10 BICYCLE WEEK, APRL 30-MAY 7| In the World of Sport THE MERCANTLE LEAGUE IT'S TIME TO BUY YOUR Look for the Silver Ribbon The MASSEY is the Bicycle for everybody. | We'll gladly show it to you if you'll call. Our terms will surprise you. A small deposit down. and small weekly or They are so easy. | THE DAILY BRITISH '} = | % ¥ w SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921. | BUY LUMBER NOW Prices on Lumber, Lath and Shingles at the Ny Ii present time are lower than is warranted by the eosts of production and transportation. rpg s Big Season Is Expected--This | Is the League to For surprises -and a few he Mercantile League is 1 Kingston baseball fans kee heir eyes on this summer | {Things are gotng to hum in that | jcrowd and the baseball which will be | ; forth-coming will give *'Joe" Daly | and his crew something to wonder | | about. First thing they know "'Pepp" | | will be deserting them and getting | {In with a regular team like the Plum- | bers or the Printers, or some other of | those speedy organiatzions. . | There are a few strange names in | 1e list of entries. this year although | ome of them are only little lambs | masquerading under the names ot | | Wolves, Raflroaders, Bankers, Elec- | { lans, all these are new, but there is something strangely familiar about! ° | Retailers and Civil Servants. For that | to! FOR "THE ANGLER -- OR RUSSIAN Poa. PLAYER If you are contemplating building, DO IT NOW, ; ALLAN LUMBER CO. - Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street. LIVING ROOM! FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES ON' TABLES--OAK, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY , IO 5 mms | - CH -------- i ~~. | | --- | | GEE! Ds 18 | : NARDER e - Wefe Yt \ or THE BALL PLAYER Come in and let's talk it over. Watch for the Big Bicycle Dress &-- Parade -- May 7th | Sree a a and "Cap" | ARE TRYING TO MATCH DIBBLE AND KELLY | So anxious is "Eddie" Durpan, who holds the professional scul ing | championship of America, to see | "Bob" Dibble matched against Jack | Kelly that he has offered to surren- | with George VanHorne Clark in their ranks. | Poor old Printers look like the false alarm this year in the face of the hordes that are swarming to oth- er colors and all the territory that other teams have to pick from. Fine Prizes--Lots of Fun. I'the Further announcements later. b monthly payments and you can enjoy-a MASSEY t asonly MASSEY owners can. The best, 1 Ladies Remove Their Corns in a Very Simple Way, No pain, no trouble, costs only a| | quarter. It is a very simple thing to | paint on a small application of good | old "Putnam's" night and morning. | To remove corns, to get entirely free | from them, use Putnam's Corn & | Wort Extractor. It is guaranteed. 25c. at all dealers. Refuse a substi "MASTER MASON PLUG SMOKING Zobacco" T¢ss good GOON, CLEAN' COAL. 11] A. Chadwick & Son a ; i w= ! However, Printers * have pulled alder his title if the pair will turn pro- | EASY CHAIRS, CHESTLRFIELDS AND ROCKERS -- LAT. Enter your name with Mr. A. rR BoA SS - few before so it would not be fessional and compete _for it. Dibble | JST RECORI ESIGNS AND FINISHE * i R ---- | wise for competitors to get filled up has expressed deep disappointment | EST RECORD DESIGNS ANI NISHES, WwW Dean Y M CA now { > | with any false confidence or anything | y ' : '| like that. Spring training is doing again. Dibble intends to continue, | | things to the press-pounders and the | for this year at least, as an amateur, | ) 5 ® | typrewriter terrors that will produce | while Kelly, it is reported, will de- | ® o el {amazing results. | vote his time to the coaching of Ves- 2 TREADGOLD SPORTING "ish i seeking | a ip th «as i 3 : . : i . ax] 1 to whether George Sullivan will turn | [OUD to cause a little delay last year [this year, and until the Canadian . Oo out, bringing with him som® other [AV® been remedied, and besides that | Henley, the National Regatta at Bul- : o stalwarts tron the "big hotise such | there is a $75 cup to be competed for | falo and the People's at Philadelphia | ' ° 1 om ' "TEE PLACE TO GENT THAT RECORD" {as Bernard Duffy and Larry Walsh, | this year Josaied by Anny, of fhe are over he will remain an amateur grove S epairs / Y The Retailers have nothing to 'fear, | ion Clothing House. This little gift | 4 a PRINCESS STREET : : Telephone 529. : A7ore ave thing Jo Br | comes as a very pleasant surprise, as | Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, / 0 la s fr oe y Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We | | - maT REE FAPABENRER ARS | . {ionations from the merchants have do 'repair Work FIER And suaranice : ? | For Stuff Neck not been as plentiful as the flowers { li | Immediate relief comes from rub-1{ anq it is to be hoped that some of the | bing Nerviline over the, chest and | other" citizens will realize that they SPRINGTIME IS HOUSE [ffs veins i, thr ces 3 wt ar { deeply--Ilots of rubbing helps. ! Hl vo te thi i : I line Teaches the cousssted Varco at | busy to make things more nteresting | at the prospect of not meeting Kelly | Store open Saturday evenings till 10.30 p.m. : ; iad ; E Training The outlook for the league gener- | Leading Undertake# - = Phone 577w. Dibble is seeking the amateur title | b > - satisfaction. = in May, nor have they been voluntary. {for the competitors in the Mercantile {once, Enjoy the comforts of Electricity. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W S. WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. New location: [last team there is much discussion as lally i5 very good. Matters which were | A : | b LAA NA nme | ! > | 197 WELLINGTON STREET -- : Ard Sore Throat| Needless to say, we're all for Arthur, relieves tightness, takes out] Corber ¢ | the soreness. . A bottle of Nerviline | League. ' Ontario aud West Sts. lin the home relieves a hundred ills, % internal and external Used. for| | nearly_hait a century, as a general household remedy. Large bottles 35¢., at all dealers. BEN LIKES THE RULE Hamilton Veteran Claims Rugby Fans Will Like New Rugby Code Ben Simpson, Hamilton, is well pleased with the new rules which are to be'adopted by the Canadian Rugby Union. The Intercollegiate is the only union which has not yet ap- proved of the proposed code, but, as it is practically the same as endorsed by the student body, there is little doubt but what the colleges will agree to them. Ben thinks the game will be more open and much faster, and that, with less men on the field, the spectators will have a better chance to size up what is going on. -------------- Let us wire your home. We are experts. 7 stimates cheerfully given. | 'Smoke H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. T& w er Phone 441° - . . Recommended by n judges of tobacco NE A ~~ = pre' So --- © 252252 QQ =I ee Oe J) ' Declined the Nomination. 1] F M.: B. Fisher, a well-known -* CDON; \LD"S EE rH iE nomination for the British Isles Davy- is Cup team on the ground that the whole management of lawn tennis in ~ CHEWING TOBACCO 167 Princess Street Great Britain is "Cliquexism run mad," and that there could be ro | real recovery in the international | position of Great Britain until young | players are recognized and selection | goes by merit. This statement has called forth a | retort from a lawn tennis expert | who, writing in the Evening Stand- | ard, says that no one could fail to realize that where choice had to be | made from players who were amat- ! eurs and not professionals, ability or | - = PN 4 a A fs | inability to represen: their conniry | aN i : } 7 % 7 i Y Z | may be controlled by o:her ¢ircum- f EIA A 2 | stances than standard of excellence | re . 4 4 / 2 7 . SY J I; i J g pat Ke cmp el dE ; in exposition of the game. Business | calls prevented at least one fine play- | er of the younger school from figur- | ing last year in sinternational | engagements. il ¥ YY pack real enjoyment into your pipe when you fill up with Master Mason. Because the fine flavor that is packed into the Master Mason plug, HOLDS to the last pipeful. There is no better, handier or more economical way to buy high-grade tobacco, than in the big plug of Master Mason. - fp | -- x i 5 Catcher Lew McCarty has = bees | sold to the Kansas City club of the | American Association, Manager Rick- | ey, of the St. Louis Nationals, an- nounced yesterday. » ! "Lena" Blackburne's batting is | improving. His long hits to drive in { runs played an important part in re- | cent Toronto victories. A tg, S---------- DR. N ASH SAINGING UP FATHER : i = i DENTIST COUNT - | WANT YOU TO COME ITS BEEN A ~ONG TIME SINCE TO MY HOUSE FOR DINNER 183 Princess Street. 'Phone 735 gg WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES svanr. LL TELL MAcqie IVE HAD A O00 of troublesome teeth. HOME DINNER ike Dormoform Gas administered for ex- Lo THA traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9.6. Ea =>; _-- anada's standard since 1858 U==525-0 = mma. -- DELIGHTFUL EVENING! Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets, ,Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Ws Phone 730w.