Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1921, p. 3

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} FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921. : TH E DAI AILY B R I TIS H tW H I G. J (TURKISH HAREM PASSING. eS inde; £4 B est 's Poverty and the Need For = yo So stiuday, Vind sendin House Room Are the ------ SPRING NEEDS | Causes. | AEE ! WE HAVE Constantinople, April 29.--The 0 : Turk i i assing as --Moth Tar Bags. i Turkish harem is quickly p ~Camphor Flakes. TWO e part of the Turkish home. Poverty * RE PHO PAHS mi ene ENG CYBER for "house TOO arene fi} = e=Disinfeetants, | Grandfathers ~ The Turkish pashas, effendis, beys SEEDS-- ! cht € he well-to-do of other days, Rennie's Ww. t . wil es were divided into the ii . 2 i nd the haremitk, 1481 is, one | -- ; estminster foun wit tie Jet, thet 1, 004 Steele 1;gge - ¥ . 3 en and the others for the men, Ferries - fl Chime Clocks ar with this luxury as they | All fresh 1921 stock | have godin] with their carriages, ! 2s, jewels and lands. The peas- ) . ant. 54 I keer tr) Phone your wants to 59. left from our recent shipment. hes y : a division of their | rivacy of their wives One is priced at $130.00; the vd daught nd children, L 1. Bot, Doggy ff oo = zziil The last and greatest bargain pearance and. price, and the te happler when ¢ home was cas-| INSURANCE quality is excellent. = i and their hoevanas, [J] : ) g J AT COST |] mom conan | contin nmap day of our sensational in full, rich tones. -t it one side of {he When you take out a Mutual but t} re to ron Life Participating Policy you fionse. or el ihe reqi atslt tions of A byy Life Insurance at cost. lied : : ed Tohitiies ta ereryining earned above the v Ive totais io onic oe heh > . expenses of carrying on the ; jive 108 ) business of the Mutual Life is 5 ia iia I ] Ca a il the exclusive property of the Wedding : Marviagz if | Pereinter are getting for the policy holders. Rings. LiLer.ses. tine a perp ! 0 the hore @ 3-1 There are no stockholders in te fc ot ti:ese old homes, unti! now tne pivstery of proiceting| the Mutual--the policyholders To-morrow, the last div of the most stupendous sale in our his- are the company. ! garden Valls latticed windows and] . . - Therefore, ALL of the profits SMI H BROS |hege gates or doorwiy visit of- (ff tory, will be a burly day long to be remembered. ' --not 80% or 95% of them-- i . jten reveals u che wg futetior, with belong to the policyholders. 1 ' {rons alla ; ies decorated] : This means Life Insurance at 5; rou, Ta bel . : phe | Cost. > : Jewelers - Limited | with fresco pal s. und mosale s | ; The "utual gives you the Enowing . SE > \~ HA ; i Established 1840. | | mouutains, seas, forests, ie ; & ud greatest amount of souad life *-insurance for the least money. I omes are vac Registered Opticians Rr akg Er iropean furniture, ! i i if: Hi! S. oughton i = with niuch of the col¥éctions of Yroe He AH 3 ; . AGENT, 850 Kirg Street tades, gossamer silks and fine rugs " } i iare"sold at auctions held in the house ! h 7 are 60 Brock Stre : ot --_----S {or else sent ty the dealers or auction | > Phone 610. | room of the Old Bazaar. | Montreal's Population. -- | ; r ih y ) | ° | Montreal, April 29.--The nie] : 1H 1 ™ ali : imate ms oe crs wee: | CANNOT DIGEST - BIG m iii Qa rice b i) ATA ad's } . DAVID SCOT I | to estimates made by the city ass sors, was 758,045 people, of * whom | r TE RON Plumbe $75,303 = were French 0 nagisal | { Marshal Foch Receives a Large | Piambing and Gas Work a specia). || 101,271 English; 55,173 Irish To Rireee Fuone 1377 954 eoich, and 94.075 of other vas | Amount of Correspondence ik EIA f 50 only, all Wool Serge, Tricotine, Poriet Twill and Gab- Honalities. Daily. jifle ait ardine Suits--beautifully tailored, lined and many hand- Thoughts are wasted unless turned | Kingston debentures are good. Buy | Paris, April 29.--Marshal Foch | ik a her I § 3 : i 8, 29.--)] sha | ik 7 into action, them. Amounts $100.00 $1000, |p rip AP 30---Werdhal Foch HAR somely embroidered; in Navy Blue, Black, Sand, Grey, | that he has not time enough to prop- | LE HAR LE Lr Brown and Copen. Our own regular high-grade stock to A SO 5 cs LE diss fromarmekel in plaints on SYRO0 ae = £ sition he gets daily a batch of corre- | MOS T PEOPLE = spondence that keeps his aids busy | Jl 4 Bi to $85.00. Come early for first choice. a sifting the trivial and eccentric from | ¢ vm == | the important and interesting, | . r Re ite | RL SATURDAY HALF PRICE Friends and_ enemies alike write him profusely and their letters run | S h REALIZE ---- the whole gamut from ecstatic adula- | Or priced from . od $12. 50 up to $42. 50 tion' to frenzied vituperation. This | morning he received a dozen letters MOTOR COATS SPECIALLY. "PRICED KNITTED DRESSES and as many packages from the same person, an American. All were reg- 12 only, Donegal Tweed Motor Coats, de- ~ istered. The Americ t ha . . ry that in an JUS: MS signed on Burberry lines; all sizes; regular We have been fortunate in securing some first att i by the marshal's staff. ears evar man omen mutt lll. $35.00 values. Sale Price $25.00 | coo 0 of the new Knitted Wool Sport from some pro-German in America | -- inviting the marshal to have himselt | NOVELTY KNITTED WOOL" SUITS Dresses; in two lots. The colors are Camel, aanged or to goto the Place of fire | $11 95 an rimstone, y every mail some- hy : . - o . i | 10 only, all Wool Knitted Suits: in colors Jade, Rose and Navy; on sale as follows: -- Spring Time is Cleaning Time You will want-- - SCRUBBING BRUSHES, IOP WRINGERS o> TEP LADDERS CLOTHES LINES CHICKEN WIRE GARBAGE CANS GARDEN HOSE and later a J LAWN MOWER. Everything for the house or garden at very lowest prices, at-- McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Grgooon. one sends him an ode or a song writ- sneer : "+ Camel, Jade and Henna; trimmed with con- Regular $25.00 values. Sale Price $8.95 Mothers write him informing him | : x they have named fhe finest baby in | - trasting shades. Special value at $19.50. Reg. $15 values for Misses Sale Price $4.98 the world after him, and American ! | fathers send word that they would | Sale Price ; $11.95 have taken a good drink in his honor | jon some anniversary or other had | [not the United States gone dry. | | | > . --y : Authors send him their books and | | ® ® TN inventors forward descriptions of | | rea § 1 iney eal ance wonderful new engines of destruc- | | : tion or schemes to suppress war. LLL The marshal's advice is asked on | . . . a11'the subjects with which, he says, | 50 new Spring Hats--the latest and smartest styles developed in 'Maline, Mohair, he is least familiar. What has amused him most lately | Values r ularl a an Sled 1 mos: atelf | : Crepes and Straws. A broad assortment of colors and trimmings. eg y Francisco with the photographs of two pickaninnnies and the inscrip- sold from $7. 50 to $1 lL 50. Wey ea ae Ve wie Ee Tee we rene . Saturday, $4. 98 fion, "Here's Young America." Phone?237 - - . - =. Kings ns one mgsion = | Riot Breaks Out in India | SILK HOSIERY T Rushed to District | : . A115 Toops: Rushed, to. Disyric | 1,200 pairs Black Silk- Boot Stockings with | 960 pairs of Navy Blue and White "Mon- mm nombay. India. Apri 20.---The | : ge fy, Indi, gett 50.1 oi lisle tops. The greatest Hosiery value of- arch" Silk Hose, with elastic webbed top; the last shipment we could procure; a really reported. to have occurred at Male- A ts Tue wd fered in Canada since 1914. All sizes from | sensational value. Sold regularly at $1.75 ng, dquae of oy he 8! to 10. Regular 60c. a pair. | a pair. Ki ans sup poned, o have been |) SATURDAY .....4 PAIRS FOR $1.00 | SATURDAY gistrate injured. Troops .and police | ' : mma || Bargains For Housekeepers ILLEGAL TIMBER CUTTING North a ee Jeat Tells of TERRY TOWELS--15 dozen nly, White and Colored Terry Towels; regular 30c. val- : Appi Saturday 19c¢. Toronto, April 29.--Apparently ex- ; tensive cuiting of ise wihout auth: TABLE DAMASK. | 50 yds. oi 56 inch Bleached Table Danas regular 3 25 a yard. turday 7 tario, Before the Timber Commission "THE "HOOVER ix Be ~ HUCK TOWELS--18 dozen, White and Colored Bordered Huck Towels; regular 50c. each important townships where this has Saturday, 3 for $1.00 i] | been done by the Spanish River Pulp ; regular 35¢ value ts as & r Mills, who, , ara : . It Bea as it Sweeps it Cleans : 2liegad 10 pars ASaitios thus ~ Saturday 4 yds. for $1.00 : Your pride in your lovely Rugs will be great- Ietaasing the five hasard. SHEETING--250 yds. good Saality Canadian- made Bleached Sheeting; full 2 yds. wide; . : " od He admitted unfamiliarity with the ly efthanced if you give these treasurés™ the Timber Act and claimed he had no re lar 75¢ value -y Saturday 47c. protective care of the Hoover. This efficient authority to act. He knew of no pen- WINDOW SHADES--30 dozen Oil Shades in two lots as follows :-- cleanor will keep all your Rugs in perfect con- alties for trees illegally cut. dition, and prolong the lifé of each one. Only He Pax Pack. 12 doz. Green Oil Shades, plain, regular $1. 50 the Hoover combines the three essentials of : » e thive essefitia Father-- "See here! Why don't you 18 dozen Green and Cream Combination Shades with insertion; reg $2.00 values-- taorough cleaning; You place yourself un- hi h rent? Th Gér. no obligation by asking to see a demon- Put things where you find 'epi? The . ! Saturday, $1. 19 stration of the Hoover saw is gone, the nails are nowhere, Te} .. 1 . and I can't find the hammer. Your : ' See Our Windows for Additional Bargains ! v . .g4 | mother says you had them all today." Son--*] 'left them where I found them. he "You did, eh? Where did you find 79 : ' them? Just tell me that.' hee "Out in the back yard, where you had them fixing a box last wéek."-- : --------------.. | Spare Moments, = E 0 = = = B® g

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