THE PEOP THE / DAILY BRITISH WHIG. --- | DANCING LESSONS Every Night _ Hours 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. | All the Latest Dances MRS. 8. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. Hall Phone 357 - Residence 1878 E'S FORUM } | ------ } ! i | CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES | FIfst [nsertion, 1c. a word. Each con- secutly lasertion thereafter, haif! Cent a word. Minimum charger rf Ohe insertion, ic; three insertions, | 60 cents. | The above rates are for cash only, When charged they are double WANTED GEN ERAL POSITION r ST grapher BY COMPETE LXperie NT | REQUIRED AT 0N( E, TWO UNFLUR aie | ished rooms, for li | HELYF WANTED. esis GOOD SMART BOY WI Apply tu ( bo A GIRL FOR work Apply ise Keeping *hone 13120 EE -------------------------- WANTED TO BUY FORD ROADSTE a r I'ruck, for cash. Patmer's H A BICYCLE Dimers ge corner 'Bagot GENERA Lid Johnsen MAID EMPLOYER Du Moulin, lus Bag | eset ett FARM TO RENT, ABOUT 200 ACRE practical farmer; view t» pur . rank Herring, Ccleman Cool, 'oronto, Street Se ---------------------------------------- MAID FOR GENERAL HOL SEWORK Heterences required Apply 55 West Street OTHER Philip SMALL table and 10 to 25 McCar 56 Br HOT res ar ock street ONT 1 ISHED FLA A NURSE FOR INFANT N MONTHS | ing room old. Apply to Mrs. Birdsall, 55 married King street. 5 FOR CLEANING.| to $9 West street SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT 4 for cash or In part payment of new pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- WOMAN BY Apply or phone EXPERIENCED children. Apply University. Phone Fon AN NURS Mrs, B 4106 and, AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR ra ass ke ii eral housework Apply to 3 Third, 12 Wellnigton p WANTED EXPERIEN( Thi , hand, single, season or yearly a gagement Apply Jas. le I Westbrook en oule COOK, GENEHRAL, FOR FAMILY OF middle-aged woman prefegred. Aj Ply to Mrs. C. F. Gildersleeve, 1 King str evening ON will pay $ terms on city prop- Apply A. F. Purcell 111% | street. Phone 704 = 1 ED TO RROW » rage $4,500 500 on same arty Brock FIR also | TO TAKE ORDERS IN| for an historical volume. | Experienced salesman or saleswo- man preferred Apply in first in- > . 11 n "hia | stance to Box E-11, care Whig | AGENTS 500% | ters for sto WANTED PROFIT GOLD t fice windows ily 'applied; ill not wash off! fr samples. Acme Sign Co., 84% Wells, Chicago, IIL, + ------in CANVASS| -- CANVASSER the city Shits AGENTS 86-10 DA 8, one mon iurse $50; Tractor Course plenty of time to finish for spring rush. Hemphill Bros, Auto Gag Tractor School, 163 King si. W., Toronto. Board and room $8.50 up. Call or write ---- eee GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANT take orders and deliver the line of Te Coffees, ete, | ada Highest commissio; concern in the country | §00ds are guaranteed or 1 funded iach applicant financially responsible looking for a good, independent permanent position with unlimited earning bilities, this. is opportt Quick action neces a Blend Tea & Cof fee, 651 Queen Street Kast, Toronto, | Ont. 3 | ---- ------ JALESMAN -- SELF - RICSPEC Ne) salesman, whose ambition 1g be- | yond his present place, might find more congenial employment with | us, and at the same time double his | income. We require.a man of tleap | character--sound in mind and | body, of strong personality, who would appreciate a life's Job with a fast growing concern, where in- |= dustry would be rewarded with far | above average earnings; man preferred. Apply Mr. White. head, ind floor Royal Bank Ituild- | cant ing, Kingston. | POSITION WANTED, WORK BY THE DAY, Mrs. 3. Wagar, Bath Oitice, Kingston. a msdn COME AT ONCE 1 special short cc Auto Mechanics month Gas o1 N.| $50, the | AND WOMEN, NO Ut to travel and appoint loca] rep- | resentatives, $1,092 and expenses guaranteed year, with che e to ke $2,600 and ex- State age and qualifica- Experience unnecessary ston Co, Dept. G., T onto. MEN I UPHOLSTERING. : - "ALLL OR DRO A CARD TO Ww. g Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st : W. HAROLD FOR YOUR up.| holstering and genera] repairing Leave orders at or drop a card to Clergy street. RED BUTTONS MADE der in all popular shapes an Istering and repairing A Goodridge, 244 Avenue, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re- baired promptly and Buaranteed Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St, tory) ¥. ur ) OR. sizes done. University FIN. = ------ NITURE FINISHING DROP A CARD TO Ww, DRIS. 2 John street G AND PAPER oR ---- ET HANGING APPLY 7T0| PAINTING AND DECORATING, J, H. Road, Post Janeway, 37 Cherry Street. Phone 2126w, ee -------------- Miss © mAb EDGAR, | good | --- i . | INDIAN MOTORCYCL | BUILDING LOT, | A WHEN WANTING PAINTING © Stencil ang ) i op a R grapn work done. White's Liirhangioe cone. drop asad te dirance Lifice, 239 Bagot | ---- TT Sree. - - 3 Street. k $21, 3 one 3 L i : PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING | = rooms and halls; low prices; paper | y : furnished. Work guarantee sat- CHIROPRACTIC, isactory. Drop & Tart ooood sat | WM. A, MARCELLS, D.C ner Princess and Bar B. Rowley, 138 Bay street floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston unt. Consultation free, Telephone ¥22J. Hours 9 to 1! 1to6 p.m T. ese ---- ee GET YOUR SPRING AND 3 stenographer, | HENRY WARD & SON, Paper Hangers and r2.ors. Now ls the your interior 1867J. PAINTERS, interior deco- time to have decorated. Phone AND PAPER HANGING --3, gan, Painter ang Decorator. "Stimates freely given, Metallic gold ters for store and office window 247 Montreal stree: Phone 1 me: oo . a . -- -- = EES NTERING DENTAL. ------ ten, WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPE DR. A. BE. KNAPP, DENTIST, 258 FRIN- See James Selby, Contractor, businosreet. Office now open for University Aveny hone 1898 w business "CARTING. == DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS or | SPARKS, pry tists, 159 Wellington street. over IF YOU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING Place your order with ue ww: | Carnovsky's. Phone 346. now; | DR. RUPERT P, MILI AN, DENTIS Eeneral carting, ashes moved. etc | Princess Street. Phohe 1850. a £3 Andre, corner of Bagot! evenings b. oin % » and Charles Street. Phone 18451 | ee > pp tment = DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, sumed practice at 92 ARCHITECT over Bank of Nova 1602 POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCH. | == tects, Merchants Bank anon { corner o roc and W Sumer. . Veilington | SUMMER Suits cleaned and repaired now. Re- pairing and pressing done prompt- | ly. All work guaranteed. WwW ertson, 273 Bagot street, near Prin- | D Street, { TER | id -- HAS RE. Tincess St, Scotia. Phone EDICAL. DR. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK § Pa emena Mild Weather Fuel Economy Use Pea Coal in the furn ace. Good for any furnace. $1.50 per ton less than ot her Sizes. Consult us regarding its uses. , Jas. Swift & Co., Lid. || . Foot of Johnson Street DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. The place that the people talk about after get- ting a good job on their auto or motor boat, - East End of Wellington St. Auction Sales I am the Lest auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, "hone 1721 or 1428, I -------- Quebec Heaters Neo, 8, 51000. Ne. 8, 912.00 Best Stove 19, Garame or work Shap. Coolts aftd other Stoves as we v i ", : 1 TURK - Phone 50 The vatican denies that' it will mediate for Germany and the United States, FOUND CAR CRANK. APPLY TO T. R Carnovsky, 668 Princess St PETERBORO KEY, NO, 12423 on Johnson and BSyde streets. Owner may h same at Whig Office. FRIDAY AFTERNOON ON GORE sireet, string of beads Phone 163 A CHILD'S BROWN GLOVE Pine Street. Owner ma 1 same at 353 Division 8 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anyt wishing to reacn the « du 80 wy reporting the British Whig ¥ ment will be printed in free of cnarge Found drticles" aves lust dogs, cattie These, i iost, ertisgd for in the ng and wher may tacts to adver- this not in- horses, 1 LOST OR STOLEN. | NO. 11627 MANSEY SILVER RIBBON sie ro Garden Wednes- tw 21 . uppusile the bance k , Bruck street, day evening Kindly rewurn Cr Sireet. Bicy pledse or Whig reflurn uL- Finder Street, a week ago to 174 Riuvan tice. Reward BUILDING LOT, | A TAYLOR SAFE FOR SALE, APPLY | | FUMED OAK, SONORA WITH CABI "| GENUINE GRAPHONOLA FOR SALE FIRST for cash. When You Eat Let It Be the Best. Ask for GOLD BOND CANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS CLASS "IANO, IN ri. Phone | SQUARE cheap dition; 2251w, SAVINGS | STEEL i [ MALL STRONG }® Mills Co, banks. $1.00 each. Clarence St. ALFRED STREET | near Exhibition grounds--3ix100-- | $180. 328. | to the New England Bakery, lingwood street. FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES | Bros. make. Apply Prince of Wales | Lunch, 191 Princess strect. i CK CHATHAM BROODER. ar | Col- | i AT ALL GROCERS REWARD I will give a reward of $20 for infor- | mation leading to she conviction of the rerson who shot my dog on April 12th LEONARD McDONALD | Wolfe Island, Ont { 60 Ch AP. ply Baldwin, House of Industry, 362 Montreal street. Phone 56. records. $80.00 to qu 15 Apply Box B-19, Whig net; ok | of- | ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Under the auspices of the Society buyer. fice. PURE, BRED R. J. RED EGGS; BOTH prize-winning stock Apply of | | combs from $2.50 to 00 per setting. Black, 25 York Street EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE | bred Barred Rocks and White Wy- andottes; excellent layers, $2.00 for | 15. John Potter, Portsmouth. Kingston Horticultural Mr. H. A. Moore BRiy--sl HI Te an] of the Provincial Horticultural Depart QTY a2 King i | ment, will deliver an lustrated Lec- » 371-373 King street, { ture In . Convocation Hall QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY BIG w SALE OF TIRES FOR THIS © rele AND TERN selections; your own cholce, $42.50 Terms §7 cash; §5 per month. C. W, 121 Princess St. ! Lindsay, Limited, BE- SATURDAY, APRIL 16th, an tween Kingston and denham, automobile license No 147-3 Finder please jeave with Sydenh & stage driver. ON ON MONDAY AW and a $5 bill near Mullen's Please return receive rewar "TIKRNOON, $10 BILL on Division Btreet; or William str to Whig Office PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- mouth, Wednesday, 20th inst | at 8 p.m. { SUBJECTS: | "he Herbaceous Perennial Border," | and "Inexpensive Flower ( ens." e" public are cordially Invited. ADMISSION FREE. BICYCLE, "PERFECT," FOR SALE. Tread tires in excellent condi- tion; used only eight weeks Apply 210 Union Street or phone 113. | NOTICE AWNINGS, TEN » FLAGS, Phone 406. W. Cooke. IND 3; CHEAP TO Apply at 7, Pine St quick buy LIVINGSTON AV King street 33x132--3§3!: 621. near Phone GROCERY STORE BRICK : Apply to Box P'-16, dwelling Office Whig ONE ROUND REED WICKER BABY carriage in excellent condition ply 520 Albert street. SELL musical KINDS oF AND BUY ALL also cloth- WE instruments, ing and furniture. Caill.and get our! prices I. Routbard, 289 Princess street. Phone 1723. TWO BRICK HOUSES, 93 AND north side of William Street, water furnace, gas and light Clarence A FRAM Street; electric light; gas; Cheap for cash sale. D-16, Whig Office. hot sireet. HOUSE, COLL lot 73 x 12 Apply Box WINCHESTER PUMP GUN, 12 GAUGE | also one Call at between 7 in first class condition; diamond Hawaii Gultar. 169 Bagot Street west, and 8 pm. MOTOR BOAT, 23 FEET LONG, EIGHT horse power engine; ready to run, cheap Also Studebaker truck; nearly complete. Apply 102 Upper Charles Street or phone 866J. $330 McLAUGHLIN TOURING CAR 1918 model Five passenger; in good runnnig order. Two spare tires. 'Will take Ford car in part exchange 114 Queen Street, SCHOONER "BERYNA CALKINS," carrying capacity 500 net tons. Cap be Inspected at Picton, Ontario Further particulars and price on application. L. VanDusen, Plc- tun, Ont. EN ROOM ILL, BUY A S 33,500 W lights; gas single trame; electrig for cooking; Johnson street. 3L- 300 cash. Balance on time. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. SPECIAL OFFER--FPURE BRED BAR- red Rock eggs for hatching trom Cobourg and Guelph strain; worth $3 a setting; reduced for this month to $1. Orders left at Gil- bert's Grocery will be looked after, CANOES | AND | Ap- | 83 | electric | Apply to W. H. Sullivan, 36 Q.| tires and CONC. a t - te SFE --l 1. wham Jamieson, foreman plumb- | COKE FOR SUMYER VIE CHEAPEST] er in Peterboro, will not be responsible fuel on the market, $2 Ve ate gel for any debts contracted in my name Hyspng od tons al on at" $9.00 | in Kingston or elsewhere, without my en wig "9% 1 written order. Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. writ WILLIAM JAMIESON, 57 Ch 2 St, Peterboro, Ont MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, 167 Charlotte St. Peterboro, Ont. house furniture, specialize in mili- "CLEAN UP WEEK tary boots; buy all kinds second- From: April 25th to April 30th, hand goods; highest prices paid. I. Routbard., Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. n ROC NptClusive (the last week in April) will | White ra VED Jone aNy | be Clean-Up Week. All cellars, yards 40c. each." Hatching | and premises are required to be clean- prize winners, $3 led fuspection will begin on Md h $3 ond, 192 ; oy | May 2 92 Have your premi Joseph White, PIoP¢ first class shape so that the report of the Inspector willsbe favorable W. ALAN STROUD, Chairman City Health Committee in- PURE BRED | MOTOR BOAT, 19 FT. LONG x 4 ¢" beam; engine, 5 h p.; double cylin- der and clutch; auto top and cush- Kingston, April 19th, 1921. ions; speed eight miles per hour; great bargain at $125.00. Apply Knapp's Boat Shop, Barriefield, | thi Wiki AUCTION SALE well-built stone residence, 95 Karl Wednesday, April 20th, 1921, at 1.30 p.m, Street. Interior just painted and| x : . decorated; 12 rooms. Open - fire | 3 of pE-Erade Antigde and Modern | grates. For inspection, apply to J.| urniture at Mr. La irtune's, "dl \ 3 | Bagot street, consisting of parlor fur- Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street, | niture, Chesterfields, easy chairs. rock- |! ers, fumed oak dining room suite, i lor electric lamp, library table phone stand, oak clock, dressing tables, chiffoniers, brass bed, gas stove, refrig- erator, "Pathe" Phonograph, value $300.00, cooking utensils and numerous other articles. BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER Phone 1721. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of John P. Coady, Late of the City of Kingston, In the County of Frontenac, Boller maker, Deceased. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVF pur- suant to R. 8. O. Cap. 121, Sec. , that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of said John P, Coady, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1919, are required on or before the 30th day of April, 1921, to deliver to T. J. Rigney, 89 Clarence | Street, Kingston, Solicitor for the Ad- | ministratrix of sald estate, their names and addresses and full particulars of thelr claims and of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after sald Jast Hietfioned date, Administratrix 0 te, { Will proced to distribute the assets of Lars bi S00. | the deceased among the persons en Camp cot and NAW Mattress $8.50 | titled thereto, having regard to those Demaieds 33.30 to Bioeth, hich she shail then a Sid of ¥ ce, an hat she w 0 Dresaers, bevelled glass, $9.00, $11.00" be liable for any part of said assets to a - : . any person of whose claim she shall ~ LESSE"S ANTIQUE SHOP any ion e . We hay all Rint Sor Furniture, | 35 have hag notice at the time of such Phone 1043. 507 Princeas Street. | T 1 McLaughlin Top Buggy, with steel auto back; almost new. | 1 Ice Cream Wagon and Harness, 2 Ford Speedsters. 1 Seven Passenger Studemaker Car. 1 Five Passenger Gray Dort Car, | 1 Seven Passenger Tudhope Car. Apply between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. at 160 RAGLAN ROAD | BUY EGGS FROM JOHN MARSHALL'S | exhibition strain of White Rocks and White V yandottes; three to five dollars per 15. Henergizer ang Chicklivia for sale. At 101 Queen Street. Phone 181w. | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS ov | good second hand furniture and } stoves. Any person having stoves | enc furniture to dispose of, we will | bay highest prices. J. Thompson, | 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w. THREE BEST KINDS EVER-BEARING Strawberry plants, Suburb, Pro- gressive and Americus, $3.00 per | hundred. Several other Kinds, $1.00 per hundred. Mail orders fill- ed promptly. Phone 1870J. 8. Mc- Cormack, 88 Collingwood Street. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. 1 parlor suite, 4 plece, mahogany $30 $1 RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Big Bargains in Used Reduction Exchanges made. Terms arranged. GEO. A. PALMER Cormer Bagot and Queen ars--Smashing SETTING EGGS FROM DUBERRY'S, second to none, Barred Plymouth Rocks. Individual matings, exhi- bition strain. 2 to $4 per setting 15 eggs. Charles Duberry, 53 Bev- erly Street. ' ALL UNCALLED FOR SUITS AND overcoats from our thirty branches throughout Canada, will be solid at $14.00 each. Odd trousers $3.95. Odd vests $1.50. In many cases this price is less than one-third their actual value, Merchants buy these goods for re-sale to their customers. Wise men will buy two or 'three suits and an overcoat at this price. For sale at our store only. English & Scotch Woollen Company, 79 Princess Street. : CLOTH, CLOTH. CLOTH. DO YOUR women folks need materials in good qualities for their dresses and sults? We have thousands of yards that will be sold as low ag $2.75 per yard, half regular price, in goods ~34 to 68 Iaches wide. This is an excellent opportunity to get ma- terials in bettér qualities than us- ually found in women's fabrics, and also take care of the children's heeds. Call it pur store. English cote oollen Co Princess Street. mpany, 13 EE BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE $730--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; 800d location. $1000--FRAME BUNGALOW: NEW north end; 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot 33x132; for immediate possession. FRAME HOUSE; 11 Room bout an acre of land; suitable ns: summer boarders; near Westport. $2,200-FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B and C.; electrig 1; and ace: §70d cellar, lignls furnace; 13,000--BRICK SEMI-DETAC ED Juoma; B.and C; hot air; El wart VICTORY -- i Rays FOR SALE, MONEY Ne FARM-SHYERAL, GOOD FARMS Vou le. | TO Li TWO LARGE GARDEN LOTS, -- GQ. A. BATEMAN, 158 Wellington Street. Kingston. Administratrix's Solicitor | Kingston, April 11th, 1921. TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, Sydenham Street. T. J. RIGNEY, PEI EPICOPPINIEE S| FOR SALE BY TENDER | Solid Brick House, seven rooms. *| Tenders are invited for the pur- «| chase of this property, No. 109 «| *| APPLY 133 Frontenac Street. House may be inspected by appointm J - | ers received up to ApH 35th. a 3 GARAGE, KING OR GORE STREETS. W. McLean, 203 Willlam Street. 3 | . SR. McCann, phone 326 or 621. * | FURNISHED HOUSE To LET; DESIR. * | 'able logation. Apply by phone 1087. : hb bb bb bbb -> + * * + + + + + * * > + * * + | LODGE ROOMS, 25 x 130 ft. | over King Kdward; possession May 1st. Apply 169 Princess Street. "SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woop, | etc. large or small, fuaranteeq XX | gold leaf: posters, showcards, ete. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AAD BOARD artistically written and designed | ail improvements, centrally locat- RSA, at 205 Princess St-eat. ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. on. a STURAGY roa PUR ITURE AND merchandise; clean dary. Ld LEGAL nd Cann, 86 Brock street. Phone 326 or 621 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- | ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence| A NINE ROUOMED STONE HOU SE, | street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- 146 Montreal St. all improvements ham, Cyril M. Smith. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April ! y 1st, | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER . Te " { and Solicitor. ' Law oXice, corner of | TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN. | King and Brock, er Royal Bank furnished; suitable for light house- | Money to loan. Rhone 1999. keeping. 192 Colborne Street. Tele- phone 1194J. | : PART OF FURNISHED HOUSE FROM July 1st suitable for coupie; west end of city; near car lines. © 0-13, Whig Office. STORAGE FoR FERNITURY, r ITY rovms; your o lock an | key. rost's City Storage. 299-205 Queen street. Phone 526: res. 959w | i TWO FROXT APARTMENTS, MSP). cially furntghed for light house- | keepingi J&¥ for cooking and light. | loneer Apartments, 212 and | i LARG LAND SURVEYOR F. F, MILL! B.A Se. CE, O.L.S, SLs) SO Kapaiee: Ont. on ario urveyor. Kingst . fice: Walkem = Walkem, tia ence street. : i Apply i | CLEAN 4 FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE Agents; establighed in 1 only the'most reliable compani epre- sented. Office §5 (Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC at the 2l4qDivision street. Phone 1434w. TO RENT, 60 QUEEN STREET; LARGE | Jake; stables and sheds; also at! r of 185 Queen; large barn:!| suitable for garage and stables. Ap- ply 185 Queen Street. ty and farm hiCpertien municipal and county ebentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; Jeposits received and interest allow C. Cartwright, mansger, ence etreet Kingston. + TWO FLATS ON BARRIE STREET, near Princess; suitable for dental parlors, offices or living apart- ments. Will alter to suit tenants. Also dwelling on Montreal street | 1. Cohen & | FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, : wood floors, electric light, stove. heater, refrigerato in every way. Rept $ month. - Apply to hite's Ins ance Office, 250 Bagot Street. FLAT Wellington street; bath: heated; electr WOULD YoU Mm dow worth L. Hill, Bou HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers. scars, etc. re- moved permanently. glasses fitted and furn after others have failed. Goltre removed. Y 100,000 Jac six rooms and ossession experience. Dr. Elmer J. Throa years eh Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Phone 1748J. | | AT GARDEN HALL eR RE a Sar TUESDAY, APRIL 1V, 1ws:. GRAND--TONGHT and WEDNESDAY | IGNORANCE! PRUDERY! QUACKERY! HYPOCRISY! are the greatest factors in the spread of a horrible scourge, "See DAMAGED GOODS" Then you will be armed for life against the perfl of living death. PRICES ime Mats. and 35e. Ev Ni esiianp 3Se. d SOc. GRAND 2 DAYS Friday & Saturday, Apr. 22-23 "wos: SATURDAY TRANS-CANADA ALL STAR ENGLISH PLAYERS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS "THE SILVER KING" SATURDAY MATINEE (BY REQUEST) "EAST LYNNE" The best English Acting and Plays at Pre-war Prices! Evealng de, BOe, Tie, $1.00 and $1.50. Mutinee: c. and $1.00. FARMS FOR SALE ACRES, 9 MILES FROM KING- ton; school and church 40 rod; fine , wide verandah and balcony; good cellar; cistern; barn 40x30; cement ; Steel roof; steel stanchions; stalls; holds 50 cattle. 1 barn ; cement floor; tie up 9 horses iris ise in one end. Engine ngine to drive milking separator; pumps water silo; hog pen; cement troughs; hen house; ings all painted; ex- ceptionally good buy. Easy terms. 07 ACRES, 4 MILES FR KINGSTON good buildings; reawd) for selling ill health. $4,000; number of other farms; all sizes and prices. TRUMPOUR & LOYST 111% Brock Street. Phane 704 or 1441w, PRIVATE SALE AT GRANITE LODGE, LO.O.F. Over King Edward Theatre Of LODGE ROOM FURNISHINGS consisting of Newcomb Piano and Player Attachment, Music Rolls, ete., Cork Linoleum, Carpet, rug, curtains and shades, chairs, desks and tables, stoves, dishes, ete. Open for inspection April 20th, 7 to 9 p.m. Sale THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS following, from 7 to 9 p.m. 4 SHOWS DAILY--1.30, 3.30, 7. PRICES . - Saturday WA en, mr GRIFFIN'S Wednesday 200 Monday, Tuesday, Gigantic Attraction The Lone Wolf's Daughter Featuring Fascinating Louise Glaum By Louise Joseph Vance achine; stable; Combining the world-known characters of "The Lone Wolf" and "False Faces." A hauntingly beautiful girl} The world's craftiest criminal! The daring Lone Wolf Himself! Gowns that will get the fash- , lons for millions of well-dressed women! See the Famous Scotland Yard in action. See the wily, all knowing, all seeing, Lone Wolf Himself, Wednesday, SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Return Visit of BERT CALDWELL A winger with a volce! TERMS CASH------ Superiative Music by a great 7 CONCERT ORCHESTRA TEN PIECES Special Musicale, NOTICE BUILDING, BARRIEFIELD COMMON the purchase known as "Hut TWO REEL MACK SENNETT « ® OR COMEDY SALE OF tenders for of the wooden building Bo Barriefield Common, will be- re- ceived at the office of the Senlor Eo sneer Officer, Military District No. § Armouries, Kingston, Ont., up to 12. 0'- clock noon the 25th April, 1921. All information regarding the size and the materials composing this build- btained from Major J. B, Engineer Officer, Mills A¥mouries, King- Sealed Matinees .... . Evenings 25-35e, ing way Dunbar, Ser BE tary District No. unt SUPERIOR IN PICTURES! ch tender must be accompanied by e SUPREME IN MUSIC! t'fied cheque for 10 per cent of the NOW PLAYING value of the tender, made pay- to tne Receiver General of Can- BEAU Cheques will be returned to the imsaccessfu enderers. he i tender will be advised ceeptance of his bid, and on of full purchas® price au- thority wii, be given for the removal of the material The Depar to accept the ent does not bind itself ghest or any tender. EUG. FISET Major-General, Deputy Minister. ent of Militia and Defence va, April 13th, 1921, 1-48-57 od 2 TAUN Anna Sewell's Famous Story TENDERS FOR COAL LED TENDERS addressed to the signed and endorsed "Tender for for the Dominion Buildnigs, One tario and Quebec, will be received at! this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, April 29, 1921, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout! the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. HARD. I IN "THE WELLINGTON» 15¢ | NOW PLAYING PAULINE FREDERICK The Emotional "Roads of Destiny" A Soul-Stirring Drama of the tragic forces of fate--with =n great star and a great cast, Actress Supreme THE QUEENS" (A Christie Laugh Special) "SHUFFLE SELECTIONS FROM "FAUST" CONCERT | tender can be obtained from the Pure tsi pr th iffere y Buildings. Phyllis Deviin, Soprano ers of the different Dominion Building: partment and in accordance with the SPECIAL an accepted cheque on a chartered ban ETHEL CLAYTON in amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds | If required 'to make up an odd amount. Department of Public Works, A new story is going around | the proprietor of a store how he hap- | "De ducks got about all dat cotton, Hit" : {Phis an' dey deducks the eight | dey deducks the taxes--yes, sah, dy Allen Premier Concert Orchestra. By the Famous Strand chasing Agent, Department of Public LATEST NEWS . Tenders will not be considered unless | conditions set forth therein. HALF HOUR DRAMA y payable to the order of the Minister of "THE PRICE of POSSESSION" || of the Dominlon will also be accepted! By order, DESROCHERS, Uttawa, April 15th, 1921. the financial district about an old pened to need credit when he'd such sal," was the mournful reply.» "Well, you see," explained the old | an' dey deducks the storage arges, | ducks got 'bout all dat cotton an® Interpreted by an all-star cast Orchestra | Works, Ottawa, and from the Caretak- made on the forma supplied by the Des SPECIAL COMEDY Each tender must ne accompanied THURS., RL, SAT. Public Works, equal to 10 pc. of the | As secur « or war bonds and cheques R.C Secretary, Insatiable Birds. | Southern negro who was asked by |& good cotton crop. "What do you mean the ducks git i man, "I sent dat cotton up to Mem~ jan'. dey deducks ths commission, n' i - > {dat s;why I'm Lere." MACDONNELL STREET--Small frame house; house; water and sewer. ot 50x120, Price $1,200. ob YORK STEEEf--DBrick dwelling: 9 rooms; § lights and zas for cooking; 3 $4,000. MONTREAL STREET-- Brick house; 7 rooms; electric light, gas for cooking. furnace; good cellar; storm windows and doors; large lot. Price $4,350. THE J. sh. CARKULL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street hen terms, barn; Easy bedrooms; piece bath; garage. Price Combined specification and form off | \