FRIDAY, "APRIL, 29, 1921, 1 Pill a Laxative, 2 Pills a Cathartic, 3 Pilly'a Purgative, This is the Way Milburn's Laxa- "Gi Liver Pills Work. hs ; You will never use any of the old griping, nauseating, sickening, purg- ing pills, containing as they do calo- mel and other drastic mineral ingre- dients, once you use M{lburn's Laxa- Liver, a pill that is purely vegetable. to the great care used in rg, OWIDE tot] at Protiring the highest grade of druge fron} which they are manufactured, they are as near perfect as it is pos- sible to get a laxative remedy They work gently and effectively, without a gripe or pain. 'If you are troubled with constipa .tlon, billousness; driven to distrac- tion with sick headaches, if your tongue is coated, your breath bad, your complexion muddy, your eyes Yellow, have floating specks before the eyes, jaundice, itching, bleeding Or protruding piles, stir up your slug- 8ish liver with a few doses of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. Mrs. Roy Mackie, Orillia, Ont., writes: -- "I desire to etpress my thanks for the relief I have had by using Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. 1 had been suffering for some time from constipation and bad headaches. "1 tried all sorts of cures, which «did me no good, until 1 was advised tc ty your pills. 1 got great relief after taking only a few doses." Price 25c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Idmited, Toron- to, Cut. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W 8S WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. *Save the surface and + you seveall'a gory RITE Makes ERERHIPIT Cie =o All Lawn Furniture Two Beautiful Shades RED and GREEN Dries Absolutely Hard Wiit Not Rub Off STEVENSON & HUNTER THIS WOMAN'S MISERY Ended by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compéund. Re- markable Recovery of Mrs. Church. Smiths Falls, Ont. -- "I suffered with falling of my organs, pains around m heart and in bowels and down my leg, neuralgia in my face and head, and that terrible sinking feeling. I felt that I could not live and would fix my house in order every night so there would be no - trouble .if I dropped off in the night. My husband went to the druggist to get the best remedy he had and he 0 him Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable - und. I took six bottles and felt a lot Porter, I will always recommend the Vegetable Compound, and you can use these facts as a testimonial.' -- Mrs. % 0. CAURCH, Box 845, Smiths Falls, nt. ' . The succers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from nervous prostration, displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, irregularities, periodic pains, back- ache, bearing-down feeling, flatulenay, in tion and dizziness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the standard remedy for female iljs. If there are any complications about which you need advice write in con- fidence to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass. ne A lot of Americans get a lot of pleasure out of keeping other Ameri- ~ 4 tree and it was buried at Unionville, | JY {A CLAYTON CARTAN DIS Capt. Jasper Ellis Passes Away --Recall Wreck on Erie. The funeral-of Capt Jasper Ellis; well-known resident of Clayton, N Y.. who died in an Ogdensburg hos- pital, Sunday, aged 72 years, Hel WeEAnEEa Ey una eY THE AIFETTion of the Masonic lodge of which Cay: tain Ellis had been a member for twenty-seven years Captain Ellis was born September | | 17th, 1848, the son of the late Mr. | and Mrs. Amas Ells A peculiar fact in connection with his death is | the fact that his father was drowned | {in the wreck of the sailing vessel | Manchester below Fairport, O., on Lake Erie, on the afternoon of East- er Bunday, April 23rd; 1859. 8 The Manchester left Clayton | March 28th, 1859, being the last of | [thirty sailing vessels to leave port {after being tied up for the winter. | Among other Clayton men on board | {besides Capt. Ellis' father was Capt | W. H_ Vincent. The Manchester | sailed to Detroit and took on board a carlbad of lumber. Coming back ghe ran into a terrific gale, became waterlogged and began to sink. The {crew started to take to the boats, but | In some manner Mr. Ellis, who was | | cook on the Manchester, was washad overboard and drowned. His body | | was found two days later lodged in a | | 0., seven miles back of the old Madi- | son dock, {| The mate of the vessel alsc lost his | lite and the body was never recov- jered. The rest uf! the crew niadse | 8hore after a hard fight against the | wind, coupled with the cold weather | jand a blinding snow storm. The cap- | tain and another member of the crew | went insare, so terrible was their | suffering. | Capt. Elifs.was about eleven years [old at the time of his father's death He was undaunted and with the blood of a sailor in his veins, he, too, followed the boats practically all Mis | life. Most of his sailing was eon- fined to the St. Lawrence. For many years he was engineer onthe ! Midge, one of the smallést boats on | the river. She was a side-wheeler ston. The Midge operated about fifty years ago, in the days where there was no railroad here, and it was nee- essary to have daily boat communi- { cation betweéén this village and Caped | Vincent, Besides the Midge, Capt. Ellis also salled on other vessels, some of which he comménded. Most all of his experience was confined to the pleasure craft. At the time he went to the hospital he owned the Colum- | bia, formerly the old Van Horn. ! t------------ | { | | LADY NANCY ASTOR British M. P., whe is active in the prohibition campaign in the Old Land --------------_ Have You Competitors? The astute merchant who has no competitors is advertising Se busi- ness>anticipating that time, which will surely come, when some other chap decides to have his share. SOE and commanded by Capt. John John- | Sour milk often will remove iron | rust from white fabries. cans from having any, SED Ford Roadster . . . I Ford Touring with Starter . . . . $450.00 | Ford Sedan with Starter . . . . .. $850.00 I Chevrolet Touring, I Gray Dort Special Touring; only run | 15 miles . . . . 1 Mel aughlin K63, Roadster, with 4 Cord Tir es; run | | All these cars may be purchased on easy terms. N 'anLuvenBros. Phone 1609. : 34-38 Princess Street. CARS 490 .......$550.00 $1675.00 00 miles ». $1650.00 . PRINCE OF MONACO Famous scientist. in America, to re. | ce'te the Alexander Agassiz gold medal | 3 "ra Al : - Ry Not Courting Publicity. "What progress are Fou weking? asked the first "money digger." JOur town went 'over the top." ¢ald the second "money diggef." "Fine! AS% chairman of the local committee you ought to receive a pair thing of that sort." [of "cnffhyttons, a watch fob of 'some: su' "I'm not looking for any presents. | I'll be satisfied if nobody hands me a Subpoena." Research, "What's: them?" {(nqiired Cornitostel as his wife was preparing for the party. "Those are olives." "What are they good for?" "Good to ent." "What else? thing with a taste like' that oughtn't to cure something." ' A Grouch's Aversions, Farmer | You can't tell. me any- |° "John," exclaimed the nervous wom- | an, "I think there is a burglar in the house." "Let him alone. There's nothing he | could move out except the rubber tree and the phonograph, and if necessary I'll pay him a little something for his trouble," THe Difference. "I made up my mind our boy Josh should have marked Farmer "And now he shows knowledge." Caorntossel, a floe "education," re- | his' superior | "No. Josh doesn't know much more | than I do. he uses longer words." Influential Utterances. The only difference is that | "Did your campaign speeches have | any real influence?" | "I won't say they changed the winds | of many auditors," admitted Senator | Sorghum. "But T am depending on them to give me the lwenefit of a favor @ible impression on the minds of the Incoming officials." Losking Ahead. Mr. Multirox--1! can't promise you a very merry life as my wife. Me, Qs an old man, with one foot In the grave. Miss Mainchance-- (ih, right. other foot slips. A MODERN IMPROVEMENT Grandsire: in my time when a young man_called on his = she entertained him by showing Rim . - family album. Now she shows him the family moving pictures. Grandson: And she has to turn out all the lights to do It. And, tay! You don't know that you've missed!" Surely Neat Then. T love to hear men singing Whils at thir work, said Birey. But suppose one's a mortician, Or an usher In a church? SIR HERBERT SAMUBLS British High Commissioner for Pales- Hine. who has taken steps for the pro- jection of the Holy Sepulchre aginst that's all | I'll make up for it when your | | i | | | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. New Stere, Ne. 39, Now Osea ot Kiagstea, Ont, The Biggest Values in Popular Priced, Tailored-tes - | |: | Measure Suits and Overcoats in the British Empire. A Dominion-Wide Measure |] Of Economy And Satisfaction Is Offered In Our Clothes Tailored-To-Measure E VERYWHERE in Canada The English & Scotch Woollen Co. Tape Line is "Taking the Measure" of the best men in the Dominion--and deliver- BR ing fine Custom-Tailored-to-Measure Garments at Standardized Prices that cannot be duplicated. Organization makes this possible. : In the values and tailoring satisfaction We are giving today we are building good will for the future _As an added attraction and valué demonstration we will give, absolutely without additional cost, a pair of Extra Pants with every garment ordered Today, Saturday or Monday. Suits and Overcoats Tailored-To-Your-Measure i NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER CONCERN IN CANADA Extra Pants ==. Free | same material Y 2 2x i to youself to drop into one of our 39 Quality Tailor Shops the first chance you get. Compare our values with what others offer, compare our Suits and Overcoats for quality of fabric, then in tailoring, in style and general all-around "goodness. Te won't take you long to make up your mind that English & Scotch Woollen Co. Tailored-to-Measure Clothes are your one best buy this season. 0 To help you economike and to give your suit twice the wear, we are offering to give you without additional cost an Extra Pair of Pants with every garment ordered today, Saturday and Monday--investigate this wonder- value and let us take y6ur measure. LADIES De Jo8 want good quality materials for your new dress or sult? We have thousands of yards to be sold as low yf rh Tiaulas 1°rioe, lon ge aad 36 S lnehes, This o maleriale tt hy BR rr Ad Take oare of the ehilaren's My ah Trousers . < We are showing exceptional ralaes tronber lengths. "Beans of 'thevs sietas ove = as $2.78 per very limited quantities, asd are exceptional values, is an exceptional ugually found in Women's English& Scotch WoollenCo, | 79 Princess Street The Big Montreal Tailors With the $20 Price -- Stores From Coast to we 39. QUALITY TAILOR ni SHOPS IN CANADA Women League Against indecency in Fashions Montreal, April 29 --An extensive plan of action has already been pre- pared by those interested in the néw- 851 St.v Catherine Street East, Montreal Write for Frees Samples, Fashion Plates, Out-of-Town Men [ Selt-Meacure Form and Tape Line. Ad: Ldrees 851 Bt. Catherise Se East Yontsal s $ ay | 15-tormea Christian Women's League Eagles have been known to fy to {against indecent fashions, which al- ready has a membership of approxi- mately 10,000 women. in this prov- fnce. The organization is designed not only to cover the province ' of Quebec, but to extend all over the | ate asked to bring the League to the country where women willing to join | notice of their congregations. to both Protestants .and Catholics {a height of 6000 feet. * 1afk rise altke, and pamphlets explaining itsi{to the same height, and so will aims and ambitions are being dis-|crows. . As a rule, however, it 1s said, tributed throughout the Dominion, {birds do not fly at a greater height and to Roman Catholic priests, a [ 1000 feet. i : are to be found. The League is oie The first gas mantles were made of platinum,