PRIPAY, APRIL 29, i921. Sore pie be WET | Austin's Drug Store HUYLERS Assorted Chocolates. Black and White Chocolates, Assorted Nut Chocolates. Ye Old-Fashioned Chocolate cE REAM, sn Toronto Chovolate Cream «-- (Bitter Sweet). These are guaranteed fresh. Also fresh Page & Shaw's and - Nellson's. Kodaks and Films Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square Kingston 'Phons 230 WP ma R. H. JONES Auto Tops repaired, recover- ed; slip covers; all kinds of cushions repaired. BOAT CUSIIIONS made all sizes with KAPOK filling. 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1352. FOR HIRE G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 2351 w. FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE FRICE Our Plumbing ang Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. f you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cist of installation. Davie & Barrett 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688, W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. mmr y ddd bdeddededobd dodeol od de dedode ded oe Frdedb bb bed bdo BUILDING ? KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. Phone 1670. Carbon Burning and Ww t | _Oxy-Acetylene Welding WRIGHT'S Machine Works 10 Princess St. Phone 1264. THOMAS COPLEY , Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the earpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work also hard- wood floors of all kinds. AH 'urders will recely: prompt attention. Shop 28 Queen Street. 'Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 2586. ~~ COLUMBIA SIX It's the shuttery'thitt make the Columbia Six a true #I weather Car, EDMOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage Auto Repairs a Specialty, 335 King St. = = Phone 2185. . rT mm Automobile Repairing FORD CARS A SPECIALTY USED CARS FOR SALE ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J. 378° BROCK STREET CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS -McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street \-. Williamson & Wellwood Custom Tailors Prices right. 30 MONTREAL STREET Two doors from King Edward Theatre | | | For Sale | A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. --E. Brawley SYDENHAM; ONPARIO. - en | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. -- VEAL HINDS ...... Te. FRONTS... 10c. LOINS .... . 15c LECS :...... 20c. CHOPS ...... 15. Princess Meat Market -- DID YOU- EVER TRY Wagsta's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstail'y Pineapple Marmutade, i Wagstait's Brambie Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Berl Streey, License No. 5-27149 Phone 1544. ] { | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. H. GODWIN & SON 'Real Estate and Insurance 88 Brock: Street. Phone 424. | -------------------------------------- Men's Spring Suits All the latest styles. Choice range of Browns, Greys and Blues. Prices $24.00, $30.00, $33.00, $40.00 and $45.00, and as low as $14.00 a Suit. Men's Spring Overcoats and Raincoats -- prices $15.00, $18.00 and $25.00. Men's Spring Hats-- $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. . Call in and see our big ra and you will be delighted with our goods and prices. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET A { Wets Won | empty abstractions. is worth while in them. THE'DAILY BRITISH W r Hi 3 Kingston and Vicinity "RUN OF MINE HARD COAL «sli t Mr. with m 5 has been connect- Wanted. § nt works in Ogdens Information "reason Porvis Wedding: hie Mr. : M James S Purv's : fce the marriage t daughter, Myrtle, iibson, second son of U by Rev A Ww on April 27th nd a f of Taylor, ty engine I a salary of $3,500, t Jaird. rr mmiiiiitan Silmas Shirts. at Reduced Price. For a few days only we will put men's working shirts and values. from $2.00 to 0 each. Sizes 14 to 17. ng House, Brock St. il at JIA Should Take Warning. Bicyclists should take warning be- cause the police are preparing to en- on sale negligee $2.50, t i Prevost ride on the sidewalks. All spring they g over the walks, not but through the discomfort of Will, Use the Metal The Housten Co., Tweed, has pur- Tchased the Barnett boathouse and have workmen engaged in tearing it down. They intend using the tin jon a new warehouse, have been ridi 1 the reets to the only on parks, pedestrians. carly date. greatly In addition to this, the investizated and action taken. Purchased Fine Farm. Garfield Beerman, Lyndhurst, has purchased a fine farm at Frankville and is busy moving. He has lived in and around Lyndhu all s his life and his numerous 1ds regret his departure Pared to Forty-Four Mills. . As forecast.a month ago a rate_of forty-eight mills seemed inevitable in Renfrew t a paring process, as ad- vocated by mayor, was judicious ly carried out, and a rate of for four mills was fixed. This is eight mills more than last y#ar. Christo- pher Millar was appointed collector of arrears ih all taxes up to Decem- ber, 1920, upon a commission basis -0f féve per cent A Sudden. Death. Adam Fitzpatrick, Foxboro, Thur- low township, expired suddenly on Wednesday at his home, from an at- tack of heart failure. Deceased was sixty-seven years of . age and for years was a successful farmer May Tour'To Toronto. There is some prospect that the re- liability auto tour of the Ottawa Jour- nal will be to Toronto and back. Hec- tor Carruthers points out a run to Jelleville on thé first day would make an ideal stretch, finishing the tour in Toronto next afternoon, the return trip being started on tho morning after, and possibly spending night at Kingston, ending tour in Ottawa again. Belleville-Trenton Line." An electric car sarvice on the Can- adian National line between Belle- ville and Trénton will be instituted on May 15th. The cars will be op- erated by electric storage batteries, which will bg recharged at Bellc- vill every day, including Sunday, on {an hourly schedule. the Appointed Superintendent. William. A. Bowers, formerly of | BrockvHle, has been appoint- | ed superintendent of the Og- | graduate courss at Harvard Univer- | denshurg cemetery," effective May i AE Atl A Att A AANA ANA AN rsp aes At Nu ates IN OLD GLENBURNIE { tefuses Harvard's Offer. Hartley Thomas taking a post- also of Kingston, has been engaged | | by Allen Sands Thomas Cashman | on the 18th--Farmers | purchased a fine work horse recent- | Behind in Ploughing ly .Glenburnie, April 25.--Many of | the farmers in this district did not | get their ploughing done last fall, {and are behind this spring. Others, | although they were on their Tast | sowing, were caught by' the rain, | unfortunately. by the way the stock sold, prices are Bert Vair has engaged. Mr, Smith | not ¢oming down very fast. and family for the summer. Mr. | The Y.P S. of the Methodist church Smith formerly lived in Kingston and | held their regular meeting on Tues- [is @ mason by trade. Hilton Cross, day last. A. W. Sirrett, district | representative of the department of | agriculture, gave an interesting il- lustrated address on the care and handling of poultry, which was much appreciated by the large audience. The club is to be congratulated on its progress so far. After being confined to the house for about three months, Miss Lillian Coulter is able to walk alone once more. The Misses Mabel and 'Ruth Briton have resumed their duties as sténographers at the pulp mills at Iroquois Falls. R. J. Orr has dis- posed of his 250-acre farm on the Perth road to. Arthur Wilson. Mr. Orr has rented 100° acres owned by James Hogan. {| The vote here on Monday was in | favor of the wets' Patrick Kelly has | wong : {purchased lumber for a new garage. | Rupert Joyner is making chegse four {days a week. The supply of milk is | The late John Kelly was buried on April 22nd. Willard Coulter has purchased the farm of R. B. Coch- rane. The former occupant held a sale on the tenth -of this .month, which was well attended. Judging > i 3h Sh hang lB = DODD'S 7 "KIDNEY / " jt oy B force the by-law forbidding them te | This must cease at an | speeding of auto drivers will also be] the | { sity has been offered a position on | i > n ) 4S I | Mildrgd Pierce. not great enough to warrant making |/ with the screenings removed, selling at $10 a ton. This is very good value. We are, getting many repeat orders. . We have carried-this-coal-fortwo-sea=-- sons, and have made the price attractive so as to move it. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, ind Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 68. Factory Phone 1415. the staff of the American university, t to accept the position 'esley College, Winnipeg, |. to teach in Canada. Homras-- fy ~a-graduste of: 1's Universi 2 out h gra; 1e in his final year, opped his studies to enlist in 1 rst month of the conflict. He served in the air service, and was Jeas until October, 1919. After published a volume ol *d "Poems of An A'r- * whic. {tained much popular- over Although he had five years of | e {hard service overseas, Mr. Thomas ol mmediately plunged back into is | studies. He re-entered Queen's after | the term had begun, but managed to finish at the head of his class, win- ning the -umiversity gold medal and | a scholarship at Harvard. paris -- SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal, Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, 'phone 811. ~~ Princess Street Methodist W.M.S. The meeting for the: election of officers of the W.M.S., of Princess street Methodist church, was held on | Wednesday -evening.- These were | i chosen: President, Mrs. J. A. Wad- dell; vice-president, Mrs. Mavety; recording secretary, Mrs. J. Mar- i |iowe; assistant recording secretary, | {Mrs Fred. Ball; corresponding s2c-| retary, Miss Emma Wilder; treasur-| er, Miss Cross; stranger's secretary, | | Mrs. W. E. Connolly; superintenden: of Christian stewardship, Mrs. J. A. | ! Brebner: superintendent of mite { boxes, Mrs. John Clarke; mite box | committee, Mrs. Gwalkin, Mrs | | Greer, Miss Maud Graves, Miss Mild- | {red Pierce, Mrs. J. Redmond; super- intendent of watch tower, Mrs. Win- | |dover! herald for China, Miss Me- | Laughlin; herald for Japan, M | | Maud Quirt; herald for Canada, M 8. | | Collins; herald for temperance, Miss {E. Wiskin; superintendent of mis- | sion band, Miss Laura Wilder; assist- ant superintendent of mission band, Miss Mattie Wilder; organist, Miss | Kathleen Slynn; delegate to branch | meeting in Brockville to be held in | | May, Mrs. Fred Ball; alternate, Miss | | } | | i USE SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS «ING - "Wholesome pis | Economic eum. Vacuum Cleaners To Rent | For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. Ae mother standing beside him. Regard- | ing this as a warning that something | wag wrong at his home here, he took | the train to Hamilton, arriving here | only a half-hour before his mother | died. { Many a woman's face. isn't as bad | \\ | | | | NN as it is painted. Sia An Ounce of revention. Frame house on Frontenac St.; good let; 7 rooms; garage; and possession on May 15th. Price $2350. Cash required $800. Balance té suit purchaser. A. F. PURCELL 111% Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SPRING Cleanliness and Carefulness i lb. to be taken regularly in large doses, nny This. is the most potent pre- scription for fire-itis. ..An epi- demic that is destroying- thou- sands 'of live and millions of dollars' worth of property throughout the country: Care and cleanliness are the antidote for fire as well as the antidote for disease. Eighty per cent. of the disease is preventable. Phone 704 fire Daring the first week of May the boys and girls of the prov- it every day. The steam roller has; been on the Glen road and has made! great improvements. Mrs. G. Draper | and Mrs. Joseph McHendry are on | | the. sick list. | A Chadwick & Son [Acting on Presentiment, | | Comes to Dying Mother | GOOD, CLEAN COAL. New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta "Phone 67. Hamilton, April 29.--John Almas, Detroit, son of A. E. Alnfas, this city, says he was awaken and found his i | | | | | ARCA . -- | HOMES WRECKED BY PROSPERITY By CHARLES GRANT MILLER | | | "When my husband was twenty-one and I was seventeen, and he | was getting $14 a week, he seemed to love me. But afterwards, as his | fortune increased, his affection for me diminished. And he got Sp rich | | after awhile that he said he wished I were dead." ! It is the story told in a New York divorce court by the wife of a wealthy | broker. It is, too, in substance, the pitiful story told in a thousand divorce courts all over the country® It is the pathetic tragedy which, in these da making, has blighted homes unnumbered. - * - (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) v ys of rapid fortune- . . { { Money, honestly got and wisely used, is good to have. But there is not enough of it in all the world to recompense the loss 'bf the sweet joys of the humblest home that is lit and warmed by | love. Nh oi ~ Prosperity is.a precious biessing tp those. worthy of it and able to | stand it. . But all of the wealth of all the mines and farms and factories cannot | give such genuine and enduring satisfaction to the soul as does the wealth of love and faith and 'sacrifice that makes the home truly home. The real life is not outside ourselves, but within, . The real possessions are not what the hands ma { the heart may hold. ¥ grasp, but what * . * 4 A lot of men will not believe these vital truths are anything puf | In their infatuation. for the material, the "practical," they recog- { nize no values that are not marketable and see no substance in any- STOMACH TROUBLES ARE 'feeling sometimes known as heart- ince are going to inspect our homes, where two out of every three fires occur. Help this splendid army of young Canadians to PREVENT FIRES BY REMOVING THE CAUSE. The booklets "Conservation of Life and Property from Fire," "Lightning, its Origin and Con- trol,' may be had for the asking. -- FURS Dealer in Furs on y. Gourdier's BROCK STREET, Ontario Fire Prevention League, Inc. In Affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 153 University Ave. Toronto. George F. Lewis, Secretary' We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 > See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at %, --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. DUE T0 ACIDITY Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy, Relief For Acid Indigestion So-called stomach troubles ¥3uth as indigestion, gas, sourness, stom- ach-ache and inability to retain food are in probably nine cases out of ten, simply evidence that excessive secre- tion of acid is taking place in the stomach causing the formation of gas and acid indigestion. Gas distends the stomach and causes that full oppressive burning burn, while the acid irritates and in- flames the delicate lining of the stom- ach. The trouble lies entirely in the excessive development or secretion of acid. : To stop or prevent this souring of the food contents of the stomach and to neutralize the acid, and make it/bland and harmless, a teaspoonful of, bisurated magnesia, a good and effective corrector of acid stomach, should be taken in a juarter of a glass of hot or cold watér after eat- ing or whenever gas, sourness or acidity is felt. This sweetens the stomach and neutralizes the acidity in a few moments and is a perfectly harmless and inexpensive remedy to use. : ' An antiacid, such as bisurated thing they cannot ciutch in their palms. i They must wreck a home before they can know what it is made of. | They must embitter and blast their lives before they can learn what | . - * . * To be rich and, still i retain the simple virtues and the honest loves-- | there is the real prosperi ? ty. laid of artificial digestents. magnesia which can be obtained! from any druggist in either powder | or tablet form enables the stomach | to do its work properly without the Magnesia | (One door below Randolph Hotel) ---- ------ mm comes in several forms, go be certain A seventy-year-old man' married You may have noticed that while to ask for and take only BiSurated | lis third wife the other day. There ia] the hats the dear things are wearing Magnesia, which is especially pre-'| no sich animal as the age of discre-|are smaller, the prices are Just as' pared for the above pirpose. tion, J