<UESDAY, APRIL 26, 1.2, THE D From The Countryside er ---- on eg - "TANLAC __Nature's Medicine Two teaspoonsful in water three times a day AILY BRITISH WHIG. 10 BE DYSPEPTIC IS TO BE MISERABLE. | C} i Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by BOOTH & CO, Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 George Gifford"s, Chatffey's Locks, on Wednesday evening, for Mr. and Mrs. | Stanley Gifford, who were recently | Miss Lué v Pyne spent the week-end in Ottawa, the guest of | her sister, Mrs. Ernest McEachern. | Mrs. James Gillespie is conltined- to | the house with mascular rheuma- tism. The ""'Drys' carried with a big majority at this poll on Monday. | Mrs (late Coon is ublg to be around again after her long illness i married The poor dyspeptic suffers untold agony after every meal, and any one who has dyspepsia knows what joy it would give to eat three square meals a day and not be punished for it af- ter Nearly everything that enters | the weak stomach acts as an irritant, | and even the little that ' is eaten causes such torturgand is digested so + imperfectly that it-does little good. | Before you can eat heartily, and not pick and choose your food, you must put your stomach into such a condition that it will manufacture its | wR Lenox & Addington "FRONTENAC SANGSTER. April 20.--A. McGowan has - been own digestive ferments For over forty years Burdock Blood Bitters has been toning up and restoring weak stomachs to a normal healthy condition, so that the food no longer causes distress, but is thor- FOR SALE | sawing wood through this district re- cently. A large number attended the i {show in Fermoy on Tuesday even-! ling last. Visitors; Mrs. A. Legary at M. J. Cochrane's, P. O'Connor at {John McNicholson's, T: P. Young at ; BETHEL. | April 21g-Fargiers are all work-| ing early and late to get their sowing | --makes you feel better! --makes you eat better! --makes you sleep better! --makes you work better! It is called Nature's Medicine because it is pure- ¥ vegetable and is Composed of the most icial roots, herbs and barks known to science. Over 20,000,000 bottles sold in six years Hi {done. The rattle of the milk-wagon | lis heard again. Many were surprised | {to hear of the death of Mrs. Charles | {Emberly, which occurred on Monday | afternoon. ! oughly digested and assimilated, and {Thomas Kiley's, Maurice Shane at enables one to partake of all they. mes Hickey's, Mr. and Mrs. J W. wholesome food required without Conway - at 'James O'Connor's fear of any unpleasant after effects. {Thomas Bq roll or de BI ar 2 Mrs. Alice Becknorth, Fesserton,|'bomas Barrett a 0 Murphy's, Ont., writes: --"I have been 4 "great [Nevill Hickey at Thomas Younge's. New ionation: 3 suffereMrom indigestion and dyspep- W losstlon: sia for several years. 1 could not} HOLLEFORD Corner Ontario and West Sta eat anything without almost dying| April, 19.--Mr, White, Gatianogue y from the pain in the pit of my stom- | district, has been engaged as cheese ach. Seeing Burdock Blood Bitters ,yer tor the season and has ogened highly recomended | tied a bottle, |, factory, which 'will take tn milk aud san gladly gay it relieved Me | tomorrow. He is moving his family 1 can eat anything now, and am in . . . perfect health." ' {to Frank Sigsworth's house, recent- B. B. B. is manufactured only by ly vacated by W. Abrams. R. Martin The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- | has moved from Unionville and is te, Ont. : | residing for a time in gne of G. 7. L | Babcock's houses while improving GOON, CLEAN coAL gE . ; 1 A Chadwick & So 'The deceased had been ! |a respected resident of this place for {the past eight years, The late Mrs. Emberly was of a kind disposition, and a good neighbor. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey, Glenvale, took tea at Fred McWilliams on Wednesday | evening. Miss'E. McWilliams, Miss H. Asselstine and T, E. McWilliams spent one evening recently at Mrs. Sara Connolly's, Yarker. Clarence |' Emberly, Winnipeg, arrived on Wed- To : f 4 \ | ' nesday night to stay at the bedside RAILWAY of his father. Mr. and Mrs. H. V HD) TRUN SSYSY Em Robinson are at her father's, Fred FD § i . Walker's, Specialty Paper Mills. Mr. : fA Change of Time Will Be Made on ard Mrs. George Jeffrey, Glenvale, | attended the funeral of Mrs. C. Em- berly on Wednesday. - one purchased from G. H. Reid. Miss |Orpha Babcock's application has | been accepted at the Belleville hos- | pital. She enters for training May | 1st. Miss Babcock will be missed | very much -in the community. Rev. Mr. Babcock, Harrowsmith, is con- ducting a series of meetings in the Free Methodist church. Despite the bad weather Sunday, a good crowd gathered to be addressed by Mr. Gar- ner. Miss Guess, teacher, is taking extra classes for the entrance class, whieh numbers four. CEMETERY LETTERING and REGUILDING A SPECIALTY. J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAS STREET Phone 1417. SU NDAY, MAY 1st, 19021 Standard time, not so-called Day- light Saving Time, will' continue to Isanc Watts Thrown Fron Waioo is | be used for Schedules of all trains on Runaway Accident AN {the Grand Trank® Railway System. Odessa, April 23.--Miss Ruth wy) | Babcock, of the public school staff; a ) | left last Monday tc continue her studies in Belleville college. The po- sition made vacant by her resigna- tion is being filled by Leslie McCon- nell, an Odessa boy. Miss Madella Atkinson, who has been in the Kings- ton Gengral Hospital for the past two weeks, is recovering nicely from an operation for appendicities. The social dance held in the town- | ship hall last Tuesday night had a large attendance. The excellent mu- sic was furnished by the Walters orchestra, Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. ®rnest Wright and Dan Wright, Violet, were guests of Mrs. George Deltor last Sunday. Miss Maggie Babcock, Kingston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, George Babcock. John Kenny has pur- chased the Isaac Watts farm. Mr. Watts met with quite a serious ac- | cident a short time ago. His hofses | ran away and he was thrown from the wagon. His many friends will be glad to hear that he is improving. Mrs. N. B. Adams and Mrs. (Dr.) H. C. Mabee returned last Monday from spending a week with friends in Tos ronto. } Visitors: Mrs. Brucé Graham and little daughter Jean, Syracuse, N. Y., at the Dominion Vern Frink, Syra- cuse, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Frink; Mrs. George Ruther- ford, North Bay, with her brother, Bon Emmons; Mrs. James Burns and little daughter Patricia, Tamworth, at Joseph Lawlor's. Mrs. Edward Vrooman, who has been gpending the past winter with her daughter, Mrs. Donaldson, North Bay, returned to ODESSA TEACHER LEAVES The name which stands for quality FAT FOLKS = BECOME SLIM EASILY, PLEASANTLY Fat persons will be happy to learn that they might easily reduce their weight . © without starvation diet, drastic drugs, or stresuous exercise. If you are overstout, are Jou lowering your J tality © i this excess Burden? "Don's foupardize your health or os laughing stock aay longer. y! Follow the simple diree- tions of the Korein sys- tem, Safe and pleasant; recommended by many re- liable women and men. Weight re. duction reports come in-- even after just a few With For particulars apply to-- J. P. HANLEY, ©oB&B 19217 Three Women Had Corns and this is what they did Onesimplyparedthem and kept them. She never knew an hour without corns, One used a harsh, unscien- tific treatment. It was ineffi- cient and it often caused soreness. The third applied Blue-jay, liquid or plaster, It was done in amoment and it stopped the pain.Inalittlewhilethewhole corn loosened and came out. Millions of people now use Blue-jay. It is ending at least i 5. TITTSFERRY, C.P. & T. A, GT. Ry., Kingston, Ont. April 21.--The farmers are all ; busy with their seeding and are hop- ing for a few more dry days. The U.F.0. pie social and dance held at J. W_Paddle's was a decided success. The | proceeds amounted to over thirty.five dollars. The ladies of the Community Aid met at the home of Mrs. Robert Ranous and held their annual meting on Wednesday on Wednesday afternoon. The new of- ficers were appointed as follows: President, Mrs, Harvey Scott; vice- president, Mrs. George . Maitland; secretary, Miss Anne Maitland; treas- urer, Mrs. Robert Ranous. A vote of thanks was given 'to the retiring officer for their splendid work dur- ing the past year. /The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Brash. The young people of your husband to continue buying St, Lawrence Epworth League are puting on a play in St. Lawrence new Hats every season when we i S § | church on Thursday evening, entitled oan reshape your old ones into the fas + 7 1*In the A"sence. of Susan" very latest Spring styles. { Get wise! Save $10.00, and 203 fol | - tnd =I, and pu To reduce ten to sixty | WOLFE ISLAND. itdnto that Suit yoy have in mind. DY ranslavat Jou need "April 22.--Born, to Mr. and Mrs. \ 8 d REIN system a trial. You Albert Docteaur, a son. Jack Craw- The . st Hat Cl Jill probably find it 1s ford, Montreal, is visiting his rela- on eaners tives - here. Richard Dawson 'has Opposite The College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. "Phone 1488. People's Florist 177 Wellington street, : A an, 39 SEU ERA R-DONATD-ON 20millioncomsyearly. Those folksneverkeepcorns--never suffer corn aches. Why don't you join them? Learn the right way to treat corns. " Blue-jay is a scientist's in- vention. Itismadebyaworld- famed laboratory. Itcomesintheform youlike " best-- either liquid or plaster. Cease out-of-date methods and try this. © Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, 'and wedding bouquets. to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to FAREED! SUMMER SAILINGS "a -- ndra roia HALIFAX TO . Ply., Cherbourg & Hamburg TSS Saxonis itive viens Apr. 28 N. Y,, GLASGOW, (via Moville) | May 14{June 25 : | May 21/Juné 18{July 16 ... Columbia | June 1{July 2/July 30 Cameronis NEW 1 0OMK-LIVERPFOOL 7... irda ..Vaubar 30{June 1{July 2 ..Caronia I .Vestris days' treatment. Toper re- { uction Detwre ond afte the flesh in bpco pet] firm, the gkia smooth and ral health im- | Apr. | Apr. May | May | June Plaster-or Liquid Blue-jay The Scientific Corn Ender BAUER & BLACK Limited TORONTO CANADA Makers of B & B Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products Bo Apr. 28 ay l4July 9 . a N. ¥Y,, Cher rE ¥ 3(May 24[June 15 . May 12lJune 8|July 14 ne 2lJune 30 Berenga N.Y, PLY, CHER. HAMBURG 26!June 2 July 14 Saxonis Vige, Gibraltar, Pafras, Dubrovaik, Calabris JL. (0) Pannonis ust what you need. Start #= on the oa longer life Deere nd Anta purchased the house and lot lately and Rapningeg todsy, 0b. owned by Thomas Geddes, the lat- s of Korein tabules (pro- nounced koreen) under money-back guar- ' ter taking up his residence in New York. The farmers are busy seed- antes at any busy drug store or write for ing. Mrs. Robert Payne accidentally free brochure, with many testimonials, te Korein Co, Box 277.P, Toronto, Ont, fell on the sidewalk, with the result of a badly bruised leg. The steamer Sse Wolfe Islander has gone into Davis' " . * Sherwin Williams dry dock to receive necessary re- SHER--WILL--LAC VARNISH pairs, which will take a week or ten days. Martin Kane has returned STAIN iJune 4 ,. ... sings * From New York (0) calls at Corunna instead of Vigo | Por tates of pagsige, freight and further | particulars apply to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORDCO., LimiTED i GENERAL AGENTS » # KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. To WINNIPEG, BRANDON, , REGINA, SASKATOON, CALGARY, EDMONTON, PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA THE "NATIONAL" LEAVES TORONTO 11.00 P.M. DAILY via'9.T., T, 4 N.0. and G.N.Rys. her home last Tuesday. ~ from Watertown, after a brief visit [ih oe Jurents, ney Davis wi 9,178 SE I i LERS ag been confine 0 his home | _VIA C.P. FLEET thréugh illness, is gaining nicely and will shortly be around again. (English Settlers Brought $175,¢ 000 Here to Buy Land Varnish Stain onthe different shades to Ir can' call, is- the best market. Ten choose from. phope 2186. ~W. H. Cockburn & Co. Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YoU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON {© OUR SBRVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery @xperience. We most strongly recommend great care 'n keeping your battery well charged while car is iu use, and WINTER DRY STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists. . WILLARD SERVICE STATION folie aT thels rate was to.be tained. Phone 1340. 1. LESSES, Prop. : w 33 detail, the Canadian Pacific re. 3 es EE To al follows:- - three months are as Y During January, five of the com. you Mrs. Robert White has gone to Kitchener to visit her sister, Mrs. Rietzel, who lies dangerously ill. Thomas Allum has returned from England, after a three months' visit with his parents, He reports hav- By the Seenie St. Lawrence River Route. \ MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW | i k Despite . the strengthening of re. | ®trictions against fresh immigration ing a fine trip across both ways. The | nto this country, and the continua« roughest he experienced was be- | Rion of the Taling shat a Bey set, K t nd Wolfe Island. rs must show n cash an. tween Kingston # ------ lon' tailway fare to their destina« e ion before being admitted into the ominion, these new settlers con CROSBY Since to arrive in large and increas' April 22.--The farmers are very numbers. uring' the months of Jahvary, busy putting in their crops, the wea- ther being very favorable at present. ebruary and March ne less than (187 new colonists entered St. John Born, on April 19,.to Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Coopper, a daughter. Mrs, via the Canadian Pgcific vessels jalone, being 1,450 in Sugary, 204s B. Btout entertained a number of her friends on Wednesday. A few from February and 5,692 in March: here 'attended the * reception at | SAILINGS EVERY FEW DAYS | ------ via Parry Sound and Sudbsry "Leave Toronte 8.45 p.m. Daily except Sunday STANDARD TRANS-CONTINENTAL TRAIN EQUIPMENT Tiekets and full Information from t Osnadian Nations! 200 or Grand Trunk Raliway Agent, Canadian Home many times is Qunly an emer-| gency refuge. > | MONTREAL and QUEBEC | to | LIVERPOOL, SOUTHAMP- |TON, GLASGOW, HAVRE, ANTWERP Is | Ocean Trip Shortened by two De. | lightful Days on the Sheltered River - | and Gulf Apply 'to Agents Everywhere OF 1 King Streét Enst, Toronto, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Traffic Agents, A good many people are prodigal These numbers would have been con- siderably larger, so the shipping with Optaions. amen aver, if the $250 requirement ad been dropped to the former $50 rate, as it was recently thought would be done. In faet, Pp officials state that many hundred in- ; tending immigrants cancelled their 19 Brock Street gaors Seamers arrived at St. Yi : ., with a total passenger 3,356, of which 1.450 were new colon. ists for Canada and 1,807 for the United States. of TUES) dr gems sri a total of 5, 3 which 2,045 were new Cloris tor Sanda and 1,430 for the United es. - Nine steamers arrived in March, | bringing 9,861 passengers: 5,962 be. of ing new colonists for this country : API and 509 for the United States. - Bh i As to the type of colonists on Specially selected for Purity and high germination. ; . Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover; (White Blossom). GARDEN SEEDS--in packages and bulk from the most reliable growers. WP at sixty-five farmers ' ve ape TB a dian lands. new 3 gv a By ern by A. Hill the C.P.R. Colonization and De. lor the dis i 'a town on velo t these art tebewan botmdary, o the