THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. AA mab UH 95354550 A ER MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1021. eee ------ alg ss BIG PRONBITION RaLLY Was Held in the Allen Theatre on Sunday After- noon. The publicity campaign on behalf meeting held in. the Allen theatre on Sunday afternoon, although fullest extent by a nuniber.ofthescity: denominations at both the morning and evening services. The chief cen- tre of attraction, however, was the Allen theatre, and it was taxed to ca pacity, the audience numbering over 1,300 'persons; mostly men. Address- 1 ' es were given by Jonn A. Patterson, Gives you .C., Toronto: Br. R. Bruce Taylor, INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS ot sens Yuivsraty: 12 by MOTH, THEFT, FIRE. Phone 603 JOHN McKAY, Ltd rand Canon W. F. FitzGerald Mayor | Nickle presided, Prof. Miller was the first speaker. | He did not know anything about the |0.T.A., he said, except that it made the medical man a bartender. He knew nothing about the referendum, but he did not agree with Dr. Aus- | tin respecting the use of alcohol. He {thought it was a prote-plasmic pol- |son. As a stimulant it was merely an irritant, such as smelling salts, fand when the irritation wore off it | became a narcotic poison and re- 4A508.~Ba got rooms; B. $3,000--Jamed 4,800 Wellington street: Unfurnished The McCann Agency | them at the new low | dueed vitality | drinker was inierior to that of the {abstainer, and the duration of life |among abstainers was longer than {among the users of liquor; The liquor | interests wera a malignant power in | Britain, Dr. Miller said Dr. Taylor gave an enlightening {and entertaining address. He said | that the liquor laws were being made |a tool of in Ontario today, and the {O.T.A. was degrading to the medical | profession He gave a sketch of { liquor legislation, answered some of |the arguments of the Citizens' Lib- [erty League and declared that he | would vote "Yes on Monday, | Mr, Patterson declared that if it {was wrong to have liquor in the | He bars, that had been wiped out, it | was also wrong to have it in the cel- | lars, and the prohibition people would not rest until they have the private cellars cleaned out, Canon W. F. FitzGerald gave a most eloquent address. He had been asked to speak only an hour before the meeting. The attitude of the An- glican church was purely spiritual. "Self«contirol" best exprassed her TIRE AILMENTS--TIRE REMEDIES OUR SPECIALTY Our advice costs nothing ! USE DOMINION TIRES Have Your Old Tires Re-built. Re-built Tires give satisfaction--3,000 miles guarantee. for himself, he would vote * Yes" for prohibition, because he would not put his hand to anything that might prove a stumbling block. to any per. son. GET THE HABIT Make your old Tires go the limit and buy your new ones from MOORE'S The Men Who Know Tires DOMINION TIRE DEALERS street; frame; § and C ; stable, 00--Summer cottage, sland; partly furnished. nishings included in Convenient to ferry. Full par- ticulars on application. This is a real bargain. Wolfe Fur- price. UNTIL WEEK-END ONLY I 1b. Black Tea 1 Ibs. Pure Cocoa street; frame; § Q. rooms; B. and brick; B. and CC; electric Value ; co... $1.19 THE ABOVE THREE FOR $1 130 lbs. Currants-- 2 Ibs, 25¢. 500 1bs. Gold Dust Corn Meal-- 6 Ibs. 25¢. 800 pkgs. Corn Flakes 10c each Creamery Butter " Prints . | . 538¢, Sweet Seadless Oranges 70¢ pk. 8 rooms; light TO LET HON. Member inet, who MRS. RALPH SMITH Is visiting eastern Canada, kitchen an 3 bedrooms, bath To ossen. fon May 1st. Pric e Sroptis" x Price 453.00" per MADE INSPECTION mt, King st. w Bas hx OF THE PRISON chenette, d-rooms, bath room. Price $60.00 per month, Included electric light, hot and wi cold water, . INSURANCE--INVESTMENTS, ldving room ¢ Celery, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Pineapples, Cucumbers Cullen's wyers Wanted to See the Layout of the Female Department. Three lawyers inspected the Ports- CASH AND CARRY | mouth penitentiary on Friday after- ALFRED and PRINCESS 8T8. fl | noon. They were W. F. Nickle, K.C,, om chairman, Francis King, government | counsel, znd T. J, Rigney, defence, The business of these gentlemen i$ BEEEEY, | R. H. WADDELL Phones 320-896, 88 Brock st. rs som the investigation of the female de- | partment and, incidentally, the com | Piatuts of two guards, placed under | suspension some months ago. | When interviewed WwW. p. Nickle | stated that the taking of evidence | would not begin until next week and [5 visit was but Preliminary as his [1] 2ssociates desired to make a survey og the interior of the premises, . Moving Right Along . The Right Hat For Every Man iH orning, Rev. Father McCann, Who the preacher, refarred briefly [1] | to the prohibition campaign and toid "The new shapes and colors are here. Pearl is a favorite color this season. We have scale of prices. Come in and choose from our immense ne x nearest post office in order to receive the war medals to which they are I . »~ Exercise Their Cofisciehice, In St. Mary's cathedral on Suaday -------------- MEDALS FOR SOLDIERS, i= [his hearers that in their answers to 1] the questions on the ballot Ail. should exercise thei Militia Department Asks Veterans of War to Write For Them. conscience. They were not to be posed to intimidation or coe The Department of Militia and Defence asks that all ex-members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force stock. i] | but should be guided vy cretr oe | S0DAl experience and belief. control in all things who proceeded overseas complete good citizenship, and forward to the Director of Re- PRY 5 Ay "The Style Centre for F ine Hats" clared. cords, Military HearGuarters, Otta- | SA EEEEEREEEEREEaa Wa, post free, an application card which may be . obtained from the Father McCann de- The man who keeps trying should never be called a failure, 4 of prohibition closed with thé mass | the | chureh pulpits were utilized to thé! Jas. Miller, pathologist of Queen's, | The progeny of the | [ee on social questions, but, as | | of the British Columbia cab- ---- - INGOENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W | lindsay, Limited. - o Don't forget | Tuesday, 8 p. m. W. Bwaine, plano tuner. Orders at | 100 Clergy street. Phone 564w, F*"BeITéVille is to have some form of celebration upon the freeing of the | Bay Bridge. Dr. Joseph Quigley and Dr. Thom- | a8 Little are at the Chateau. Ottawa, | today, The best isethe cheapest Prove {the truth of this saying by buying [DALY'S GOOD TEA and COFFEE at { Mahood's. The trees throughout the city suf- | fered a great deal as a result of the | sleet storm over the week-end | Messrs. C. Jeffrey and R. W. Gar- | don, and Mr. and Mrs Wm, Donald, | of Belleville, visited in Kingston. | After six months' rental we will | { | ! A OH Euchre, |S money paid in rental to apply | On purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Capt. EB. W. Skinner has gone to Belleville to receive instructions in | regard to taking the census in June: Capt, | Kingston. |dral on Sunday morning, Dean Starr | referred to the anniversary of Mar- |tin Luther and his influence upon | the life of the church | There is not a lawyer doing time jin the big Portsmouth prison at | present, but nearly every other pro- |fession ~and occupation is repre- sented. | Dean Starr left for Toronto to-day | to attend the meeting of the general { synod, which opens on Tuesday, and | also the meeting of the board of BOv- {ernors of Trinity University. | On.the occasion of James Bews, | physical. director of Queén's Univer- | sity, resigning that position, class at the university presented Mr | Bews with a club bag. Dr. Donald L, Fee, who had his { monton, Alberta, for the past seven- teen months, left with his wife and family on the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, Tuesday night, for Kingston, Ontario, To Tax the Pool Rooms. | formed The Whig on Monday morn- {ing that the Ontario Government had billiard parlors and bowling alleys. The government intends to tax them, | commencing the first of June, At the preseat time the only tax paid is the one collected by the city. In Marine Circles. The steamer Jex cleared for Fair- haven on Monday. The steamer Keyport cleared on Sunday for Erie, The steamer Keybell cleared Sunday for Hrie. The steamer ®dmonton on 'Monday for Hamilton. -- te ---------- Nathan Wilson, whose death occur- red Wednesday in Chicago, was a former resident of Smith's Falls. He left nine years 480 for Chicago, where he was employed in the C. p, R. service. His death at the age of on cleared pendicitis. Wouldn't it-be nice it you could kick your runnin expenses in the shins and make the blame things slow down? Pembroke has purchased a fire team for $675. | rrret---------- Dollar Saving TEN DAYS' ALTERATION SALE OF FURS, HATS We have let a con- tract to make a big improvement in our store front and for ten days, during the alterations, we offer REDUCED PRICES Was essential to Skinner is commissioner for | Preaching in St George's Cathe- | the | pub- | members of ths professors' and staff | Dr. W. W. Bands, city clerk, in- | asked him for a 1ist of the poolrooms, | thirty-six years was caused by ap- 1 -- ' [| SPECIAL 25¢. SALE oF || - 40c. AND 50c. NUMBERS ] You Can't Drive My Dreams Away (Gitz Rice), Hold Me, Tulip Time, Longing Dear for You, Bohemia, Mississippi Shore, Dreamy Amazon, Yogiland, You'd Be Surprised, When My Baby Smiles at Me, Pretty Little Rainbow, Meadowbrook, Hindustan, I'm Like a Ship Withbut a Sail, Waiting, + | So Long Oo-Long, In Sweet September, I'm Waiting for Ships That Never Come In, White Blossom, | 40c. and 50c. Music Three For One Dollar i Alabama Moon, Love Will Find a Way, Pining, My Greenwich Village { Sue, | Want a Daddy to Rock Me to Sleep, Linger Longer Letty, Pip Pip Toot Toot Good Bye-ee, Call of the Cosey Little Home, The Love Nest, Mary, Just a Voice to Call Me Dear, Left All Alone Again | Blues, Down Texas Way, Humming, Down Yonder, Blue Jeans. Biddy, Feather Your Nest, Alice Blue Gown, Love in Lilac Time, If You Could Care, Avalon, When You Look in the Heart of a Rose, Mid- night Frolic Girl, Lonesome Little Raindrop, Swanee . | My Last Waltz With You, | J : | LOWEST IN CANADA SHEET MUSIC PRICES THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Telephone 919 Telephone 919 OPEN NIGHTS | | | | | { | i | DRESS UP | | | office in the Teglar Building, in Ed, : The Sanitary Floor For Your Bedroom What a change Linoleum would make in your Bedroom? : instinctively feel that neither dust nor dirt have good quality » sanitary, easy to keep clean. There are no | cracks to harbour dust and germs. Moreover, with - fabric rugs thrown on in the usual way, it'is just as warm as Hardwood. Let us hel room, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath room. Our Linoleum 1s guaranteed to give satisfaction and will last for years. Newman & Shaw KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. THE PRICE OF BREAD CANNOT BE REDUCED To Pre=war Prices Until Flour | Takes a Very Heavy Drop. "The price of flour must go down much lower before we will reach 1914 prices for bread." This was the statement of a local manufacturer of | bread to the Whig when interviewed regagding the statement that Jue price of flour had dropped two dol- lars a barrel during the past two weeks. Flour in 1914 was selling at $4 a barrel and it is now at $10 a barrel: It was over $15 at one time WE ARE SACRIFICING A SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW furnace; electric light; B. and C. for $3,730, See us at once. A STONE DWELLING on Queen Street, A SEMI-DETACHED BRICK on' Barrie Street, all improvements; for. . : tay and a full list at, office. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Rea Estate Cer. Johnson and Division Streets; . . . Phones 589%w and 580J. on Barrie Street (north of Princess) with 11 rooms; H. W, heat- near Clergy Street; and the price, of bread soared to twenty-eight cents for the large loaf. It has now gone down to twenty-one cents retail and twenty cénts whole- sale. Asked if there was likely to be an immediate drop to the consumers, local dealers said that the matter had not been considered, but if there was a substantial reduction in the price of flour the price of bread would be reduced. ---- . Be Kind To Animals, Major Rev. W. E. Kidd, MC, spoke to the children of St. George's Sunddy schoo! on Sunday In connec- tion with the "Be Kind to Animals" week, instituted dy the Humane So. ciety. He spoke of the birds com- FOR WOMEN Brown Calf Upperstock, wing tips, perforated vamps, and bark tanned solid leather, Goodyear welted soles. "A splen- did fitter, and a shoe that will give excellent wear: SELLING NOW AT THE NEW LOW PRICE OF ...,. "TOP QUALITY BU T LOW IN PRICE" $6.00 he pointed gut to kindness was th, "Lindsay's, 131 Princess street, new player pisno roll every month. Send in your (name for our mouthly mailing list. 8