. 1 recelyve prompt attention. Shop treet. dy 2% Queena S SHEIMEIRSCELE | Freckles Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These | Ugly Spots. ] Do you know how easy it is to. re- move those ugly spots so that ro one | will call you. freckle-face? { Simply get an ounce of Othine, double strength, from your druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of | freckles and get a beautiful complex- | ion. The sun and winds of March have a strong tendency to bring out | freckles, and as a result more Othine is sold in this month. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as | {this is sold under guarantee of money | back. if it fails to remove the freckles. i ett Pt i oh i po Rm -- [orders ST.CHARLES 4 EVAPORATED | | "on ! i { Catarrhal - Deafness and Head Noises TELLS SAFE, SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME. | If you have ecatarrh, --vatarrhal| deafness or head noises chased by ca- tarrh, or if 'phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the 'gstomach or bowels you wiil be glad to know that these distressing symp- toms may be entirely overcome in many instances by the following treatment which you can easily pre- pare in your own home a: little cost. Seture from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home and add to it 3 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved.* Take one lespoonful four times a day. An improvement is sometimes noted at- ter the first day's treatment. Breaths ing should become easy, while the ng head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, ete., should gradually disappear under the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defective hearing and mucus dropping in the back of the | throat are other symptoms which | t the presence of catarrh and w may often be overcome by this efficacious treatment. It is said that nearly ninety per cent. of all ear trou! are cansed by catarrh and there must, therefore, be many, peo- ple whose hearing may be restored by this simple, harmless, home treat- re muscles i { i 'known his "PROBLEMS : or FL zz A ~ a - NN ii i f Th 1h . WEL WIFE--Oh, dear! I've s HUSBAND--That's nothin \N /, \ tHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Zora 8. © IF DREAMS CAME TRUE Johnny Green Frog sat on the log worm, and he sighed so deeply that Daddy Pike laughed at him. "You may laugh and make fun it you wish," croaked Johnny .Green Frog, "but I guess it wouldn't be so funny if you were in my place." "Well, now," snapped Daddy Pike, "I really didn't mean to be rude, but I can't for the lite of me see why any one should sigh on such a lovely day as this . "Pooh !"- croaked Johnny Green Frog. 'What has the weather to do with one's eating, I'd like to know? I guess if you hadn't a tooth in your head you'd feel slighted, too. It's no laughing matter." "No teeth!" exclaimed Daddy Pike. "Why, really, Johnny. I didn't know that! What a terrible calam- ity! Indeed, I shouldn't know what to*do without mine. Why ,how in the world do you eat without teeth?" ' "Easy epough after you get used to it," snapped Johnny Green Frog. Ever since he had been old enough to | know other folks had them, Johnny Green Frog had longed for teeth. "But ,how do you catch your food without teeth?" asked Daddy Pike, swimming nearer to get a good look into his friend's mouth. "Oh, just run out . tongue this way!" and Johnny aren Frog's tongue shot out of his' mouth and nipped up a fly. "Then I swallow it right down : * "Terrible!" cried Daddy Pike, "I never heard of such a thing! If I were in your place I'd go to old Perch Witch and demand a set of teeth," and making a great. splash, Daddy Pike swam away, 5 Johnny Greeen Frog sat and thought a long, long time Atter Dad- dy Pike swam away. The sun was warm and it made him feel drowsy and lazy. "I'll just run over to Perch Witch's place before I take my afternon nap," he yawned. Then he scrambled down the side of the log and swam to old Perch Witch's house. She was glad to see Johnny and invited him into her funny little house under the stones. Johnny Green Frog soon made wants, Perch Witch aidn't seem to think it was a strange request, and right them ang there she fashioned Johnny two lovely rows of teeth and fastencd them in- side his mouth "At first they'll feel queer," she laughed, but you'll get used to them," and she bowed Johnny out of the place, » » My! How full his mouth felt! He tried"to swallow, but the teeth seemed in his way. He spied a fly, a beauty, but when he tried to pop his tongue out as he usually did, it ba- came entangled in his teeth and ho | nearly tore his tongue. Then he tried tg bite at the fly with his teeth, but: he couldn't get near enough and tha fly sailed away. When Johnny Green Frog reached { home, Daddy Pike was 'waiting for him. But when Johnny tried to speak to him he found his teeth took up so much room in his mouth he couldn't talk. { He was having a | when his little sister, Sadie Green | Frog, hopped upon the log and shoved him into the water. Johnny Green Frog opened his eyes | with a start. He had been .asleep and had {dreamed the whole thing, but.it 47 seemed 80 real he could hardly be- | and watched old Daddy Pike biting a | lieve his és when he saw his reflec- | tion in the water and saw no teeth | in his mouth. : | "Really, sister, haven't 1 any | teeth?" he asked, as he hopped upon | the log again' beside his sister. | "Teeth!" laughed Sadie. "Why, | who ever heard of a frog with teeth?" | I should say not! I wouldn't change | my long, sndppy tongue for a set of teeth for anything," and she snapped {up a fly who was basking in the | sun. ¥ Johnny Green Frog never said a word, but down in his heart he was | certainly glad his "wish had been only a dream, HOW RHEUMATISH | CAN BE OVERCOME Rubhing, But by Enrich- ing the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder" of the | blood. It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with acid |and impuritiés, thus . setting up inflammation in the muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold wea- ther may start the tortures of rheumatism, but it is not the cause. The cause is in the blood. * Victims of this mala have every reason to fear the firsd dull ache in 'the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through the fi muscles; these are ihe symptoms 'of poison in the blood, 'which will shortly leave the victim painracked and helpless. Iini- ments, hot applications and rubbing may give temporary ease, but can- no' possibly root the trouble out of thé system. That can only be done by 'énriching the blood, This new blood drives out the poisonous im- purities, and the rheumatism disap- pears. If you are a 'sufferer from this painful malady, begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon the pains and stiffness of the Joints fade away. Among those who have benefitted by the use of these pills is Mr. Freeman Irving, Baxter Harbor, N.S., who says: "Some time 4go my blood was in a terrible con- diion, leaving me very much run Not by my body. To add to rheumatism set in, and suffered greatly from the pain, but could only get around with the greatest difficulty. After trying sev- eral medicines without much, sue- | cess, 1 decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, as they had been warmly recommended to me. I think I used nine boxes altogether, but the results met my early expec- tation, as both the boils and the rheumatism disappeared. Naturally my 'misery 1 not only too highly." You can get Dr. Pills through any d or by mail at 50c. for $2.50, from Medicine Co., Williams' Pink ealer in medicine a box or six boxes The Dr. Williams' Brockville, Ont. y What has become of the o. t. man who used to have to act as a dummy while his wife fitted her dresses on him? : A lot of girls seem to have an idea that. unless they are always talking they will be considered dull. And tha: goes for a lot of men, too, x terrible time | down, and with boils breaking out on |, I feel that I cannot praise the pills | fof whet he has to Te ---- By Annette Bradshaw | , | Ns) 4 | {the fact that these trees sometimes | {lcok like beggars by | WHILE THE DELIVERY BOYS WAIT WITH THEIR C.0.D.'S. pent half the day looking for my pocketbook. I've spent all day looking for something to p ut in il! Ani rm -------- | Three Minute Journeys | | | A | Whére Rags on Trees Proclaim a i Man's Goodness, : Inthe strange and picturesque land of Algeria, goodness has for many | | generations been esteemed. So great | iis the reverence for a good man that | when a person has lived a blameless | life, notable for good deeds and cha- j rity, he not only wins the respect of | [ nis neighbors, buf.és given a title. He | iis called "Marabott." » | |" During his' lifetime a Marébout is | believed to be a worké | Even after his death his ability to | perform miracles is thought rot to be | lessened, but increased. Therefore, | the tomb of a Marabout is visited by friends and neighbors, and strangers as well, and there prayers are sald and petitions made. Strangely, however, the title of | Marabout does not die withthe man | who has -won it. It is handed down | from father to son. This sometimes | results in men who by no meane live | blameless lives bearing the most re- | spected title Algerians can bestow. | But the custom of according such a | reward t@good men has its effects ! win the reputation as well as the title. When a Marabout really tries to live the best life his conscience in- | dicates, he orders his days along | stern and simple lines. ! Much of his time is spent in writ. | fng charms to be worn by those who believe him a miracle worker. These charms are sometimes worn in silver cases; and are supposed to protect the wearer from sickness, or-to cure him if he is ill, and to bring him good luck. i The Marabout also is a giver of ad- vice. He tells those who, come to ask him 'what to do, the best way he knows of solving their problems. Thus, besides setting a good example to his neighbors, the Marabout also Inculcates just ways of condiict in gi- ven instances. Thus his influence be- comes far-reaching. So esteemed are certain Marabouts that it fs thought that merely to eat {of the food in "his house brings a jPlessing in the form of holiness taken with the food. The Marabout gives every one who comes to him, but he is not above ae- cepting gifts. Indeed, the giving of presents to a Marabout is thought to bring reward to the giver. Thus the Marabout receives froth every one ry et ------ upon many who earnestly strive fo. who can afford to give, and gives to, those who need. { : Pn y In some sections of Algeria even a| [¥ A TEE tree connected with the life of a Ma- | EB f T 5 Fe rabout is thought sacred. To these | . ; A] trees-are attached rags by passers-by | : " E who wish to gain merit. Such a tree | 3 F ; is called a ""Marabout trée"'. And per | ny EE >: haps there is a certain symbolism in | i VLA the roadside, | hg Sa pelr rags flapping in the wind. Green copperas is an iron com- pound and contains no copper. If it were not for the alimony | mandge to get along without divor ement, a lot of women could' ces. a - the ellos band and cuff edges need light rubbin Jo alg % € Wh? hard rubbing the old way of w though you boiled the clothes, tl would not budge without a long session Now--with Rinso--you do_next to no rubbing at all. RINSO not a cake soap--not a washing powder--but a new form of soap in granules, with power to cleanse the grimiest dirt just by i - Yet Rinso harms nothing--doesn't even redden your hands--safe as pure water itself. Here is what vou do: AT NIGHT--SOAK WITH RINSO IN THE MORNING--JUST RINSE! «a If you have a washing machine-- Soak the clothes overnight in the usual Rinso way. every bit of dirt. In the morning operate the machine clothes are perfectly clean--ecven the most soiled spo Get a package of Rinso to-day at your Grocer's. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO # ashing meant! Even 1¢ bad spots simply with the washboard. The cleansing suds loosen for a few minutes and the ts. / AIO Onyx: ""A Credit to Our Canadian Pride" (The Stamp of Craftsmanship (ONYX Shoe quality combines smart appeai- - ance with durability of wear.and shape-- Workmanship that is honest in the hidden parts -- : Designing which gives beauty of outline and foot fitting comfort. 2 (The Onyx brand on your Spring footwear is the mark of distinction it is the stamp of master craftsmanship in shoe design and structure. - Sold in the better boot stores throughout ES Sse So Er ETE YY SS RUAN TEL ENE Rha. _ am