Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1921, p. 9

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b= ~~ BATURDAY, ATNIL 80, 1931. JE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Diary of a Fashion Modal || By GRACE THORNCLIFFE Are You Human? : little baby. A little child. Don't they appeal to you? Doesn't your heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield them from "all harm? sure it does else you're not human, Being human you love . them. Their very. helplessness makes-you-reach-out-in all your strength to aid ~~ them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness'there's no night so black. : als About th Colorful Sweaters Worn for Sports, week-end "Wh ohave well-kn Save them then. Use every prdcaition. Take no chance, : When sickness comes, as' sickgess will, remember it's just a baby, just a child and if the Physician isn't at hand don't try some. remedy thet you may have around the house for your own use. Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can Ni with perfect safety as any doctor will tell you. Keep it in the house, new one I'll call you up to-morrow," | | Children Cry For | After a careful investigation of my | i ] y E | " 0 wardrobe I found 1 s iply had to ;: Sweater, 80 I met Pam the | on at the sports shop, and we W. H. STEVENSON :: vi at the HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired, Prices moderate. 381 KING STR# nn SE scan- new to com- buy a wigh me th my *1 don't | swered Pam Lew sweater, I'd love | things in th patronize.' ¥ "Very well If 1 decide to get a | mind "in the least," 1- Ta but if you do buy a take me with you, for } some of the new rt shop yon rt ss ers Dr. Waugh Dentist 106. Wellington St. ne to gee exclusive spe Phone 256. one AW Brrr 1 § oof Re ie > # A Word About Truth. "Great is Truth, and mighty above all things." So says the Old Testament, yet i. is equally true #€o-day. Truth shows no favors, fears no.enemies. ' From the inception of Fletcher's Castoria, Truth has been the watchword, and to the conscigntious adherence to this motto in the preparation of Fletcher's Castoria as well as in its advertising is due the 'secret of its popular demand. All imitations, all substitutes, all just-as-good preparations lack the element ofTruth, Jack the righteousness of being, lack all sem- blance even in the words of those who would deceive. And youl Mothers, mothers with the fate of the World in your hands, can you be deceived? Certainly not. Fletcher's Castoria is prepared for Infants and Children. It is distinctly a remedy for the little-ones. The BABY'S néed for a med- icine t6 take the place of Castor Oil, Paregoric and Soothing Syrups was the sole thought that led to its discovery. Never try to correct BABY'S troubles with a medicine that you would use for yourself. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALwars Bears the Signature of country milk wherever fresh milh and cream AMERICA'S ONLY WOMAN BISHOP. Mrs. Alma White, leader of the strange religious sect, | the Pillar of Fire, is leading a campaign "to eurb man's autocralie spirit" and gain eq ual political and religious | rights, { ------ # AEH RI LL f : LLANE (hid ' Ezact Copy of Wrapper. eee CORNS rt] Lift Off with Fingers, YOUR HEALTH. | Why You Ought to Take a Vacation Once in a While. By Royal 8. Copeland, M.D., Commis- | sioner of Health, New York City i In the dictionary are found many | | big words One of them is "obes-| sion." A few examples will make! clear exactly what this word means. 50,000 SAMPLES exclaimed, I : : . Beil's Veterinary Wander ; : dk ii gees a common desire on the | gE oo 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles not a million- *Dart of many married women never | y Free to horsemen i 2 THE CENTAURI/ICOMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Chats About the Colorful Sweaters Worn for Sports. She various models Pam said "Now that's what ou should have [ turned to see what had taken .-her faney. "Pam!" I 'do you realize I'm aire?" "Yes, but don't you think it's a | wonderful sweater?" demanded Pam, jas she gazed at the original of the illustration. : I. "Indeed I do, and the color is love- 11¥."" I responded | | "Yes, tan would go with all your | clothes. It's such an accommodating color" continued Pam as she turned a wistful gaze upon the Sweater, {= "Well, Pam, you needii't study it who {to Femove the wedding ring. There | Her ap trial SE hanieed fur {18 anh indefinite fear of some sort of | Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper domestic calamity, should the ring | ete. Send for Mailing Package slip ofl by accident or intent. This A wanted. Write your [feeling ic a worthy sentiment, but it may cften necdme an obession. A child is fortunate enough for a year or two, by reason of good health and: good luck, not to be absent or | tardy in his school attendance. He [tid becomes ohscssed with the de | {fire never to be late or absent. He | address n DR. BELL, V.§,, KINGSTON, Opt, EE ee eer eres Sr ar---- ACEY Te = | Sewing Machines years has for over 75 AR THE "LIFTUP (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS see de- elgned in conformity with the science of Alm, he "Liftup" a patented non-alip elastic {inside belt, Jor the abdomen, Evidently or use after an 3 . y gai "irph 4 vs ade godomina) Incision, | taste, for he said hat was mad any longer with a view to my buying | ity for jt's made of silk, and hand- made at that, so its price will prohibitive," 1 said as I turned to Inventinn the salesman > he appreciated Pam's be | Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in- stantly that corn stops hurting, then | shortly you lift it right off with fing- ers. Truly! Your druggist sclls a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, soft 18 in a fever of fear that something | will delay him. When school time :cnes he becomes cross, irrit- insistent; domineering. The »lole family is in a terror of anx- | lety for fear Willie may be late. | Punctuality has become an obsession with Willie f relied upon Gouraud's * People's Florist Spring is here and you will to do alot of sewing. roubiesome machine 1led and adjusted by an loving those phrsleal allments from which in Scotland, and we have the golf many women suffer, { 'kings i it* Write us NOW, for useful hints on stockings to go-with it : fining and self-measurement Free It is exceedingly good-looking," I replied, "and I think the brown and Upon request. a BIAS CORSETS LiMn (yellow designs most effective, only | {such a model invites a larger invest- | corn, or corn between the toes, and 177 Wellington street, the calluses, without soreness or ir- ritation. et te eft Arr years, {ment 'than I care to make at prag. | ent" There is a difference in Obsessions. | Dres- | Just at that moment Pam turned |I have no doubt the obsession re-| = "toward me, saying: "Would you garding the wedding ring is most | {think I was dreadfully extravagant commendable. It seems to me, how- | |it I bought it?" | ever, that the child and the 28 | J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2036J. I know of a great institution where | 4 one of the female employees has not | been absent or tardy for over thirty | Fresh flowers and Funepal designs, bouquets to ordei. Res, 1137, a plants daily F ! redding uraud's and wed Lb Phone 1763. Oriental Cream 4 BRITTAIN STREET TORONTO a es a MEMORIALS] CEMETERY LETTERING and REGUILDING A SPECIALTY. J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAS STREET Phone 1417. | "I suppose it could employee mentioned have lost the [up to troussean expenses," 1 answer- |irue sense of proportion. They are ed, for Pam fis going to be married anxious to reach a certain place on not to get back to a work they be charged A Spool RSA ia LILLE Pure Silk-Flastic-Durable All Shades soon, and she has been selecting var- time, fous articles for her trousseau dir-|Jove. ing the last three months. We are prone, I believe, to become 'Why, yes!" she exclaimed. "I'd|slaves to our duties and to lose per- | forgotten for the moment, but my [spective Persons who live in insti- |. indulgent aunt is going to pay most | tutions and who rarely leave them, of the bills, and I'm sure she'd con-|are in danger of growing narrow and | sider this a necessity. to overestimate the importance of Yo- | "Don't let's decide to-day," I mur- | cal happenings. [ have noticed this | | mured, for I thought we might g0 to|In hospitals among the interns, and | {some of the other exclusive shops, as {2% an intern, I suffered from the | I wanted to get a tailored waist to {same trouble. | | wear with my new sweater. { = "All work and no play makes Jack | MARRIED LADIES Eo ARE YOU STILL DOING Tr? L You must know it is not fair tq your husbaud to continpe buying new Hats every season when we B i| can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring 'styles, Get wise! Where Do You Hae Your AY PARKER'S, OF COURSE Things Cleaned ? Save §10-00, and put It into that.Suit you have in mind. The Kingston Hat Cleaners | Opposite The College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs, - "Plone 1458. > * LABORER is worthy ( and a little bit. more. stenographer does good worl happy with a box of MOIR'S. loses its terrors, and *' pothe come more interesting whe tasting such a reward. °° Who cares how hard one works when one such sweet appreciation. MOIR'S LIMITED; HALIFAX 7 gt 8 merry laugh, "perhaps I'll find fussy, almost neurotic indeed, by too | | sarments, and you can surely satis- {our viewpoint restored to its proper | C ners "Yes, replled Pam, "outdoors at positioff. n ~~ ing dazzling colors. I like that bright | Two days now and again, away from | color if one may judge by the num- | short for one to settle down to the "It is, especially turkey red, al-| "home meal," and to realize that gray, have a great many admirers," | full of 'vigor and determination. ! present I should like nothing better | Therefore, let's not yield to the JOU cAZ safely entrust yoor treasures to us for cleaning, ; {learn to work for the joy of accom- | : ™ Branches and agents evetywhers. Which ground the wheat into flour | very [slowly. "All right," responded Pam with {a dull boy." .We become nervous and | = eomething even more startling." se application to any duty. } "Yes, I know you love bright-hued This is why each of 4s needs a ) { Yacatio We need to get away from | = {fy your desires in sport clothes," 1 accustomed surroundings to have . play or in the evening are about the I #m not sure that a "long vaca- | only times when I Fpaliy enjoy wear- tion" is as good as several short ones. | .blue sweater we saw in the shop. the strain and stress of work will ac- And red, too, seems to he a popular | ccmplish wonders . This time is too | bers of red sweaters which are being luxury of idleness, 'but it ig long en- shown," {ough to make one 'wish for a simple though the shades known as tanger- | "home's best" after all. I. ine and onion, as 'well as jade and! .Such a vacation will send one back | I said. s | Good health is promoted by .a rest | "They are dashing, but just at |of this sort. fo to velvet brocade, from white gloves to furs and feathers, than that tan sweater and the stock- | obsession that things won't go right confident of satisfaction. ings to match." | unless we are"at the helm. Let w= No Limit | Pishment : ; A miller had an old-fashioned mill, | ee No i " Ahead of Schedule ) 69 Princess Street, KINGSTON. v A progressive young | Bill--So you proposed to the rich | | J, : farmer --one of these new style far- ; man's daughter jast night? wh S14 Ey i 2 3 Gill--That's what 1 id. \ : ; "Same story 1 suppose." [ 1 : po "The father kicked you outdoors." | A Ee ; » : mers who use tractor plows and long amber' cigarette tubes--watched the mill for a while one afternoon, and then said to the miller: "By heck, 1 could eat that flour faster than your old mill grinds it out." -{: "Yep," sald the miller, chuckling, | til 9 he : MOIRS Chocolates "yep, but how long could ye keep on | R. H. Goleman, Agent "*5 Victoria Park Ave. , TORONTO eatin' of it, boy?" ca A Te -------- i The young farmer ; > starved," he said. "No. "He didn't?" "No, he didn't. He didn't wait un. : 3 t I got outdoors!" | 3 FoF bi Don't think it's what the people f LH B avin ¥ A 7A 78 > BOOTH & CO. yawned, "Till I|know about the herea'ter that fright- | > ga BN - = / / oc Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 ; "ens'them;: it's what they don't know, | . ' Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other\kind sold by

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