SIDE bbb Pi bbe T | z i 4 po y 4 > b . fo 2 a i 3 3 . SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1921, Austin's Drug Store ------------------ HUYLERS Assorted Chocolates, Black and White Chocolates. Assorted Nuf Chocolates, Ye Old-Fashioned Chocolate Creams. . © Chocolate Cream -- (Bitter Sweet). These are guaranteed fresh. Also fresh Page & Shaw's and Nellson's. Kodaks and Films Cormer Kiag and Market Square Kingston Advice Regarding Moving As Conveyances will be much in demand the beginning of May, we advise the timely placing of orders for large wag- #ons with us. * Kingston - Transfer Co, 153. WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 877. "The First Step towards effective Fire Pre- vention in the store, factory or home, fs the removal of hazardous conditions. Two out of every three fires occur in dwellings, and are caused principally by care- lessness. and indifference With the high cost of build- ing material, how can our inereasing population be taken care of if more than half the number of houses that are bullt annually are destroyed !y Fire? Remove accumulations of rubbish, litter, paper, boxes and odd furniture from at- tics, cellars and back yards. During the first week of May boys and girls of the prov- ince are going to inspect our homes. : Help. them to PREVENT FIRES BY REMOVING THE CAUSE Popular literature "Conserva- tion of Life .and Property from Fire'. "Lightnifig, its Origin and Control," tree on request, 5 Ontario Fire Prevention League, Ine. In affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshall Office 153 Umiversity Ave. Toronto George F. Lewis, Secretary Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G. W. LYONS | BUILDING 21 Main Street. > REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by _ 0." Aykroyd & Son i, Phone 1670. are guaranteed for one year, | Call or 'phone and your or- | der wili be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. ---- a ee SR Dr. Waugh: Dentist Phone 256. 106 Wellington St. "FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being built up on a ' quality first basis. If you are going to 11 build we will be pleased to quote | you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tinsmiths | 203 WELLINGTON STREET . | Phone 68S. | | 1 | "RS Sen Sms Angrove's Repairs on eales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We | ° * > . |e sare mr || Sunday Services in Churches 7 WELLINGTON STREET want to help you if you are suffering from bleeding, itching, blind or pro- truding Piles. I can tell you how, in your own home and without anyone's assistance, you can apply the best of all treatments. PILES mwa | I promise tosend you a FREE trial of the new absorption treatment, and re- | ferences from your own locality if you | will but write and ask. I assure you of immediate relief. Send no money, " Address | | but tell others of this offer. | { MRS, M, SUMMERS, Bex 071 Wiadsor, Oat. W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. 'For Sale A new Sharples 42 Cents Per Gallon MILLARD'S GROCERY Cor. Main and Raglan Thirty-Three Years In Charge, Rev. Dr. Scott has completed his thirty-third year as pastor of St. An- drew's church, J pp us Shirts at Reduced Price. For a few days only we will put on sale men's working shirts and negligee shirts, values from $2.00 to $2.50, for $1.50 each. Sizes 14 to 17. Prevost Clothing House, Brock St. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, Nap- anee, announce the engagement of | their daughter, Marion Wilhelmine, to Mark B. Trumpour, Kingston, Ont [The marriage will take place very | quietly early in May. | J. L. Murray Elected. | The bye-election at Renfrew to. fill | the vacancy in the council caused by | the resignation of W. E. Smallfield, | was fought out between J. L. Murray {and A. L. Handford, Murray winning | bY 88 votes. [city Corporation Employees' Wages | The Kingston City corporation is paying from 35 to 45 cents an hour [tor laborers, according to ability, and [these rates will likely continue all |season. The men work nine Mburs ia day. Bad Hole in Pavement On Thursday évening an automo- | bile which attempted to cross a new | excavation in the pavement near the | corner of Princess--and Wellington | streets, sank. The hole was filled up |on Friday. ~ Is in Bad Shape If the track allowance on the pave- ment between Barrie and Alfred streets is not repaired in the very near future, some person may be-in- jured. In some places the road has {sunk three inches, Some of His Holdings The late Judge B. M. Britton had $593,215 in Canada Vietory bonds; 1$31,354,in City of Kingston bonds, | $250 stovk'in the W. Crothers & Co. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity " | Kingston, and $2,660°in the Fron- | tenac Loan Company, Kingston. Stop The Waste! street watering not only cause a ser- ious loss of water . but also damage through flooding to the road- bed along side which they are placed The corner of West, street and Parl avenue is a striking example. 3 He Is Improving, Arthur Moag has been in the Sy: denham hospital, Kingston, for some time, and has had to undergo an ope- ration. His condition has been caus- ing his friends much anxiety, but to- day we are pleased to hear he is scinewhat improved.--S8mith's Falls News-Record. A Centenarian Voter, The Smith's Falls Record-News is authority for the statement that Mrs. Ellen Daley, aged 104, was amorg those who voted "dry" at the New- bliss poll in Kitley township at the re- ferendum. She was probably the old- est voter in Eastern Ontario. Dandelions in Demimnd Dandelions in this district prom- ise to be a bumper crop. They are in great demand for beverfge pur- who predict that sooner or later the once hated dandelion will be classed among the important products with a commercial value, . Cutting the Corners There is trouble coming to a num- ber of auto drivers if they continue to "cut the corners" A driver on Stuart street a few days ago came within an ace af turning his car over. He had a lady and a couple of children in the car with him, and had the car tipped over they would probably have been seriously hurt. \ 2 Ald, J. W. Litton Better Ald. J. W. Litton, who atcompa- nied by his wife and William Mec- Cartney and wife, went to Florida two months ago, is now convalescing Queen's University--Baccalaureate | RELIEF AT LAST [Sermon by Principal Taylor, Sunday, | April 24th, at 3 p. m, in Convocation Hall, . ' Present' Truth Hall--Evangelist | Barrett, of Ottawa, will speak at | 7:30 Sunday night on '""The New Birth" -r Zi$n Presbyterian Church, Pine street --Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, min- ister, Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Seats free. Everybody welcome, St. Audrew's.--Rev., John W. Step. hen, minister, Public worship, 11 am, and 7 p.m., conducted by the minister. Students, soldiers 'and strangers welcome, Calvary Congregational Church,-- Charles and Bagot streets. Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. Y.PS., Monday, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. All are welcome. Rev. A F. Brown, pastor. Gospel Hall,' Orange Building (ground floor), Upper Princess street | --Sunday evening, 7 o'clock, aftrac- tive gospel service, Mid-week meet- ing, Wednesday évening, 8 o'clock. Friday evening service 'discontinued. Union Street Baptist Church, cor- uer of Union and Collingwood streets Phone 235 lw. Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. ' E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, Nt nn - PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty, m-- anywhere, SEEDS A fresh stock of the best Flower and Vegetable Seeds « will grow Also Dutch Sets, 20 cents a pound, Ate | Prouse's Drug Store (Opposite St. Andrew's. Church) PHONE 82. Nelison's Ice Cream Bricks--Always Fresh. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. | > S-- ; Aseria eeeees-------- DID. YOU EVER TRY Nasstans Siuuer Marmalade, » uen Marmniagde, Wagstan's Bramble Jelly, ia . We also have 4 full line of other reliable makes of Marma- Jaden, Jam and Jellies fur sale: ati- ; Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Earl Streeq, License No. 3-27149 © Phone 1844, . | | = ESTATE REAL SALE: _ 'W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, HINDS . FRONTS LOINS . .. LEGS ©... CHOPS... 18c. 10c. 15¢. 20. 15¢. Princess Meat 'Market --Rev. J. K. Fairfull, pastor. Ser- Vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible class and Sunday school, 3 p.m.; B.Y.P.U., Monday, 8 p.m.; Bible study and prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Come and worship with us. Seeley's Bay Methodist Circuit.-- Sunday, April 24th, Rev. Prof. W. C. Graham, S.T.M., of the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, will preach educational anniversary ser- mons. The services will be as fol- lows: Lyndhurst, 11 a: m.; Olivet, 3 p. m.; Seeley's Bay, 7:30 p.m, Bethel Congregational Services 11 am. and 7 pm. Mr. Emblem, evangelist, Toronto, will preach at both services. Sunday school, 3 p.m. A congregational meet- Ing will be held at the close of the evening service. All members and ad- Lierents are requested to be present. Church -- Queen Street Methodist. Church (corner of Queen and Clergy streets) --Rev. W. S. Lennon, B.A.,, B.D, pastor," Services at 11 a. m. and 7p. m, Rev, A. B. Ransom, of Ports mouth church, will preach both mor- | ning and evening. Sunday school and | Bible classes at 3 p. m. Seats free. | Strangers cordially welcomed. Princess Street Methodist Church --Rev. J. A, Waddell, minister. Ser- vices at 11 a_ m. and 7'p, m. The minister at both services. Sunday school, 2:45 p. m; E. L., Monday, 8 p. m; prayer meeting-Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; W. M. 8: election of offi- cers, 8:30 p, m. Strangers and vis- itors cordially welcomed. First Baptist Church (Sydenham and Johnson streets)--Rev. J. S. La- Flair, pastor--11 a. m., sermon theme, "Law and Grace ' 2.45 p. m., Bible school. 7 p, m., sermon theme, "Damaged Goods." Monday, 8 p.m., young people will attend rally at Zion Presbyterian church. Wednesday, 8 p. m., mid-week praise and prayer service, ' --t Union Street Baptist Church, 'cor- ner of Union and Collingwood streets --Rev. J. K. Fairfull pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morning subject 'The Terminus"; evening subject, "An Innovation." Sunday school and bible class, 3 p.m.; B.Y.P.U.," Mon- day, 8 p.m.; bible study and prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p.m, Come afid worship with us. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street. --Rev. J. deP. Wright, M.A., B.D, rector, fourth Sunday after Eastcr. Sunday school and bible classes; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Music--Anthem, 'Gently, Lord, Oh Gently Lead Us" (Bowles). Seats free. Strangers cordially invited to attend. St, James' Church, corner Unien and Arch streets.--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and litany, Sermon subject, the Easter Psalms IV. -- "The Condescension of The Lord." 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, the Easter Psa "Resurrection Typified." First Church of Christ, Scientist. --Johnson street, between' Bagot and Wellington. Sunday school, 9.45 a.m. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject: "Probation After Death." Wednesday evening, 8 p.m. Public reading-room, same address, every afternoon except Sundgy and holi- days, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are 'cordial- ly invited to the services and to the reading-room. . Sydenham Street Church, Metho- dist.--Rev. W. T. G. Brown, minister. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach at both services, Morning class, 9.45 a.m; Sunday schopl and Bible classes, 2.45 p.m.; Epworth league, Monday, 3 p.m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Special music. on Sunday evening. Anthem, "Like as the Hart" Miss Woodman and choir; violin solo "Ave Maria" (Schubert), Arthur, Locke; "He Shall Feed His Flock" and "Come Unto Me" (Handel), Misses Pollard and Charles Worth; "A New Bloor Street Church, Chalmers Church Anniversary Services Rev. Geo. C. Pidgeon, D.D., Minister of Torento," morning and evening. : will preach "The dripping stand pipes used for poses, and there aré lots of people' 11 a.m., morning prayer; 2.30 p.m., | and visitors Ims V.--"The » 'W. H. STEVENSON id J from an attack of typhoid fever | which laid him very low. He was | confined to his bed for over seven | | weeks and is now quite reduced .in. tlesh. He expects to return to Kings- ton' in the next few weeks. | Stolen Car Recovered i The Kingston police received a | wire from Chief Ross, Ottawa, ask- | ing them to be on the lookout for an | auto stolen in that city a few days | ago, and 4 short time after receiving this telegram they received another telegram stating that the~ car had | been recovered at Rockland: We carry a large stock of many sizes of . ---Wood-Split-Pulleys and Bushings tc suit size of Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btrects, KINGSTON Out. Office Phone 66. Factory WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS 5 for Power Users. your shafting. Prompt delivery. S. ANGLIN & CO. Phone 1415. . JJ Cd Working on the Plans Plans and specifications for the | new club house for the Kingston Golf and Country club are now being looked over and work will be started | ont the erection of the building just | as soon as the weather is favorable, "The new club house will fill a long- | felt want. | Died Very Suddenly 'On Monday afternoon Mrs. Young, Wellington, died suddenly of heart failure. She was in the best of spirits | throughout the day. A A. Morden | SOWARDS KEEPS COAL All kinds of cut wood gnd soft Col' Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, 'phone 811. PA Ay, rir ta © AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS drove her to 'the polling booth at | Gilead, as her name was on the list there, and on .her return she was visiting Mrs, A. A. Morden, when she suddenly expired. Mrs. Young was well known, as she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Morden, Seven Carried; Three Defeated. Seven by-laws were carried by the ratepayers of Renfrew on VTednes- day. Six of the by-laws were t™ raise $51,155 to pay off money already spent. Three were defeated. These were: A by-law to borrow $2,650 to + SUNKIST SEEDLESS USE RAISINS FOR COOKING Economic Wholesome - - erect a bridge over a ravine in Plaunt Park section, in which there resides half a dozen small houses. A by-law | to borrow $5,000 for a grant to aid | community sports and pleygrogads | in, connection with the Agricultural | Society and a by-law to borrow $7,- 000 to complete the construction of the. new fire hall. I | Heaven .and a New Earth," Dr. H. Airgrove and choir; Pestlude, "A Song of Thanksgiving (Demarest), Ernest Madrand. Miss Shaw, crgan- ist and conductor, St. George's Cathedral.--Very Rev, G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street. Phone 2156. Rev. W. E; Kidd, M.A., M.C., curate. 7 Wellington street. Phone 869w. Fourth Sunday after Easter. 8 a.m., Holy Coffimunion: 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, Preacher, the dean. 3 p m., Sunday Schools; 4 p.m., Holy Baptism; 7 p.m., Even- song. Preacher, Rev. W. E, Kidd. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street.--The minister, Rév. W. Taylor Dale, will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morning subject: First Vacuum Cleaners To Rent ] ! Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. MOST DESIRABLE SIX ROOM Every convenience--good locality. Houses in all parts of the city for sale. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. O. HUTTON. For Spring House-Cleaning Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. Pe ------ TO LET APARTMENTS B. G. ROBERTSON Phone 607 . 67 Clarence Street. of.a series on "The Lord's Prayer." At the evening service, special music' | a will be rendered by the choir. Ser- mon subject: "The Man Who Never Makes Mistakes." Sabbath School at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. All are cordially welcome to these services. Salvation Army Citadel, Princess Street.--Commissioner< W. J. Rich- ards, Toronto, commander-in-chief of the S.A. operations in Canada East, accompanied by Colonels Adby, Det- tridge and Perry, will conduct spec- ial meetings this week-end. ~Satur- day, 8 p.m., musical programme by citadel band and songsters. Sunday, 11 a.m., public holiness. 3 p.m., an- niversary of Langemarck, Sir David Watson, formerly O.C. of the 2nd batt.; Brig.-General King; G.0.C., M.D. No. 3, Brig.-Gen. Ross, and others will be present. Also plac- ing of wreath by veterans on tablet erected to the memory of the late Captain Charles Milton, »who was killed at the battle of the Somme. 7.30 p.m., monster Salvation rally, the commissioner in command. A cordial welcome for all, rime Of course it is none of our busi- ' FURS Gourdier's SPRING Dealer in Furs only. BROCK STREET ness.' But a big stickpin with a stain- ed glass setting doesn't make a dirty tie look any cleaner. His Back Has Not Bothered Him Sacei WHY M. WASSIN KNOWS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE GOOD. New Brunswick: Man Is Enthusigstic "Over the Remedy That Brought Him Relief--Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sisson Ridge, Victoria Co., N. B. April 22nd. (Special)-- "I know Dog's Kidney Pills are good." hese emphatic words come from Mr. Manzer Wassin, a well-known and highly respected resident here. "I had an awful lame .back," Mr. Wassin continued. "I tried two good doctors and they could do nothing for me. So I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and before 1 had taken three boxes 1 was as well as ever, My back has not bothered me since. 1 cannot say too much for Dodd's Kidney Pills.' Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely a kidney remedy. They strengthen the kidneys and put them in 'condition to do their full work of straining the impurities, the seeds of disease, out of he blogd. % Jov have. any of the symptoms of kidnéy disease ask your neighbors it Dodd's kidney Piils are not the remed®yon are looking for. ' HORSE SHO, » 9 OF and BLACKSNITH. Prices te. A We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top . For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices oats $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 . $30.00, 32.00 : See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel): Re my A modern girl's idea of love in a cottage means a ten-room with a garage, ---- | The man Who keeps .his mouth shut may be just as big as fool -s cottage ba But you can't prove it, * y you are. Rl tment arse