AUEBDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. EO WOLFE ISLAND TIDINGS! on PLEASED WITH OUR HARDWOOD FLOORING Rev. mr. Warman Depa |_10WISHiD Councils The following letter was received by us from.a Ferry Steamer Goes on a customer ; -- Dry Dock. LOUGHBORO J "Gentlemen: --In these days, when it is so Sydenham, April 4.--The council easy and human to find fault if things one buys are Wolfe Island, April 18.--The|of the township of Loughborough the, Juss right, it gives me great pleagure i toll you . sleet storm has completely tied up| met at 2 p. m., all members present. that my family fs delighted with the beech bard. telephone communication. It is fear-| gine, On motion, Halferty-Knight, I Seoring Join Fou 8 fou wonky ot #4 that the buds and bloom, Which | pairing road; $2, Wilson Knapp, re. ae 328 4 sqver a oat 1 hy to get were rapidly coming forth, will be pairs on elite at Town Hall; $4.25. anyother covering of near the value for the same injured. Farmers state that there is |H W. Guess, lumber. On motion, money. You may give my panie to any enquirers, no cause for anxiety ove rthe grain Lake-Hagerman, Adam Davey was to whom we will be pleased to show the floor, that was sown during the past week, engaged with engine to do and over- which we laid ourselves." : 8s it has not sprouted. Work on the gee work on roads as under By-law . land was rushed, due to the fine wea- | No 121A. Remuneration to be $5 ALLAN LUMBER CO. ther. for himself and $5 per day for en- E hone : * v. Mr. Workman preached Lis gine On motion, Halforty-Knight, P 1042 . + . - Victoria Street dae sermon last Bunday. His de- (a four-foot concrete walk is to be | parture is to be régretted. During |puilt on the west side of Wheatley AO his ministry here of the past five|sy rom Mill St to Cress St. Be. ; . years, he made a host of friends for {law No. 138A received its third and : 3 : himself among all classes, whose | fina} reading, confirming appoint- ; best wishes will follow himself and | ment of township officers for 1921. * [Mrs. Workman to their new field of Fenceviewers -- Herbert Guthrie, | labor. Fred Grant, John Moreland, Xdam | Some of the cheese factories open- Amey, Geo. Freeman, J. J. O'Rielly, | ed to-day. Joseph and Tommy |wpn McAuley, Ernest Amey, Joshua | Greenwood, Jr., paid a short visit to Smith, H. M, McRory, Wm. Keen, Kitchener last week. Miss Susia Harry Vanluvan, and R. Harris. | | Ryan is visiting her sister, Mrs, Mon- Sheep valuators--W. J. Corkill, A. | {ahan, Deferrett, N.Y. C. Sills and A. B. Page. | Another amateur troupe put on Pound keepers.--Willlam McAul- | {Uncle Tom's Cabin, in the township ey, A. N. Keen, Walter Harker, John | | hall last week. A special session of Lindsay, Miles Spafford, Herman 4 {the township council was held onSat- Johnson, John Moreland, S. J. Deyo, | |urday, the purpose being the open-|A p. Page, Alex. McAuley, S. Free- [ing of tenders for the crushing of born, Earnest Amey, John W. Lini- EESamm rani || SMOKING TOBACCO y tenders offered, the council then en- |p. Smith, Mestyn Lee, James Fox- 0 8 WE DN ESDAY, 3 gaged George McDonald to crush and ton, and John J. O'Reilly. i VEE {deliver where needed, at 14 a toise. Road Overseers.--No. 1, Thomas . ' | . | The steamer Wolfe Islander wiil Garrett; No. 2, William Vancough- Lud THOUT 1k dle TYE CHA RCE jenter the dry dock to-morrow for ex- net; No. 3, Dan Ry Nie - You Smile, Naturally. You just can't amination. Cranston; No. §, Dr. and Mrs. Suriol have returned 6, James Walker, No. 7, Robert . . ices after a visit trip in Cornwall | Lindsay; No. 8, Ed. Wood: No. 9. help brightening up when you catch | i " oN and Montreal. Misses Florence and M. W. Spafford; No. 10, John Keen; |Bvelyn Finn, Enterprise, are holi-| No. 11, Oliver Marks; No. 12, George the sweet fragrance of SENATOR {daying with their sisters on the is- Hogan; No. 13, Robert Stoness; No. | = - ) land. Mr. and Mrs. F. Fawcett hava 14, Wilmer Campbell; No. 15, Smoking Tobacco. Each golden returned home after their honey- | Charles Shales No. 18, William En- | if vi moon. Cornelius Pyke's many friends | nig; No. 17, Dan. Ferguson; No, 18, | curl is full of old Virginia sunshine. ll HD are pleased to learn that he is re- Harvey Amey; No. 19, John John- | the! ii li hi ter three weeks' illness Mm the Hotel Bert Martin; No. 23, William Wil- | NG LISH& SCOTCH ER A RR SL "Deliciously Fragrant" A HN) covering from his recent {llness. son No. 20, Ellwood Silver; No. 21, | gi | James Moran has returned home af- F. Wood and Johh Lindsay; No. 22. | ey attended the graduation of her 27, Henry McCadden; No. 28, John | J sister, Miss Irene, in the Hotel Dieu Young. WOOLL y hospital last week. Sanitary Inspector--~Kenneth Ja- A Thomas Gettis has veturned io quith. i fy " Brooklyn, N.Y., where he will reside ---- H, PF. MaeNAMARA, Clerk. for the future. While here he dispos- ! ed of his cottage, situated on the | . turnpike road, to Richard Dawson, m -- '| We Are Now Ready to Demonstrate That Who will reside there during the i | i i ! | Angroves_ Repairs Most Beautiful Car in America i Ge Tepats ork Tiahe ana Seintes un 0! Summer months with his family. ome, | 18 {| THE PAIGE | iiss - . I Ald held their regular meetin on o -- hon aR Lr Friday night at Mrs. George Ridgle"s. ¢ Both in the 6-42 and 6-66 Models. Words fail to-describe this car, elep e 7. Want! anythi done in the earpen, Mrs, C. N. Garrison, Mrs. T A ) : £8 it must be seen to be appreciated. ny mates given on al) kinds * ise hard. Keyes and Mrs. A. Kitchen are on B A nds, an orders USE MAXOTIRES the sick list. The telephone men are ha COOKE'S bi Ll Attention. Shop Make your Tires practically puncture-proof, Keep Your Tubes digging the holes for the poles 'be- 3 UTO SERVIC - from being chalted or pinched. Use your weak or even rim cut tween Kinkley's Corner and Yarker. 8 , ' - Tires from 1 to 8,000 miles with safety. It is to be hoped they will not de- ; Ee § ' DEALERS COLUMBIA : EAT SaNana MAXOTIRE & RUBBER COMPANY oy ere uUt] tress, Sous i 4 ; 3 CORNER KING AND QUEEN STREETS : ria 8 e 3 are to have a chgnge in the owner- 3 ; Repairing on all makes of ears, SIX i -- Washing, Polishing, Battery Service. 4 Bhi Sa Sire fod tewmitis Hicks We have the largest ground floor Storage space in Kingston. It'S fhe shutters that the VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and' 1923 valuable cow on Sunday last, Ww.| | PHONE 634. Caumuia Six 2 true 4 Weather Car. Dawson, Tamworth, is assisting Fred ; EDMOND WALSH, agent Garrison overhauling his truck. Ray Holders of these bonds could sell to- Jowdy is adding a new kitchen to his Gi ; a -- Central Garag 3 . " : residence. Hy R. Purcell is around day at about 98} and re-invest in 1924 at the village after his fllness. Mrs E. MRS. J. SANDERS | *) . fl Auto Repairs a Speciairy. y 1 2 Eckhardt has returned fr visiti 1a fG h t., wh 1 | ' - 961 or 1934 at 954, and if your income is friends at Switserville, aur 1 Ung |, Resident 'o uit Uetidens in" Forces: fl1] se wines" 1 Phone wuss. $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. isbury is in Kingston with Mrs, A |°" Thureday night ® r Alcombrach, whose little girl is ill ; | You would make $15 per thousand and ex- Fn ry ose little Thieves Sent To Fententiny. i ttention Now tend your investment for a onger period. --_-- Ing BUS te hs my ANS plead. | A atomobile Repairing At Stella, Amherst, Island charging him with theft, David |} WILL SAVE You ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON 1 . B rd. R & C Stella, April 18.--Farmers are Presse, twenty-five years of age, was ||| OUR SERVICE and ADVICE a" the fesult of ¥. onga 3 yerson 0. seeding and report the land to be in [sentenced to five years in penitenti- | if experience, are "The Home of Good Investments." 800d condition. The Stella cheese ary by Judge Kehoe. - Louis Proulx . 287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. factory is in operation with quite a | pleaded guilty to three of four . Sud supply of milk. The steamer Sratyen against him ag the peso: Our workmen are experts--our charges most réasonable, ville is making weekly trips [pl 0 resse, and was sentence { 3 , : between Emerald, Bath, Stella, ana [to three years. The two men terror | [ii Send them to Ws----Ringston's only Battery Specialists. Kingston. ized residents of Balfour township LB Mepern, carpenter and con. | or tho. greater part of Naren se [| WILLARD SERVICE STATION tractor, is rebuilding the house which [reckless campaign of robberies, steal- he purchased in the village from W, [ing provisions, chickens and miscel- | li L LESSES, Prop. Hamilton. Mrs. Hugh Glenn, who [laneous articles from three farm. i ---- - a . recently ynderwent an operation in | houses. - 8 the Kingston Genera] Hospital for re Se, appendicitis, has been enabled to re. turn home. H_ §. Patterson lost a Fined For Theft. : Peterhoro, Ont., April 19.--wil bl k 1 " ' Hyslop and Ba at ain, com inst week. He liam Defoe, of Tweed, removed a : X case of liquor from a Dominion Ex- E _. io . before for a good figure at the Belle- Dress Company's wagon. In the po- . ville District Holstein Breeders' sale, ; fe an IC C es 8. Fleming, assessor, has been mak- | !i°® court the accused Pleaded guilty ] : and was fined forty dolldrs and costs, ing his rounds. Ww. E. Exley, county . | With the option of*one month in jail, - dl eente inspector, paid a visit here re While the driver was delivering " : : : : goods in a nearby store, Defos Carpet eaning, Sewing and Laying walked out and helped himself to a y - Goodyear Tires -- Dunlop Traction Cords Yiurried life means three months case of whiskey which he cached in of kissing and three hundred months | the building he wag employed in. ; of cussing. . ---------------- 272 Baget Street hei comes rm the chron par po SF crn, Canada's Standard Automobile -- a real Canadian product throughout --thirteen fine models, using only two types and sizes of motors--backed by genuine service and sold to the best people. 21-62 Light Six Roadste r $1930 21-46 Four Pass. Master Six Coupe .....$3400 $1030 21-47 Five Pass, Master Six Sedan X10 21-48 Four Pass. Master Six Coupe .. 82530 . 21-49 Seven Pass. Maste # Six Touring ... $2030 Specially selected for Purity and high : of | | I Hot er Ss Tutt A308 . Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, iL : age' Standard equipment--F .O.B. Kingston, $2,500. Allowance for i Sweet Clover, (White Blossom). oo | driving your own car from Oshawa. GARDEN SEEDS-in ckages and bulk from the most relia le growers, - j Blue ; Garages, L im i fo d A new invent OLING AUTOMOBILE. awa Fronah 1} Cor. Queen & Bagot Sts. Phone 567 . Tr automabile en ineer, makes jt poss | leap through fhe ver Sbsfiuet; The device in the {¥ .t - rear o € machine does trick. Ahe photo shows a test {ldren whe "little Is" It Seem paradoxical. But it The man who is always making = car, quipped with the Gauthier device, making a high Jea at home are --t r-- ---- as lis ry for a han to live brut of himself Fo awfully mad if fool of USED CARS FOR SALE ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON | - Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1337. 378 BROCK STREET ---------- -------- in P: s recently. The device is controlled from the chauf- Such when away: from their par-|with her busband unless she quar-|anyome else tries to make a feur's seat, : ents. els with him every day or da > him,