Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1921, p. 2

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TH E D A I L Y B R I T IS H H I G. SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1921. = ON EG SED HENS OF THE DY f= S-- ' Racy Local News and Items of N°Jl® \ ° : McKAY'S WER THE UES tz | Over One Million Copi es Sold ran Hi i y ep He Was Granted 5 Military Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. BN Discharge on April the | Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, GG W \ - + 15th, . |lindsays Limited : ® y | : | Increase your income--buy City of | sas 9 ---- atoll sian : CR LiSingston. six percent. debentupesc pte 0 e g ervice S ™ oems = ois - = W: Swaine; piano wuer.- Ordars at : ® : > : | 100 Clergy street. Phone 564w, y STOR AGE 1 . ol irord A Stirting. 270] Songs of a ourdough. Rhymes of a Red 'Cross Man. .- oo : or Ss Ballads of a Cheeckako. Rhymes of a Rolling Stone. | Kingston debentures are good. Buy | them. Amounts $100 to $1,000 PHONE 603 R : i ph 3 For a safe investment bpy City of i Have already been sold. ; 2 4 z Kingston six per cent debentures. - : . : 2 % "The Ee will be spent by Service's Latest and Biggest and Best Book Now Announced ) . ' ¥ v v {a great many families in the moving "BALLADS OF A BOHEMIAN" : : | van instead of the auto . Our dri ill call Push the hands of the clock for- At the time of the outbreak of the war, Service was in France and immediately enlisted for Red Ir driver will call. 5 {ward an hour to-night and-then be Cross Service. The war ended, Service returned to mufti and a well-earned rest, He bought a home = ? |sure to besrt'church on time. in France and began to study the people on intimate terms. He 'frequented the Latin quarter and | After siX months' rental we Will the Boulevards ~ His 103 allow money paid in rental to app'y ! "BALLADS -OF A BOHEMIAN" : on purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, ' . ; ! Limited is an epic of life in four parts--Spring, Early Summer, Late Summer and Winter. From his long resi- | 4 Mrs. Edwin Morton, Thomasburg, dence in Paris Service gives us a series of vivid pictures of a poor poet's garrett, of Julot, the ' kh ° lia in tha Kingston General hospital, . Spache of>Montmartre, of the cafes, of the absinthe drinkers, the boulevardes, of the various queer 9 i i neighbors--artists, little sewing girls, cocottes, grisettes--all the busy, jostling life of the Latin Jwhere She recently underwent ap op: Wuarter. This volume is the largest he has yet written; itis full of humor, of pathos, of tragedy, of = "~ t ~ | pire Weir, Kingston, has been. ba passion, of sentiment, such as only Service knows how to write ; ' ' 149 to 157 BROCK STREET {reaved by the death of his father. ' : Secure a copy to-night for Sunday reading. ina | Alexander Wier, Hungerford, aged , * . JOHN AVELING | seventy-two years 2 : pun deel | THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE , i : : eg a . Weber piano' factory at 8.06 a.m. itary career at the age Of.twenty- : Saturday Dust behind a radiator one years, joining up with the North- had ignited, but no damage was done amptonshire Regiment on February Hon. William Harty is v: ti he y 18th, 1882, in whieh he served for six Luh iam Harty is yagaling tne Open Nights. Phone 919. i ved On being discharged from the offices over the Bank of Montreal : S rs n he ischarged m the ; Nn . > OX . that have been occupied by him for > D Northamptons he joined the North- : + : : vat : many years. and his office will in fu- amptonshire Volunteers, in which he ture be at his residence, 108 Bag \ served until] 1906, when he came to . 2 ; | street Canada Soon after his arrival in BY HAVING YOUR Kingston,' in 1906, he joined the 1dcal | "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, oa : ; are receiving new player piano roll ® 14th P.W.O R, Regiment, in which "hits" every month. Send in your | he served continuously since. that name for "our monthly mailing list. time I'wo years and nine months TIRES PROPERLY RE: | of this were served with the 14th The death took place at the Chris- ' P. W. O: R. Guard after being re- ti strect Military Hospital, Toronto, ! fused permission to go overseas on {on ApH 27th, 0 Lorne-¥, Sanders ! account of his age during the war beloved husband ot Irenp Bickel, a | Bowmanville, Ont., and son of Mr: PAIRED OR RE:BUILT ADF 19th 1921, on wccount of be. [41 Mrs. John Sunders, in is 27th | | year i yw The devotees of golf are to be : : | seen on the green sward of the Ca- the Long Service Medal at the age of |taraqui golf links this splendid OR BUYING Y O U R 60 years, thirty-nine of which were (April weather. The season promises with the Volunteers in His Majesty's to be a good one and much interest Army : : | is being taken in this fine out-of-door | 5 He was well known by the mdjor- { sport / -- ity of the 14th soldiers. His Kings- | . ' J 3 Lieut.-Col. Lyle Skinner, a gradu- 1 y . i R fl ri i rovage | NEW DOMINION TIRES ton friends will wish him lion voyage [410 or the Royal Military College, to the homeland and many more | who has been in England for. the years of health and happiness | last thirty-five years, where he is | ----r-- ss | connected with the Royal Engineers! i Queen's Bowling Club, lof the British army, is visiting in | The annual' meeting of Queen's | woodstock, his formar home. i Bowling Club was held Friday night, | Word wag received in the city, af | { The following new members Were | the death at Detroit, Mich., on Fri- jelected: W. Duncan, J Boyd, Ww. H. | day morning, of Earl Cumming, only | Caldwell, A. Thompson, C. 8. Creer, {son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cumming, William Shea 13092 Bewick avenue, and grand- % The following officers were elect- {son of Mrs. C. Cumming, 269 Brock ! ed: Hon. pres, Dr. John Watson; | street. The lad was thirteen years of | { hon. chaplain, Dr. R. Bruce Taylor; | age. ! 35 YEARS IN THE DRAPERY, CARPE I | president, H. D_ Bibby; vice-presi- dent, J. F. McMillan; secretary and Qileens Students { treasurer, Dr. R. C. Cartwright; lawn | wip wish to take home for the saum- . {committee, J. Newman, J, Baker, H. pio Service's latest book, the Bal- AND OILCLOTH BUSINESS AND. STILL | F. Price; auditors, R. 8. Graham and | Jads of a Bohemian. Now on sale | . x E 3 : EEE |W pannel, tod : : | at The College Book Store, | { was decided to have eighteen 1 | rinks, and the following were elected | LEADING THE PROCESSION. Real Estate [||| FOLLOW THE CROWDS ff sii: i" ie ime co® | po comme aun | - ) : x : eR C. C. Hodgins, R, 8. Gral aw The -announcement is made that | - \ $3600---New bungalow; brick: FOR BETTER VALUES J ie i . A | the Almonte Knitting Company's a b rooms; furnace: electri- Choice Currants . .2 lbs. 25c. : Turcott, L: Sleeth. W Campbell, | mill, better known as the "Red Mill," | \r or at sta- i - ri Q 7 i city for light and heat; sta Evaporated Apples 2 1bs. s. fifi Pr. RC. Cartwright F. S. Evanson, | will start again on Monday at full { | Hopary tubs, w Farmers' Print Butter 35c Elliott, M. Manahan, W Linton, | capagity. For some time the mill | $4750.00--_ Montreal Street; artiers ~ vo "If Dr. R. E. Sparks, F. Crozer dnd H. | has been running at less than ca- | pair brick; 7 rooms; electric All Laundry Soaps, 10 bars 73¢ >. Newman, | pacity. It is also announced that | \ . light. If gold separately $2;- Sugar (10 Ibs. for $1). .11c 1b, | The members are looking forward | there will be a twenty-five per cent | : 500.00 each. | to" a 'good genwon and expect to have | reduction in wages. I > . . Choice Black Tea°. . .. 35¢. Ib. {one of the best lighted lawns in On- | 4 ome hone: fe ns 3 1ha. for : $1.00 | tario under the new system | 1 outer station; stable; barn; | ta nde e new sys . | . { 7 acres land. Choice week-end Oranges { ---- rp | That Dry Cough | ri | . | $2000 Thomas street; frame | Boys' Bible (lass Banquet | : Is Bronchitis | : house; 5 rooms hardwood 700 bars Polar White Soap | Friday night at the Y M.C A. build- | If neglected, it will weaken the | floors downstairs: lot about $a | ing about to leave for England | He was recently presented with | . 33¢. doz. $s 5 for 25c. {ing, the Sunday niorning bible class [throat and pe | ) ' : } : : } nin 130x170 Good garden; Rolled Oats .......6 Ibs. 25¢, | held a closing banquet, and forty- | a 4 Dorhans each the longs [ Kingston 5 Big House Furnishings Store. uy house 3 ge Xx 20 ft. Onighss Radia, Lutiuce, | five boys sat down to a bountiful ta- | than the healing, soothing vapor of | : 'pou cin hubarb, neapples, {ble which was prepared for them by | Catarrhozone. It's action is magical, | 3 $4000--Johnson street: frame: Cucumbers {the Mothers' aT Odden Il | every congested spot is healed, irri- | pe (Formerly R. McFaul) 8 rooms; B. and C.; electrio 3 {brook presided. Canon FitzGerald | t8tion 18 soothered away, phlegm | ue light. i {gave mtimely talk on "Christ's Need | Rd Secretion are cleaned out, all, " ---- v symptoms of weak throat, Catarrh, | - A ' Cullen S ot Lads." The "secretary, Russell Bronchitis disappears. Catarrhosone | The McCann Agency | Gardiner, reported on the year's ac- [is a genuine, scientific préparation. | INCOME TAX RETURNS i CASH AND CARRY | tivities. The boys had given $5 to | Sold everywhere iii three sizes, 2h. | Cn If You Have To Move; Move Into Your Own Home R. H, WADDELL i the Chinese Famine Fund, $5 to the | "0c., and one dollar. for a complete | Office Remains Open for Convenience n Phones 326-596. 88 Brock .St, ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, {Child's Welfare Station, bought Prepared by | of Public, $5 300--Collingwood Street: brick: 7 rooms; : . a i ? ' ' t. {twenty-five new hymn books for the » Montreal. | For the convenfence of the public, .b 192 | association and given Dr. Margaret é : {inasmuch as all income tax returns modern; possession May Ist, I. {O'Hara a surgical instrument to be | imust be filed in the local taxation -- . wis * | used in her hospital in India, The] : {office, 82 Princess street, not later $2,000 James Street; rough cast; 7 rooms; | treasurer, Ken. Gimblett, gave the " The Hat Store" | than Saturday next, April 30th, that improvements; electric light; good gar- : Op Y | financial standing. joffice will be open until 6 o'clock i our Eyes Need Attention If | J. Kinch presented his prize to the Sid | every afternoon of this week and un- . den and barn. 3 LL boy who had brought in the most [il 9 o'clock on Saturday night. This Will exchange Overland Roadster Model 83B You Have Pain in or About Them | members and which was won by Don- | will give everybody a chance to file : for City Property : {ald Bruce. . The second prize was | their returns in time and thus escape » . Many of the symptoms of eyestrain are . | given by F. L. Newman and present- ew d {the penalties of fines provided under obscure, but if you have pain in or about the jed to Leslie Guy. D. A. Shaw gave {the law. for failure to make rsturns E. WwW. MULLIN & : SON : . 3 {three prizes, first to the best- all- a aN in time, < A ' eyes there 18 no question but that Your eyes round boy, won by Stewart Whitey, --FOR MEN. | -------- Cor. Johnson la Sad Selick va Ea B39%w and 530J. need immediate attention. Such pain is [second prise won by Tate Gibson and " | Married Last Wednesday | the third prize by Leslie Guy. --FOR LADIES. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter A Nature 8 danger 81 nal. i = mesma i . . { Woods, ' Burridge, was the scene of a You may sée ¢ early enough, but your | Big Attractions For Griffin Theatre. --FOR CHILDRES. | an interesting event, when at five Po eae oe Manager Wilson has pleasure in o'clock on Wednesday, April 27th, | eye muscles dre being constantly strained announcing that he has booked the Miss Margaret W W.oods, daughter to produce that clear vision, and if relaxed J tviiowing big attractions tor the Geir. % nd or Woe, ia , |fin for May: Douglas Fairbanks in uy : o-mgnt united in marriage to John Quinn, : 0 uys or ur dy you would not see properly. | "The Mark Of Zorro," Mary Pickford Fermoy, by Rev. L. O. Osborne Walk- Unless those strained muscles are re- ji "The Love Light," Douglas Fair- er, of St. Paul's Church, Westport. kh ed . d i | banks-in "The Nut Mary Pickford : The house was nicely decorated with $3.95 i $2.30 1eved, more serious and permanent mjury In "Through the Back Door," which |l§ We sell "Hats for Everybody" WB! ever greens for the occasion. At the . | fh - : |is not yet released. The second pro- | appointed time the bride, dressed in dies' Brown Brogue Oxfords | Misses" Black Kid Laced Ox- will result. If you have such symptoms {duction of Louise Glaum "The Leop- | 2"? show an enormous assort- {a dainty gown of blue silk with veil lola heels, sewn leather soles. | fords--the season's newest let us make a determinative examination of : {ard Woman" and other big attrae- ment. Buying direct from the land wreath of orange blossoms, en- Saturday, all sizes :. .. WR New v - price : pl j tions will 'be announced fs soon as - tered the room with her father, pre- : >. the condition of your eyes at once. {arrangements have been made, for makers in large quantities for ceded by two little flower girls, Lu- Pt We are OPTOMET ISTS and our work [playing dates. Manager Wilson. an- (ll wholesale and 'retail trade we cinda, her sister, and Miss Emma 9 sales M Nigh d . : : nounces that he has secured exclusive 2 Brash, and her attendant bridesmaid $2.95 pairs en's 8h grade is the correcting of focal defects of the eyes. [ohovins 1 Eon eu pel "1 can positively "save you some- : , : Black and Brown Boots; all { Sy .haaton of Pope Bene > Miss Emma Woods, who was dressed Ladies' Brown Kid Oxfords-- |styles; all sizes and all widths " "as | dict XV ks , When we find diseased conditions we refer Dy XY ue he yajioan, fis a5 thing on every hat you buy" 3 hive silk. bauiey Suis did nos sewn leather soles, high heels. | in the lot. Regular $9.00 val- the patient to a physician. ; Our examina- | ness during the pilgrimage of the! and give you better values ceremotly a most sumptuous dinner Saturday, all sizes .... $2.95 ues. Saturday, any pair $4.95 tions are made without putting "drops" in- J} Koients ot columbus to the Eternal than. the smaller stores. Was served, which was ehjoyed by #0.43--1ADIBS' BLACK KID STRAP SLIPPERS»-$0.43 : L City, on Aug. 9th, last. Watch for the * all. Eighty guests were invited The to the eyes. 5 - © NM date.--Advt. . . wedding presents were both numer- 4 ; 4 5 : f = = prep ; : . eo Wl Ous ana useful, including a cheque . = : { . hree for One ar ' : i ® § § . for $100, the bridegroom's gift to ® © J. S. Asselstine, D.0S. |. 5 i | [TTTATREERN] = her it . i x - i | Music e College Boo tore, | 1 : . oe #00 ad ge ® . . 9 Sele {3 for $1.00. reside at Fermoy. L . "Shoes of Merit and Dis . : : | bons + More persons could own their own Phone 2918. 185 Pri 342 King Street. Phone 1019w. Ri. moore hb p> ion ruraes sonia ven their yuu] = ncons Be. {hold its annual banquet during May. automobile first. ,

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