TUESDAY, APRIL 195. 1921. 3 er { Austin's brug Store i NEW 1021 SEEDS JUST IN RENNIE'S, FERRY'S, DUNKIRKS , DISINFECTANTS FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Lysol, Creolin, Formaldehyde, Bulphur and Formaldehyde 5 -- Fumigator: == --alBO MOTH SBALLS MOTH CAMPHOR FLAKES and WAYNE CEDAR PAPER WARDROBE Austin's Drug Store Cormer Kiag and Market Square ; | » |. . Advice Regarding Moving As Conveyances will be much in demand the beginning of May, we advise the timely placing of orders for large wag- gons with us. Kingston Transfer Co. 138 WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 877. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity To Soon Start, It is expected that the Pembroke sawmills will start operations for j this season about thé middle of May. Stop It Now Don't walt until everybody notices r------------------------ your gray hair, but send now for a , ei free trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's: = cA Near in Jakke Hae ae 17 73 Sisecied George Davis, a youth of twenty, on a single lock, watch the gray ea i . : . vanish, In from 4 to 8 days that sin- ! who robbed the cash till in the Arn- | prior C.P.R. depot, getting $40, has gle lock is again its natural coler. Then get a full size bottie and restore been sentenced to a year in Pemft- | broke jail. : 7 all your hatr. Easily and simply applied by comb- ing through the halr--nothing or mussy. Mary T. Goldman's is clean, dainty, coloriess, acceptable to the re- fined. Send for the free trial bottle | and begin your test at once | MARY T. GOLDMAN { Goldman Bidg., St. Paul, Minn, fFESAnEEaesEananannansnny Mery 1. Gotdmen, Sotdmen Bidg.. $1. Pout, Minn. Hope to Re-Open Plant It is expected that the Cardinal | be re-opened for manufacturing on {Jute 1. Some new grinding machin- {ery is now being installed. | -------------------- i Shirts at Reduced Price. negligee shirts, values from $2.00 to $2.50, for $1.50 each. Sizes 14 to 17. Prevost Clothing House, Brock St. - State. - bosses ssnnssesnnencnnd ~ BUILDING REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? oy | ° | Superintendent to Marry, Miss Lottie McCormick, superin- Estimates given by tendent of the Rosamond Memorial 0. Aykroyd & Son | hospital, has resigned, and will leave 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. Almonte on Wednesday for her home ~~ | at Watford, near Sarnia. She is to Dr. Waugh be married during the summer. Dentist 106 Wellington St. Saw Mill Burned, Robert Musclow, North Hastings, mill was completely destroyed by Phone 256. % A | fire. This is the second time inside Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G. W. LYONS aro guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your ore der will be promptly attended . | i | to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. -- PO FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW x LO W THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tissmiths 203 WELLINGTON STREET Pho! | A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. . E. Brawley . SYDENHAM, ONTARIo0, ep ---------------------------------- a PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Bry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 340 Princess St. ® &lso have a full line of reliable makes of Marma- Jam and Jellies for sale Ati Bon Marche Con King and Earl Streeqy License No. 3-37149 Phone 1844. -- REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 4 89 Broc!: Street. _ Phone 424, jof two years that Mr, Musclow has W. H. STEVENSON | lost his sawing outfit from the same cause. * HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Hepaired. rh moderate, 381 KING STREET EAST {Smoke i T&B The longer you use it, the better you like it ~---- Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Carleton Place, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Winni- | fred, to Gordon H., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett. The marriage will take place the end of April --e Purchased a Home, Nelson Bailie has bought the home of the late"C. A. McDonnell on Ynion street, Picton. This property has been in the market for some time. It is a very substantial brick building, |elegantly finished in the interior, {and of modern design. Use in Stone Trade. The Lake & River Forwarding .Company of Alexandria Bay has re- |-cently purchased the steamer Louis | Paklow, to be used in the stone trade | between the quarries in the vielinty lof Alexandria Bay and Lake Erie ports. The vessel formerly hailed out of Chicago and Is 366 gross tons, GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. Has Gone to the West. C. J. White, Toronto, a former res- ident of Tweed, in a letter to the News, says: "Owing to continued ill- { health Mrs. White has been ordered | West for some months with the hope that a change of climate will be ben- eficial to her." Mrs. White is going to Calgary, where her daughter, Mrs. Calder, now resides, CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS Saturday is Special Meeting? The regular weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club was held in the Fron- tenac hotel an Mondon but through an inadvertence, the announcement was made on Monday that it would not take place until Saturday. The Pulurtay meeting is a special mee:- ing. -- To Be Married Wednesday. The marriage of Miss Edith Field- ing, youngest daughter of Hon. w. S. and Mrs. Fielding, and Capt, George William Francis Hodgins, M. C., elder son of Major General 282 Princess Street ment for Eezema and Skin Irrita- ons, It reli | plant of the Canada Starch Co. will | | For a few days only we will put | on sale men's working shirts and | | met with a serious loss when his saw | and Mrs. 'Hodgins; will take place quietly at the home of the bride S parents, Ottawa, on Wednesday af- ternoon, April 20th. fre Me Richey -agN William Metcalfe Richey, Fails, ninety years of life. He was born on April 8th, 1831, in Perth; re- moving from that place to Smith's Falls ini 1866, and continuing to re- side there ever. gince. Mr. Richey 'was long engaged in lumbering on | the Mississippi and the Madawaska rivers, and took rafts of square tim- ber to Quebec. He quit lumbering to take a lockmastérship on the Rideau {canal in Smith's Falls, holding the Smit Purchased a Farm. Sherman Chase has purchased from W. IX. Beech, Vancouver, the farm en tlie north shore of Consec- | on Lake, formerly ewned by the late P.Y. Mr. and Mrs. will not take possession at once, but Jeech will remaiz on the Davern farm for! this season, which thoy havo oeccup- ied for sevoral years, Their friewds regret their anticipated removal but ary pleased te know that they aro remaining. in the vicinity ot | Cousecon Lake. iad A Keal Good Time. Mrs. Aylesworth Cole, M:iford, {waa the hostess of a very jolly birtn- day party in honor of her davghter, | {Miss Helen Cole. The rooms ware | prettily decorated with evergoens and flowers. The evoning was spent {in games, music and dancing, after | which the guests returned to ene | dining room where a dainty lunca was served. In the wee small hours of the morning the young guests re- {turned to their various homes in Fic- [ton, Green Point and Milford. | Had Thrilling Experience. Ormand W. Roblin had a thrilling experience when the steamer Govern- {or was rammed by gq freighter and sunk in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Mr. Roblin was on his way to Picton to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Roblin, Green Point. He boarded the steamer at San Francis- |co for Seattle. R@blin was among [the last to leave tha ship though up at the time of the crash and among {the first to know the ship was doom- ied to go under, Killed on the Railway Mrs. Hannah Sheehan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John P. Finucane, Renfrew, was killed by a train while crossing the track in her home town, Sullivan, Missouri, on March 26th. Death was instantane- ous: Mrs. A. H. Hough, Renfrew, was born in Renfrew op May 29, 1849, and was therefore seventy-two years old at the time of her tragic death. -------- Mrs. G. Gordon Passed Away The death occurred on Tuesday in London, Ont., of Mrs, George Gordon, a life-long resident of Trenton, who went to London last autumn to her niece, Mrs. George Macbeth. Mrs. Gordon, who was 93 years of age, had enjoyed splendid health until a few weeks ago, when she had a stroke and never recovered from it, Her body reached Trenton on Friday and she was laid to rest in St. George's Cemetery beside her hus- band, who pre-deceased her about 15 years ago. ---- Crystal Springs Club. On Friday evening, April 15th, the UF.W.0. Club of Crystal Springs held a successful progressive euchre party. About seventy-five people were present and there were twelve tables. Mrs, Morris, presidant of the club, secured the ladies prizg, whila Wilson Marsh won the gentlemen's prize. 'The 'consolation prizes were given to Marjoria McGee and Wil- liam Patterson. Refreshments were of Chocolates FOR SATURDAY WEEK-END SPECIALS ....39c. 1b. Everybody likes them. ALSO NEILSON'S HOME-MADE CLASSIC and CREAMS at 80c. BOX See our window ! We sell NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS all the time. Take a Brick home with you. Prouse's Drug Store + (Opposite St. Andrew's Church) PHONE 82. than his grandfather could attain at At 33 Napoleon was em of Abraham at Quebec; Stephenson had made many Important inventio "Raven" and Thomas Jefferson thé At 32 Rubens painted his * lished his "Thirty Years' War,') United States Supreme Court. tc rebuild St. Paul's, London, HINDS .. FRONTS LOINS .-. LEGS...... CHOPS . .... Princess Meat 18c. 10c. I5c. 20c. 15e. At 30 Charlemagne had made had sung his deathless song, . nibal had attained At 19 George Washington was and Bryant "Thanatopsis." But never in any previous age as he has in this, hh } . Kerosene, gas and electricity giving tributing to unlimited reading and study in the hours after supper, along with quick and cheap communication boy of 15 to-day a wider vision and broader knowledge of world: affairs And this is called the period of the young man. remember that almost every age in history has been the and At ¥1 Rannie built the London Bridge; At 18 Mendelssohn had produced his SUCCESS IN YOUTH By CHARLES GRANT MILLER | (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) { and transportation, afford, the 50. But it is well to period of the young Jesus 'ended His work in His crucifixion at 33. : peror of France; Wolfe scaléd the Heights | made his first locomotive; Edison ; Gray wrote his "Elegy," Poe his Declaration of Independence. ent from the Cross"; Schiller pub- Story became Chief Justice of the Christopher Wrens started and Maurice of Saxony had sécured religious liberty for the Protestants in Germany. himself master of the French and German empires; Cortez had conquered Mexico; and John Howard Payne "Home, Sweet Home." At 28 Raphael painted the "Sistine Madonna"; "Lalla Rookh" and Pollock his "Course of Time." At 27 Whitney invented the cotton gin. At 26 Howe invented the sewing machine; written "Poor Richard"; Dickens produced his command of the Carthagenian army. At 21 Alexander was at the head of his army. Thomas Moore wrote Benjamin Franklin had "Oliver Twist" and Han- a major. : "Midsummer Night's Dream" . % These are but a few shining instances showing that it has always Market been the day of young men. did the young man havé as good a 3d hs| on Friday last, rounded out Deceased, who was a sister of | bright light at night, and con- | served about. 11.30 o'clock, after whieh the young people enjoyed | dancing till one o'clock. The enjoy- | able evening came to a close by the | singing of "God Save The King." Ninety-Nine Years Old, One of Cornwall's most venerab:e citizens, Alexander McNaughton, ex- public school inspector, celebrated | the ninety-ninth anniversary of nis birth, on Thursday, having boen! bora in the parish of Killin, in Perth- | shire, Scotland, on. April 14th, 1822. ! Mr. McNaughton's great age has in | no way affected his keenness of Inter- lect or erectness of stature and he! is scen at the post office every aay | as regular as clockwork, calling for | | his daily newspaper and other mau, and few are more actively interest- | ed in current events than he. He still steps out quits vigorously, ana | years younger. | Chase | Shipments of Cheese. week the first shipments of cheese went forward to Brockville and Montreal. Sunbury factory, and | John Keenan were the early produc- | | @rs this Year. Mr. Keenan sold on | the street at Brockville at 23 3-4 cents and Model got the same price. | From present indications there will not be a return to last year's panic, { and although prices will be much he. {low those of last year, experienced | | salesmen are of the opinion that the { market will be firm. The island fac- tories will have offerings next wes=k {when the Frontenac board opens, Last ! Soldiers Complain | Three returned soldiers, bed-pa- tients at the Sydenham hospital, said | they were denied the right to vote jon the referendum Monday. Upon | | being rejécted at poll No. 25, Victo- | jr ward, they went to the headquar- | ters of the Citizens' Liberty League | to ascertain what could be done. | | Their story was as follows: "On Saturday, the last day of | registration, Judge Lavell came out | | to the Sydenham hospital and per- | | sonally registered 'all of the bed-pa- | tients to the number of sixteen. We | were of that number. He adminis. | {tered to us the oath and instructed | | us to vote at Poll No. 25, Victoria | Ward. We went / » that poll and | | were rejected. Th& three patients | { Were H. W. Demsky, H. F. Timleck and A. E. Glashon. All of these men served in the Canadian army in France and came back home as casu- alties, having suffered wounds in several actions, { Judge Lavall was located, and | when confronted with the soldiers, remembered registering them, but could not account for the absence of their names from the véters' lists. -------------- Watchful Waiting. Diner--*Now, waiter, what do you mean by keeping me waiting so long? I've been waiting here nearly half an hour." Waiter--*Lor' bless you, sir: I've been waiting here nearly ten years," -- To Match; "What color are you going to paint | Your car this year?" "I don't know; my wif hasn't ordered her spring gowns yet.'--New York Sun. z | hi il JODDS 7 i | might easily pass for a good many | f Help to reduce exchange by buying as far as possible, MADE-IN - CANADA GOODS. In Kingston, we make Sash, Screens. Window Frames; Doors and Mouldings, of "superior quality and at competitive prices, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. \ SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS ~~ SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, 'phone 811. mn ------ -- USE SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR COOKING Economic Wholesome \ Cea Cleaners To Ren For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC ¢o. \WHAT IS WRONG with your car will be surely made right if you send it here for repairs, It makes difference what the trouble is or what make of car it is. We know autos from A to Z and have «th the skill and the facilities to do anys thing needed. Thorough work and moderate chargeg always. Scott's Garage 208 Bagot Street, Phone 1804w. t I no - SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET way now i i f 8 2 3 F5 k ! : F ' ty WH | We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality 2) i Ai i sy H i Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- : TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) EE -------- EE ---------- mss sil & | Ns There are 3,427 languages and dia- ects: But a man can't think of one of them when his wife catches out with a strange chicken,