Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1921, p. 10

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TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the World of Sport BIG BASEBALL PARK. IS BAD FOR BATTERS 10 ; SERRENNAFENNEES (NNNNNSNENBENERAN | Zn ® The Fellows Who Want The Best } ; Always Come Here [Sport All kinds of baseball ne- | Coach "Joe" Wright, Philadelphia, cessities always mn stock. of the University of Pennsylvania |oarsmen, is very well satisfied with "the showing of his senior eight in| | their victory over Yale recently. His | | men were working under a handicap | in that the return to eligibility of | To get to the ball grounds quickly and easily, ot | you need a good Bicycle--that's the MASSEY. [Several WEmUeis of kis squad Seves | bo : Rt] 3 ; eight this year is one of the lightes* | u the reasons; history and for that reason their ) | victory was all the more pronounces. | | Clayton Bourne established twa | {new Canadian records in an invita- |tion swimming race held at the | IM. A. A. A tank Montreal for the | {indoor 100 and 220 yards, the first [in 56 seconds flat and the second in 2.34. This clips 2-5 secnds off George Verngt's record in the 100 yards, | {and 17 4-5 seconds from Vernolls| record in the 220 yards. Bourne was | ---- ag. -- - Stan... Lisanne PLEASED WITH OUR HARDWOOD FLOORING The following letter was received by us from a satisfied customer :-- . "Gentlemen: --In these days! when it is so easy and human to find fault if things one buys are .not_just right, it gives. me great pleasure to tell you that my family is delighted with the beech hard- wood flooring secured from you a few weeks ago. It cost us $23 to cover a room about 15' x 9° 9", and had some to spare, It would be very hard to get any other covering of near the valuc for the same money. You may give my name to any enquirers, to whom we will be pleased to show the floor, which we laid' ourselves." ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street gL | George Gibson, manager of tle Pittsburg Pirates, has made a d:s- covery. He has found the reason why his athletes do not sport as large batting averages as some of the other teams in John Heydler's circuit: The reason assigned by Gibson is that Forbes Field, the Pirates' park, is too large. Gibson says the averages of other National - league players proves the contention becausa none of them hit the ball for as many. 'Isafeties when in Pitsburg. "The small park is a great, en- couragement to the batters," said Gibson, in discussing the discovery. - "When a player stands at the plate i IVING ROOM and realizes that he has to hit one : : a mile in order to get a safety, it * FUR : : is not likely that that deduction will be any encotrragement to him. We ON TABLES--OAK, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY HTT MAHA » Summ Clubs--get our prices! JHE A visit to our store will give vy, why people who care insist on a MASSEY. are not sorry our park is large, how-: ever. In fact we are not offering it SPECIAL PRICES as-an alibi, but the truth remains : Tr TA pr me Look for ilic Silver Ribbon. If it isn't there, it isn'ta MASSEY. Easy terms. Pay as you ride. Mention "Bicycle" and everybody talks MAS- SEY. There is no better Bicycle at any price, Store open Saturday evenings till 10.30 p.m. _, TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Bs PRINCESS STREET : : Telephone 529. RO RO TOR He SPRINGTIME IS HOUSE _ WIRING TIME Enjoy the comforts of Electricity. Let us wire your home. We are experts. Estimates cheerfully given. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC Co. Phone 441 - -. - 167 Princess Street OUR SELECTIONS w= Spring Woollens! while not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. - Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. CRAWFORD & WALSH , TAILORS: Bagot and Brock Streets 17 years of age Monday,. when he graduated from the junjor ranks. Colonel Rupert, president of the York that he received word from Judge Landis, commissioner of baseball. that Frank Baker, former star has been re-instated and eligible to sires. to usa him. 3 With Jack Dempsey quietly at Freddy Welsh"s farm at Summit. N.J,, and Georges Carpen- tier about to start for these shores, pentier will stop Dempsey inside of six rounds. It is expected that Demps sey will rule a 3 to 1 favorite right up to the day.of the contest. Rube Marquard, at Pittsburg with the Cincinnati Reds, for a series with the Pirates, is about to unddrtake another marriage jassignment, it is reported at Pittsburg. Rube, accord- ing to the rumor was delayed in pro- curing a marriage license because ha did not have his divorce papers with him. The name of the prospective bride could not be learnad. ible list by Judge Landis, has just been released by the semi-pro. team with which he signed, the result of protests from other semi-pro. organ- izations against harboring anyone outlawed by organized baseball, Pun- ishment for the baseball offender is going to be harder than seemed lika- ly at the beginning and the action of semi-pros. shows how highly Judge i Landis' actions for the good of base- | ball are regarded, even outside the ranks of the big leagues. Earl, Sheely, who is playing first | base for the Chicago White Sox, 1s the slowest runner in the major lea- [sues and thereby hangs a tale. Two {years ago he broke a small bone in {his right leg, but the fracture never | Was properly 'treated. When Sheely | was alle to resume work, therefora, his speed was gore, but he didn'tlose Be batting and fielding skill. So far, Hb > formér Salt Lake star has mea- sured up to Gleason's expectations as |a slugg.r and he seems to cover first base ag well as Chick Gandil. Conse- quently, Gleason is willing to over- look Sheely's slowness® of foot 30 long as he fills the bill in other res- pects, ! » RE ----_-- Will Row as Senior, Adiel Steacy, who last year won the junior rowing title at the Cana- dian Henley and will this year repre- sent the' Brockville Rowing Club in the senior event, is now in active training along with Harold Swain, who is going after the junior cham- pionship this season. . . Epidemic of Dysentry It affects many people more in winter than in summer--in the one case it is due to improper eating-- in the other, to congestion excited by"told. A small dose of good, old Nerviline repeated a couple of times usually removes the\ trouble very promptly. If there is pain, relief is almost immediate. For cramps, colic, stomach pains, and the like, Nervi- line in sweetened water is certainly a wonder. 35c. at all dealers. Smoke Tab Use it for pipe satisfaction third-baseman of the Kilties, | play whenever Manager Huggins de- | lolling about ! wagering on the world's heavyweight | championship bout has begun. One | man offered tc bet 1 to 10 that Car- | Ed. Paulette, placed on the inelig- | | New York Kilties; announced at New i | THIS TREE-CLIMBING DOG IS NO NATURE FAKER. Spike, owned by Edward E. Zahrn, of Porter, Indiana is bne.dog. that can | elimb trees. Here you have him "caught in the act" running up an elm tree after a pet .cream can fastened 'with a stick, nine feet from the | ground. | re ---------------------------- i NO OHANCE FOR TRICKS, Dempsey and Carpentier Will Be Keenly Watched. "'Bat' Masterson writes in the New York Telegraph: "Sending a fan to the hospital for | an operation because he had been | struck several foul blows while in | action in the ring, as was the case | with Mike O'Dowd, is no part of the | Queensbury game. and it is to be | sincerely hoped that nothing of the | kind will happen in the Dempsey- | Carpentier fight. At any rate, if one | or the other resor's to foul means to help him win, it is to be hoped that the referee will have the courage to promptly disqualily the offender, which the rules provide he shall do. "Pempsey might not have hit Wil- lard with a loaded fist at Toledo, but there are a great many in this coun- try at the present time who believe he did, and those who entertain such an opinion are not of the sucker class by. a long shot. The fact is those who think Dempsey used the mailed fist on Willard are men who have had years of experience in the fight- ing game and know all the foul tricks fighters often employ to win a battle. 'Carpentier, however, is not a Jess Willard, neither is Demschamps a Walter Menahan, Cerpentier and his manager are wise guys. Both know all there is to be known about the fighting game and both wifl without doubt be wide awake when the band- ages and gloves are being adjusted. "In this respect tkey'll be different from Willard and kis coterie of hand- lers at Toledo. Willard was so cock sure of winning that he didn't even seem to care what means Dempsey resorted to, Mailed fist or no mailed fist was all the same to big Jess. With him Dempsey was just a common mug whom he could bowl over when- ever he got ready. "And it's more than probable big Jess never changed his mind until after he got that first knockdown, and then he didn't have much mind to change. But it isn't likely to be that way with Carpentier and Des- champs, They'll gec that Dempsey's hands are properly bandaged and that the electric tape and other unfair accessories fighters have been. known to use to flatten an opponent will be conspicious by their absence. "Dempsey, of course, might not at- tempt to employ any such means. He might be too good a sport for that. But just the same it will do no harm to k P a sharp lookout and see that evebiing is run on the up and up. Carpentier and Deschamps are too wise to try any unsportmanlike tac- tics in this country. The fact that they'll at least suspect that every- body will be watching them and every move they make carefully scrutinized and promptly reported to the enemy camp will be enough to keep them in line from the day they pitch their training camp until.the finish." eett---------- 4 President. McCaffery, of the To- ronto Club, was notified from Bos- ton that Pitcher Talcott had been re- leased to the Leafs.' The twirler will report to Manager Doyle in a day or two, either here or at Reading, whero the Toronto team opens a series on Sunday. \ that the Pirate yards is one of the very biggest, if not the biggest in the league. Gibson declares the Pirates show much better hitting ability in some of the smaller parks. For instance, season .invariably hit better than .300 as a machine. The Philadei- phia park is one of the smallest in the majors, having * an especially short right 'field fence. Homer Summa, outfielder, has been sent to the Rochester team of the International League under op- tion, officials of the Pittsburg Na- tionals announce. Separation, But No Alimony A peaceful, quiet separation, no damage done, everybody happy again --that's the situation when you di- vOrce your corns. y Putnams Corn Extractor, Act like' magic, no pain, no failure, success every time. Refuse a substitute for '"Putnam's, 25¢ ev- erywhere. MACDONALD'S he says in Philadelphia his team last | EASY CHAIRS, CHESTERFIELDS AND ROCKERS -- LAT. Ji RECORD DESIGNS AND FINISHES. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w, -~ You can't always place a safe esti- If you want 'the Lord to Mlsten, there should be a meaning to your prayer. mate of a man by the shake of his WHO "ROLL THEIR OWN" hand. FY = P= == A) MACDONALD'S| FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO LIKE ne Cut SMOKING bao): Aelale) CUT FINE, OR \ MBC DOW BALD ©, LS a SE GN BRINGING UP FATHER =: ° 188 Princess Street. . 'Phone 733 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. traction. Safe aml painless, ° . OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. on ee ss tie Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- f Cement Blocks, Bricks, .Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental FNTATION AND MEET THE © re DIDNT | TELL "00 TO CO TO ne NEL BUTLER? HELL BE THE NEXT TRAIN - | BEEN PUT Ste THE ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE HELP? YOU ARE THE NEW DUTLER FOR MRS. JIGGS YES-AND Accorong] HER TELEPHONE TION - ™ TO BE EATED CAS ONE Rig THE THEN TAKE MY ADVICE AN GIT ON THE NEXT + TRAIN BACK WHILE Youve 8 GOT YOUR HEALTH- § wer 1D 1900 ov rs: Pastas mae. INS

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