Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1921, p. 3

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MONDAY, AURIL 15, 1921, . THE DAILY B RITISH WHIG. hat VERONA HON NOT HAL = s In both of his lettefs Mr. Forster | 5 [he = \ Continued From Page 1) | says "I remain yours for temperancs es S ing of great credit for making the |B all things. He should practice j arrest. As soon as he heard that there | t8MPerance in his Sharacterization -- . . l was a mysterious Te in that sec-|°f "some preachers. Yours res- EE) SPRING NEEDS Wa tion of the country, fle communicat- | Pectfully, ng ed with Toronto and Secured a photo | --JAMES LAW SON ~Moth Tar Bags. of Mr. Small. When he showed this | . ! photo to the people where the mys- | Commends the Press, =Camphor Flakes. terious man had visited, all were sat- | Montclair, N.'J., April 14.--(To 3 4 » 2 : a - [1 3 ~Camphor Lalls, = ll | fsfied that the constab®™ was on the [He Bl Jt %as too bad. the Sains ¥ > g J : EDisin - = Pras =: Ra i ~ Witrail of the missing theatrical mag- | "ame of Kingston should have been | Disinfectants. ho SINE : 2 | sc tarnished at the meeting on Sat- SEEDS-- For three days, Constable Tallon |Urday, Sth inst, Too bad, also, that Rennie's. { fl followed his man through the rocky | the citizens should have been called ll! country of the north, but when he | Tats, mice and vermin." It certainly Sfmmers., ray " arrived at the home of Thanal Cox |! DOt the way to advance the tem- Steele Briggs 2. W te Eg he looked through the window and | P€rance cause any more than taking | Ferries We have an excellent variety of || 3 an indi 7 erries {saw the stranger sitting there. The | the life of an individual. The Whig : -the neatest Watch Chains for {constable entered the home and plac- | should be congratulated for using its | | All fresh 1921 stock | infl ke. > . Men. j€d the handcuffs on the 'wanderer, | /Bfluence in keeping Mr. Spracklin | Phone your wants to 59. : {Wheg he arrived in Verona at eleven out of the city. Is seemed so strange J . R o'clock on Friday evening, the 'con- | asa Tember of a Christian church | These come in solid Gold or [}}|stable took him to his home and a!- | 5hould wish to have him and say the | " gist ; owes Dro: tc 1 ths 2 [hall would be filled. Doubtless it ; Gold-filled, and are either all aH oy | would. But it would have been pan- | ; . When placed on trial on the nomi- | . 3 Natural Gold Color or made [ff | demonium intensified, Judging by! | . ' nal charge of vagrancy on Saturday | r of White Gold Links, alter- i nardily 3 Yy r : : was the missing Ambrose Small, He |2Tdly a family under Heaven who ! | morning, the stranger denied that he | MT- Johnson's reception. There fs | - . : nating with the natural -- | .g 4 F Furniture--Freight--Baggage g || said that he was a Scotchman and | has not been caused trouble and sor- | 7 TRANSFER creating most pleasing effects | had lived in Canada for Some vears. | Pow 3a some way by the use of strong | | Six weeks ago he came from Winni- 3 ohe or more of its mem- | Phone 1425 W yr {peg by C. I. R. as far as Renfrew, | 26s: Yet they do not believe in the : S. WHITEMAN These Chains Will please and | where he transferred to the Kingston | setheds on ate belug followed to 360 Bagot Street. the prices are quite mod- ffl C. P. RR. line and got off the train at | SIP oul ne 'i To ntemperance, ; { Hartington station as he was trying © "000 HOOK felis us to be tem- erate, to find a man by the name of Free- | P¢rate in all things. There is more | | : | i than on m n ance { {man who kept thoroughLred stock. | a alemperane ow ; 2 was able to Mr. | . 3 Eg grave | { When he was unable to find anxiety, Money without stint has | Freeman he started out prospecting oll piven. to rorward | INSURANCE [He deuled that he was a vagrant, as | been Even oa the Forward We have planned to make to-morrow one of the greatest sale AT COST | | bed and lodging, ang when, refused | COmPlished? Il days of April, in a mighty eff 1 f 5 ed and lodging, ep in| SO far, the best investment is that [J] @2YS OF April, in a mighty effort to create a new sales record for that When you take out a Mutual [such he was compelled to sleep in given to the press. Carlisle was not . Life Participating Policy you | school houses, barns, etc. When ar-| : month, and to do this we are offering the following two extra special buy Life Insurance at cost. Jewelers Limited | rested-he was very much the worse of | 126 only one Who said it would su- | ul ca { : , | persede the Bible. Lord Erskine in | . Everything earned above the isa | exposure. Speaking of his experiences{, LF) 2 20 = speeches sald a | attractions expenses of carrying on the Established 1 . 1g 1 ¢ s p 'an- " 8 . | Guring the weeks that he Lad wan } tree and untrammeled press has done | business of the Mutual Life is" ; ald i ; u the country, he said | the exclusive property of the | dered through ¥ al | more to advance the cause of religion | policy holders. Registered Opticians f that no person iad any ides hat he {than all other sources combined' In | There are no stockholders in had gono through. He was hungr; {the early stages of the war Admiral the Mutual--the policyholders 850 Kirg Street and celd on numerous occasions, and | Lord Beattie said: "Only a gre y : great re- | are the company. unable to obtain a resting plave. Mr... ~ revival can save the world Therefore, ALL of the profits | e------------------ s==--xull | Cox, as he calls himself, has bee' - g o . " Sidi c EE ' . | from a terrible catastrophe." If truth --not 90% or 95% of them-- Liver in Seskarchowen, | 2nded uni] Tuesday; duriag fihis].,, truth only were preached, the belong to the policyholders. | Liquor in Saskatchewan. { "ma | J ' | 4 p y q time he will remain at the home of chufches would be filled and the | This means Life Insurance at | Saskatoon, April 18.--A stock of Constable Tallon. : a ' - Cost. liquor, valued at between $20,000 | : cloud of intemperance and | The 'utual gives you the and $30,000, was seized by city po-| "feffaos that seems to hang over the | . greatest amount of sound life | lice Wofe in a raid on the warehouse | | world would disappear. Perhaps | insurance for the least. money. || of the Saskatoon Liquors, Ltd. The | . | some reader will say, What is truth? | ! | Tha ; PD 'g i 3 | i e followed the arrest of an Lett k th Edit { That was Pilate's question, and the | S. Roughton | setgus ers 0 e or | answer {is still the same, that was | loyee of the company, who was { inscribed in Hebrew and Greek and | i taxicab with 18 bottles. AUBNT: jm na. mn Latin, and to those who would have Dr. Lawson Answers Mr. Fors@r. | him change it, he said, "What I have | 60 Brock Street { : Phone 610. | Follow your owe, advice for a while | Verona, April 16.--(To the edi- | written I have written." ° ! and you'll realize why people do not [tor): Mr. Forster charges me with | Many of my saddest and many of | | pay any attention to what you say. |'"championing the modern Pharisee: my happiest days have been spent | | ~ | be calls my letter "scurrilous," and | among those who Mr. Johnson called | - HARARE O ARMAS | ms "poetry of a very poor quality such inconsistent names. 1 believe = worthy of a reply." Then |very many of them are advocates for | =| why did he reply? According to his temperance, but not for tyrrany. SPRING TIMI C =| own statement he was doing an un- MARY A. NASH. = worthy thing. All who have read his == [letters and mine will see for them- | sc selves which is '"'scurrilous." _He GAP WILL BE CLOSED UP . == |ocharges "some prohibition preach- i ' bo) ers" with "abusing their opponents," | Kehoe Bros., of Pembroke, Buy More | ==|showing 'very bad taste," *forg::-| Vacant Land. i Et A real estate deal of copsiderable | ing the ninth commandment "at best e a poor imitation of Billy Sunday," [importance was concluded in Pem- | "making use of billingsgate and buf- | broke on Tuesday, whereby Kehoe il foonery," calls them 'Pharisees,' | Bros. became the owners of that part | Il i ¢ etc. And that is the man who calls | of main street frontage known as the ! ® my letters a "scurrilous champion- | Thibodeau property. It comprises | | ship of the modern Pharisee!"" H-: | about forty-five feet frontage on the | should remember that his letter wus | north side of Pembroka street on | | . unprovoked, while mine was neces- | which before the fire of 1918 stood | il sitated by his unujst accusations. [the building occupied by "Beal & Mower Time Now is the time to have your Lawn Mower over- hauled, and see that it is ready for the Spring grass cutting and don't wait till you want it and want = | it badly. =| No, I did not "champion the mod- | Taylor, jewellers, and A. Primeau, | . . ==|ern Pharisee," Rey. J. W. Forster, | barber. Messrs. Kehoe Bros. some | == [whose letter in the Whig of yester- [time ago purchased the Grieve pro- s day is largely made up of self-lauda- | perty adjoining this, with a trot- T ==|tion, reminding one of the Phari-|uage of twenty-two feet, so that taey les ay C. d y 2 ' d 1 all for your Mower. We will take it to our Hospi. -- -- -- will i ut it in perfect working order and see who thanked God he was so good. | now have a total of sixty-six feet, on » : : 9 P! pe g : 80 much better than other men. which they will build this season. turn to you at a minimum cost. What I did "champion" was law Bernard Leacy on Monday started All kinds of repair work done on short notice. and order; British fair play; com- work on the erection of a store build- Get the backyard gardening spirit. It is wonderful what you grow on a small lot now going to waste, and you only need a Spade and a Rake to do the trick. Large assortment at low prices to pick from. Absolutely the greatest .bar- mon decency at a public meeting, | Ing adjoining the store of Messrs. Mr. Forster charged "preachers" | Bernard Leacy & Co. Ltd., and a with forgetting the ninth command- |large number of bricklayers are now in 1 1 ment. I pointed out that he had | rushing up the walls on the founda- | gain 1n fine quality, novelty done that very thing when he stated ! tion, which was made ready last fall | : that "Mr. Johnson's want of tact and | This has a frontage of thirty-two patterned, Colored D ress E E E = £ E SS - L 2 - 7 loss of temper was the cause of the | feet, and will provide two stores, = disgraceful scene at the Grand Opera | with apartments overhead. Int : 1 5 House." What about his worship the | William Lacey some time ago an- V oiles offered mn Kingston for C e =, Mavor and that highly respected (nounced that if building was pro- | : 9 = lady who were both insulted by the | ceeded with on the other properties, \ SIX years. == |Hauor mob when they attempted to |he would also build on the vacant : == [speak in the interests of order? lot between Messrs. Lacey & Shields' This great feature attrac- fl 3.000 ds of "Mill Ends " ESE = and the Grieve property,c so that 2 yee. : -- Mr. Forster's want of respact for | with all three owners unde: 1 2 e rtaking ' 1 1 ess the "ninth commandment" in this {to build this year the bad gap which ij tion should make Instant | York Mills American Dr Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phone237 - - . . . . Kingston 3 particular makes one wonder a littl has existed on that section of main EERE To reference to Atmamt, 1 "HM 0 srcet since the Aro of 1918 will bo | appeal to all bargain-wise | Voiles American Dress Voiles, closed up and that section of ona : in lengths measuting from 1} Putting the temptation out of the of the streets best business areas way, and saving young men from be- | wil) g ain 'be occup! : coming drinkers is much better than E pled. women, who appreciate allowing them to form the habit d | | WINDO WwW then trying to reform or. and CLAIMS Fp the value of Steacy's mer- | | to 6 yds. each--over one hun- | ' | I "Prevention is better than cure" 1s 1 inti 2 true proverb. r-- dred of this season's daintiest. Premier of Australia Main- . Mr. Forster charges me with "in- DECORATIONS [nests ie ue, ma epee | patterns to choose from--regu- pathizers." He should not thus mis- Involve Resignation. Stam S. | | : ¥ it interpret my words and try to got the ' P if larly sold from 75c. to $1.50 a ou wi e sur- il | sympathy of "all who oppose pro- London, April 18.--According to Ii 1] | : Ir |} | hibition." My remark applied to him- | Australian cables the defeat sustain- Il Shop to-morrow the Steacy I} | yard. prised at-the dif- self as anyone may plainly see. Ani ed by the Hughes government in the il | i . . now I will add that no 'sober, God- | commonwealth parliament Friday | . IH ] ference it will fearing man"--using Mr. Forster's | was purely accidental, and does not! way--of saving money ji il SALE PRICE . ..25¢c. a Yard k . own words--would show sympathy | mean necessarily that the govern- il | make 1n our with that "whiskey-rowdy" gang | ment is under obligation to resign. : : y who made such a "disgraceful scene' | Thd position of the Hughes govern- 1} while you spend it--and Sold only in ori inal lengths. home to have 35 he himself is compelled to allow, | ment is a very delicate one, as it de- | It | . g lan untruthfully state that the | pends on the speaker's vote to main- | 09 | il ~ your windows at- speaker was the "cause" of it. He [tain its majority. Recently three of | SAVE 1 0 ii Cash and carry. No phone or charges others with a breach of the | the members threatened to secede to { | i mail orders accepted. tractive. if | ninth commandment and then breaks | the country party or opposition, it himself, which would have forced the resigna- on all your needed re- See our stock of Blinds and Curtains. Blinds 1 do not feel at all disposed to dis- [tion of Mr. Hughes' government, but, | Fo y . . pute his statement that my "poetry" | after negotiating they consented to il On P, cut to any size. Curtains and Draperies for [lic u's very ow arsine Toeity- [after vegotisting they consented to quirements for your per- ¢ Sale at 9.30 O'clock. all windows. i Snow at the time, it lacks one of | Mr, Hughes was in London attending ~ d : . . the chief elements of poetry, namely, | the imperial conference. Strong op- use, iT See indo Disp Try our Kirsch Rods. Made to fit any width i} | imagination. And there certainly is | position has developed among the ele- sonal and househo : J w ' w lay! of window. § | not much imagination in my un-|ment who constitute the government . WR aft Pastentions little poem. But there | party, against what they style as Mr. : | "rhyme and reason," and I|Hughes' autocratic methods, his neg- Let us demonstrate the | challeng, him to show any real de-|lect of parliament and his personal If | fect in the composition, but alas! ! dictatorship over the cabinet. "HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER" |] instead of imagination it contains -- \ . stern realities, awful facts, to which It takes twenty years for one wo- Mr. Forster and all the rest of us| man to make a man of her son and twenty seconds for some other wo- . roils . if | would do well to take heed. T F Harrison Co Limited Phone 90 Some of your readers were con- [man to make a monkey of him. ole oy § | siderably amused when reading Mr. Some husbands are such mules [1 chandise 5% Discount ere ma Forster's declaration, "I hava mo in- [that many a wife gets what she wants tention whatever of engaging in a|by insisting that she doesn't want newspaper coatroversy with anyone." | it. .

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