Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1921, p. 5

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MONDAY. APRIL 13, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : | To Be Troubled With | Austin's Drug Sto : | | Fresh | If you do not feel well and go to far as possible, | your family ghysician, one of the GOODS { hold out your tongue. The reason | To Hold Investigation. r | . | for this is that the condition of the| 1p, gome for the Aged board is|day. He was a son of E. W. Bur- {tim. of the game followed his man, | stomach ahd bowels. [ tai 8 y 3 3 ly = of Picton. |back, bat not until after threats of . . | tai charges that Albert Clay, re-|Alberta, and formerly o ack, ! | If you allow your bowels to become | '2!2 charg a : The funeral took place in Picton on jarrest had been made. The stran- Window Frames, Doors and Mouldings, of 3 : : ° . ® ® ® el Gonstipation Kingston and Vicinit {| Help to reduce exchange by buying as { THE CAUSE OF MANY ILLS. ] : o MADE-IN - CANADA | first things he will do is ask you to | ------ -_i { the interior, Ottawa, died on Thurs-|that didn't belong to him. Ths ¥ix-| tongue shows: the condition of thel,, ;,... this afternoon: to bear cer- ley, provincial auditor,' Edmonton. [cornered him and got his money | In Kingston, we make Sash, Screens, ger, who came to town with a woman superior quality and at competitive prices. Chocolates NEILSON'S and PAGE & SHAW's & | constipated you will have bilious at-| cently a cook at the home, has pre- Monday tacks, sick headaches, coated tongue, | ferred. : a meereloal lf. Tr "Big Kiw#nis Dinner. "owas a SHEN bUIlt man, evidently of ||| 2 1 t in a larga Studebaker sedan car, | Ra = DO YUU NEED FUMNS ate: and-those= troublesome piles, | Will Spend $6.000. = = Fresh stock 'received to-day which cause 80 much annoyance es; Mr. McCallum, Kingston, was in Dr. Edward Ryan, superintenc-|French descent. | " S ANGLIN & CO ! e . KODAKS and BROWNIES i | 1 | i a misery. Campbelliford showing designs for |ent of Rockwood hospital, and preasi- " me. | Dereon No yes Keep your bowels moving regularly |a soldiers' memorial momument. Ta: dent of the Ontario Psychiatric As- Proverbs-Wartman Wedding. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington eveloping, Printing an oT larging. and you won't be sick. | : ide b 0 | sociation, is to be the speaker at the A quiet wedding was solemnized on i In Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills yoy | C°® mittee decided to spend $6,000 Kivanis ih dinner to be held in| March 26th, at the home of Mr. and Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory See our window ! 71 304 Just the Teds you reuive | ot 8 Doria: Ontario Hall on the 23rd inst. "His | Mrs. T. B. Weekes, Scotia Block, | Phone 14135. To Inspect Units. subject will be "The Work in the | Winnipeg, when Hattie Elizabeth, | Mental Hospitals." The occasion will { daughter of Mrs. Wariman and the | {{_ by the attendance 'of |late Franklin 8, Wartman, Napanee, | S-- William --Ancel Pro-| for this purpose. They are purely | vegetable and do not gripe, weaken or | sicken. Col. A. P. Ogilvie, officer com- Mr. Jas. S. Harris, Box 934, Han-Amanding the Royal Canadian Arti'i- |be marked 3 large delegations from the Kiwanis | was united to Austin's Drug Store fax, N.S., writes:--'" For two years 1jery, headquarters Quebec, is ox- % | Corner Klug aad Market Square #4 | Suffered with constipation. 1 could pected in Kingston this week when [clubs at Toronto and Ottawa. verbs, Belleville, Bardadoes, B. W. I] . fot fet amy (HIDE to cure me. 4nd bu wil Tnspecs tho. unis of thn Canon Garin otticaed immedisie || SOWARDS KEEPS COAL Kinguton - Phone 230 4 | hardly anything would give me even Iktneston garrison. Are Being Put in Shape. ly following the ceremony luncheon | J temporary relief. One day my uncle | At Jones' Falls lock laborers are | was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. | AND COAL KEEPS induced me to try Milburn's Laxa-| busy fitting the locks for navigation | Proverbs left for western points ona | Liver Pils, ana sven brought BY Shirts at Reduced Price. the first of May, It was reported that | position until SUDErSSUVAUOR. Sev. | SOWARDS | faith, but I soon found they were do-| For a few days only we will put | there was to be a change of men on |en years ago Mrs. Richey die has] {lng me good, and after using the |O0 Sale men's working shirts and | the locks for this season. However, |active mentally as any man o : {second vial I was relieved of my |Regligee shirts, values from $2.00 to | the same laborers as last season have | years could be, Mr. Richey is one | All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal, | trouble." | $2.50, for $1.50 each. Sizes 14 to 17. | peen taken on again The govern- [whom all are delighted to meet when | ; ; : Auto Tops repaired, recover- i Mijburea LazaLiver pills ure 35s, | Prevost Clothing House, Brock st, | ment carpenters, under R. McCary, Yighins to hear ies of ger days.) Phone 155 Uptown Office. . : | a vial a ealers, or maile rec -- aren NRE i slui s oneymoon. They will r { ol; slip Yovers; | kinds of | on receipt of price by The T. Mil- To Fill a Vacancy. 378, Sagased in putting in new sluice ghost ig i They xiii teslle is McGall Cigar Store hohe 81 I. twillions Np made all | bora Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. At a nomination meeting in Ren- _ in the employ of the Dominion Bank. | ? sizes with KAPOK filling. 29 | frew to fill a vacancy in the council, Preached in Chalmers. -- ees BUILDING < { Messrs. T. L. Murray, C. R. Grigg Rev. Prof.' James Falconer, Hali- New Vice-President for Bank. . : : . land A. L. Handford were pominated | fax, N.S., preached in Chalmers The friends of Joserh : Pulver) 300 PRINCESS STREET | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | is given out that the latter refuses church on Sunday morning, and de- ther will bs glad to know that at | USE Tn pater giro un. Both Mr, Murray and Mr. |livered a very impressive sermon on a nesting of the Metropoli- | . 0. Aykroyd & Son [Grigg will stand. . | "The Lord's Supper," taking as his| , 'pani New York, held on 13th | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. ---- -- text the. words of Christ uttered to'!y "ho was made a vice-president. | SUNKIST SEEDLESS his disciples "This is My body." [x pyivermacher for some years | i | W ch an | Has Had to Resign, Watches d Clocks : Sir Charles Hanson has resigneq | Prof. Falconer pointed out the great |}.¢ peen assistant cashier in charge R A ISINS | ired D Ww {a8 an alderman of the city of Lon-|Yalue of regularly observing "The oe tne branch at 100 William street, Repair r. augh don, owing to ill-health, Sir Charies | Lord's Supper, in remembrance of{,nq his elevation carries with it a wlry | Dentist {was sheriff in 1911-12, and lord may- | the Savior "till He come. substantial increase in salary. Mr. | -- y jor of London in 1917-18. He has Pulvermacher has spent all his busi : FOR COOKING G. W. LYONS | 100 Wellington St. Phone 236. | been coalition M.P. for the Bodmia Going to the Holy Land. ness life in banking and has gradu- : : | : >~ (division of Cornwall since 1916. He Mr. and Mrs. Lennox-Irving and [ally risen from thy lowest position--- Economic - a Wholesome {is a Canadian born at Wellington, | MTS. A. Barnet, Renfrew, are leaving | that of messenger for the Hide and are guaranteed for one year. | | Call or 'phone and your or- . | Ont. Tuesday for a journey to the Holy |Leather Bank--to his present office. der will be promptly attended . . _-- Land. They will sail from Boston, |He came to the Metropolitan Bank -- and probably have Naples as their (in 1904 from the National Bank ot |(f WaRsE souk ad BLACKSMITH, Captains' Appointments. port of landing, After touring the |Commerce where he had been assist- | SEVER 104 TrUeus Repair Capt. C. E. Redfern, Lakeport, | Holy Land they will return to Europe | ant receiving teller, and by dint ot | acuum €aners OO ent 381 KING STREET EAST who commanded ths boys' naval|and will visit the battlefields of |hard work and strict attention to | to. "Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. | fo | training boat the "Pinta," last sea- France before returning to Canada. business was gradually advanced, | | { it eT FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW \ o . DAVID {son, will take over the duties Ol| Col. Irving intends visiting the [culminating with the action of the For Spring House-Cleaning A SCOT 1 {first officer on car ferry Ontario No. graves of Pembroke soldiers who fell | board of directors last week. Since Motor Boat Supplies Dry Cells Spark ' ' RIC | 2, running from Cobourg to Genesea |; th Wa hile he i i . iden | LOW THE PRICE Plumber | in the Great War while he is touring | he has been in chargs of the Maiden | Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing _ 0 : Dock, N.Y., it is stated. Capt. Wil-| the war area. Lane Branch of the Metropolitan P u C : S : h Is being bullt up on a quality ||| Fiumbing and Gas Work a special. {liam Malcolm, it is understood, is re- - : Bank, Mr. Pulvermacher oro: in- 1 gs, oils, witches, etc. first basis. If you are going to J || tr. All work guaranteed. Address | | build we will be pleased to quote 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, | [turning to Toronto to resume com- The Stranger Foiled creased deposits there over $2,00v.-| you prices on the total fixtures mand of thy Chippewa le Strange: 3 P , . and the cost of installation. ® A . The Deseronto Post says: A stran-|000 and has made a host of friends 1 oumi------ ger--believed to be a clever swina-|for the bank and for himself. iar. > . i Ralph J. Burley Dies. ler, struck this town on Saturday | Pulvermacher has friends on Wolfe avie arrett i 4 Ralph J. Burley, assistant direc- and by way of a $20 dill, a sman [Island and was last summer the \. i mamta , op and chief engineer of the reclam- purchase at a store and a slick trans- [guest of Dr. Sands, city clerk. He - ation service in the department of fer of change ib f t visitor h , got away with $10 |has been a frequent visitor here. i Lr ant Rte *" NATIVE | \WHATIS WRONG AA A AAA AA mA AAA AAAS A ests ona | with your car will be surely made Phone 488, Montes ound' ; A RECEPTION HELD Leslie. The numerous gifis show tha right \if you send it here for repairs. om! WW g senses ¢ GE HE R B S | esteem of the bride and groom. They y It makes no difference what . the For a Young Couple Who Were Re- | will reside at Echo Lake where the Rb Lg a4 trouble is or what make of car it is. We Do your responsibilities compel you to cently Married. groom is a prosperous farmer, ET 1 know autos from A to Z and have both rE Jadoars. ~~ Jou fo! ale Sleepy: ] Parham, April 14.--Sugar making Mr. Grant is at the Bertrim House. HO 3 the skill and the facilities to do any- PATION, RHEL Sh; HEAD- is over for the season. Mr. and Mrs. (Ard Wagars have moved into their re thing needed. Thorough work and " DEBILT Noa OEN. { DeWitt Leslie arrived home after a|sidence in the village, Mr. and Mrs. moderate charges always. ERAL ILITY wi , ; 37 BLISS NATIVE HERBS FY PA short honeymoon in Toronto. Mr. [A. Singerland left for Winnipeg. SOM ACH ay SON, KIDNEYS, Black at G. A. Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. | Miss Iva Smith bas returned to Belle- ; ' oy av. You awake in the morning tesing & J. N. 'Smith and Ress, also Mr. and |ville after spending some time at her nplemion of the aes, he healthy, rugged Mrs. F. Charlton and children, Belle- | home here. complexion outdoor ker. BACK GUARANTEE in each box. Cat oi J y ville, at F. E. Wagar's; Miss Hazel : Drug Stores, 2 : ' Wagar in the city. Mrs. Earl Howes, i 208 Bagot Street. Phone 1804w. . 200 doses, $1.00; small size, 50c. ! Wagarville, at Ross Howe's; B. ALONZO 0. BLISS co. MONTREAL 3 Charlton at Long Lake; Mr. Allan at A "HYDRO" RECORD . ' > : J.|A. Goodfellow's; ' W R Mc e & ] 4 CHOICE ; b Mr. and Mrs. Minorgan and child- IN MAKING ESTIMATES E d Mr, d Mrs. David A Sui . cRa Co ren an r, an rs avidson at] By J. E. Middleton Verona. Mr. Thompson and family at GOLDEN LION BLOCK. WESTERN MEATS i [egg oss Howe's: Mis. J. 4. Woter and]. pap. municipality doing "Business | children home from the city. A recep- with the Hydro-Eleetric Power Com- and | . | tion was held at William Clow's on mission of Ontario undertakes to buy | Tuesday evening forgMr. and Mrs. D. | its electrical energy exclusively from ~+ | the Commission, and t rat COOKED MEATS a : ? Smniion, Jud to Dey ma Discovered True : o.-cover the cost of it to the Com- 9 REV. MGR. A. E. BURKE mission, F S | McGEEIN white. he micoceied tn Tomturietis:| Remedy for (1,3 the end of the year, the sum Mexi " J > . o e wer-payments exce the or a cS Prtettion of Pnent Sh farantes the Systematic Catarrh cost of ym en delivery, this Sh 1 -- A bad case of Catarrh is not an Operating Sur wp bald y the easy thing to treat, and a remedy | Commission to the credit of the muni- A \ new arp €s P hone Can Pay Controllers $5000 a Year. | that makes good, deserves great | cipality, and interest is allowed upon Milking Machine. : Toronto, April 18. --The Legis-| credit. Catarrhozone certainly fixed i Shedd the yevenne be less than . ature's committee on municipal law | up Chas. H. Webb, who writes from e actual cost of supplying the power, . Will sell cheap. to-day endorsed the bill by which | Woodstock: "For a number of years, | the "Operating Shortage" is charged Dealer in Furs only. T I was troubled with Systematic Ca-| to the municipality in a thirteenth oronto may pay its controllers as monthly ill. The wholesale hi oh tarrh nothing helped me very much. k : E. Brawley Bh as $5,000 per annum--with tho I used Catarrhozone Inhaler and got | Fate for the following year is adjusted consent of the electors. At present @ SYDENHAM, ON relief. To build so that the surplus or shortage may TARO. they get $2,600 per annum. used Ferrozone, TH orem, 1 be reduced toa foinimm. a ouyry er S > ----eee arn't be b ea n many municipalities the growth : g oo eaten Bey Flats . me of business has been so extraordinary Plumbers and Tinsmiths 3 Ay 1 N Don't worry yourself, my friend. | Vell." Your case may also be bad, as to exceed for a succession of years but Catarrhozone will do for : ions Just imagine how miserable _ you OF YOU the expectation of the Commission. T h i Mr. i - $ would by df you finished all Jour | poncps ue boro] In such cases large Operating Sur- BROCK STREE TTO ' work to-day and had nothing to do |50c, All 4 luses have been accumulated. S0c. ealers or the Catarrho, i i PA N ) the rest of your life. Co., Montreal. 20De peachville has piled UP 2 Teketve un DYE WORKS T, 40 SMES value Sb, oval plant. Galt has : ar, owt Ei than We're Ready for Spring With a Large, Toronto, over (Late Montgomery's) 2 oh & $29, : OP TIMIST AND P ESSIMIST . batt She value of the local plant, New Stock 0 £ Fine Q lity Only : a anmer of pal Kingston's Only Dyer. v5 ET By CHARLES GRANT MILLER He sy pl Somber of ingaicipul. rates were being ad . The dif- ference between . Dry Cleaning a Specialty, i : (Copyright, 1921, All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) §. ee ! sum of the Ope @ Pn A ati uses and the Operati Phone 214. 340 Princess St. $ > 2 . Shorlager or the period 1912-191 -- . Jim Jones is an optimist and Bill Brown, of the same town, is a A Eh Lume sah : : was ~------ pessimist. When it rains Bill Brown complains that it is going. to be 5 Hg co-operati icipali muddy; but Jim Jones, wreathed in smiles, says that rain is a mighty ; DID You EVER TRY good thing to lay the dust. When the sun shines again Bill kicks about p the heat; but Jim, still smiling, says- that sunshine is a mighty good the op Oa % MN thing to dry up the mud. . i the jod ) Ww Waustainy psrastie Masmuiade, Bill complains that business is not half as good as it was when it _ We alse have a full line of was twice as good as it is. Jim Congratulates himself that business is i i other reliable makes of Aarma KWitn 42.4000 98 it Tap WHOL oa cals Dogs Jacl That Duss : : For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices jade, Jam and Jellies for sale 3 Th t H fural conditions see things differently, and the on bo crmal, UT BA stall of the Com $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 and the one is always happy and 'Bon Marche Grocery HINDS 18¢ the other always miserable. The difference Ifés back of their e "on . - " yes, od ih not in front of them. 3 $ 00 00 Cor. King . rae FRONTS l Oc, : They ary hon any peculiae types of men. They are not confined : . 30. , 52: Megisg 2 1844. ! © any particular town. They are everywhere throughout the world. See fine vali Serg Sui The pessimist goes about with a lantern, peering into the dark . ow 9 AY. ue e is ot LOINS = 5c. piaces, looking for meanness and things to find fault with. The optimist a --$35.00 Te goes about in the bright sunlight, looking for the beautiful things, and : . ; finding lots of them. * : nN REAL TATE LEGS Ey 20c. . Neither, in extreme, see: things as they actually are to others; but some ., : ' OR as each sees them they actually are to him, and his life is lighted or CHOPS .. is 15¢. darkened according as he lets sunshine into it or shadows, ab : Happiness, it has been said, is a mosaic composed of very small gas of Yu - : 131 Princess St. SALE. stones. Each taken singly, may be of little value, but when all are f . The man who is prudent and sen- : (One acof below Randolph Hotel) 'ype grouped together, combined and set, they form a 'pleasing .whole. Ww. i GODWIN Princess Meat One who must try to get away from himself and out of his usual sible Nui thinks waple Slwes be. SON ! of environment to find happiness will never find it. If one is miserable makes up his mind that it 34 = = cao _ Real Estate and Insurance Market and gloomy by nature, let him go where he will, his jaundice and spleen his duty 59 Sista Ge bustles OF wiliee When -~ d . t i T lo 89 Brock: Street. . Phone 424. || | Will get there with him. We carry with us the beauty we visit and A religious subterfuge is niver [there is Big Py pub pri ry or ares somos they cab fe i the song which enchants us, or else they don't exist for us anywhere. really zealous in' the Lord's work. Ibe found out sooner or later, "lier a single. ' -- .

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