Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1921, p. 5

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oes yw, 3 » - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . . MONDAY, MAY 2, 1921. - £ usir's Drug Sore { * | Had An Annoying Hacking Cough | : HUYLERS = | UPKEEP OF PROPERTY .. |i Kingston and Vicinity | occupation of his new position as | county registrar. For many Yeats | GOT NO REST AT NIGHT. It does not pay to let your property run down. Hacking coughs are very wearing | on the system. The constant cough- | ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the | lungs and bronchial tubes in such an | Cheese Sales, | the® desired result -and on Saturday Black Sng White Chocolates, 2 - th emains of Mr Kennedy were itated and infl d ya, th Iroquois, 588 bbxes at 23 %.c. the re : 3 Assorted Nut Chocolates. le 11 amed Subiditios, that Napanee, 730 at 24 3c. caught by the fence. Mr. Holmes was deputy registrar | Haye those repairs done now, when : ! 1 meee under the late Walter McKenz:, Ye Ol-Faskioned Chocolate Picton, 450 at 24 8c, labor is plentiful and efficient. Creams. cough may become settled and ser. to 24 5-16c¢. | Foe fl Bonn ensue, | 2 since whose death he has been alone Vv » Changes in Management. Toronte Chocolate Cream -- (Bitter Sweety. These are guaranteed fresh. Also fresh Page & Shaw's and Nelison's, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup There is no better remedy than Dr. | lHeving all kinds of coughs or colds, | combining as it does the lung heal- ing virtues of the pine tree with which is combined wild cherry bark, for re- Gentlemen Read This. Last week we bought from one of | charge of the Beéllevilla office of the] the leading wholesale houses 25 doz- | en of Tooke's colored shirts, reguiar | ison, who goes to Kitchener as man- Morley Luffman, operator for price, $2.50 to" $4.00, sizes 14 to } Mr. Rdach, North Bay, has taken Canadian National Telegraphs (G.N. W.) succeeding Miss Gladys Thomp- in the work. : R:-H:-Hubbs; Picton; has been-ap- pointed local registrar of the sup- reme court of Canada, the surrogate court and clerk of the county court. These positions were We have the lumber and building mater- ials you need, S. ANGLIN & CO. 1 Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory 16% which we will put on sale for | ager. $1.75 each, Prevost, Brock street. ' some years, has gone to North Bay to become manager of the offize left vacant by the 'death of the late Nehemiah Gilbert, beer temporarily filled by Miss Lillie Fer- { 1 I registrar of | | and the soothing and healing expec- | torant properties of. other excellent | i herbs and barks. and have .$ - Kodaks and Films Mrs. E. J. Ross, Penhold, Alta., Made in Canada Food, there. Phone 1415, writes: --"'About three years ago I| Will be. demonstrated and served L. jeuson. | caught a very bad cold, accompanied. at the Manufacturers' dinners to be |, Parade of The P. W. O. R, : : \-- 4 ustin' S$ ore with a sore throat and hoarseness. 1} ovo by the Women's Auxiliary in| . A parade of the 1st Battalion of | Royal Military College Praised, Sit was 80 hoarse you could not hear|,..'y MA of May 3rd, 4th, 5th, |the P.W.O.R "will be held at the| An item for $350,000 expenses in ' Corner Kisg snd Market i me speak. 1 could get ho rest at | 6th. Tickets, 50 cents, Adults only; | armouries on Tuesday evening. The [connection with the Royal Military ; 7 Kingston hb #hess age P| NISL With tbe terrible annoying, | make tions now at the |unit will likely march to the cricket | College was introduced in parlia- MAY PRICES I tried several reme- | your reservations now unit w y hacking cough. dies, but they did me no good. Ij finally saw Dr. Wood's Norway Pine | Syrup advertised so I got a bottle, It at once gave me relief, and after using. four of them my cough had all | 5 ment. Hon. Charles Murphy remark- ed that there were three good rea- sons why the vote should be passed. THe first was that the Royal Military Colligge had been established by a field. Forty men of the P.W.O.R. proceeded to the ranges at Barrie- field on Saturday afternoon for rifle practice. Musketry instruction and firing will be carried on each Satur- "Y"" or Jenkins' clothing store. Accepted a Position, Miss Olive E. Perry, daughter of B, Perry, Kansas City, and grand- Egg, Stove. and Nut .......$16.50, delivered Pea... 0 5 :01815.00 delivered « * (If carried, 50 cents extra). am {RH JONES gone. Now I always keep it in the daughter of the late B. B. Perry, | day af ' w " § « B. y afternoon. Libézal government. The second was house. F cae : aberal g 1 ake advan a f hi 2 . "Dr. Wood's" 1s put up in a yel- redericksburgh, Las accepted a pos!- (most of the big engineering t ge of this Pr ice, as JUNE prices Kang at Deseronto, Miss Ross, soprano, Messrs. Lemmon. tenor; .Thomas Donn baritone; J. 8. Lyons, basso, al Kingston, assisted at the ann sary services in the Charch g.in. late years in Canada had structed under the direction , graduates, The third was resent commandant was a i h outstanding ability and teri The item carried. to Mayor low wrapper; three pine trees the | tin as private secretary trade abre price be a 60c. a | Burton, of Kansas City, Kansas: Miss bottle. Manufactured only by The | Perry is eighteen years of age. T. Milburn Co., Toronto, Ont. ------ will be higher. Aid] James Sowards Coal Co. Auto Tops repaired, recover ed; slip covers; all kinds eof cushions repaired. BOAT CUSIHONS made all sizes with KAPOK filling. Making Fuster Time, BUII DIN . D | The G.T.R, {rain which leaves ? | Kingston at 6 am. (7 a.m. daylight Redeemé¥, Deseronto, on Si an} " - i 390 PRINCESS STREET REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? [saving time) is now timed to reach |p. ¢ Taylor, principal . of Queen's of A Di . a 152. Estimates given by | Toronto at 11.05 saving forty min-| rr, i ° ol of oc Have nner, ; { IS] : one University, conducted beta ser:! + Torgnto branch of the Royal {utes on the run. On the retury the | train leaves Toronto at 6 p.m., stand- {ox time, reaching here soon after |/Angrove's Repairs TET Seales, Talking Machines, re] Before the convention of the Wo- Hany Selflagcu, Lona Mowers, ete. ve! man's Presbyterian Missionary So- Tatas 2th FISHE Bud guavantey ciety at Peterboro an address by Mrs, vices. At the close of. the. evening service the choir gave a recital O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. {| Miftary College Club of Canada is . {holding a dinner at the King Edward {hotel on May 11th, for the purpose of announcing the reuslt of the mem- origl campaign. The invited guests of the club are the Lieutenant-Govern- or, General Sir Arthur W. Currie, K.C.B., K.CM.G.; Sir Robert Fal-* SUNKIST SEEDIESS RAISINS 3 FOR COOKING un The Late Nolen Ryckman; Nolen Ryekman, x lifedlong re- spected, resident of Sophiasburg, passed to his eternal home, . April 10th. He had been in poor health sincg the beginning of the year. The Hey FOR HIRE sutiatietivs, lw, Dyde, Kingston, emphasizéd the coner, K.C.M.G.; Major-General Sir «it 107 WELLINGTON STREET a bility of the s0- funeral. largely attended, was held A. C. Macdonell, K.C.B., C.M.G., E . ut i threefold responsibility o © S044¢ his late residence Welinesday, bur- D.S.0.: Lieut-Colonel F. Wanklyn JLconomic ~~ Wholesome J : G. C. MILLARD ro. ~ | city's members as mothers in the _ [ Furniture--Freight--Baggage | home, as citizens of the state, and as Cor. Main and Raglan TRANSFER | members of mission bands. Phone 235 lw. Phone 1425W | FAULTY PLUMBING S. WHITEMAN IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW ial at Cherry Valley. Besides his widow and son, he leaves fo mourn their loss his father, Edward Ryck- man, Picton, a sister, Mrs, L. Ding. tan, Winnipeg, a brother, Sydney i Complete returns of the referen- Ryckman, Grand Rapids, Mich, and | dum election in South Renfrew show a large circle of friends. | that 7,740 votes, less than fifty per -- ~ | cent. of the number on the.roll, were Cannot Lend Equipment [ polled, 3.756 in the affirmative and The Department of Militia an- 3,682 in the negative, a majority for moupces that it is unable to make on Flumbiug and Tinemitning [Eee enc a = ale further loans 'of equipment such as a | years ago the 3 T dding and tents, t - Datla we Will by pleased io quote || Dentist fof 1,089 on question four on the poRdine | 2 - Le you i rlcss on the aia) xiures 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | | Pallot paper. their dependents, "During the war _ the department made many such The body of E, P. Kennedy, a wells Davie & Barrett | Wiliamson & Wellwood i: sic = vo vo a im hamid timate of future requirements was s \ drowned in the Mississippi River at Professor Ira Martin, Major Green- wood, M.C.; Mr. Munroe Grier, K.C., and Professor Stephen Leacock, |/ B.A., Ph.D. = Renfrew Dry; Majority 74. 'Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning ') Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Ce Is, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Picton's Board of Trade: Picton's Board of Trade has chos- en these officers for 1921: Fred Newman, who had just completed six years as president, re-elected for another year; E. B. PurteH, Bloom- field, was elected vice president; A. M. Platt was re-elected secretary- treasurer. The executive consists of the officers and the following who were elected members of the Board of Trada Council, Messrs. R. Davi- son, I. Frith Fraser, C. B. Allison, A Powers and A. E. Calnan. The sec- 860 Bagot Street. THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing Dr. Waugh . Body Recovered made, and all surpluses were dis- posed of. The equipment retained is Plumbers and, Tinsmiths - . \ 203 WELLINGTON STREET Custom Tailors Almonte on April 4th, was recovered | barely sufficient for the needs of the retary-treasurer's report showed a Phone 658, on Saturday. The body was much |cervice, and only military purposes | prosperous year with the. largest : Prices right. bruised evidently by the rocks of the [ang those closely allied can be at- | membership in the history of the N \ 30 MONTREAL STREET falls and rapids. Wire fencing had | tended to in future, Board of Trade. The membership Frame house on Frontenac St.; good lot; 7 rooms; garage; for the year was about 300. The re- ceipts amounted to $582.77, expend- ject being to intercept the body if it J. H. Holmes, Picton, took "he |iture $489.29, leaving a balance of might float down stream. This had oath of office on Monday pursuant to -$¢ «$84.48 on hand. TT ny T-- Ww wit y v WHEN WE SANG IN THE OLD +The Preacher preached of the bleed- [pect the pleasure of having you dine been stretched across the river at a point below the Wylie farm, the ob- Cash and possession on May 15th. Price required $800. Balance to suit purchaser. A. F. PURCELL $2350. Two doors from King Edward Theatre Appointed to Offices. ee | CHOICE ; WESTERN MEATS CHURCH CHOIR ing Lamb, with us again?" "Immediately, mad- Phone 704 11% Brock Su © . . ; And his words were as words of | am, immediately," was the unexpect- % and The world was young in those days fire; ed reply. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE of ours, But I worshipped the girl with the COOKED MEATS The world was so young and new, crimson tam . Dies of Nervous Breakdown una All builded of buds and of sweet When we sang in the old church Brockville, May 2.--Word reached ~ a : spring flowers, choir, here of the death at Oxford, England, ! a NC a 2 ; And tomorrow fresh wonders grew; where he was pursuing a course in But the world rolled back and Love McGEEIN'S chemistry, of G. Fulfgrd Hanson, ] The church is gone, and the Preacher e reigned instead long whose father, W. W. T. 'Hanson, . And smote on a magic lyre-- In the land that he loved so well. | Schenectedy, N.Y., is general man- Phone 1182 -- : 7 Someone with eyes of the brownest ager of the G, T. Falford Ce. of Brockville. He was formerly a stu- dent in medicine of McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, and was about to be graduated at Oxford, where he had For Someone sat in the seat ahead When we sang in the old church choir. Hark! out of the new church, deep and strong Hear the great pipes joyous swell! I sit and dream and contented am, \ For Someone is by my fire, GOLDEN LION BLOCK. 282 Princess Str brown, 3 Sweet as in the days of the crimson | entered Lincoln College after war . eel And lips that were wondrous rare; tam, . services. His death was the result of Dark waves of glory that tumbled When we sang in the old church | 2 nervous breakdown, His wife and ir. two children survive, --Lowell Otis Reese. down c From the crimson "tam" set there At a rakigsh slant. Oh, that pure delight! Lite! grant me but one desire-- To see and feel as I felt that night When= we. sang in the old church choir, | E or Sale MARRIED 'Milking Ma 1 ; LADIES ' ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? 'You must know it is not fair to || The Preacher prayed with a will, and i SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, your husband to continug buying when a s new Hats every season when we He prayed for 'those near and At Rossmore on Friday morning fire burned the residences of W. Sex- smith, B. Cronkrite and Raymond Belnap and damaged the dwelling of W. Brickman and the Methodd#t, church. The loss is about $5,000. J. J. Melford, Maniwaki, Que., has purchased the O'Brien farm in the township of Wolford, four miles from Merrickville, for $4,500. No Time Like the Present An Englishman visiting in this country attended a dinner given by a hostess whose hospitality is notori- ously inadequate. Her dinners have often been referred to as "samples," and invitations to them are not ac- cepted with alacrity the second time. Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's : dear," Her wealth is large, however, and Clifford Butterill, Fermoy, operat- can reshape yout old ones into the The deacons shouted a loud "Amen " | her social persistence fs untiring, so | ed on last Tuesday for appendicitis, BROCK STREET very latest Spring styles. And I felt that the Lord was near. there are usually some guests at the [ie doing as well as can be expected. . > a " rex t 5 PATTON'S Get wise! Save $10.00; and pur table. This dinner was of the usual + , i n . ' it into that Suit you have in mind. inadequate kind, It served merely , » I 4 Do nof suffer | as an appetizer to the hungry Eng- . W . 1 Soother day with | |ishman, and when the coffee was CASTOR IA . » DYE ORKS The Kingston Hat (Cleaners ; s A Ticulng Dives served, indicating that the dinner wl We're Ready for Spring With a Large, Late Moun , . Plies. Nol, an end ¥ For Infants and Children : : : { tgomery's) Opposite The College Book Store. surgieal 8 at end, his evident dissatis- N . o . $163 Princess St. Upstairs, > "ation roleed | faction was amusing to the other | In Use ForOver30 Years : ew Stock of Fine Quality _ Kingston's Only Dyer. "Phone 1488 ¥ Dr, Chaevs ' oe a { guests. The hostess did nat notice it, Always bears * ' 4 ; a. ad . foalers, 'of & Co., however, and said to him amiably: ~ Dry Cleaning a Specialty. vaper and stamp 16 pay postage. "Now, do tell me when we may ex- | a : - Phone 214. 849 Princess St. ------ Suits and | Top Coats | For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices : nm DID YOU EVER TRY ] 7 's Vineapple Marmamade, Wagstams Bramble Jelly. 3 Ber folEnle® ve a full Fy of HINDS rea a |18e¢. Lar i] rroNTs LL ioe i $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 : Bon Marche Grocery LOINS ...... 15¢. -$30.00, 32.00 _ Ewe Hoes... .... 20e Sou our ft quality Blas Serge Suita 1 F CHOPS . ..... I5c. Princess Meat | Market TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolph Hotel) REAL ESTATE # ¥ A'SIDELIGHT OF THE BRITISH MINE When the pump men left the British mines pit officials took: up the voit of Selping back the waters. The photograph shows the wife of a pit manager bringing ' refresh- A qblet wi took "piace at) ~The death at the Gen "France is constructing the world's ronten odio. Bachige. ine minds toy ments tosher husband and. the' mine © surveyor, who were wor k ng as stokars in the pump- {138 Parties vers Mie Gwendatine of Bmms : insulation of Storage batteries. house, . : : bg ; George 'Beare, and Thomas Ford. wi # x - Th evan 3 i

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