SATURDAY, APRIL us, 10a, In the Automobile World | ee ---------- +f | OWEN SOUND DEALER . |non-reverse, and saw six years of ac- | BUILT CAR IN 1899 !ive service "There are few people who realize | that the aitomobile industry in Can- | { ada, which -today exceeds a hundred | | millions of dollars annually, had a| | start in Owen Sound," says the Owen | { Sound Times. | It Was the First to Be Con- : "structed Anywhere in Canada. Those who have thought that the] Ba designing and building of motor cars | re in Canada trailed the progress of the | 2» ¥ ! : automobile industry in other coun-| later. He bullt it on what was known tries may now revise their ideas in | 3% the 'Stanhope' type, looking very this respect, for the first Canadian Much like a pneumatic tired Justy aptomobile was designed and built at | Without shafts. Then he changed the a time that practically marked the |4esiEn somewhat by lengthening the dawn of the motor car industry, De- | chassis and putting the hood in front tails regarding this first car are con- | ©f the dash board. The motor was a i r sed alr- tained in an article in the Owen French two-cylinder opposed air cooled type 2 5-8 by 2 5-8. Sound ms en as a, "The transmission was Mr. Frost's "Away back in 1899, A. J. Frost | to build #is 'hofseless car- | and it was completed a year | ZEEE EXE EE ERE REY SAFETY FIRST-- AND FAIR WARNING Choose your exit, Pick your tree, That's the tip to You from me; Clear the roadway It you'd thrive-- Sis is learning How to drive. + + + + > + > +» + * Ld * [04s nesesssessnes ! -------------- Cause of Dirty Plug. AUTOMOBILE MEANS MORE THAN FACTORIES The Motor - Oar Stands For Much Wider Efficiency and Progress. Canada is being put on wheals | certainly and surely. The best cvi- dence of that isthe motor car regis- tration which sXows 355,550 passen- ger cars in 1920. ada something more than its eleven factories employing 20,000 work- men; its 5,550 retail sales roo#$ and garages employing additional thou- sands. The motor car, saving as. it does of time and effort, means not only greater efficiency, personal and industrial and national, but the elfm- ination of that fsolation which is retarding: development of the far places in Canada. : Canada is working out the read-| justment following the war with | flying colors. Leaders believe the | nation is on, the eve of a great wave | of progress and prosperity. | ALL HEADLIGHTS ~ ' NEED ADJUSTMENT | Legal Trouble. | . One of the motorist's chief diff- | culties since the headlight regulations } Were introduced, is, how to know if | he is fulfilling government require- | ments. Frequently cars equipped | with lenses that have government approval, have been:stopped by police | +, officials, the latter claiming that the | glare of light overstepped the law. | Such incidents hayp béen a constant source of irritation to both police | and motorists. Each so far as his | knowledge went, was doing what the | law demanded. i The whole trouble has' beén that | neither motorists nor police have | understood that even a lens given | government approval, can break the | rules unless the headlight is pro- perly adjusted and the lens dorrectly focused, Yet testing your light to see | \f it conforms to government pegula- | tins, is one of the simplest things e | When spark plugs habitually be- {come fouled with oil and soot it is a g00d plan to investigate and see whe- | fons they may not be projecting too far into the combustion 'chamber particularly when they are located in either one or the other of the valve pockets. If they are screwed into the valve port caps, the removal of the caps with the plugs in them will be the best way to determine the condition. The points of thé outer end of the shell should extend. very little beyond the inner faces of the valve 'caps. Anyway, the adjustments to the car- buretor or lubricating system should be made to prevent excessive gas or oil feed. Studebaker dealer in Owen Sound, |°WD design, and it was remarkable brought out this first Canadian car, | [OT its simplicity. It had two speeds ion | ¢hain and sprocket drive to the rear i ation | y Jail br mynd. Bustier mio, was | axle. On this car was probably the ing of a strap to the driving seat. mate Aires Sud mule be ae a» {Just a pull of this ahd the engine was "The tires were what was known | seat, had two 3peeds forward and las Dunlop pneumatic sulky tires, A AA Aint . . Do You Feel Like This | when the car was finally laid up in | 1806. The springs were full elliptic Do you feel blue, sickly, heavy, 1 50 {a 'tiller.' tired to get up? If so, it's probably | "The car weighed 690 pounds, The to be toned and stimulated by Dr. [car would not back up and frequently Hamilton's Pills. It's a wonderful [the driver Would get out and walk make in a few days. They relieve the ' the engine." system of poisonous wastes, they aid | crease your appetite. You'll feel like | # new all over after using this health | * proved it. Sold everywhere in 25e¢. [* boxes, or The Catarrhozone Co., of & Columbia Six a true all weather Car. Auto Repairs a Specialty, an automobile of his own design | forward but no reverse. It was a equipped with wire wheels and pneu- | fi75t self-startér ever made, consist- gasoline, was strapscranked from the | turned over. | 28-3, and were still in good condition en You aken? { front and rear. The steering was by your liver which is slow, and needs change Dr. Hamilton's Pills will | beside it going up a hill, to help out the stomach, improve digestion, in- bringing medicine. Thousands have | + Montreal. It's the shutters that make the EDMOND WALSH, Agent 336 King St. - - Phone 2183, Automobile Repairing . FORD CARS A sPECIALTY USED CARS FOR SALE ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phoses: Shop 1080, Res, 15377, . er -------------- 378 BROCK STREET Milk will soften shoe polish that bag hardened and improve its lustre. . nr t] - USE MAXOTIRES Make your Tires practically puneture-proof. Keep from being chaffed 'or piuched. Use your weak or Your Tubes even rim cut possible. An authority gives the fol- | lowing directions which ~apply to Practically all motors except those with headlights from the ground. middle of your the ground to th Yitteen feet away light. - Now walk the ground amd the main beam of light should pass through the mark Indicating the centre of the headlight ~ {1t there is more than an inch or so | variation either way, your headlight needs adjusting. than the mark on the stick, your light fails to keep within the 42 inches from the ground, the limit the law allows. If it strikes below the mark, then you are getting less light than you are allowed, and are driving at 8 disadvantage. Which ever way the fault lies, go at once to a service sta- tion-or garage and have it remedied. In several municipalities--notably Chatham, and London--the board of comerce, brought to a realization Tires from 1 to 5,000 miles with safety. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2000. OUR TIRES LOOM LARGE between motorists and police, have opened demonstration booths where the police may direct motorists whose lamps are not properly adjusted and where the correction' will be made without entailing any expense. Other boards of commerce might to advant- when their mileage record is com- pared 'with others. Over rough roads, through sand or mud, they stand up | wonderffilly and never cause trouble. 'They last s0 long they seem like old friends to the car owner. Next time you need a tire, get a really good one. That's ours. SUDDABY BROS., Cor. Queen & Wellington Sts. Phone 1988. Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE ate the result of years of battery experience. We most strongly recommend great care in keepiug your battery well charged whil®car is iu use, and WINTER DRY GE for it immediately when car {s laid up. Our_workmen' are experts--o ur charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists, . WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock Street Phone 1340. " 1 LESSES, Prop. ~ We Are Now Ready to Demonstrate That Most Beautiful Car in America 2s it must be seen to be appreciated. Avro SERvicE CORNER KING AND QUEEN STREETS : Nerviline in hand--always, age follow the example set by London and Chatham. t -- -------------- PEPE IAP EIEIO PES * * a ¢ HOW OLD IS "LIZZIE? # > : dustries the actual average life + of all the automobiles that went out of service in the United + clusive, was 5.31 years. High. ¢ grade cars will last considerably '# nual mileage is not very great + and if they are carefully driven, + On the other hand, the average + low-priced car does not last so long, particularly if used in hard commercial service as by salesmen, physicians, etc. PLB HPP 4 0420020 4 # ther low is the fact that the # high-priced cars are greatly. in # the minority. The short-lived dy cars are in the majority and 4 they pull down the average. in # proportion to their numerical 4% strength. * * + + + * + * + * + * * * * : PLP 000% P20 e S---- A gas stove for dentists designed by an Illinois inventor be mount- ed on a wall above a"work bench to save room. The, Polish government is plan- ning to erect a radio station at War- Saw that will communicate with the Duoited States.' Sure Protection For You * While You Travel You may.find the water bad; some cooked poorly food trouble, a draught from a car win- you in the dead of night, Nerviline And the motor caf means to Can-|-. __ THE DAILY BRITIE Try This Test on Your Car and Avoid | - WHIG H FOR THE BEST LETTERS ON "What My Car Means to Me" Here, are the Contest Rules: WHO MAY ENTER Any Canadian owner of a passenger your letter until ; later,\ but}in the event by the judges as equally 'good, preference will be given the owner was received, first) salesmen dr other employees. HOW TO ENTER Ge Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, WHEN TO ENTER Do this now. It does not chiligste you A FEW SIMPLE RULES KEEP FOR REFERENCE (1) Remembre, the subject of your letter is to be: "What MY car means to ME." * (3) Your letfer may be written in English . or French--no preference will be shown either language. (3) It must not exceed 300 words in length. (4) Do not mention the make of your car in yout letter, (5) Do not mention your name or name of your town or district in your letter, (6) Write your name and address on a separate slip of paper and enclose with your letter. Send in sealed envelope. > (7) In case a farmer wine the $1,000 prize. the special award of $250 will go to the farmer writing the second best letter in this class; motor car, except automobile dealers, # -an ealer, Canada." Entry Blank from an "Overland or write "Contest Department, In any way. You do not have to send of two or more. letters being considered whose entry N 75 AWARDS.TO BE MADE * $1,000 for the best letter written by any Canadian automobile owner. $250 for the best letter from a farmer. $250 for the best letter from a doctor.' $250 for the "best letter from a commercial traveller. : > $250 for the best letter from a woman motorist. $100 EACH to TEN others. $50 EACH to TWENTY others. "$25 EACH to FORTY others. Winning Letters to be published throughout Canada. Booklet and Entry Blank on application to set unusually far | On a stick, mark the distance from ; Again rest the end of the stick on ! If it strikes higher | of the cause of fhe misunderstanding | - According to Automotive In- + longer, especially if their an- # | { similarly with other special classes. (8) Contest closes June fot. _ Willys-Overland Callaghan Bros. 210-214 WELLINGTON STREET. PHONE 1410. Limited, Toronto, Canada | | | KU TiiaMPioy Dependable Spark Plugs We - is needed for your sell everything that Motor Car, Motor Boat, Truck, Strongberg Carburetors. Alemite Lubrication. Magie Rubber Mend Normandy Guaranteed Leak-proof Tires. ; SPECIALTIES ! | | Phone 818w. Accessories. may excite! | Automotive States from 1913 to 1919, in- + | . . 1. Equipment 109 BROCK ST. Tourist Bureau--M{g. Agents-- Tractor or Motor Cycle. NECESSITIES VARA MUAY SAR RRERET Champion "X" for Ford cars ° UTX AV a» - STEADILY GROWING "The remarkable growth of the closed car in Canada is an en- Yirely natural evolution," says G. 'W. Parks, of the Maxwell Company of Canada." / "It is not due to any sudden rea- lization of the motoring pubilc that this type is the most practical thing will fix those awful cramps in a Burry. Keep a 35 cent. bottle of} { - to buy, but rather to the improye- ment in the product ftseif, a greatly "A' well-built sedan was sold a few years ago at a price making it almost prohibitive ta a large major- ity of people. Now, however, a sedan OF coupe can be purchased at a fig- ure not greatly in excess of the price of a touring ear.. This slightly addi- tional first cost is fully warranted by 'the extra service a closed car af- |. fords. During the 'warm sommer days the windpws may be let down, giving thie ear all the advantages of a fouring car. ' J "Asa family ear, the closed car EE output and lower- prices, A is far beyond comparison but it is " VULCANIZING New Vulcapizing Plant--up-to-date is every respect--mnow ready for business. A trial order solicited. Our work will speak for itself. TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Ww. D. Johnston FREE AIR . + 70 PRINCESS STREET Cylinder Trouble or engine trouble, gear * trouble, starting trouble or bearing trouble, it's all the same to us: confined to any limit in our auto re- pair work. No matter what is wrong or worn out or broken, we will make it right either by repairing or re- placing the parts effected. . Scott's Garage 298 Bagot Street. i Phone 1804w. McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CARS Canada's Standard Autonmiobile--a real Canadian product throughout--thirteen fine models, using only two types and sizes of motors--backed by genuine service and sold to the best people, \ 21-62 Light Six Roadster 21-63 Light Six Touring 21-62 Coupe, 4-passenger 21-63 Sedan, 5-passenger 21-44 Three Pass. Master Six Roadster . 21-45 Five Pass. Master Six Touring . 21-45R Five Pass. Master Six Touring .... 21-46 Four, Pass. Master Six Coupe * . 21-47 Five Pass. Master Six Sedan 21-48 Four Pass. Master Six Coupe 21-49 Seven Pass. Master Six Touring 21-49R. Seven Pass. Master Six Touring . .. 21-50 Seven Pass. Master Six Sedan : Standard equipment--F.0.B. Kingston, for driving your own car from Oshawa. Blue Garages, CORNER QUEEN AND BAGOT STREETS. $2,500. Allowance particularly adapted to the needs ofround. it can be 50 converted thas men who must spend a great part ofcomfortable driving is made possible their time out-of-doors the yearin the most inclement weather." We are not "-