Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1921, p. 8

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Un THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Tree y, APRIL 19, 1031. TE -------------- In the Realm of Women--Some 'Interesting Features Watch Your bleeding gums. For it knows that gums are teeth decay, loosen and fall orders, anaemia, and other ills, inary dhe gums firm and health: in, use Forhan's accordin: your dentist immediately and we will mail tube postpaid. Forhan's, 350,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar 431.00) bottles Free to horsemen Who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic. Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers Distemper. ete. Send 25c. for Mailing Package etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Oot. Carbon. Burning and Oxy-Acetylene Welding WRIGHT'S Machine Works Ee Bleeding a Sign of Trouble Medical science knows how serious is the sign of the forerunners of Pyorrhea, that dread dis- ease which afflicts four cut of five people over forty. If the disease is unchecked the gum-line recedes, tracted to rid the system of the Pyorrhea poiscas which seep into the system and wreck the health. ese poisons often cause rheumatism, nervous dis- To avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist often for tooth d gum inspection, and use Forhan's For the Gums. Forhan's For the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress, if used in time and . Ord. dentifrices cannot do this. Forhan's keeps y--the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. If gum-shrinkage has already set 's to directions and consult, or special treatment. 35c and 60c tubes in Canada and U. S. If your ruggist cannot supply you, send price to us direct Formula of R. J. Ferhan, D. D. S. Gums-- tender and bleeding out, or must be ex- consistently. Lid., Montreal ALSO IN YABLET FORM FOR THOSE WHO PREFER THEM. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION 1 40 Princess St. « « Phone 1204, -------- There wouldn't be many marriages it girls selected their husbands with a8 much care as they select hats. Pr CANADA! ------ A woman will buy six articles in ; one day if they cost $1.98 each. But [Ingredients of the soap-making in- she would hate to buy anything that | dustry of the islands. cost $2. th hn] CANADA'S HOPE LIES IN LAUNDRY SOAP It brings Sunlight and Comfort to every home. Is it any Surprise the wonderful results that come from its use? A good mother and sweet-faced kiddies and a clean home makes daddy happy. He hurries home, hands. no stops, and puts his wages into trusty Does he want old conditions back ?--not on your Lifebuoy. Big Soap Bale now on! 10 BARS BEST LAUNDRY SOAP Gilbert's Grocer 104 Barrie Street. Nr rm pn cn, ci in, 80c hone 234. Sherwin Williams SHER---~WILL--LAC VARNISH is the best market. choose from. If STAIN you can't phone 216. W. H. Cockburn & Co. of the Columbia Grafo- nola placed as they are at the face of the tone chamber, control the vol- -ume without effecting the purity of the tone. Grafonola X-2, now $95. 121 Princess Street, Kingston ts -- ------------ ee ------ ee ------ Varnish Stain on the Ten different shades to call, | ------ Minute Journeys Where Puddings Are Kept For Sev- | \ Y i e The 'reat aref covered by the Solomon islands makes it gsemingly | inevitable that there should be large variations in temperature. northwesterly and sou. easterly in the west Pacific ocean, bu' moun- tain ranges tower into th. skies above some of the isla-ds. On some of ti:ese islands the clim- ate on the coast is exc: ssively hot. Here, among the bars and creeks, there are countless mos itoes. Com- sequently, malaria is common. A few miles inland may rise a mountain on | whose top the thermometer always registers a degree of extreme cold. It would seem possible that some- | where on the land between the shote and the mountain .peak there might be found a climate equable and safe | | Yet those who have tried to find such spots have told 'of their troubles in terms of mosquitoes and natives, as | well as heat and malaria, Tulagai is the seat of the govern: ment, but although it is a pretty place, ft is unhealthy. Some day, however, {t is promised A Pudding Storehouse. {that the mosquito will be banished. j Even now malaria is fought by mod- ern methods. On the chief islands the principal commercial connections with the out- side world are due to the making of {soap. The palm, which supplies the | cocoanut, is the reason for the ifi- | dustry, for cocoanut oil is one of the Many tons of the oil of this nut are exported in their raw state for manu- facturing in this country, Our illustration, however, is not of |a machine related to the soap ingre- |diant or the soap-making industry. {It is a native contrivance--a pud- | ding place. v On the Solomons grows a nut which is related to the almond. This nut is paid to possess medicinal quali- ties of high value. But the natives use it to- make a pudding, which, when smoked and encased in baskets | made of wicker, keeps for 'several years, Those who Dave tasted of this Solo- mon island almond pudding declare | that it is very sweet, and yet is a palatable and exceedingly nourishing food, T0-DAYS FASHION For In- | stance, nn' only do thess islands ex- i tend for abcut one thousand miles substitute blue, coral or green bunds | as the neutral tone of the gray linen {in arf admirable background of gay ! colors. TASTY RECIPES 12 Layer Cake. One of the most popular cakes | served is a "torte" made of 12 very | thin layers. For the layers beat to a | cream the yolks of six eggs and one and a quarter cupe of powdered su- | 8ar; beat in three-quarters of a cup | of flour, measured after gifting three { times; beat the whites of the six egps j until light and stiff and fold care- | fully into the flour mixture { ~ Turn cake pans bottom up and | butter, sprinkle lightly with frour. | Spread over the buttered and floured {ting a very thin layer of the cake mix- | ture and bake in a moderate 'oven: | a8 soon as baked remove with a thin | knife or spatula. The cake will be | better if 'ayers are made the day be- | fore using. For the Hlling beat to a cream one cup of sweel butter and place on the | ice until wanted. In a saucepan | place halt a pound of broken sweet | choeolate, one cup of strong black | coffee liquid, one cup of granylated | sugar and boll until it can be pulled like candy; remove from the fire and beat until quite cold, Beat in the creamed butter and spread thinly be- tween the layers and thick on the top and sides. Great care must be used in baking and removing the layers, as they should be as thin as wafecs, Russian Tea Cakes, * Russian tea cakes as served at one of the Greenwich Village tea rooms are made by miging one cup of sugar with one cup of beaten egrs, one cup of sour cream and enough sifted flour to make a dough stiff enough to handle. Place on a floured board and roll out very thin, ohe-quarter inch thick; spread with a thin layer of butter; fold the dough, roll out | and spread again; repeat this four times, using a cup and a half of but- t © in all. Place the dough in a bowl, cover and place on the ice to harden. When tt. dough is hard, roll out of YOry thin and:spread-with>g-miztiire Of one cup of copped seeded raisins, half a cup of 'chopped blanched al- monds and sugar mixed with a little cinnamon. Cut into seven-inch strips and roll each :trip like a jelly roll. Cut into squares, sprinkle with chopped almonds, sugar and cinna- mon. Bake in a hot oven > Raised Tea Cakes. For sour cream raised tea cakes, beat to cream half a cup of butter and add five egg yolks, two table- spoons of sugar, grated rind of one lemon, onescup sour cream and two An Unfailing Way To Banish Mairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be remov- ed in the privacy of your own home it you get a small otiginal package of delatone and mix into a paste etiough Of the powder and water to cover the hairy surface. This should be left on the skin about 2 minutes, then removed and the skin washed and every trace of hair will have vanish- ed. No harm or inconvenience can result from this treatment, but be sure you buy real delatbhe. Almost 1) Unbelievable You can hardly realize the wonderful im. mirror will reveal fo you after using Gouraud's Oriental Cream for the first Send I5¢. for Trial Size ( RT riental Cream By Vera Winston. Lb-- Gray Linen Frock, Gray is one of the colors which fe highly indorsed for early spring. Al- though 'at first it was used exclu- sively for grown-ups, yet it is now found in the realms of children's wear and is most fashionable. ; The dress is made of gray linen, a fabric once more in favor, Bands of orange linen encircle the neckline, short sleeves and the low- er part of the skirt, and from it are tashioned small, tailored bows which are placed at the left side. Should you prefer it, you might rose tint to pale cheeks--as told read by half a million cakes of yeast dissolved with a little Sugar in two tablespoons of lhuke- Warm scalded milk. Mix well and Work .in three cups of sifted flour, when spoon on well buttered pans and let rise until light in a warm place. Place on the top of each cake a seeded rais- i brush with beaten €gg white, iia with---Sugar and bake ten mi es in & hot oven. -- French Raisin Cake. French Raisin coffee cake as made by one of the big hotel pastry chefs Dissolve one cake of yeast in a little lukewarm scalded milk. Place the Yeast in'a cup with two tablespoons of lukewarm water, a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of suger, mix well and set in a warm place to rise. Beat to a cream one-half cup bf butter, add one-third cup of powdered sugar, and mix smooth, stirring constantly in one direction. Add one at a time the yolks of four eggs and the grated peel of one lemon. Place in a bowl two cups of sifted flour and make a hole in the center, pour in the raised yeast and one cup of luke-warm scalded milk; beat to 4 smooth light batter and add the creamed butter and egg mixture, stir until it blisters and leaves the bowl clean; add one cup of chopped, seeded raisins, half 8 cup chopped blanched almonds and the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs. Pour into well buttered cake molds, set in a warm place and let rise until double in bulk, about three-quarters of an hour, bake in a moderate oven forty-five minutes. Fill center with whipped cream and pour over orange sauce, Oldest Alcoholic Drink. Next to grape wine, it is believed that Japanese sake, of rice wine, is the oldest alcohclic beverage known to man, its use in Japan dating back over two thousand years. -------- A girl doesn't forget to wash her hair every now and then. But you can't always say that about her neck. ---- well mixed drop from. a. tea. /# "It runs | ** Yel Sah Clean, savory, wholesome for table use. Never affected by da y dampuness-- ways pure, spark. ng, free-running. Made in Canada Western Salt Cs, Limited Soap Keeps the skin healthy and sweet. It's Best cad Bes for To ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, Mire, Moatreal D740 "A Beauty Sleep"--and then Try it for 30 days--to prove This is what thousands do at the direction of experts to win back the healthful by the editor of a famous magazine which is women. sleep regular hours, and then start breakfast with lump, delicious fruit-meats stewed so the juice hour. HeCessar, contain this page. A more alluring fruit in any home--nor any other food that's more Read opposite what Dr. J. H. Kellogg, an authority who has made a life-time' stud} of foods, thinks of the raisin. You'll serve stewed raisins evity.moming when you know the good they do. Luscious nuggets of food-iron comparable, nataral on the cheeks the reward. irresistible attraction pound of pound of ¢ sugar of clear, white skin that the color off -- marred by blemishes of sallow ing Great sanitariums serve stewed raising to thew. matic patients when other fruits A So this simple but effective food is one of the fight dis absorbed. Let every member, of the family have sewed Lvi\" raising. Be sure to mail cou for "100 Raisin Recinen oS te Tek that every with or wit "A Beauty Breakfast" TRY THESE. Stewed Raising Cover Sun-Majd Ralsing with cold wa- ter and add a slice of lemon Or orange 10 each half pound. Place on fire; bring to a boll and allow to simmer for one Sugar may be added. but is not as Sun-Maid Seeded Raisins natural fruit sugar. Berve hout cream. . e says: $ is head of the famous Sanitarium) Battie "Raisins are served om the Battle Creek Sanitarium Table every da A ins has twice the food value, an eéguidl amount of irom and seven times an much food lime as =» choleest lean steak. .The ising is much more whole ne Io (may omit) Wash ride and place in double boiler with 4 cup Jaten Cook until water is til rice tender. cup pith 2 cups milk, cook un- A A the remainin r, spice an Bialik dic 5 ond bake add the su r ry EA ------ ps mn

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