5 - THE BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. ee ROVE TH GT irs [NN |] [a = Published Daily and Semi- Weeki by | into their T HE Bhrnsh WHIG PUBLISHING » LIMITED J. G. Elltote Leman A, Gullg , Balter a Managing-Directe, TELEFHONES: Business Office .. Editorial Rooms Job Office : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) year, delivered in city year, If paid in advance ... vear, by mail to rural offichs year, to United States , (Semi-Weekly Edition) year, Syematy cash ,,. ... year, If not paid in advame YE&r, to United States ..... OUT-OF-TOWN REPRES. F. Calder, 22° st. F. W. Thompson Tor: President lave 1.50 -$1.50 0 Ki Letters to the Editor are publish only over the actual hame of tt writer. Attached Is one of the best job printing offices in Canada, : The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit, Bureau of Circulations. f ! TH ee eT -- WHAT WILL THE DOCTORS DO? As a result of the referendum/vote the doctors of Ontario will, when the | vole® is made effective, become the only persons authorized to give ord- ers. for lquor. Under the law, as it now stands, the bulk®of the liguor | consumed in the provifice is imported | direct from outside points by private { is issued on doctors | place the members | | | | | ! "lw { It is quite possible that a province- i { citizens, and only a small proportion prescriptions. As s00n as importation ceases, how- ever, the only source of supply Ww 1 dispensdries, whiclr sell only on an ord a doctor; This undoubtedly medical will of the change "| profession in_an unenviable position Even now practically every doctor has experiences with people who drop offices on a quest for Ii- quor. What will happen when '#very other source of supply is cut off can easily be imagined, and it is quite within the bounds of probability that the doctors will devise some methods This is ne idle supposition. for in Some parts of Ontario it is already 36 00 being done. On Tuesday evening, the $3481 evening following the referendur 3.00 | vote, the medical men ofSarnia made 00,80 announcement that, as a result of the vote they'would fn future refuse [prescriptions to all persons other rhan YTATIVES | tn d that in future t, Montreal those sick in bed, and that in futu ng St E |g) prescription seekers would be thown the door. The medical men ho have taken this position stdte that they have done so hecause wit importation stopped they do not fee] they should have to assume the re. sponsibility of issuing liquor orders The idea is spreading, in the -wes- tern part of the province at least, and wide movement may be started er signed by-| i cerned | the objects for which it had been | formed 3ut if the granting of the Federal franchise came with #0me suddeén- { Bess, the ground had been carefully prepared by the untiring energies of the women's organizations in the | several provigces, | years for franchise on equal terms ! with men, > "On Tuesday, Pebruary 27th, 1917, | the Government of Ontario recogniz- | ed the ¢laim which-2ad been put for- | ward by the women for over forty | partners in the affairs of home and | nation. The qualifications are that [they shall be Britisn subjects, 21 | years old, resident in Capada one | year #8id in Ontario. three months. On April 5th of the same year a | Woman's Franchise Bill was enacted in British Columbia, and the courtesy of the "floor of the House" was | granted to several interested organi- zations. This Act granted the fran- chise on the same terms as that én- joyed by men and carried with it the | right to sit in the Legislative Ag- |! sembly, The Munieipal Elections Act was amended during the same session | 80 8s to remove the disabilities of | women holding the office of mayor, alderman of reeve I Western Women 1.ead. - In the year 1918, by a series of | amendments to_ the Saskatchewan Election Act, the fui] franchise was | given to the women of Saskatchewan as far as the election of the members | of the Legislative Assembly wag con- The provincial franchise is not a property franchise. As regards power in municipal elections, the wo- men of Saskatchewan have by suec- | cessive enactments been placed on ex- who fought for | years in that Province as co-operative | -| mother wants me to do it, my. son | E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1927, | Montreal and in: the East Quebec ] | division there wae a lirge women's | vote, | (To be continued.) A BITS OF BY-PLAY {| By LUKE McLUKE ! Copyright, 1920, by lo The Cincinnati Enquirer. + | Cheer Up! 2 | When you are in a hole, dismay | May make things dark as night; I But to old gloom do not give way, | 'Ana things will soon be bright; | The world turns over once a day And you'll éome out all right. | on! | "I wonder why a black cat has such |a bad reputation?' said the Old Fogy. | 'Because it fg so hard to locate gne | with a brick on a dark night," re- ! plied the Grouch. | You've Met Him! | When he dies, we will never miss | The sanctimonjous Mister; Who thinks that he is sure of bliss, And you are sure to blister. - The Limit. "That fellow Crab is a quarrelsome cuss, isn't he?' gdid Brown. "He certainly {s" agreed Jones. Why, even his statements conflict." . { : Taff! | I hope in Heaven I will meet Poor old Augustus Riddle: trying to make both ends meet, He busted in the middle. . "ie { Paw Knows Everything. Willie--Paw, what is incompa ibil- | . lity? > | | \ Paw {In 4 Incompatibility is when 1} want 'to do a thing, and vour mother | | doesn't want me to do it, or when I] jdon't want to do a thing and $35.00 $35.00 your | | THE NATIT The Princeton - THE BUD Style Headquarters The Young Man live wire Suit full of shap and go! We specialize in the mind's eye of to us for his art fitting. Beautiful new ( tailoring, newest models. _. THE DAN $28.50 + $85.00 $42.50 YoungMen's Suits The DORSAY For Young Men and Men Ww ho Stay Young always wants a sniart Suit a Young Men's Clothes and fill every young fellow that comes 'hecks 'and Plaids-- high class Extra Special Values. THE ASTER THE ROY $32.50 $35.00 The Raverhall THE ROW $42.50 $42.50 * (amongst the doctors who are in sym- means | pathy with the attitude taken by dn the spring the average man's those in Sarnia. There is a certain fancy lightly turns tg thoughts of | amount of justice in the statement loating. \ { that they should not be called upon -- i to assume the task of being respon- The neighbor's chickens are heart- | sible for the distribution of liquor ily in favor of open gardens openly | for medicinal purposes, especially as women of Manitoba voted for the firet | And loudly he'd wall: . | election yet | "Gee! I'm all tied up in a knacht!'" | Great Seacht! | . 9 : ; | A man took a trip on a yacht | / actly the same footing as the men. | And, merey, how geasick he gacht! | It was on June 29th, 1920, that the He'd hang on the rail, : ; | time in a provincial | | Manitoba led all the other provinces | | of Canada in. hey granting the fran- | | chise to her women: for after thirty | years of continuous effort this power | Miss Henderson's little black cat | was given to the women on January | d!s4Ppeardd, ' but same came back | arrived at. | the medical profession is divided in | Yaa given 8 ey . Y | home last night. She was very glad | opinion regarding its value in this | 27th, 1916, after a petition signed by | to see ft movement | way, so it will be interesting to watch | 40,000 names hdd been presented to | : fine : Premier Norris, Property-owning | Boy, Page Mr. Volstend! profit ap- {the development of this move on the | } : foival } 11 the hooen sleulhs will go ts a i part of the doctors. Men aid women voted 4 uaicipa | he use on Spring street, Greensburg | @nd school board elections in Mani- | Penn, they will fina a. 1 >, Booze. | Ab, dear 'spender, come back ! AF tain cevmai | toba until 1920, when the franchise | she was born ladt month and ig the | ; Was extended to all men and women again. We didn't-mean all that harsh | WOMEN IN POLITICS [J uBhter of Bat! Booie talk about thrift, | i over the age of twenty-oné, | a - | The Franchise, Albefta women got the franchise | The fact that the early bid gets! The right to vote in Dominion elec- | in 19186, although after the passing of the worm tdaches us that worms tions was granted to women on equal | the Manitoba Act. But the women of should not rise early. terms with men by an Act of Parliae | Alberta had an opportunity of using -- { ment known as the "Dominion By- | their suffrage inthe provincial elec- "Let George do it is probably the | Elections' Act," which received the | tion of 1917. By the Act women are | only bit of slang that has evér be | Royal assent on July Tth, 1919. - By*| on an absolute equality In the exer- | come the policy of an empire, | this Act "every person, male or | ¢ise of their franchise in provincial, | - female, shall be qualified to vote at | municipal ang school elections, both the election of a member, who, not | a8 to voting and as to holding office. being an Indian, ordinarily resident | At the provincial election Mrs. Louise on an Indian reservation, is a British | G. McKinney had the honor of being | named the first woman legislator in | the British Empire. Miss Roberta Adams was also elected to represent ------ Wuxtree! (Animas Cor. Lordsburg Liberal) Don't miss seeing these real beauties ! (N. M) . : , i ---------- The back-to~the-farm will succeed when some pears to lead the way. INTRODUCING . New Maple § i : Everlastic Slate Surfaced | pe yp More Trouble! | Multi-Shingles ; | New Maple Sugar -- eon tenn } The branch of the Names is Names Club formed at the University Qf Wis- | consin hag placed a Beer, a Bock, a | Stout.' a Sherry and two Barrs on the | Wet Ticket. (Cora Whybrew heads the | Ticket. Made by the Barrett Co, Who have been making Roofings for over 73 years. Comes in natural shades of Red or Green, and Weighs 180 Ibs. per square. BUNT'S HARDWARE The old fashioned kind with the true maple flavor, Pure ------------ ~~ y Dry and good. Jas. REDDEN & Cg. Phone 20 and 990, A A EE Ep ------ NAAN itor FOR SALE 1--Frame dwelling; south side of Albert street; b bed- dooms; furnace; good con- crete cellar; verandah; electricity and gas, $3,400, Same Old Story! | The home team takes the field The lead-off man for the visitors walks toward the plate swinging two bats. The umpire glances al the line-up handéd him by the ny nagers of the contending teams. The announcer raises & monster megaphone, The fans are stilled for a moment so they can hear who the batteries are to be. The announcer begins: "The' batt-rees fer t'day are" And this ig what You hear: "Pee-nuts, Ro -corn, Can-dee Chew-ing Gum!" "Score Card! Score You can't make 'em believe it, but dishwater will makg the hands Just as soft as those patent Wh EB Mamaia butio : ect, birth or naturalization, Poets are born, not made; and the og by { : ,,| and is of the full age of twenty-one world is still trying to decide wheth- | years and has ordinarily resided in | er (his is a boost or an alfbi. ! A | Canada for at least twelve months, [ the soldiers. Calgary has a woman TT -------- and in the electoral district . | alderman, and the chairman and two Rend lis a verb, indicating | to at dest two months." | other members of the School Board lence. The past participle |. Previous to the passing of this Act, {8re women, . Fordson : an' vio Card! Can't fos TEE . amount of propaganda will ston publishers, + head of the Federation of which occasions violent profanity, Custom requ is ren, | during 'the session of 1917, ap Act | yr {known as the War Time Elections Act | ires some savage peo. | > had received the Royal assent (Sep- | ple to rub noses instead of kissing, | and that may be what makes them savage, . 'i The desire for a Smoke consumes one-tenth of the cigarettes, and .the force of habit consumes the 'other nine-tenths, Heinie reflects sadly tbat th, rea- son the quality of mercy is not #lrained is because it hasn't exefted iteelf any. In a few more -weéeks. the men Who laugh at women's clothes will be Sweating in coats they haven't the courage to pull off. ---- Propaganda may &et people en- [Mhusiastic about a war, but po make them enthusiastic about paying for it : Ty -------- Seif-determination is all very well, fut just at Present the world could Iget "along with a little less selfish determination, { The Ottawa Journal asks: "Who Said thé farmer was close-fisted *" and points to the $600 bonus for ihe legislators. But who says the farm- Ors approve the bonus? Eb e-- Ontario's ex-tuel controller warns . the province. that the coal situation is grave. The supply, he says, 1s hopelessly behind, and the peonle are not placing their orders as they should. His advice is to order now it you do not wani to do without next winter, - Lord Beaverbrook predicts a big drop in the price ot newsprint. King- who have been ob- diged to pay over 300 per cent. -ad- Vance in the past two or three years, are sincerely hoping that the drop will hit this part of the world. ---- Labor, says Samuel Gompers, Americen Labor, 'stand for evolution, not for revolution. | That about expresses the difference between the old world _.and the new, Here progress along 'Sane and safe. lines is the policy, and' it is one that reflects credit on tbe leaders of laBor, tember 20th, 1917). Phig measure was a recognition by the Government {of the splendid) work done by the Women of Canada in the cause of Em- | pire, and it proved that "every female person shall be qualified to vote at a | Dominion election," who, 'being a Brit- | | ish subject and qualified as to age, | } [without Canada in any of the military 1 | i | race-and residence, and if the wife, widow, mother, sister or daughter of any person, male op female: itving or dead, who. is serving or has served forces or within or without Canada in any of the naval forces of Canada or of 'Great Britaiy in the present | war." » i Sir Robert Bordédn, during the de- bdte which followed the introduction of the War-Time Blectiofis Act, prom- ised that the Act enfranchising the relatives and dependents of soldiers 4nd sailors should be only a prelimin- [ ary*to a full measure conferring the rights of citizenship on all the women of the Dominion. : Speaking of the new order of affairs both legally and industrially, Which "followed the granting of the franchise, to women on equal terms with men, Dr. Augusta Stowe Gul- len, of Toronto, for many years con- venor of the Citizenship Committee of the National Council of Women of Canada, says: : "The fact must not be ignored that Women's political usefulness will be jeopardized or justified by the intelli- gence and wisdom manifested by their vote, May the hope be expres- sed that all women who desire the welfare of home and nation will meet their political responsibilities so that adverse criticism may not be visited upon' Canadian women voters by our legislators and the Canadian public who are awaiting and watching our action." @ -- "Climax Came Suddenly, |. The granting of the Dominion franchise came to the women of Can- ada somewhat suddenly and upex- pectedly. The work may be said to have begun in active form in 1878, when the Toronto Women's Literary Society took up the task. This Society was in 1883, formally organ-. ized into the Canddian Suffrage Asso- | ciation, and it set to work with an indefatigable determination to secure | vote was given in 1918. P.E.I. Lags Behind. The women of Prince Edward Is- land have not yet got the provincial franchise, although there is a strong agitation now &oing on to get it. A | petition. is now being circulated by the W.C.T.U., and it will be presented fo the Prémier when the House sits in March, So far as .the municipal and school board elections are con- cerned "in P.E.L; 'spinsters and | widows have been eligiblé to sit on the School Board for the last fifteen years, although none has ever been appointed. In Nova Scotia the agitdtion for the franchise was begun by the wo- | men in 1893, but all efforts were blocked by the hostile attitude of the attorney-general. The provinefal Widows and spinstéfs have had the vote for the town councils ever since the Towns Incorporation Act was passed, In the towns the School board consists of three members of the couneil, usually with the mayor as chairman, At Wolteville a woman is chairman of the School Board. By the Act of 1918 women are eligible for Legisla- ture. Municipal Couneils and School Boards. ' In New Brunswick the Act to ex- tend the franchise to women was passed during the session of 1919, Since 1904 widows and spinsters as- sessed to the amount of one hundred dollars have had the right to vote in, New Brunswick town and school elections. ; In Quebec women do not vote in Provincial elections, and in spite of the high expectations of some of those who have worked long and strenuously to Secure the franchise. on equal terms with men, the matter has been shelved by the ministers for another year. Of course, women of Quebec have the privilege of voting in Federal elections just the same as their sisters In other provinces. The difficulty of getting registration Hsts for Quebec due to the fact that-wo- men do not poll in the provineial elections has been overconie by Special legislation 'passed by the Do- Minion government. Women in the cities in the province of Quebec will merely register their names, while in merated. This Act indeed is already In'use. In the bye-elections held in 1920 in the St, James division in the rural distriets they will be enu- | | Tell the Players without a Score Cara!" <Ice-Scold Drinks! Ice-8cold Drinks!" "See-gars ana Cigarettes! Seegars | and Cigarettes!" | "Hot!" Hot Get "Em Hot!" "San-widges! Sanwidgss!" | ~ "Ice-Scream Ice-Scream! | Wants Ice-Cream!" Ete. Ete. Who | | Ete. : | | | A Wonder. 4 He was a wonder Among men, | I speak of Oswald Brine, He never used his fingér when He saw a "Fresh Paint" sign ---- i The Lucky Deaf-Mute. | "Dummy Hildebrandt, ¢f Newport, Ky. is a real optimist. He claimg that people should not pity a deaf-mute, they should envy him. He points out the fact that he is never worried by | UNDEGesSAry noises, such as arguments | about politics and prohibition; he doesn't have to listen to quartets and amateur saXophone and ukelele play- ers, and other people never hold him to repite their troubles, Furthermore, a deaf-mute doesn't have 1d listen to a curtain lecture from his wife when he gets home from a home-brew party. "Our Daily Special. Love Doesn't laugh at Goldsmiths. Phone 1609. Walt Mason Tractors are in great demand. Make your "= Farm Pay Greslter Profits We are prepared to demonstrate to you on your own farm how it can be done with a FORDSON. VanLuvenBros. 34-38 Princess Street. THE PORT PHILOSOPHER > pon THE, SPEAKER, ' The man who wants to make a Speech infests all towns in which we dwell; he stalks along the lonely beach, and lingers in the sylvan dell; for years I've tried in vain to reach a place where he won't come and yell, He speaks. and will not be denied, wheréver there is standing room, his mouth: is ever yawning wide, and nultiplies the public gloom, and when a delegate 'has died, he talks a circle round the tomb. I see hi On a soapbox stand, and 'hear nif Bowl until he's hoarse, predicting that our native land will be the home of all that's coarse, unless the gov- ernment is canned, and Russian no- tione put in force. I hear his wordy In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Muniei- pal Bonds for sale. thunders sweep beneath the fretted tate house dome; I. meet him on tho rolling deep, I see him every- Vhere I roam; and if the dog should be asleep he'd e'en invade my humbie home. The chronic speaker seldom knows enough to last him over night; he hasn't honed {ie magely prose of sages w ve gned to write; his shallow stream language flows without a saving thought in sight. If he'd but quit when he is done, we might forgive him now and then, but when his works begin to run there is no end, and no "amen"; he thrashes chestnuts by the ton, then thrashes them all o'er again. ' =--WALT MASON. Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Moths Away MANAHAN MOTH BAGS Different sizes. For Furs and Woollens. A sure protection against Moths and Dust. MOTH BALLS, , MOTH FLAKFS MOTH FLAKES and LAVEN-. DER, 30c. LB. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Si. Phone 843. ----ns His satantemajesty doesn't wo about the man who Is going to reform tombrrow. See Bibby's $32.50 blue suits. Will rent if not sold before May, 1st, 2--Brick dwelling, Montreal street; ¥ rooms; first class masonry and woodwork-- $3,000. : 3--Brick dwelling; 2 rooms and double rough-cast with 7 rooms each; Ontario St. Rental $720--$7,250., T. J. Lockhart Clarence Street, Kingston Phones 1085w. or 1797}. Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea on, Had- dock, , Halibut and Cod . 'BOOTH FISHEIERS Canadian Co. # Phone 520. 63 Brock Sty The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Kallroad's Celebrated Scranton Coal a om mene Crawford | [ Phone 9. "I's a black business, but we treat you white," bis rry