SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. THE 10 : eer -- RN RNR | If You Doubt | In the World of Sport : | FRANCE EAGER TO STAGE Iveing; When one-comes to remem- | SUNDAY BASEBALL BILL | : , ] | Y ) > 5 OLYMPIC GAMES IN 1924 | ber his early youth (he was at Work FOR CONNECTICUT STATE u 01 before he was in his teens pleaged to | | Pas J | ~The.- State -Senate--of -Connecticut i s: " | i DAILY BRITISH WHIG. * . . Sherwin Williams SHER--WILL--LAC VARN ISH STAIN is the best Varnish Stain on the market. Ten different shades to choose from. If you can's call... phone 216. 4 W. H. Cockburn & Co. . LIVING ROOM Prémier Briand says it is his earn-learn five francs a monthls-it-is- real © 1 Ty wonderful how he has acquiyd passed a Sunday observance bill pic games in 1924, and promised the the polish, the tact and the leara- | which previously -had pasted the moral and financial support of the ing he has. | house + and which permits baseball government to that end. The. an-| "'Be his boxing and fighting ability | and footb .ll games and classical con- nouncement was made to the French | what it might I shall always say of | certs on Sunday afternoon . under Olympic Games 'Committee, the mem- the Frenchman that he is a living | local option. It now goes to Governor bers of which were introduced to the {example of what even a pugilist can | Lake and becomes effective when Premier by Deputy Henry Nate, as|De---a man in the best and highest | signed by the executive. honorary president of thecommittee in | sense. As did the king at Knowsley,| The senate rejected an amendment the absence of Gaston Vidal, under-|I wish him luck in all that he does which would have required a license | to play golf, row a boat, ride-a horse, | €SU desire that Paris secure the Olym- ~ Read This-- A truly unsolicited testimonial for the MAS- SEY'S well known qualities of endurance MR J E. J. GROOM, 13 Upper York Street, of Kingston, who purchased a Massey, model 356, from PARES miles since July 17th last. This is a record any person wAll envy, but the Massey owners are sure of their mount. any time on any Massey. a Let us fit you up with a new Massey us on March 31st 1920 Since that date Mr. Groom has used this Bicycle all the time--riding all last summer: ali last winter, and to date has mot had one single fault with his He has travelled over 1,800 miles--1,080 Massey This record can be duplicated They are guaranteed! . We'll take in your spreseiit Bicycle as part payment and give you easy terms on the balance A Come in and let's talk it over with vou & . MASSEY The "Hést Bicycle for your money is the MASSEY. Look for the Silver Ribbon Store open Satarday evenings till 10.30 p.m. - TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. : : "THE PLACE TO GNT THAT RECORD" - - + 88 PRINCESS STREET : SE ROR RR RO RR RR TT TT vere. SA : Telephone 529. c SPRINGTIME IS HOUSE WIRING TIME Enjoy the comforts of Electricity. Let us wire your home. We are experts. Estimates cheerfully given. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC 0. Phone 441 - . . 167 Princess Street I a CRAWFORD & WALSH OUR SELECTIONS } A dN | Spring Woollens! while not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. A TAILORS Bagot and Brock Struets secretary of statd for sports. Premier Briand offered govern- ment support to the building of the stadium necessary: in case the games are held in Paris, plans for which will be submitted to the Internation- al Olympic committee at its coming conference at Lucerne, Switzerland, cn June 2nd..The final and official allotment of the 41924 international meet will be made at that meeting. TRIBUTE TO .CARPENTIER. Bat" Masterton Points to Europ- | ean' Champion as Example. W.'B. 'Bat' Masterson, writing in the New York Morning Telegraph, says: " : Old "Campaigner," who contrib- lutes a column or two to the Winning Post, ane of London's leading &port-| ing publications, "pays (Georges Car- pentier 3 glowing tribute in one of| his recent articles in the Winning Post. Old "Campaigner" avows that he'll have a much as a "Poney"' ($25) on the European champion if he ever fights Dempsey for tine world's heavyweight championship. In his appreciation to the French champion old "Campaigner" says: "I have thought fit to write about Carpentier because during the past few days I have seen much of him. I am not sufficient of a rubbish mer- chant to ask you to believe that he is near to /being invincible; were I disposed I could. trot out the names of many of our fellows of anothar day who would probably have beaten him in quick sticks, but I havy never happened across a pugliist during the all too many years I have been associated with the game, who Hv; by fighting, with & personality so rare. : "At Aintree, last Friday, I could not help remarking, as I saw Carpen- tier in Lord Derby's box, how mighty different thése days be from those which have gone. If anybody had come along, and said that a pugilist would be invited to be of such a party as that, which included the king and queen, you would have re- commended to him 'a coursé of brain scraping. "Yet, Carpentier, professional fighting man though he be,. was not out of place at the National dnd such is his personality and great good sense, that it came to be accepted as'a matter of course that ha would be asked to spar at Knowsley, before their majesties, and all the dis guished guests of Lord erby. "There is no denying it, that pos- sible world's champion, or just a good average scrapper--I personally think he is ever so much more--Car- pentier has done more for boxing than any other man in history. He has never missed asingleopportunity to prove that a pugilist is a human Is Your Nose Plugged? Have You Catarrh? It Subject To Colds, Here is Real Good Advice Don't load your stomach with cough syrups. Send healing medica- tion through the nostrils--send it in- to the passages that are subject to colds and Catarrh. Easy to do this with Catarrhozone, which helps a cold in ten minutes. Even to the lungs goes the healing vapor of Ca- tarrhozone--all through the bron- chial tubes, nostrils, and air pas- sages--everywhere a trace of disease remains will Catarrhozone follow. You'll not have colds, nor will you suffer from sniffles, bronchitis, or throat trouble if Catarrhozone is used. © Get it to-day, but beware of dangerous substitutes meant to da- ceive you for genuine Catarrhozone. Large size, two months' treatment, Costs $1.00; small size 50c. sample size, 25c. All dealers or the Ca- tarrhozone Co., Montreal. = nn, 'Smoke If you smoke . plug ry Ta B by ! BRINGING UP FATHER 3 jand attempts to do." JAVATO HAS BEEN MATED. King's Plate Winner Bred to Mara- thon, The mare, Javato, owned by John Whyte. the Montreal horseman, win- ner of the King's Plate at Blue Bon- nets, has been bred to the stallion, Maratfion.. The mating should be Javato will now be be racel King's Plate. put in training and will during this summer. There are seyeral two-year-olds by Marathon now racing under the colors of J. K. L. Ross and each one Javato was one of the best Quebec- bred horses to win the plate. Training on Wine: says: ' worn off since the French track team, representing France in the Pennsylvania Relay Carnival on Ap- ril 29th and 30th, arrived Saturday. Unless the French runners can ob- tain wine with their meals in train- ing they stand an excellent chance of running the wrong way or sobb- ing up to the finnish lines, winded and weary, far in the rear of their American competitors, according to Rne De Leliva, manager of the team. : Therefore Leliva is going to Wash- ington to see if Ambassador Jus- serand can't obtain permission for the runners to buy just enough of the grape to top off their training. "This water!" he exclaimed, with disgust. "My men do not drink water with their meals. They drink wine-- it is milk to them. We do not want spirits or even strong wine. Thin water wine will do, but wine." Trent Valley in Lacrosse. The Trent Valley is jumping right into the lacrosse .game. Marmora Tweed. Madoc, Campbellford, Hast- ings, Peterboro and Havelock all will be . represented. Havelock, under the stimulus of W.. Rose, are the boosters, and expect reat things this season, i Baseball Briefs, Pitcher Peterson has been sold 'tc Norfolk by the Poronto Leafs. The owners of the Hamilton team will not ralse any objection. . Mark Purtell, shortstop with the Toronto Leafs in Mooney Gibson's regime. will play with Vancouver again this season. His brother man- ages the Millionaires, Riggs Stephenson, star second baseman with Cleveland, is leading the regulars at bat with 14 hits out of 24 times up, and his fielding has | been sepsational. Stephenson got | his chance when Lunte was injured, and if he continues his all-around 800d work he will probably secure a regular place. Stuffy McInnis, of the Boston Red Sox, and President Frazee have yet tp agree finally to the tentative terms that brought McInnis into play afer several weeks as a holdout, and the first baseman had announec- ed that unless the club owner gives him the agreement in writing he will return to his home. i Tom Griffith, outfielder of Lha Brooklyn Dodgers, is probably the most versatile person in the major leagues. He is one of the best out- elders in the business, and a hard hitter. He ig algo a song writer and a singer. To this list of accomplish- ments he had added one more role, that of an inventor. He has invent- ed a portable knockdown baby car- riage. Hamilton Herald--The Canadian teams of the Michigan-Ontario Lea- gue--Brantford, Kitchener, London and Hamilton--do not meet during 5 first month of the league season. T that reason, the directors of th» Hamilton club are trying to arrange a series of home and home games with gach club so that the fans in the different towns can get an idea of the strength of each team. productive of a likely eligible for the has shown creditable time in trials. | The: New York Morning Telegraph | The jazzy inspiration that comes |Schedule is to be drawn up, he said, of intimacy with good, red wine has | at @ meeting to be held in New York, + Bill Brennan and isn't the fighter he paddle a canoe or drive-an automo- bile on Sunday. Another amendment rejected by the senate provided that games men- tioned in the bill shéuld not be play- ed if they "interferéd with public worship or the comfort, peace or quiet of any persons." : The bill was adopted on a voice vote with apparently only a few against it. Winnipeg in Baseball League: According to an announcement made by Andy Lawson, Boston, pres- ident and promoter of the Continent- al Baseball League, Winnipeg, Man., is to be added to the circuit. Other cities which have 'been announced by Lawson as in the league include Chi- cago, Philadelphia, New York, Bos- ton, Buffalo, Cleveland and Provid- ence... No explanation was offered by Lawson as to how transportation difficulties are likely to be met. A April 29th. Says Carpentier Will Win, William A. Brady, former boxing manager, theatrical producer and erstwhile partnes of Tex Rickard, says: Carpentier will win in three or four rounds. Dempsey was slow , against used to be. Carpentier is the greatest boxer since Jim Corbett, a powerful hitter and the quickest thinker in the ring today. Dempsey las never de- feated a first-class man and he'll find Carpentier the best. Football in various forms -has been played for nearly 700 years in England. His Flesh Horribly Burnt His druggist sold him a cheap Acid corn remedy, instead of giving him good old reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor, which has been for fifty years the standard remover of corns and warts. '"Putnam's' never fails, it is always a success. 26c. every- where. Refuse @ substitute. J I : FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES ON TABLES--OAK, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY EASY CHAIRS, CHESTLRFIELDS AND ROCKERS -- LAT. : EST RECORD DESIGNS AND FINISHES. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 98} and re-invest in 1924 at 96% or 1934 at 954, and if your income is $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. You wouldmake $15 per thousand and ex- tend your investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Homie of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. 85 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. -- SS ------ illin ) | 'economical way to than in the big MASTER MASON = There is no better, handier or more plug of Master Mason. L3() 4, Nn Ey Se -- --==. SE ------r oa \ \f Do MO WA) al dg Ll " TS 3 AS / = NGGS COME HERE THE EDITOR " DR. NASI g DENTIST 183 Princess Street. "Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES sy of troublesome teeth. orm Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. HE PROBABLY COULDN'Y READ YOUR HAND WRITIN'- HASN'T SPELLED ONE NAME RIGHT IN. THE wHOLE 1 'WANT YOU TO Look AT 'THIS NOTICE OF MY RECEPTION IN THE PAPER . Kingston Cement Products Factory "Makers ot Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, | "Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, .also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. ....actory: cor, of Charles and Mgr.: H. F. NOKMAN Phone 730w.