TH ! TUESDAY, APRIL SISTER SUE By Eleanor H. Porter "POLLYANNA" 19, 1921. E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Continued From Page 1) | HOME FOR AGED | INGSTON IN WET COLUMN UNDER | REVIEW, -.0eiianzns oo | wards: 'Albert Clay Charges Misman- agement---Superiatendent Ready to Meet Them. Albert Clay, 37 Johnson street, | | complains that there has been mis- | management in the treatment of in- { mates at the Home for the Aged. Mr. Clay is a former cook at this in- | stitution, a8 a perfect embodiment of joy through 'self-sacrifice. | The board of directors of this in- i | stitution met on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock to hear charges Mr. Clay | has to make, but ag Mr, Clay did not | put in an appearance at the meeting | the investigation had to be adjourn- led. A resolution was passed fixing '§ | the date for the heaping. of the charges some time between April | 26th and April 29th. 7 ] | Mayor Nickle presided at the meet- | ing, and the other members of the | board of directors present were Ald. | Couper, Dr. W. W. Sands, city clerk: Mrs. W. G. Jordan and Mrs. Strange. When the meeting opened Dr. | | Sands read a letter which had been | written under date of March 15th by | Mr. Clay, addressed to Mayor Nickle {and members of the city council, The Sydenham Ward, 0 AUTHOR OF ... SISTER SUE is one of those rainbow characters of great and §if | shining beauty that Mrs. Porter created with so sure a hand | To the gladness of "Pollyanna," the inspiration of "Just David," and the charm of "Mary Marie," she has added a touch that brought into being a character who will live in every reader's Heart Ontario Ward. No 116 100 87 + 42 44 ee 4D .. . For sale at:-- R. Uglow & Co. 141 PRINCESS STREET St, Lawrence Ward. No 79 96 tesserae . J v0 ur renee Cataraqui Ward. No es seen 74 8B ue nes 93 8b... 72 NO, 8c 178 9a .. 130 No. 9b 123 Jo. 9¢ .. 91 131 Whether you want a Trunk, Suit i Case ot Travelling Bag, you will Exquisite Daum BOW 0 1 eo Ow Ow or -l ke always find what you require here Frontenac Ward. Many a child has advanced much more quickly after we have fitted them with glasses. Let us examine them . If they need glasses we will tell you. oJ. "The House of Better Classes" Opposite the Post Office Phone 6Y9 Kingston PA AAA A AAA At Blown by suction from the intake manifold, a whistle has been invent- ed to warn a motorist that the cir- culation of lubricating oil in his car has stopped, "Gifts That Last" Diamond Rings One important factor in the pur- chase of a Diamond Ring is Glass | We just have a few choice pieces of this beautiful -- | FRENCH GLASS {| in Vases, Comports | and bowls, and the {| prices ranges from $6.00 to $25.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre || JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET | DRAW. WINNETT D.INTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets Phone 863 BONDS AND DEBENTURES #¢ C. 8. KIRKPATRICK | 368 Clarence Street. Tel. 568w, a a "Where To Buy It." Our years of experience in the han- dling of fine Diamonds is an im- portant reason why you should buy from the house that "quality built." Our stock is both large and choice 'at all times. We invite you to our 'Diamond Room." R. J. RODGER "WHERE THE CLOCK IS ON THE WALK" G FOOTWEAR : TIES When buying yo Summer footwear, we STRAPS ur Spring and early know that you will have Straps or Ties--very much in mind, ~ because they will be worn this season. To meet this demand, we stock of fashionable models, expressions of the st . low prices. : w have a large conservative yles, at exceptionally Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE 1 | to appear before proper letter read as follows; "I wish to complain of the mis- management of the local Home for the Aged. Treatment of patients is of such a charicter that should in my estimation be immediately *investi- gated by your body, so that further { abuse may be prevented, and public I should be pleased investiga- tion committee and furnish all evi- dence in my statement." The statement, giving the nature of the complaints of Mr. Clay, was not read at the meeting, owing to the fact that Mr. Clay was not pres- ent, The members were ready to go in- to any evidence that might be given by Mr. Clay and invite a thorough in- vestigation. On motion of Ald. Couper, it was agreed that a date be fixed for the investigation between April 25th and April 29th, It was also agreed to hold the investigation in the city buildings, and Mr, Clay will have the opportunity of having any witnesses he might care to have summoned from the Home called. scandal avoided. Letter from Mr. Clay The following letter under date of April 18th was received by Mayor Nickle from Mr, Clay: "I beg to advise you that through the legal representative being out of town, who was to accompany me at the meeting of the board of directors for the Home for the Aged in con- nection with the investigation, I beg respectfully to advise that I will not be, present. I think in view of this, the meeting should be postponed." The city solicitor will be asked to attend the investigation on behalf of the city, and Mr. Baldwin, the su- perintendent of the Home, who was present at Monday's meeting, and ready to meet any charges that might be made against the management of the institution, will be given the priv- flege of being represented by coun- sel, In view of the reports circulated alleging mismanagement at the home the members of the board of direc- tors are very anxious to have a thor- ough investigation, while Mr. Bald- win, the superintendent, is just as anxious to have the matter taken up. COURSE IN JOURNALISM Four Lecturers to Conduct Special Course, Toronto, April 19 --The first course in journalism ever given in Canada will be held at the University of Toronto next September, probably between the"12th and 17th. P. Whit- well Wilson, a former North of Eng- land newspaperman, now acting as New York correspo= :t for several old country papers, and attached to the school of journalism at Columbia University, has been asked to deliver the lectures on editorial writing and news-gathering. Not Tp to Sample, "It was a case of love sight when TI met Billy." "Then why didn't . you him?" "I met him again so often."-- Sydney Bulletin, at first marry One Jiale and Then Another: Flim--Life cust be an awful bore to Bill Flam--Why? Flim--He's an oil well digger.-- The Panther, No 97 59 92 129 137 86 109 89 82 91 133 146 vi ® w lla . 11) 12a .. « 12) ;. «13a... 18h .. lo, 14a .. . 14b . 14¢ .. . 16a .. 18h .. . 1b¢ Rideau Ward, No 73 68 +168 .. 98 7 72 95 44 180, 17¢c . 184, . No. 18b 18¢ . «18a ,, No. 19b 30a J. vw 20h . . 20¢ VO. 21a .. . 21b . 21c 47 91 42 40 45 49 68 63 Victoria Ward, No 66 67 31 50 90 . 42 39 109 78 73 108 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No 159 93 Portsmouth, No. 1 Portsmouth, No. 2 Advance Poll .... Vote By Wards. No 524 303 175 1022 1250 1180 753 252 20 5,479 A ---------------- SIR JOSEPH FLAVELLE MAY HEAD THE CA. Particularly as Regards the Financial End--Advising Government Counsel. Sydenham .. Ontario .. St. Lawrence Cataraqui ,. Frontenac ., .... Rideau Victoria Portsmouth ., Advance Poll ,,.. cesses seven Ottawa, April 19--The presence in Ottawa of Sir Joseph Flavelle in con- ference with fhe counsel who are advising the government in respect to the Grand Trunk situation, lends color to the repbrt that in the pro- jected reconstruction of the manage- ment of the National Railways, he may become head of the system, par- ticularly as regards the financial end, It is understood that Sir Joseph's services have been sought in that re- gard, but the first intimation was that he was unlikely to accept. He has been here for several conferenc- | TWICE TOLD TA LES | ie News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. "Irish" Day and Harold Singleton claim the early canoeing record this year, as they were out on Good Fri- day. : ; Four distinguished English capi- talists were in the city today. They are Lord Glenconnér, J. Leigh Wood, F, R. 8. Balfour and Marlborough Pryor. . The city's new garbage system will be in action next week 7. eg A man, so far unidentified, was found in a dying condition beside the G. T. R. tracks just east of Collin's Bay this morning. .In a Washington debate on reci- procity, Consul Johnson, of this city, was quoted extensively by one of the principal speakers. ' 8 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, Many business men are protesting against the closing of the lower fire hall. G. 8. Fenwick, B. W. Robert- son, J. 8, Hendry, A. T. Smith, P, Nugent, Thomas Hanley, and many' others are objecting to it. - George Sullivan, Portsmouth, has Sone to Denver, Colorado, to take a position. Angus Deeks has gone to to take up his duties at .Central Prison. 2 : A very large crowd Ig expected bere from Watertown on May 24th. There is now such a thing as bicycle accident insurance, It is e-pected the cost of King- ston's street lighting will drop con siderably in a very short time, If in at the right price. We also carry Wardrobe Trunks. you to visit our store first! need of Baggage, it will pay HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES ~--Whisk-. --Polishes. ~----Brushes. ~--Brooms. Cleansers and all House-cleaning supplies See our large pack: ges of AMMONIA 3 for 23c. C. H. Pickering 490 aad 492 Princess Street. Phone 530. Order carly for prompt delivery NN foe tke m--------------taarmta¥ DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiambing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, es, however, and is back again, but reticence is observed as to his ac- ceptance of such an appointment. The present week in all probability will see formal notice given of the gov- ernment legislation arising out ofthe suspension if not the collapse of the arbitration ,in regard to the Grand Trunk. The whole question is very much involved, and the exact nature of the legislation that is coming is not yet defined, but the effect of it is well known. It will be designed to make sure of the acquisition of the system as a vital link in the National Railways by whatever legal process is necessary, ALL CLASSES SHOULD TAKE THEIR SHARE In Loss in Values in Bringing Prices to Low Levels. Washington, April 19.--Legisla- tion to eliminate unnecessary brok- erage transactions, to facilitate the wide distribution of information re- garding market conditions, and to strengthen the powers of the fed- eral government in its price investi- gations, is recommendad by the fed- eral trade commission in a report on the general industrial situation. drawn up at the req ot President Harding and made piiblic at the White House. "Open price associations," which operate within the law to keep thelr respective members advised confi- dentially of one another's price schedules are accused by the com- mission of contributing to the main- tenance of unduly high retail prices. It is suggested the means must oe found to reduce costs of necessities, such as fuel and housing before oth- er commodities can come back to normal. "It should be said," the report concludes, "'that, following the dis- ordered condition of the world's af- fairs, a shrinkage in values is iu- evitable and that normal conditions will be the more quickly restored if the producer, the laborer, the manu- facturer, the jobber and the retailer will each share at once in the un- ' avoidable loss, and further, that any ' : ¢ ~ OIE -- a! i _l = TI FRE Where long time service is required, Reid's Furniture Proves : FOR SERVICE PHONE 147. | . The Leading | James Reid | Undertaker GOOD RED BLOOD is essential if one is to enjoy vigorous health and ke : 1 factulties. Eliminate wa i AL, Ste malter accumulated during the wins NYAL BLOOD PURIFIER It contains some of the best khown . blood remedies 800d, old-fashioned Sulphur in a readily assimitable form. Clears the skine--eliminates Pimplen--relieves Sprin Fever, $1.00 PER EOTTLE yrag . Sargent's Drug Store with "effort by any element to New Eating House for Ladies and Gentlemen, Frontenac Cafe Everything we serve is best quality and our prices will please you. Comfortable Dining Rooms and the latest § Sanitary Kitchen Equipment. } Call in and give us a trial. ' Open from 7.30 a.m. till | a.m. 65 PRINCESS STREET (near King Street) £, CLEARING OUT SALE Having to vacate our premises. we must sell before April 23rd, the following articles, machines. tools, tc, and we invite prospective pure chasers to inspect them at shop, Though sales may made eariler, shop will remain open for business until 23rd inst ;-- 3 Safe. heavy and light spring Waggons, counter scal § hp. elec tric motor, 2 switches and wiring, ? electric forge fans diel quans tity shafting, hangers, pulleys and belting, hollow chisel mortoising mas chine, Universal wood-worker, ring lathe, woodworkers vice boit and nut threadi machine, light punch and saw gummer, 1mpe Power drill, emery grinder, bending mandrel, tire bender, house Lire setter, tire binder, af ane foot vises. 1 bLlacksmith's vices, anv 3 work benches, 3 des t 8uto box wrenches, bolt cutter, a tongs, etc, and large quantity lumber rims, iron bolts, ete. + McNAMEE & SLACK 54 QUEEN STREET. Fhons 1317w, place its of the consumer, can but result jontinuation of ihe conditions which the country is now su share of the common loss on the shoulders of others, and particularly