10 New Columbia Records Now on sale READ ON 4 Ofcourse, the leader is our friend, AL JOLSON. In this latest song of Liis, he cert ly gives his voice full power. Have him tell you all about RING A RING I Gave : DING. Better than Chili Bean, Her That, etc. You'll be singing it with . Jolson before the song is half done. Coupled with by Frank Crumit, "Home Again Blues" --A3375--%$1.00. A FEW MORE POPULAR SONGS I Found a Rose in the Devil's Garden Sam Ash Over the Hill---Samuel Ash . Springtime---Sung by Grant Stephens, Tenor Sia With the Coming of To-Mofrow--Grant Stephens I Ain't Got Nobody---Marion Harris, Commedienne Where is My Daddy Now Blues--Marion Harris SURE FIRE CATCHY DANCE SENSATIONS SIAM S00---Song Fox Trot--The Happy Six. Make Believe---Medley Fox Trot--Wal- dort Astoria Orchestra ....A3379--$1.00 Love in Lilac Time--Medley Waltz and Mel- lo 'Cello--Medley Waltz Metropolitan Dance Players--A6181--$1.65 Pebbles-- Medley Fox Trot--Paul Biese Trio Fandango--Fox Trot--Paul Biese Trio-- A3368--81.00 I Never Knew---Medley Fox Trot --Vernon Country, Look for the Silver Lining Fox Trot--Club Band-- A3378---%1.00. . OTHER FINE RECORDS FOR YOUR LIBRARY Do You Hear Me Calling? Margaret Romaine Alice Blue Gown--- Margaret Romaine Under the Bridges of Paris--Waltz--Lé 3 Manon's Letter--Waltz-- French String Orchestra . Vespri Siciliani--Overture-- Metropalitan Opera House Orch. Selections--Lucia Di Lammermoor. -Met. Opera House Orchestra .. Barcolle from "La ( focondra'--Riccardo Stracciari and Metropolitan Chorus .79636--8$1.00 49914--81.50 another new one €) L Al378 $1.00 .++.A6178 $1.65 This list is only a small representation of the lot of excellent ones which have just been put on sale. If you can call in to héar any, send us your name and we will fnail you a catalogue. ? Get the Habit: "Fer Records, Try Treadgold's First." A big stock means quick service. We have both. Store open Saturday edenings till 10.30 p.m TREADGOLD SPORTING "GOODS CO. "THE PLACE TO GENT THAT RECORD" 88 PRINCESS STREET : : E7027 | $1.00! Telephone 529. | SPRINGTIME IS HOUSE WIRING TIME Enjoy the comforts of Electricity. Let us wire your home. We are experts. Estimates cheerfully given. ; H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC (Co. Phone 441 167 Princess Street ------------ OUR SELECTIONS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ] In the World of Sport ¢ PENNANT TWINKLES {IN McGRAW'S EYE ~~@iants "Think Jennings With] ' Show Them Way to the Championship. Status of Hughey Jennings--new- | comer to the Giants' staff of profes-| | sors--is settled, apparently i Jennings will earn his manufacturing Giant PEP The McGraw regime is not to ead this year. In fact, McGraw is slated to use a heavier hand In stirring the pen- nant pudding than hg did in 1920, The grizzled lead:r of the Goth- amites wanis to win another pea- nant before he begins hiring men j to run his Giants. { McGraw--always a hard worker {In his own training camps--Iis show- | ing more enthusiasm than ever, Jennings' job for the present, at least, i8 to coach, sing out his col- orful E-Yahs, pick grass apd lavish- {ly spilt the Jennings brand of pep. i MeGraw is in uniform every day | He sits in the dugout and continues { his little Napoleon strategy of win- |e ball games. salt by When Jennings gets the hang o° | things in. the National League then | his chance may come. It is just as much of a step-- even more so perhaps--for a mana- {ger to change leagues as it is for | players. Styles of doing things in John- |son's circuit differ from those prac- | tised in Heydler's. | Also Jennings must learn his new | players -- their weaknesses and | strong points -- as well as those {of the men on' the other seven clubs. | Neither McGraw nor Jennings | will discuss their present relations. | McGraw does say that the run- [ning of the team after the season | starts will be the same as it is now. | So that's the dope on these two jat this stage. MGraw and Jennings enjoy each » | other a lot. | Both like their little jokes. | Occasionally they play third and | short during the warm-ups. Peterboro to Form Rowing Club A meeting will be held early in the week for the purpose of forming a rowing club in Peterboro. The pro- moters' plans are vague as yet, but they include the organization of sev- eral fours and possibly a number of pairs. It is hoped by the backers of the movement that Peterboro colors may be seen in some of the big sculling events soon, Why He Was Sad. Apropos of the discussion going en in the préss these days as to the use of dogs in hunting a good story is told respecting a well known eports- man who 'went up north ahead of his party last fall to enjoy a few days' shooting "on kis own." On the third day he returned. "Haven't you brought no deer or partridge back with you?" asked his wife, "No," 'he replied. "Why?" she pursued, "Are there none up there?" "Plenty." "Well, then, what have you come back for so soon?" "Well, to tell you the truth, Mar- tha," he replied, sadly, "I've run out { TO SAIL ON MAY 4. i ---- Carpentier Will Leave for United States to Fight Dempsey. Georges Carpentier. who is to hox Jack Dempsey for thé world's heavy- weight title July 2nd, will sail ror |New York May 4th. This intorma- tion was received by Promoter Tex Rickard in a cablegram from Car- pentier's manager, Descamps. | Descamps stated that Carpentier land his party of trainers, sparring partners and others interested in the French pugilist's - coming battle | would sail on the Savole and that | he already was in good physical con- | dition. Six weeks of training will | be all that is necessary to send him ig the ring in perfect shape for {the most important contest of his Iring career, according to his. mana- i ger. | PUT YACHT RACING ON | STANDARIZED BASIS The Inter-Lake Yatching Associu- tion at its annual spring mebting-in Cleveland, Ohio, acted to standard- ize the rig of boats in races. lt was voted to adopt rules of the Yacht | Racing Union in governing tho nse {ot Marconi rigging applied to Class R in star, cruiser and catboat class boats. This means that hows will be universally rigged and plice competi- {tors on equal footing It was also decided to put yacht racing on a standardized basis, so | on an equal feeting. Star boats will race this under the rules of the Long Idland | Star Class Association. Golf Healthful The medical profession is a unit in prescribing the game of golf as one of the most health giving exercises that mortal can indulge in. That the disciples of Aesculapius believe in taking the "medicine" they so freely prescribe for their patients is amply demonstrated by a perusal of the an- nual reports of golf clubs which have been coming in by the score the past few weeks from every city and town in the Dominion. There is hardly a club that does not boast the name of a doctor, sometimes several, on its board of directorate. The medicos, in increasing numbers, are taking up the game enthusiastically from coast to coast, It would not be a bad idea, perhaps, if they formed an associa- tion in every province and arranged for an annual tournament, From a numerical standpoint, at any rata, there would not be the slightest dit- ficulty in arranging such events, Doc- tors literally by the hundreds are now 'playing the game" in the Do- minion, : ---------- Should Engage Shrubb, Toronto Star; Alf Shrubb, the fa- mous English lohg distance runner, who returned to England last sum- mer to coach Oxford track and field athletes, writes that he wound up his season with Oxford by tying Cam- bridge in the annual college cham- plonships. He is free until October 1 and may return to Canada. Shrubb would be a valuable man for the On- tario Boxing Commission to utilize in coaching and organizing public school athletics. He has had the ex- perience and has a personality which would suit the task, baseball briefs Twin City Ball Officers The Twin City Baseball League will be composed of four teams this [a LEAGUE PROPOSED boats can compete in inter-city races | Th season FOR BRITISH RUGBY The British. -Rughy *Union-of- Toe: ronto is negotiating with the Mon- treal Union for arrangements for an inter-city game, to be played int To- ronto this spring, the match to be played by teams selected from the different teams to represent the cities. Much interest is being taken in the project by rugby men, and it is hoped that thé'match will be ar-T ranged, as it will give an impetus to the sport in this district. It Is un- derstood that Hamilton is also intes- ested in rugby, and Ottawa is form- 'ing a union. The sport is now recognized by the authorities of the University of Toronto, and a team representing the University of Toronto will compete in the league next fall. Last fall the Varsity boys showed great prom- ise and next season should take some beating. . In Montreal a six-team circuit has been formed, McGill University en- tering three teams, one recruited from Western Canada players, an- other representing the Maritime Provinces, and the third composed entirely of Old Country players, It is hoped that next fall the first inter- qu 2 SH Phone 1042 A --ALL-WAY OILERS. ~ POLISHES, > --WIND DEFLECTORS. --ENGINE ENAMEL. ~--and anything special. Phone S18w, WEDNESDAY, APRIL ee PLEASED WITH OUR HARDWOOD FLOORING The following letter was received by us from a satisfied customer; -- "Gentlemen: --In These' days, when it is so easy and human to find fault if things one buys are not just right, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that my family "Wool Iooring ured from you a few w hard. ago. It cost us $23 to cover a room about 15' x 9' 9", and had some to spare. It would be very hard to get any other covering of near the valuc for the same money. to whom we will be pleased to show which we laid ourselves." You may give my name to any enquirers; the floor, ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street NECESSITIES FOR YOUR MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR BOAT ~--BRUSHES. ~--LENS. (CUSHIONS. ~--SPARK PLUGS. Automotive Equipment 109 Brock Street, Kingston. Tourists' Bureau--Mfg. Agents--Accessories 20, va. ST i ITT - collegiate English Rugby games be- tween McGill and University of To ronto will *be played. A Right-About-Face. | e Maryland Jockey Club has done a right-about face in the Bed- well case by accepting the Ross en- tries with H. Guy Bedwell as agen'. The Maryland state commission threatened to refuse a license for the spring meeting at Pimlico so the club accepted the only alternative open to it. Meanwhile Commander Ross Some Automobile Bargain One small Six McLaughlin. One Two Second-hand Ford Touring. These can be seer at:~--- Second-hand Chevrolet. MCALLISTER & DRAKE THE AUTOMOBIL E MECHANICS Benzer Lens always in stock. 593 Phone 1750. PRINCESS STREET Phone Res. 12467. is on his way to Baltimore and as- sures his friends that he will race | wherever he pleases this year ana that everything will be straighteneu out shortly. | One of the biggest dog shows in | the Northwest this year, will be the annual exhibition of the Puget Sound | Kennel Club, which is to hold forth | in Seattle during the first week of | May. { Eighty boxers and wrestlers par- | ticipated in the annual Pacific North- | west amateur championships at Port-! land, Ore, Do Your Ears Buzz ? Have You Headaches ?| When your ears ring, your head aches, and you seem slightly hard of | hearing, beware of Catarrh. Mr. J. | A. Hammil writing from Green-| mount, P. I, was similarly troubled. | and writes: "No one could have | worse Catarrh than I had for years. | It caused partial deafness, bad taste, upset my stomach, made me sick all | over. "Catarrhozone" cleared my nostrils, stopped the cough and gave me a clear feeling in my breathing organs. I am now absolutely well, thanks to "Catarrhozone." Nothing 80 certain as a Catarrhozone Inhaler to strengthen a weak throat, to rid you of Bronchitis, to drive out Ca- tarrh, coughs and colds. Sold every- where, 25¢., 50c., and one dollar for complete two months' treatment. Dealers. The Catarrhozone Co., of Montreal. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES ON TABLES--OAK, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY EASY CHAIRS, CHESTLRFIELDS AND ROCKERS -- LAT. EST RECORD DESIGNS AND FINISHES. R. J. Reid Phone 577w. - Leading Undertaker EET ES ox 0 FSA = ) ) V =Q Ut i - of dogs!" Every Woman in > Poor Health Has an awful struggle. Lots to do, all kinds of worry, poor appe- tite, headaches, weakness. Her one desire is for more strength and bet- ter health. What sickly worn out women need is a cleansing, blood purifying remedy like Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. This wonderful medicine clears out the wastes from the BYyS- tem, regulates the bowels, helps the blood. To look your best, to feel fit and fine all day, to be free from lassitude and headache, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. 25c. at all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Smoke F fill Your mnioyment; Sat year, including the Dominion Rubber System, the Moose, the Monarchs, all of Kitchener, and a team to be or- ganized in Waterloo. The following officers have been elected: President, Willard Box; secretary, F, J. McKel- lar; treasurer, J. M. Millman. ------ The coming track and field cham- pionships of the Intercollegiate As- sociation of Amateur Athletes of Am- erica at the Harvard Statium, will be the 45th annual meet of the assocla- tion. Victoria at Vancouver, and Yaki- ma at Tacoma, is the way the four clubs of the new Pacific Internatfonal League will line up for the season's opening games on May 3rd. The Anglo-American sport compe- titions scheduled for the coming summer will include about everything from golf to rifle shooting. d John C. Welly, president of the National Trotting Association, is breeding three mares to Dillon Ax- worthy, 2.10%. When they are engaged, he prom- ises her that she will wear a diamond on each finger. And when they ars married she wears the diamonds in the corner of her eye. IN Spring Woollens! More Tobacco for the Money HIS 4 fi) while not as large as some years v ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work: --_--= CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS Bagot and Brock Streets SOIT LL 08: TIES Leva: | Canada's best byy- 0 the ECONOMY Package. WW %Ib-85¢ gh sugpngnd _--a-- p-- 0 EEC Emini W Eos PS ---- DR. NASH BRINGING UP FATHER r iT How i 3 87 i: BY GEORGE MeMANUS : YES LONG ot = ENOUGH TO ; GIT THIS BLACK ONT WILL, MAGGIE - THE JANITOR ou | TELL HIM? WANTS ME TO TELL YOU TO STOP SINGIN DID YoU HOW DARE GIT HER TO YOU INTERRUPT ME? 183 Princess Street. 'Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. Kingston Cement Factory ers of Hollow Damp- Cement. Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement sork. . Factory: cor, of Charles and Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Phone 730w. =