Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1921, p. 13

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~ . SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1021. 2 THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG. = . a ny * i | Port Hope--baled $35, loose $28; F114 | cash prices: First patents, $10 te | i ' » William 4 i 3+ 04 + 5 . | American 2 yellow, 310.30; second patents, $9 to $9.2¢ | , 0 St. Thomas--baled $24 to $28, loose | {67c; nomi t, shipment Millteed -- Carloads, delivered, | 3 == $22 to $23 per ton. @ | Canadian corn ed nominal Montreal freights, bag included; | ° a i Barley--Ontario malling,; 62¢ to | Bran, per ton, $33: shorts, per ton, "A Sn St verapuept -- Lote, outside Yo 2 4150 ul amen UL fe ' i THE KINGSTON MARKET sR V OTATIONS i Ontario wheat < Paid-up Capital 9105000 GRAIN QUOT: {$1.55 %.0.b. shipping poings, accord-. Toronto, $24 to: $26: straw, $12 '0 | Rese dor t gf i Toronto. ling .to freights; No. 2 spring, $1.40 $12.50 per tom, car lots. Resources = 230,000,000 \ Kingston, April 22nd. Toronto, April ny Manitoha {to $1.45; No. 2 goose wheat, nomi- | Barley, malting, 65¢ to 70c. 5 : f her 1.7. 2; : ' : airy Products. wheat--No. 2 northern, $1.70 1-2; lnal. | = N S Po No. 2 do., $1.62: 1-2; No. 3 do, | Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nomin- Minneapbdlis. 0 a 1X g8 jCreamery bute, Be $1.60 1-2; No. 4 wheat, $1.47 152. a1 41c to 43c, according to freight |. Minneapolis, April..22.--Fioug, - -- t : {DatFy bitter =m AOD tN OW SR g unchanged to 20c higher; in carigad Accoun { | Whey butter ...,, 45 3-8¢c: No. 3 c.w., 39 7-8c; extra! A Buckwheat---No. 24nomingl. lots, family patents quoted at $8.1¢ 1 | Butter, rolls No. + feed, 39 7-8¢c: No. 1 feed | Rye--No. 2. $1.30 ta $1.35. to $8.15 a barrel, in 98-pound cot: sma | Eggs, fresh, doz 37 1-8¢; No. 2 feed, 36 1-8c. | Ontario flour--30 pet cent. pai: |ton sacks; shipments; 50,345 bar- | aig . 1 | Slemargaziie ties Manitoba barley -- No. 3 ¢,v.,|ant. $7.00 bulk, seaboard; 90 per {Tels. Bran, $15.00. Wheat--Cash Don't think that be. j he se .. %. 76 1-2¢; No. 4 ¢w., €4 1-9 reject d, cent. patent, nominal ili jute bags, | NO. 1. northern, $1.38 3-4 to §1.- cause your first savings | ed. 5 ell. iMontica: and - Tr 40 3-4; May, $1.25 3-4; July $1.16 deposit may be small that i b2¢c; feed, 51 1-2¢. | Montreal and Toronto. | ; Ys ' y$ y ; | : a Es it will not be welcomed Beets, Ib All of the above" in store, Fort| Manitoba flour--Track,; Toronto, Dom o _ Ay 10 dg iu in The Bank of Nova Cabbage, head iD. White, Tie 3 ade Scotia. * A savings ac- Celery, bunch Flax--No. 1, $1.50 1-2 to $1.52 1.2. count means 'a new. po- Lettuce, bunch . tential customer. It. is Carrots, Ib - Winnipeg. the beginning of what Potatoes, bag ; 00] Be R fs M Winnipeg, April 22.--May wheat may be the foundation of pi potatoes, 2 Ibs. 25 | tter 00; ean ee A A A A tt gett at, * ' {opened 2¢ to 2% higher at 15714 a valuable account ter --_-- . s s To Everyman lio 1362; July We higher to 134c| Nf ou Iti the young min Movs | Better Buildings HE. first and 'most important aim of | lower Bf 112 10 10%. May oats: ness career. 3 Beet : * +N Te i Everyman who desires to succeed |°Pc"¢d %¢ to unchanged at 42% to . | Porterhouse steak, lb. 35 to 40 Toni It is as important for you to put a good roof %: July Yc higher at 435%. May That is why the small- 4 vi hdc hy TFC % should be th same as that of successful flax vier We bicins at Res a est savings account is Round steak, 1b 25 to 30 | on your buildings as it is to build & firm foun : : b ed in +B guts, 1b. ...... 15 to 18; ENE #dation. Particularly is that true of farm build- business and financial houses--the form- July 1%ec higher at 14814 valy . oiling cuts a : ! i - . : 1B Bolling cuts, 1b ........, 20 for they generally house le ation of a Reserve Fund. -- Dy pease, ewt 11." 15 to 19 | a ings Y & ly perishab A reserve is not only invaluable when reverses or ' Montreal. ; Western hinds, cwt ...... 20 to 22 | expensive machinery or valuable live-stock. emergencies arise, but it is a guarantee of strength Montreal, April 22.--Quotations: ; THE BANK OF Pork : t In this respect Vuleanite R fings offer and promotes self-confidence. Oats, Canadian Western, No, 2, 61c ' Loin roasts, 1b, ....... . : ? --~ Let us guard your reserve ind pay you to 82¢; do, No. 3, 57¢ to 58¢. Flour-- NOVA SComnaA Rib roasts, 1b = 51 il: style rong Hats Prictiot fof farm interest on it. 155 (Man, $10. Rolled onts--Bag, .90 : Pork chops, Ib | ings. Inc are asp A 8 Ibg., $3. Bran--$81.25. Shorts-- A N. Lyster Hogs. live weight. owt .. $16 | both smooth and slate surface roll roofings. Manager, GSTON 2 rp---- THE : © $83.26. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car- Hogs, dressed, owt .. .. | 4 You at possibly buy a roofing that bas STANDAR D BAN K | ote 3 0 925. Bacon, breakfast I more thoroughly demonstrated its lasting and OF | CANADA ro . "Chicago. | Y 2 weatherproof qualities than Vulcanite Roof- TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS { Chicago, April 22.--Wheat-- No | 5 : z : : ings. Stop in and see this line or have us call ' '2 red, $1.34; No. 2 hard, $1.40% to | f Leg, and show you samples. . : 2 : 3 : $1.48 Corn--No. 2 mixed, 57c; No. | mum ins, 15 .. ...... .... C Kingston Branch: : - J. F{ Rowland, Mar ager. |2 yellow, 57%e¢ to 58c. Oats--No, » | Toe; Chitin. $133; Hamiiton, 80¢ | Chops, Ib La | ALLAN LUMBER 0. x --_-- - White, 3714¢c to 38%¢; No. 3 white, | to $1.25; London, 80c to $1; Owen | yypion In, | i treet -- | wae, to 38c. Rye--No.-2, $1.29 to | Sound, 80c to 70c; St.'Thomas, 90¢ { Sausage meat Ib, Phone 1042 a Victoria S $1.31. Barley--50c to 70c. Timothy | to $1 per bag : p : a 3 Poultry. .« UJ : seed, '$4.50 to $6; clover seéd, $13 to - : : CANADA'S GREATEST $19. Pork, nominal; iard, $9.75; Ww heat Chicken, dressed, 1b . . 0 | a SEED HOUSE * ribs, $8.50 to $9.50 Belleville, $1.80; Kitchener, $1.90; | Hens, dressed, 1b Th B t WwW ry : Brantford and Hamilton, $2: Co- € Des ay tboure, $1:85; Chatham, $1.40; Lon- : ii : LIVE STOCK MARKETS . don, $180 to $1.90; Owen Sound, Qod, Ib. .. ON'T risk }pss by enclosing cash, [81.60 to $1.75; Port Hope, $1.50; | Eels, Ib. . in your letters. You will find the Toronto. | St. Thomas, $1.9 Oto $2; Woodstoc, [ Filets, ........ Money Orders issued by this Bank a Toronto, April 22.--Good, heavy | $1965 per bushel, 2 {¥innan haddte, 1b .. .. ., safe Ny convenient "y of paying. steers, $8.50 to $9.50; butcher | , Haddock, fresh, Id ... J |8teers, choice, $7 to $8; do good, $7 | Barley (Halibut, 1b .. .. .. .... your out-of-town accounts. : : . Kippers, pair to $8; do 'medium, $6 to $7; butcher,! Belleville, 85c; Kitchener, 75¢ to | ' Our Teller can issue them without delay at the | 1 8 9: d di | ba Be. ,Pereb, 1b .. . same cost as Post Office or Express Orders. | hetfers, cholce, $8 to $9; ws. choi; | J0¢: Brantford, 75e; Cobourg, $5c; | ot WE WELCOME YOUR BUSINESS 45 $6.50 to $7.50; butcher cows, choice; {Hamilton and Owen Sound, 70¢ to $6 to $9; do common, $6 to 6.50; | 750; London, 72¢ to 96c; Port Hope, goa) wold 1b 12% to 18] do medium, $5 to $7; canners*and 80c; St. Thomas, .80c to 85¢; Wood- Trout, salmon, 1b . . ' 25 | THE CANADIAN BANK |[ frites ot sl wc 'sorhs = 0 ore Gl fh 0054 2 . $oocL 3.50 10.97.50, do fair, $5 to] T-- | Herring Fresh, In, 12% | : $5.50; do common, $3.50 to $4.50; | Oats | Bering Fies 4 Pp . OF COMMERCE feeders, good, 900 Ibs., $7 to $8; do | Belleville, 62¢; Kitchener, 56c; | A | | £1 | | 800 Ibs, $6.50 to $7; milkers and | Brantford, 55¢; Cobourg, 60c: Chat- | Barley .... Teh 3,00) TR 1 choice, $100 to. $150; | ham, 33¢; Hamilton, 48 to 50c; Lon. | Bram ton .. .. .. .... $38 to $40 PAID-UP CAPITAL . - . $15000000 epringers, choice o In, wei amilion, 18 40 8c; Lon. | Bra MB SOLD EVERY WHERF dad) calves, choice, $12 to $1°; do 800d, | don, 51c to 52¢; Owen Sound, 42¢ to..Shorts .. .. .. .... $3710%3 \ 1c RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000 | $9 to $11; do common, $5 to $6.50; 45¢; Port Hope, 40c; St. Thomas, Buckwheat, bush .. 95 | IN CANADA NEW CATAL UE KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Madager. lambs, $13 to $18.75; sheep, choice, +50¢c to 60c; Woodstock, 50c¢ peri Hay, bailed, ton .. . $22 to $24 Fo) _J] 149 to$10; do Reavy and bucks, $5 to | bushel, | Hay, loose, tom ....\L $22 to $24 | 13303 ] BRIGGS SEED | @oi ml - $7; earl, a $10; s, fed | Corn, yellow teed, d | | 7; Go Yeatligg 40. o 10, hogs, Jed Bey. | ush s10s to 3120 | | IR Re WINNIPEG | [$13; do, 1. 0. b, $11.7"; do to the| Belleville--baled $25. loose $27; | Flour, standard (Gov't) ' | farmer, $11.50, Kitchener--baled $26 to $28, loose | CWE .. .. .. ... §| Grape fruit .. .. «+2 12 0°18 Lamps 50 to 65 i -- [$25 t0>$26; Brantford--baled $25 Sa, Jocal ton Lemons, doz . +s 301040 yey... LL : J i Chicago. *¢- | to $28, loose $22 to $256; Cobourg-- Stra LL 0. Oranges, doz vie 80 toG0Igtepe 0 oh Are Your Surplus Earnings ! Chicago, April 22 --tattle--top | pajed and looge, $30; "Hamilton-- Wheat, lovan, on iis a 10.04 Apples, bbl $5.00 | Deacons 'a 5 3 "| weighty steers, $9.26; bulk beet haled and loose $25 to $28; London Lasres Horse Heda ap to $3.50 ? [steers $7.76 to $8.75; butcher she | Lope $20 to $24; Owen Sound-.- : Fruit. Hides and Wool. Tallow, No. 1 ..........5¢ per 1b, | ® ' | stock steady to strong; bulk fat cows [baled $19 to $20, loose $17 to $19; + Bananas, dos .. .. .. .. 30 to 50 | Beet hides, No, 1 8 per 1b' Wool, per Ib. ........ 10 to'1¥ |and heifers, $6 to $7.75; veal calves ~~ ' A - -- y ' stead to higher; bulk to packers, $7 Te few extra dollars weekly or [to $8; bulls, stockers and feeders 1 - | slow, weak. Hogs--Top, $9.35; bulk, monthly that are not actually re 200 pognas any dons or Lo, dull, quired for current expenses -- {bulk .220 pounds and up, $8.25 to what are you doing with them? [ $8.90; pigs steady to strong. Wool Are they being frittered away, | | mh fov"saiy $36, som; "vl or lying idle and non-productive, $10; shorn top early, $9.50; bulk, without protection and without | $8.60 to $9.25; choice 101-pound gain? shorn lambs early, $8. The amount may appear small Mot réal a tte Be t- and scarcely worth serious con- { cher steers, choice, $10.25 to $10.65; sideration, but One single Dollar good, $9.60 to $10.25; medium, $8, is sufficient to enable you to 26; buteher heifers, choice, $9.25 to t : $10.26; medium, $8 to $9; common, start a Savings Deposit Account $5 to $7.50; butcher cows, choice, in The Bank of Toronto -- and \ $7.50 to $9; medium, $5 to $7; can- that surplus Dollar is not only hi 0 32.50; Sutiars, $2 to B. 108 ( (x : . Tc : 4 In. ; butcher bulls, good, $7.25 to $8; | > } : 3 - SAFE but - begins to 'earn in common, $5 to $7. Small Jotsof the \ ra PP mek J ut Ply b terest. better quality calves hayé been sold | EAR "> O qa ~ . 0 A RS . up to $7.60. Genaral figures were $5 Begin NOW, and make your to $6.50. Yearling lambs brought $12 yA PPR PR { tial 2 We savings earn-still more savings. spring Iambs, $8 to $12 each: and FSi aR AS OVEN Makers "dor you we | |e RY g--_\ of Wonderful Value Service WORK for you. A Bank of ; : Ly iE Buffalo, Toronto Deposit Account is 'a East Buffulo, N.Y, April 22.--Cat- \ re s ' b---- . 28 - a safe, profitable means to build tle Higher; shipping steers, $8.25 | ; r . sup a useful fund for later days to $9.50; butcher, $8.50 to_$9.25; | ' ; , 1 . . . i - i J BRANCHES : "UP a u ay yearlings, $8.50 to $9.50; heifers, EY , y. Kingstdh ; 1t offers you the fullest measure | 135.50 to $8.25: stackers oi feeders, 3 ion. ith in $5:50 "t6' $7.50; fresh cows and Lyndhurst. of Pro a, JOB Ither Sri vy : springers, $60 to $125: Calves, 50¢ erest. Withdrawals can made higher, $5 to $13. Hogs, heavy, $8.50 whenever you need them -- in- to $9.25; mixed, $9.50 to $9.75: - stantly. yorkers, $9.75 to $10; light, do., and Pigg, $10.25 to $10.50; roughs, $7 to $7.50; stags, $5 to $6. Wool lambs, n- 4 y $6 to $11.75; clipped lambs, $5 to : i OF . $10.50; yearlings, $7 to $9; wetheprs, - $6.75 to $7; ewes, $2 to $6.50; mix- 80 ,| ed sheep, $6.50 to $6.75. ry pt GENERA§ TRADE ? d Butter Belleville, 55c to 58¢; Kitchener, - . ® - i ~ % . i 80c to 62; Brantford, St. Thomas, : ers én on and Woodstock, 68c to 60¢c; Co. : i i : | | bourg, 60¢; Chatham, 68e to 70¢c; . 1. > 3 EF» = Hamilton, 60c to 65c; London, 55¢| ; : - Ar : " ? to 64c; Owen Sound, 55¢'to 69¢; and e ' 8 BBs ; 3 : sigs Port Hope, 5c per pound. b Mi 0 Ki N ; F The Ontario Implement Dealers Repair Week || - Ly ; FN y | be : February 21st to 26th ' Betleville, ne 28¢; Kitchener pj Sad Woodstock, 28¢ to 30c¢; Brant- » . 3 » ford, 30¢; Cobourg, 25¢ to 27¢; Save time and worry by looking over your Fhatham, Je; Ramiiion, 20 ty Bie; . - . . va i 'machinery NOW, and ordeting repairs needed || owes sons St, 720 26¢; Port Hope, from Deering, McCormick, Peter Hamilton, ||** >a Bissell and De Laval. ; ; | pvt, hk . i Kitchener and { London, -38¢ to 42¢;, Brantford, 28c i to 30¢; Cobourg and Pert Hope, 40c; ; . Hamilton, 46e; St. Thomas, 3c to ° ° | 40¢; Owen Sound, 30¢ per pound. " " lB Pd Fd dL Phones 1015w and 1436. Belleville, 50¢ to 70¢; Kitchener, 3 {$1 to $1.25; Brantford and Wood- istock, $1; Cobourg and Port Hous,

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