon rr -------- RCYCLE; CHEAP TO tary boots; buy all kinds second. | suitable for garage and stables. Ap. | Hall Phone 357 - Residence 187 | section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.8.0. ada. Highest commission of €aL), OR DRO: A CARD TO. W. 3, quick buyer. Apply at 7, Pine St hand goods; highest prices paid. I. ply 185 Queen Street. ------------ 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors end : others havin claims or eman | concern In the country paid \ Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st, Routbard. "Phone 1723. 289 Prin Dy - i : » guaranteed or 2Y re- i LOT, LIVINGSTON AVE, | cess Street. ! XR a e said James &00ds are guaranteed or money re F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. | BUILIING 2.01 street-- 33x132-- $325 SIX Roows| TWO FLATS ON BARRIE STREET. | ERs ine warate of ol oS2ld James | | funded Each applicant must be | 1 | Vl: a : : financially responsible If you are | ering i S gensral Lepairng | Phone 621 ONE FRAME aol St 1 arde and near Princess; suitable for dental the Sixteenth day of January, 1920, at looking for a good, indepeiicnt | Ton Cerra at 0 i --_-- and gateway; g E3Tuen and / parlors, offices or living apart- When You Eat the City of Kingston, are required on Permanen! Position with unlimited! 124 CIo7EY street, i | A BRICK GROCERY STORE AXD Truly srees, Jesus Also De a] ments, Vill alter Jo suit fenants : | or before the Tenth day of May, lass, "arni ibilities, $ y | © TRE ITTONS _ | relling. Apply to Box P-16, 'hig | R 16, § en anc = so dwelling on ontreal street i send by post, prepaid, or deliver rani rr Srl Tour] CoyEneD Jurtons IAD 3 8 OR. Swelling bp . Say. j150s, Apply to 71 Stephen 1. Cohen & Co 7 Let It Be the Best. | aon Pray po Fe Af of the feo) 531 tricia Blend Tea & Cof-| ipholstering and repairing done | O%% ROUAD REED WikEn Any Eo atest smimt-- rn: | FOUR RODM APARTMENT, HARD. Ask for | Sorat tine mala Saad, ull pasts ee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, | J. Goodridge," 244 University | ONE ROU? efo cs MOTOR BOAT, 19 FT. LONG x 4 6" | wood floors, electric light, gas Tuan ek, Ba I, after such last ! : p | ont carriage in excellent condition. Ap- f . po | a Re beam; engine, 5 n P.; double cylin re rate a r 'Dn ¢ ply 520 Albert street. der and clutch: aut top any usr stove, heater, refrigerator, modern | mentioned date the said administrator { FURNITURE REPAIRED . AND FIN. - - - _ ! fons; ge eight miles per hour: | in ry way. [JBent 350.00 per GOLD BOND | Will proceed to distribute the assets of SALESMAN -- SELF - RESPECTING | |Shed: guns, gramaphones, etc. re.| 1916 POWER PLUS INDIAN MOTOR. great bargain at $125.00. Apply | ance GriAPPlY to White's' Insur- [ enSipald deceassd among the parties salesman, whose ambition iy be | paired promptly g 1aranteed cycle; in first class shape; also | Knapp's Boat Shop Barriefield ply | ance Office, 239 Bagot Street. i : . entitled thereto, having regard only ta yond his present place, might find | Stanton & Sleeth, Princess St child's white iron cot. Can be seen d - I SLAY "THE : . (J CANNED ' TOMATOES, notiequims of which it shall then have more congenial employment with | (next door plano fa ory) : At 52 L. Bagpt Street. | | FIAT AN ne y FLLINGTON, a DN N "EAS Bi ait bd shat the suid i imrator ps. and at the same time double hie | ext 4007 Pla 0 1 hs WE SELL AND Re in wri | IMMEDIATE FosSESSION OF LARGE | yo ington street; six_rooms and CORN and PEAS | Will not be liable for the sald assets or income. We require a man of clean § ---- WE SELL AyD at) ALL JeINDY ori well-built stone residence, 9s lari id TE oh Saris fixtures; gus any pars there to any parson on pers character--sound in ming ! "URN JRE FINIS 2 ry musical nstr ents, £0 cloth- s . 5 Inta a i 2 « 8 grates; g or; + ~~ sons of whom claim notice sha no body. "of sirong personaiivy. oni FURNITURE FINISHING pete Nouba Ad et our | SULSShi dnterlor Just paited 'and| [NES we a erates: woneralur: AT ALL GROCERS | have heen 'received by it at 'the tim i | A m-- prices. L. Routbard, 289 Princess Ces i a : JF ered balcony 1§'x20' Possession fon such distribution O W. DRIS. | May 1 June 1st Phone 17487, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, would appreciate a life's Job with LL OR ' , ! ra , specti ; jo ALL DROP CA ¥ > nga grates. Ior inspection, apply to J & fast growing concern, where in.| U* oll. inn ! sireet. Phone 1723 | Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street |e dustry would be rewarded 'with fay TWO BRICK HOUSES, 3 AND 05] Solleitors for the said Administrator, idaied at Kingston, this 14th day of 1 above average earnings; "married | = a" --_--u = ' | y head Yap serred.. Apply Mr. White. | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | Dorin slde of William Street. hot! , McLaughlin Top Buggy, with steel CARTING, | April, 1021. head, 2nd floor Royal Bank Build- et tC emmismr mo -- | Water furnace, gas and electric), .. and auto back; almost new. i Ny ing, Kingston, | PAINTING AND DECORATING, J. WH, | light. Apply to W. H. Sullivan, 36 1 Ice Cream Wagon and Harness, IF YOU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING | | | -- | Janeway, 37 Cherry Street. Phone Clarence Sireet. 2 Ford Speedsters. place your order with us now; $! 1 Seven Passenger Studemaker Car, general carting, ashes moved, ete (126w. : A FRAME HOUSE, COLLINGWOOD | > + A \ y . 4 " i W. C.;:| 1 Five Passenger Gray Dort Car. Charles Andre, corner of Bagot k " v} _--_--,-- Street; eight rooms; furnace; W. C.; | ~* 1 Sore has Seamer Tadbot dy and Charles Street. Phone 1343F | That desirable property near Catara i WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR| electric light; gas; lot 7 x 120, wi -------- wi formerly owned by Johnston Day Paperhanging done, drop a card th Cheap for cash sale. Apply Bo ply Uo petween the hours of 5 p.m : I uel pyvued by Jonuxten Day ® MILES FROM KING e A. Mounteer, $4 Arch street. | D-16, Whig Office. 169 RAGLAN ROAD "How to Play 'he Stock Market property consists of two parceiu, which 3 chool and chureh 40 fod: fine { . a " " » : will be sold = arately or together as | Wide verandah an balcony; PAINTING AND PAPER .HANGE WINCHESTER PUMP GUN, 12 : Dad," said the financier's son, --_y = pre rich 2 roof; good cellar; cistern rooms and halls; low price 8 r in first class condition: a one! pUy BEGGS FROM JOHN MARS i i is f ' Roa . TRY C South- urnace, 1 Arn x80; cemen . nS a roas Jow p : ] 88 ition; 2 } N 1 SHALI running into his father's office, "lend NUMBER ONE--The Sou 0s 2) Fe eG . : Experienced Cigar Makers. Also furnished. . Work guaranteed sal. | diamond Hawaii Guitar. He oH exhibition strain of White Rocks me $600." 3 'orner of the property having a Bis ee i 9 5 See Piauchions; B. Rowley, 198 pay (4rd or call H.| and JRBOL Stivet west, between i and White Wyandqttes; three. to 4 Sroniake Sf 203 fect more or lens, with Sieel stalls] noids | Joule, joa owley, 138 Bay street an m. 5 & = CR iia} " , 90 : wie a6 , Cemen oor; tie up Girls tb learn trade; steady work || re i d § pm five dollars per 15. Henergizer ang | What for, my boy? an approximate depth of 282 feet. Upon and drive house in ong end. harned HENRY WARD & Sov ore eee, Chicklivia for sale. At 101 Queen | "I've got a sure tip on the mar- | this parcel Is a garage and an excellent house for engine to driv. 11kin HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, . fi | 3 > i P on t heating, 7 | r gine to drive m 8g Apply-- { Paper Hangers and interior deco- 030 MeLAl Shui TOURING CAR, | Street. Phone 181w. | ket." brick douse, im het water ard ad machine; separator; pumps water i reiors. Now is the .t ; 815 model. "lve passenger; in a ------ TS -------- be pen fire y + i in stable; silo; hog pen; cement : toy 2 the lime 10 have od runnnlg order. Two spare] WE HAV FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 'How much shall we make out of | soft wate tractive grounds. floors; cement troughs. hen house! your interior decorated. Pp, ; Sec i jour orate Phone tires. Will take Ford car in part good second hand furniture ang it?" asked the old man cautiously, PARCEL NUMBER TWO--This par- garage, buildings al painted; ex- GEO. A. McGOWAN CIGAR | . exchange. 114 Queen Street. Stoves. Any person having stoves | cel contains 23% mcres, more or less ceptionally good buy. Easy terms | TR Ee eerste eset amma ams anc Turpitafe ae glspose SL we will| "A couple of hundred sure." re. | grat class snyder and fruit land, good | plio ¥ Boos ¥ y te hy MFG. Co. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --y, | FRAME DWELLI 'G, WITH 7 ROOMS, Yay highest prices." J. Thompson, lied the bay eagerly. y orchard in ita prime of winter apples, sil i Flanagan, Painter and Decoratoy detached Kitchen, electric light 233 Princess street. Phone 1600w. 2) d d off Serly. "That's a on Sider urchard and an sere of rasp- | 57 ACES, 4 MILES FROM INGSTON Estimates frecly given. Metallic gas, three piece bath, goog garden undred each. berries planted in 1920. good buildings; reason for selling gold letters for Store and office Possession May 1st. Price $2800 * he Tee Pe * "Here's your hundreaq," caid his Further partciulars may be had by ill health. $4,000; number of other windows 247 Montreal street Apply 194 Division street. + YS : . applying to: farms; all gizes and prices. POSITION WANTED 1432 -| father. "Let's consider that we have NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, ] NTED, | = Ee -- ---- ---- ScHOONER henna CALKINS,» 5 FOR SALE BY TENDER made this deal and that it has suc- 194 Ontario Street, ; IB Be ---- = INI carrying capacity net tons. Cap , . Kingston Ontario. MS en DOE Sogn. runic | DENTAL. be inspected at Picton, Ontario. | & Solid Brick House, seven rooms : Seeded, You make a hundred dollars A A es Sor casas satus . St pher, & p nd Mimeo- | EN APD, Dr --ens Further particulars and price on] # Tenders are invited for the pur- and I save five hundred." Sraph work done. White's In- | DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENT 258 PRIN. &uplicatlon. T. L.'VanDusen, Pic-| 4 chase of this property, No Pod 3 There are 638 pupils enrolled in 111% Brock Street. Phone 704 or 1441w, the public schools of Carleton Place rn . for 1921 guaranteed. surance Office, 239 Bagot Street a Street. Office now open for » » Stre a 3 PE PY Beast Suse] | fi on, Osi Sans | § ein by poise may be 8 & Er cuon. Pls SE ---------- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, Dove | PURE BRED BARKED ROCK AND | # ers received up to April 25th. A. 4 aries Rutton, loading logs at|and during March the average at- A tty wedding was solemnized CHIROPRACTIC i tists, 159 Wellington streat, yer Nlite, Wyandotte Baby Chickens, [ & W. McLean, 203 William Street. «& Kaladar for the Trenton Cooperage | tendance was 577. A pretty & . | Carnovsky's. Phone 348. prize Winners, 5 $3285, roo 3 & | CO. completed Saturday and in this H. B. Brownlee, a bridgeman on |on April 6th, when Miss Edna A the "C.N.R., Smith's Falls, 'is to be | Moon become the bride of George H. Riley, at Trenton. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, pp. C., Cor-| pe orp MILLAN, DENTIST, 57 Te ooiilte, ® phone 2301 .r. 4, capacity excelled all future similar ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd | > 3 > 5 i F floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kiouc ringess Su Ser orhone 1430. Open SIGNS | contracts. appointed a county constable, Ont. Consultation free. Telepk 82: 2lebhone $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN ROOM | / . Hours 9 12 am. < : AN x Semon 132M tos = DR, AY RROYD: DEN i AS aE fingle frame; electric Nghts, gas| SIGNS OF ALL xINns, SLAs, oop, | Re sumed practice at 92 Princess St for c8oking: Johnson street. §1,- ete. large or small, guaranteed XX | TAILORING. Soaay Bank. of Nova Scotia. Phone 300 cash. Balance on time. k. E0ld leaf; posters, showcards, .. | i fe REA . Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. prustically il ten, and designed . : . : w, a rincess Streat GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER | ypc + > . . suits cleaned and repaired now Re- | : Ad tory Sh LRE Btn MR. --_-- = pairing and Dressing done Srowpt- | ANT ERT 4 Cobourg 25 Guelph AE rom y. Work guaranteed '. Rob-| WHEN YOU WAN Th CARPENTER ™ > yg CHI oT ertson, 273 Bagot street, near Prin. | see James Selby, Contractor, 21% 38 i setting: Doe or Se AR TE | . se ot . A t : Hl cess Street, University Avenue. Phone 1898w. bert's Grocery will be looked after POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHT. | , a. am-------------------- tects, Merchants Bank Chambers. | \ RELIABLE USED Sans BOUGHT corner of Brock and Wellington | Slreets, Big Bargains in Coca Care smashing ee ------ | MONDAY, TUESD AY, WEDNESDAY Mild Weather F uel Economy ERLE a we Gigantic Attraction SPECIAL ADDED SETTING EGGS FROM DUBERRY'S, street, Kingston, AE Cunning: | ATTRACTION a Soul second to mone, Barred Plymouth ham, Cyril M. Smith. Jae Pea Tau} 5a he furnace. . Rocks. Individual matings, oxhi € » e. tion strain. $2 to $4 per setting isi ¢ 3 : : AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTE turn $1.60 per ton less than ot her sizes. 3 rugs. Charles Duberry, 55 Bev- and Solicitor. ' Law bffice, corner ny . Re Visit of Consult us regarding its uses. Hing and Da ier, Horm Bank BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, wre, Be i We have reduced "ou; 2 ice on Antl. FINANG Featuring F * ti East End of Wellington St. SUTMRSE BoRrdirs: Bek Westport.| investment Donde' ioy alte ert: A hauntingly beautiful girl! : and C.; electric lights and furnace: ence street. Kingston. Sh I ° Fa0p Beds, ith Rew mattress, $8.50, istered J : > Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. J isi Lave SuAvEYOR "» 1 Victor, large size, 20 Records $45.00. | F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, C.E, O.LS, . Th - .L.8., MEIC, y - Foot of Johnson Street ride See FS hea Sn) TT RA Rus Caldwell i 15° Counter, $15.00. fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- Que Furniture 15%. A i ith ice! : RIS SR iIQUE SHO : singer with a voi Phone 1043. Se7 neess Street, STRANGE & ShAYan, AY 3h OUISE G UM Thin A ------ agents; established in on . . BATEMANS REAL ESTATE ; - DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. | Sms tec "pnw fl I LA Superlative Music by 3 The place that the people talk about after get- 2 4 TUNGALOW: NEw, | FRONTENAC Loay AND inven. ls CONCERT . dob onthek gut. iy 4 : 35132] Fore nmmenracs and C. Tot Fresiaent W's. Nieide, K¥, vice: Combining the World-known Characters of ORCHESTRA ood job on their auto or motor boat. we . " ' Ing a good ° a SO NRANE SOUS) 11 moows| prone ist, gn uy Media 'The Lone Wolf" and "False Faces TEN PIECES : or en 1 Fhow Case, $10.00. 3 ence street. T30--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS oN Opposite the post office. Alwington Avenue; good location. By Louis Joseph Vance great bout an acre of land; suitable -- received and inter: R. 3 : na Cale He Yak: 4 mooms, m. | C Cartwright 'mansger, 3 The world's craftiest crimnial! Special Musicale : od cellar, . . ale vsmeamio: sE-omacrs YEssoRaL The daring Lone Wolf Himself! Two Reel A rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar; - f. i f il- uctio es we CE Soa vou wa x pw. , Gowns that will set the ashions for mil- | ng, ) Sennett Comedy (Quebec Heaters Tam the Miaka ctioneer in Kingston. VICTONY BONDS YOR SALE, moxmy| ie HUT ert son oy pie Mra. A lions of well-dressed women! PRICES ~---- ve it. o - 3 . / : . | -- . HAIR. MOLES, WANTS, BIRTH - - RI _-- Sos at a. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, FARMA--SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FoR marks, skin Jancers. Ee ieator, See the Famous Scotland Yard in action Matinees 1 5 Shop. Cooks and other Stoves as Phone 1721 or 1428, ---- ished after , - - wi v ' £ . . . We know a four flusher, who re- DWELLING; ¢ ROOMS; PINE STREET. | y 1 See the wily, all knowing, all seeing, E 4 . 25¢-35¢. J TURK Phoae 750 fers to a Nalf-gallon jug of raisin : Rh Lone Wolf Hi mself. venings . jack and twenty pints of home brew | TWO LANGE Samay Lom, MEDICAL. : > = on as his wine cellar. 180 Welllagion Street, hisgston. DRC on ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST,

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