[ , TTI TAT MONDAY, MAY 3, 192% This Is Bicycle Week Watch for the Big Dress Parade! 2.30 p.m., Saturday, May 7th Every boy, girl, man or woman with any old kind of a "bike" can come in on it. Enter your name now | - = % Lots of prizes--lots of fun. See prizes in our "window. Give your name to us or Mr. A. W. Dean, Y.M. C. A, and then get ready for the big time. 2 IF You haven't a bicycle and you want to make a | good showing, you should get a MASSEY. The best Bicycle for your money. We sell on | confidential easy terms. Pay as you ride! » Remember---when you buy a.Massey, you end your Bicycle troubles for many a year. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. "TES PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 88 PRINCESSSTREET : : Telephone 529. Roni INNER ENA RANEY Ne SPRINGTIME IS HOUSE WIRING TIME Enjoy the comforts of Electricity. Let us wire your home. We are éxperts. Estimates cheerfully given. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. Il Phone 44! - - - 167 Princess Street "OUR SELECTIONS oe] Ne : - Spring Woollens! while not as large as'some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. ---- | CRAWFORD & WALSH | In the World of Sport | Giants should be in the i League pennant hunt all the way. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. .R.F.U. LOOKS FOR MANY NEW ENTRIES Seriior Clubs' Are Expected in Hamilton And Kingston Next Fall. The Toronto Wirld says: No sooner had the announcement ade that the twelve-man game wou prevail in all the Canadian rugby unions this coming fall than the O.R.F.U. began to commence to | reap | work that the officers have done in | the past. While the playing season. | stopped with the defeat of the To- | rontos by the Argomauts in the semi- | final for the Canadian senior champ- ! fonship in November, the officers and | executive have been doing a lot of, missionary work, with the result that the indications point to a great seas son for the big organization this fall. In recent yéars the O.R F.U. sen- ior series has been looked upon by certain parties.as more of a city lea- gue, with Toronto teams furnishing | the competition, but this year things will be different, and the O.R.F.U. will boast of a four-club senior cir- cuit, including Torontos and Park- dale, last year's entries, and new teams in Hamilton and probably Kingston. By placing a team in the latter place the O.R.F.U. is 'entering a district that is fraught with great possibilities, and even if the competi- tion' offered by the teams from the eastern part of the coming fall is not as high in calibre {as the opposition it. will meet from this end, there is no doubt that in 1922 and following years the On- tario union will profit to a large ex- tent. With the exception of the intercol- legiate teams in Kingston and the Ottawa Big Four and city league teams, there has not been a single rugby club between Toronto and the Quebec boundary. This condition is unexplainable to many of the old- timers, as the famous Kingston and Peterboro teams of years ago made reputations that seemed A ample enough to keep these places striving to live up to the records of the teams representing the cities in past years. With a senior club in Kingston it will not be difficult to build up two or three strong intermediate groups along the shore of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, and much corres-- pondence has already passed between leading sportsmen in these places and and the O.R.F.U. officials. ' beer New Rules Help O.R.F.U, Without doubt the twelve man-a- side game will help the O.R.F.U. more than it will any other rugby union, with the possibility of various provincial unions throughout western Canada, where the style was intro- duced last fall with great success, Manager McGraw has his New York machine hitting on all six cy- linders, and barring accidents, the National Reptiles are absent from the Arc- tic regions. I? the benefits from the untiring | province this § } OLD COUNTRY SOCCER GAMES ON SATURDAY First Division. Aston Villa 1, Derby County 0. Bradford 1, Manchester City 2. Burnley 1, Everton 1. Chelsea 1, Middlesborough 1, Liverpool 2, Bolton W, 3. Manchester U. 0, Blackburn R. 1. Newcastle U. 1, Arsenal 0. Oldham A 2, Bradford City 0. Preston N. E, 1, Sunderland 1. Sheffield U, 0, West Brom A. 2, Tottenham H. 1, Huddersfield T. 0. Second Division, Barnsley 2, Coventry City 2. Bristol City 5, Stoke 0. Bury 1, The Wednesday 1, Clapton O. 3, Notts County 0. Hull City 2, Cardiff City 0. Nottingham ¥. 1, Leeds U. 0, Portvale 1, West Ham. U, 2. , Rotterham C. 1, Birmingham 1. South Shields 3, #¥ulham 0. Stockport C_ 2, Blackpool 2. lo. Wolverhampton W. 3, cester C. 0. Third Division. Exter City 0, Reading 1, Gillingham 2, Swansea Town 1, "Millwall A. 0, Southampton 1. Newport C. 2, Luton Town 0. Northampton 2, Crystal P. 2. Plymouth A, 2, Bristol R. 1. Portsmouth 2, Grimsby T. 1, Southend U. 8, Norwich City 1. Swindon T. 0, Queen's Park R. 1. Watford 1, Brighton and H. 0. Merthyr Town 3, Brentford 1. Lei- Scottish League. Abeerdeen 1, Albion Rovers 0. Airdale 2, Celtic 3. _ Ayr 2, Falkirk 2° Clyde 5, Dundee 2, Hearts 3, Hamilton 0. Motherwell 0, Kilmarnock 1. Raith Rovers 0, Rangers 1. Third Lanark 1, Clydebank 3. Leigh defeated Halifax by 13 to 0 in the final game of the Northern Union rugby series. BASEBALL SATURDAY. International League. Toronto 5 Jersey City... 0 (Called at end of fourth--rain.) Newark 0 Rochester .... 0 (Called at end of third--rain.) Baltimore..... 2 Buffalo Syracuse at Reading--postponed; wet grounds, American League, *Cleveland.... 4 Chicago Washington... ¢ Philadelphia . & Detroit....... 7 St. Lou's b New York at Boston--postponed ; rain, *Twelve innings. a evans 3 National League, 3 Philadelphia . 2 New: York.....9 Boston ...... 4 St. Louis..... 3 Cincinnati 1 Chicago at Pittsburg--postponed; rain, YACHT MAKES 4,000-MILE TRIP. » Commodore Aemilius Jarvis' yacht returned after a 4,000:mile v oyage inthe south seas, the first Canadian inland water b oat to make such a trip. Haswell, which has McGill Taking No Chances McGill's Intercollegiate senior football team began practicing this afternoon, the earliest on record. The Red and White are determined to do everything in their power to win back the championship lost to the Univer- sity of Toronto last fall. ! Acting as manager of the Detroit Tigers doesn't seem to affect Ty Cobb's playing. The "Georgia Peach' is going like a whirlwind. Heals Inflamed Nos- trils, Stops Catarrhal Discharge Relieves Colds Quickly You'll be pleasantly surprised at the quick action Catarrhozone has upon Catarrhal conditions in the nose or throgt. It is so soothing, so healing, so 'Agreeable to use, so safe and reliable that thousands praise it and use it every day. No nasty medi- cine to take--you just breathe in the balsamic vapor, the healing es- sences of Catarrhozone and feel bet- ter at once. . Catarrhozone is breath- ea through the inhaler into every air cell in the lungs, into every air pas- sages in the throat and nostrils. No matter where the cold or catarrh is, Catarrhozone will reach it. You can keep free from coughs, colds, bron- chitis and the like by using Catarr- hozone. Two months" treatment one dollar, small size 50c.. Dealers everywhere, or the Catarrhozone Co.. Montreal. EET ET Es » Summer-weight Collar of Fashion] : TOOKE BROS. LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO » WINNIPEG VANCOUVER! LIVING ROOM FURNITURE SPECIAL PRICES ON TABLES--OAK, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY EASY CHAIRS, CHESTURFIELDS AND ROCKERS -- LAT. EST RECORD DESIGNS AND FINISHES. R. J. Leading Undertaker Duffy Lewis, the old Red Sox- Yanks outfielder, is putting up a fine brand of ball for the Washing- ton Senators. | From the fine way Babe Adams started the season, it looks as if the Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money Packages 15% % IbTins 85¢ / Reid - ~Phone 577w. - Pirates' veteran pitcher still has many winning games in his system. Attendance figures to date indi- cate that the big leagues have start- ed what bids to be the greatest season in the history of the pastime. MACDONAL STL R Cut'Brier ES os SMONINGY LTOBACC Oo BRINGING UP MR. JIGS | AM VERY PROUD O MY ANCESTORS Princess Street. 'Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES troublesome teeth BRN AN ir ingston Cement icts Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Cement Blocks, Bricks, Lintles, and Drain Tile, ' ve Vaults, - And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. ot Charles and k Streets. 'Mgr.: M. F. NORMAN ; Phone A 1 CAN TRACE MY CLAN BACK