THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - MONDAY, MAY 2, 1921. Howse. spent Sunday with her par-| ents _ dfter smoking wan Acloms product ' porticvlorly prepared Oo IF DADDY IS TAKEN AWAY | * will mother and the children have a legacy of debts a and worries to struggle with? Or will there be the comfort and protection of a Crown Life Monthly Income Policy, which pays a handsome sum every month and also shares in the large interest earnings of this prosperous company. Apply for one now. OROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO W. H. PENWARDEN, 120 COLLINGWOOD ST., KINGSTON AA CLA IL TAR TY. 1 4 with every Suit or Overcoat ordered ilored-to-Measure \ TUESDAY, S SCOTCH WOOLLEN C0. ~ ington. | Harrowsmith, also Mr, and Mrs. Wil- | Lockmaster Fleming and his assist- 4 USE MAXOTIRES Make your Tires practically puncture-proof. Keep your Taubes from being chaffed or pinched. Use your weak or evem rim cut Tires from 1 to 5,000 miles with safety. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 254 Ontarie 'Street. Phone 2050. FOR 'FIRST CLASS AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK SEE US. MCALLISTER & DRAKE THE AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS 593 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. . Phone Res. 1246J, NECESSITIES FOR YOUR MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR BOAT "~~ALL-WAY OILERS, --BRUSHES, ~POLISHES. ~--LENS. ., ==WIND DEFLECTORS. ~--CUSHIONS. | ~--ENGINE ENAMEL. --SPARK PLUGS. «+ wand anything special. ~~ i A ; ipment | utomotive Equipment . Phone Si18w., 1090 Brock Street, Kingston. x Tourists' Bureau--Mfg. Agents--Accessories - 3 Specially gelected for Purity and high _ »germination. oH - Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, g oN Sweet Clover, (White Blossom). GARDEN SEEDS in packages and bulk 5 from the most reliable growers. W. PP From The Countryside FRONTENAC HARTINGTON. | April 9.--Mrs. George Trousdale | returned home from the hospital on | Tuesday with her two children, who | for | {| have been receiving treatment | several weeks after their operations. | Mrs. Miles Galbraith, Point Ann, is | attending her mother, who is ill at the home of héf son, J.-E. Truman. | The ladies Ald tea at Joseph Wat- son's on Tuesday was a decided suc- | cess. Mrs. Woods, Kemptville, visit- | ing Mrs. David Freeman - for two weeks, returned home accompanied | by her sister, who will visit her mo- | ther. , > a FF FOREST | April 30.--Seeding is the order of the day. Manford Vancoughnett das | purchased a driving horse. Mrs. | Clarence Taylor and daughter are at | J, Morelands. Mrs. James E. Ba)- | cock is at homga again from the Hotel | Dieu J. Moreland spent a day re- {cently in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellerbeck attended the fup- eral of the late Mrs. Ellerbeck, Hard- Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, liam Fitzgerald, are at W. Vancough- | pett's. Miss Mary Simon of the S.H.8., is at M. Comming's. MURVALE. : April 29--We are having beautifu! | growing weather and every body is taking advantage of it. David Mur- ton, and son, have purchased a new tractor, with ploughs and disc. There was no session of the school Monday and Tuesday, owing to Miss Hay- ward, having to move, Mrs. R. Miller, also Miss Lake, who have spent the winter with Mrs. O. Asselstine, Chat- ham, and have spent the week with Mrs. JB. Purdy, have moved to Sy- denham. Mrs. T. Kennedy is improv- ing very slowly. James Emmons is better, and*has resumed his studies, at the S. H. 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young spent Sunday in the city. Miss M Swabrick, is at T. Kennedy's. E. Hall, Gladwin, Mich., also Mrs. J. Switzer, of Marlbank, have returned home, af- ter spending a week with their neice, Mrs. C. W. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Max Purdy, are at Geo. Irwin's, CROW LAKE April 29.--All are pleased to hear that Mrs, A. Quinn and Mrs. J; A. Norris are getting better. J. A. Nor- ris met with a painful accident, get-~ ting his fingers smashed by a stone. The water is very high in Bole's lake, and this makes it very convenient for people to sail through the chan- nel up to Crow Lake, as the village 'and railroad can be reached by wa- ter. It is a pity this channel could not be used all the season, as it would make it very convenient for everyone. William Reynolds expects more tourists than he can handle this year, William Lewis reports a su- gar yleld of over thrze aundred pounds. Visitors: Mrs. M, Bellamy at James Mahon's; Mr. and Mrs. Ell- Harris' ; A. B. Harris motored to Kingston and reports the roads fair- ly good. Mrs. William Jones is with her mother-in-law at Smith's Falls. i 4 JUNETOWN. April 28,--Mrs. E, Avery and Miss Arvilla spent Wednesday in Brock- ville. Master Cedric Scott and Taylor | Franklin, Brockville Collegiate Insti- 'tute, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs, H. Scott were recent guests of Mp and Mrs. E. Scott, Yonge Mills. Lesley Gib- son, of Yonge Mills, and Miss Myrtle Purvis were quietly married at the manse, Lyn, on "Wednesday, April 27th. Ernest Dyke,.is spending a few days with relatives is Smith's Falls. J. Marshall spent Thursday in Ath- ens. Miss Gertrude Scott, Poole's Re- sort, enjoyed the week-end at her home here. Miss Maggie Scott, Lans- f ; : . To Be Troubled With . ° Constipation THE CAUSE OF MANY ILLS. If you do not feel well and go to your family physician, one of the first things he will do is ask you to hold out your tongue. The 'reason for this is that the condition of the tongue shows the condition of the stomach and bowels. . If you allow your bowels to become constipated you will have bilious at- | tacks, sick headaches, ¢oated tongue, foul breath, heartburn, water brash, etc, and those troublesome piles, which cause so. much annoyance and misery, . Keep your bowels moving regularly and you won't be sick. . In Milburn's Laxa-Liver wood Harris at. his brother's, A B. Harrowsmith News . Harrowsmith, April 29.--The ser- | Paul's Methodist church | vite in St, Sunday evening is to be conducted by the laymen of the circuit. Harry Walker, who has been ill for some | time with inflammatory rheumatism, | was taken to Kingston General Hos- | pital today for treatment. Mrs C. S. Redden has returned from Kings- i ton and is: improving. nicely. The Dramatic Club of Odessa presented a | play in Annesley hall on Thursday | evening under the auspices of the Orange order. Mrs C. S. Stewart and little son Frank, Kemptville, are spending a few days here. Miss Be- | atrice Cowdy is home from Toronto, | where she was attending the National {training school for deaconesses. Mrs, | John Cowdy is under 'the doctor's | care. Nurse Wheeler and Miss Con- | nors of Detroit, Mich., are the guests {of Mrs. Byron Rutten, {ence Copp. is in Havelock to attend | tre wedding of her sister-in-law, Miss M. Copp. 8 huitey's Locks ! Chaffey's Locks, April 26.--Stan- i ley Gifford of this place and Miss "Alma Topping, Forfar, were married ! | last week. A reception was tendered | them at his parents' home on Thurs- | day last. {ing next week" to Kingston, where | she has purchased a residence. | on her return from Atlantic City. | ants are getting the locks ready for navigation. opening the first of May. Mrs. W, D. Heslin returned to her home in Toronto after spending a few weeks with her parents here. W. H. Fleming lost a valuable dog some days ago. W, Kerr will work the farm vacated by Mrs. Hughson. April 30.--Early yesterday arter- noon, after an illness extending over the past two months, Bernard Shiels, the widely known and highly esteem- ed proprietor of the Brophy House, passed to rest, a victim of blood poi- soning. The disease started in his foot, and despite all. that could be done could not be stayed. He suc- ceeded his father the late "Barney" Shiels, as proprietor of the Brophy House, and by his strict integrity and genial manner gained a record as a hotelman ha:d to be beaten by any in the land. His death has cast a gloom over the town. In religion he was a member of St. Johns Roman Catholic church, and as a citizen esteemed by all classes, Mr. and Mrs. Osie Ledger, King street, received the sad news of the death of Malcolm Ryan in Kingston. They left to attend his funeral which takes place today. Under the auspices of No, § Bat- tery, a progressive euchre was held at the armoury last evening and drew out a goodly attendance. The proceeds are for the purpose of fur- nishing the battery boys with a base- ball equipment. The Ladies Auxiliary of the loca! branch of the G.W.V.A. has arringed for a fancy dress masquerade ball at the Assembly hall of the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association on Tuesday evening in aid of the pur- chase fund for the old post office building which is to be remodelled for a home for tHe local branch of the G.W.V.A. -~ During the electric storm yesterday afternoon, lightning struck the wires near by and followed into the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. O'Brien, Wel- lington street. The blaze was extin- guished before any very great amount of damage had been done. Memorial To Aviators. Paris, May 2.--A plaque of delft- ware commemorative of the Ameri- can aviators who were killed in the war as members of the famous Lafay- ette Escadrille will be placed in the Invalides. The plaque is inseribed "Ia ¥em- oriam" and contains the names of the dead aviators. It' was executed at the famous governmental porcelain man- ufactory at Sevres, and has been ac- cepted by President Millerand for the Invalides with several hundred war relics, historical pictures and works of art having an historic interest, the gifts of individuals, A pretty marriage was solemnized Wednesday, when Rev. A. W. Gardi- ner, Lyn, united in matrimony Miss Myrtle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Purvis, Junetown, and Leslis Gibson, second som of O. L. Gibson, Lyn. "Torpid Lider, Constipation, Sick or Mrs. Clar- { . Fruite-tives bimited, Ottawa, Out, THE WONDERFUL | FRUIT MEDICINE Every Home In Gaiada Needs "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Tothose suffering with Zadigestion, tpt RE TT hdmi Nervous Headaches, Neuralgia, Kid- ney Trouble, Rhewmatism, Pain in the Back, Eczema and other skim affections, "Fruit-a-tives" gives prompt relief and assures a speedy" recovery when the treatment is faithfully followed. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine made from [Fruwil--containing the medicinal principles of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, combined with valuable tonics and antiseptics. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all. dealers or sent postpaid by Mrs, E. Hughson is mov- | Miss | A. M. Richardson and party from | | Kingston spent the weekend here | "BURNS FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR- COLDS, COUGHS AND CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF BUY LUMBER NOW Prices on Lumber, Lath and Shingles at the i present time are Jower than is warranted by the costs of production and transportation. f you are contemplating building, DO IT NOW. a ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042 . . . . Victoria Street B 5 = = = Sl TT . Cylinder Trouble | or engine trouble, gear trouble, starting trouble or bearing trouble, it's all the same to us. We are not confined to any limit in our auto re- * pair work. No matter what is wrong or worn out or broken, we will make it right either by repairing or re=| placing the parts effected. Scott's 208 Hagot Street. Garage Phone 1894w. | -- | MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD £ "TRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL JOY BROUGHT INTO HOME Al Pa.--*[ am writing to tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound has for me. We have had six chil- dren die almost at Fro the grostent medicine on earth, for this aby a now four months old and a heal r baby you would not want. 1 am sending you a picture of her. Everybody says, 'That is a very ing baby.' You have my consent to show this letter."--Mrs, C. W.BENZ, 131 3rd Ave., Altoona, Pa. No woman can realize the joy and 'happiness this healthy babe brought into the home of Mrs. Bens, they have had a like e A i ST wuinah who su are fom an ailmen ar to her sex, as - Paar ta bear- 1° aii in, wn pains, irre, it ner- yg _ "'the blues" hal not rest until they have given Lydia E. Pinkbham's Vegetable Compound a |is trial, th spending the winter with their two daughters in Buffalo. FOR SALE. Ford Roadster ...............$250.00 | Ford Touring with Starter . .-. . . $450.00 | Ford Sedan with Starter . ..... $850.00 I Chevrolet Touring, 490 . . ..". . .$550.00 1 McLaughlin K63, Roadster, with Cord Tires; run 1100 miles . . $1650.00 All these cars may be purchased on easy "terms, : Van) uvenBros. Phone 1£09, x 34-38 Princess Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Wood have turned home to Ameliasburg, after [of Mrs. David G. MacLean, at residence of her Clark, Montreal. Tha 1921 assessment of Belleville |sons and three daughters. 24 16-16 per cent. higher then |€. at of last year. son-in-law, She leaves three Lt.ACol. W. - MacLean, Pointe Claire, a - former mayor of Brockville, is a son. A th The death occurred on Wednesday; the! H.' New Sty The "Reta" Kid Cross The "Reta" Patent Kid Tie, Louis heel .... .. ~The "Janet" Kid One Tie Oxford, ; (Goodyear welt; Ladies' Tan Brogues, Military heels . .... ... .... THE VICTORY SHOE STORE les in Footwear Fashions - New styles are here. New prices and better quality than ever. We were late in buying, but that means a saving to you, at the PRESENT day low market prices. : Strap Pump, Louis heel .......... $7.50 as we bought vrs amine wee: $30 Cuban heel). crete 34.580 Blackand Tan ......... $8.50. ter a living example ¢ Reo Touring Car . . .. User cars on hand at present as listed below: a Ford, 1 Ton Truck, pneumtic tires, self starter, cost March Ist, $1,300. We will sell this Truck for . 7 Ges i GremDort, 1918 model ............... ...... REO--THE QUALITY CAR That exduisite something called quality, which like the grace of perfect breeding makes itself felt. In your purchase of a Reo car or truck you have an assurance of a product conceived of quality, born of experience and efficient production, built by master builders, not by assemblers, and thereaf- f service. J s .... $900 Reo Light Six Touring Car, 1920 Model ........ .......$2300 BOYD'S Brock St. 3 : !