Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1921, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITIS SH WHIG. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1021 TE OtaMOND QUALITY === DESERTS HUSBAND AND TWO LITTLE CHILDREN IN PITTSBURG TOWNSHIP Charge Against a Kingston Farmers Fail to. Place Identi- | DOGS KILLING SHEEP | "Hudson Seal rn re Scarfs with pockets, 14 sha wide. - 70 inches long $80.00 MINK CHOKERS at . . ....$20 and $30 Finest quality Canadian skins. JORN McKAY, Ltd. 149 to 157 BROCK STREET Woman--The Police Are Making Enquiries. leserting her husband and two > children, is the charge against gston woman, and an effort is cing made to trace her. According to information given the | Whig, the woman left the city on | April 8th, One child is two years old and the other a baby about eight (months. The children were left with an aunt, but it was learned on Thurs- day morning that the aunt has been very ill, under the care of a doctor, and is unable to give th> children proper care, | And according to information giv- en the Whig this is not the first time the mother has run away. It is al- leged that a year ago she lived for a time with a man at Cornwall. It was stated by the police on Thursday morning that every effort possible was being made to get trace of the woman, She Was located at Niagara Falls but"diséippeared from that place, BY HAVING YOUR TIRES PROPERLY RE- PAIRED OR RE-BUILT SAVE Lt OR 'BUYING YOUR NEW DOMINION TIRES F riday | and Saturday Lemons (extra famey) ..25c. dos. Oranges (large juicy) 40c, dos. Plichards (300 tins) ....23¢. tim Corn Flakes (5 canes) ..10¢. pkg. Shortening ..18c. 1b, 3 Ibs. 45e. White Beans Rolled Oats Currants extra fine Evaporated Apples Catsup (lhrge size) Pineapple (sliced) FOR SALE $4500-Rideau street; brick; 9 rooms 'and bath; electric light; hardwood floors downstairs; hot water furnace; gas. $3000--Portsmouth St.; rooms; electric light; 100. . INSURANCE What about insurance on your motor car. You never can tell when an accident will happen. Let us quote you rates for Fire, Theft, Public Liability, Property Damage and Collision. INVESTMENTS City of Kihgston 6% Best of security. Orders execut- ed for all securities listed on Montreal and Toronto exchanges. Victory Bonds bought and sold. frame; § lot 66 x 2 Ibs. 25e. ..2 Ibs. 28e. bonds. mates, / Extra wee Cullen's CASH AND CARRY Al FRED and PRINCESS STS. ~end sale on Butter! R. H. WADDELL Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Swift's coal is good coal. See Jenkins' $15.00 Suits. Celery and lettuce at Carnovaky's. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. Try Swift's coal and become a regular user Belleville will not have saving this year. Police Sergt. James Bateson has returned from a trip to Rome, N.Y. Clean your carpets with Apex Vacuum Cleaner, Burke's Electric. T. Bowling, lately with the Wm, Davies Co., has resigned. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. lindsay, Limited. The board of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., has purchased a lungmotor for use there. Postponed, La Salle Chapter Rum- mage Sale to Wednesday, May 11th, at the-Market. E, Luckin, butcher, who has been suffering from blood poisoning, is now showing improvement, W. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders at 100 Clergy stroet. Phone 564w. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, York street, left on Wednesday for Chi- cago "whgre they will in future reside. Mrs. J. McCoutry, Frankford, is in the Kingston Geneeral hospital suffering from a nervous breakdown. Give attention to your coal order before prices advance. Get in touch with James Swift & Co., Limited. Dr. C. C. Nash, Dr. A. W. Winnett, and Dr. D. A, Black attended the Dental. Association's convention in Toronto this week. "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street. are recelving new player piano roll || "hits" every month. Send in your name for our monthly mailing list. The car belonging to William Pol- litt, fined for trafficking in liquor, is 1{still in the possession of the police, but it was not known on Thursday it it would be confiscated. Anthony Rankin, M.P.P., ig leav- ing on Saturday for Halifax to at- tend the Dominion Good Roads Az- sociation's convention. He will be away for over a week. Don't put off ordering your eoal. See Swift about it. Henry James Kelly passed way at his residence, 45 Ellerbeck street, on Wednesday afternoon. The deceased was a gardener and leaves several children. His wife predeceased him some years ago. There are at the present time four- teen prisoners in the county jail, all males. Théy are busily employed. Some are engaged in making tile and others in cutting the grass and keep- ing the lawn in good shape. After six months' rental we will ||allow money pald in rental to apply on purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, | Limited. William Pollitt, who was fined daylight : OF THE DAY The Marvelous Invention of Sir William Crooks The inventor of the wonderful Crooks' Tubes, which made the X-Ray possible, has brought out a marvelous tinted glass, which excludes all the harmful rays of light from entering the eye. To persons who suffer from inflamed eyes due to the terrific glare of the sun, Sea, or snow, these impercept- ibly tinted Jenses are a boon almost priceless in value. We know when and when not to prescribe these lenses. We take professional pride in helping our pat- rons choese the glasses that will {do them the 'utmost 800d, at the same time to avoid all needless expense. Let us explain to you the benefits of the Sir William Crooks Glass, J. S. Asselstine, D.0S. 342 King Street. Phone 1019w. $300 and costs in the police court on, Wednesday morning, for traffick- ing in liquor, has had his taxi license cancelled by the board of police com- missioners. NN James Swift & Co., Limited, sell high-grade coal properly prepared and delivered. Buy a tag, Help the babies in the Infants' Home. Many workers will make this appeal to you on Satur- day, May 7th. Don't turn a def ear to the taggers, but do your best for the helpless babies. Remember the date, Saturday, May 7th, Honored by His Fellows: W. J. Renton has been appointed a governor of the Kingston General hospital as the representative of Hugh de Payens, premier preceptory, No. 1 Knights Templar. Mr. Renton has been registrar of the preceptory for thy last twenty-five years and is a past preceptor. He is also a lifa member and past. first principal of Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter. No. 1 Royal Arch Masons and a life member and past master of Ancient St. John's ;Lodge No. 2 FA. F. and A. M. ee mri. Manufacturers' Dinner. There was a good attendance at the manufacturers' dinner held at the Y. M.C.A. on Wednesday evening. The people of Kingston have taken such an interest in these dinfers that it has been decided to coutinue them on Thursday and Friday evenings. Peo- ple who attend not only get a good meal but also some valuable informa- tion about cooking, Home grown asparagus. Carnov- } | | { } a [she ran away .with another | fication Tags on Their Dogs. it is reported that dogs are com mitting depredatiohs among sheep raisers in Pittsburg. Among those reporting sheep killed are John | Sibbett; R.' Gates and Mrs. Beeton. All dogs are supposed to wear tags, according to the Ontario laws, and it is likely that in the event of any dog being caught killing sheep, the owner, in addition to paying the cost of the sheep, -will be prosecuted and fined for failing to ta; his dog. Many farmers, it is stated, have not placed identification tags on- their dogs, and this is an evasion. of the law, for which penalties are provid- ed. Where sheep are being killed and the dogs cannot be identified, the township must pay for the value of the sheep. The law requiring all dogs to vear tags was brought about for the protection of innocent tax- payers, INTERESTING CASE IN THE POLICE COURT In Which a Citizen Was Charged With Trafficking . in Liquor. Magistrate Farrell had an interest- ing liquor case before him on Thurs- day morning. A citizen was charged with trafficking in liquor, but the evidence, as brought out by A. B. Cunningham, who appeared for the |} accused, showed that he and another citizen had made an agreement about the cost of the liguor. The citizen who sent to Montreal for the liquor paid out $24 for a case, but the other man paid him $6 for a share of it. Mr. Cunningham held that there had been no trafficking in liquor, that the two men had merely mad: an agreement to secure the liquor and pay for it in this way. In order to prove a charge of trafficking, it must be shown that there was barter- ing, commercial transaction, or busi- ness. Magistrate Farrell reserved his de- cision in the case. Col. A. C. Ogilvie Arrives. Col. A. C. Ogilvie, D.8.0., officer commanding the Royal Canadian Ar- tillery Regiment, arrived in Kingston on Wednesday, his headquarters be- ing transferred here from Quebec. The units composing the R.C.A. are stationed at Kingston, Quebec and Esquimault. a ---------------- Manufacturers' Dinner, Only two more manufacturers' dinners, tonight and Friday, 6.30 p. m., YM.C.A., 50¢. Proceeds aid of women's auxiliary. Phone for tickets. Kingston's Motor Patrol Kingston's new motgr patrol for the use of the police department made its Jirst appearance on the streets on Thursday and in the words of the boys on the street "She's a daisy." The car was secured from George Boyd and will be ready for delivery to the police department on Friday, Dies Aged Twelve. Vernon Kenneth Weeks died in his twelfth year at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Weeks, Belle- ville. The boy had been in poor health since he ill last fay with fever. His mother on Tuesday went through an operation for appendici- tis at Belleville General hospital. Napanee Big Majority. NaPanee, May 5.--The latest ro- | turns in the referendum vote for Lennox and Addington give the fol- lowing:--Yes, 5,667; No. 1,790; re- jected. 22; spoiled, 23; majority, yes, 3,877. - Increase you income--buy city of Kingston six per cent. debentures. You will be pleased with Swift's coal. Order early. No Spring costume is com- plete this season without a touch of Fur, nor, of course, without a smart Spring Hat. We can help you to choose ei- ther, and are showing a big variety, and if you some- an easy we short notice, our Millinery or Fur workrooms can supply it. | tation world. Open Nights. Special For Mother's Day i: | 209% DISCOUNT on alt English Leather Ladies" Hand Bags, and | Purses. For aa ee of Leather Goods English manufac- turers are the Standard of the World. ¥ The quality of the mater- ials and the workmanship are' supetior to any other nation in the MOTHER DAY CARDS AND BOOKLETS Sons and daughters far away like to mark Mother's Day. with some message of greeting and affection. We have a number of dainty cards for this purpose. comes in an envelope ready to be mailed. The Best Selling Book in Years--Robt. W. Service's "BALLADS OF A BOHEMIAN" .. ... The largest and best book Service has yet written. Price THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Each bears an appropriate greeting and . $1.00. Phone 919. v When You Buy ----your House Furnishings, including Art Blinds, Curtains, Oil- cloths, Linoleums, 'Congoleum Rugs, Carpets, Floor Rugs, etc., at this store, you buy them RIGHT. Try us and seel Newman & Shaw The Big House Furnishings Store (Formerly R. McFaul FRONTENAC'S MAJORITY AGAINST LIQUOR 2,047 The Official Return Has Been Made by Chester McKnight. The official figures for the impor- referendum vote taken on April 18th show that the county of Frontenac went dry by a majority of 2,047. Chester McKnight, the return- ing officer, made the official an- nouncement on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. Prof. W. T. MacCle- ment représented the referendum committee at the count and J. J. O'Rielly was the Livery | League's re- presentative. _ The townships of Bedford, Howe Island, Pittsburg and Wolfe Island gave a vote in favor of importation. In the township of Howe Island only one person voted yes, while seventy- three cast tHeir ballot in favor of im- portation. The vote by townships was as follows: No 28 154 348 51 147 Yes 86 145 713 95 196 Kingston .. . Clarendon-Miller .. .. Hinchinbrook .. .. .. Howe Island .. .... .. Kennebec Loughboro .. .. «+ :. Olden .. Palmerston-Canonto .. Pittsburg .. ... Portland .. !. .. Stogrington .. .. Wolfe Island .. .. ce wa 287 614 120 155° 118 317 707 481 205 4.240 EE EE 438 195 121 2,193 Dry majority, 2,047, WE OFFER THIS WEEK THESE ATTRACTIVE PROPERTIES AT PRICES THAT ARE __ SURE TO SELL THEM. $2800~--Union Street (Portsmouth), frame bungalow; lights; 6 rooms; in first class state of repair. $2250---Lansdowne St.; new dwelling and 2 extra lots, on a corner. B2000-~-James Street; dwelling, barn and garden. $1800--John Street, dwelling and large lot. (All for immediate possession) FOR SALE OR TO RENT New Bungalow, Barrie street (north); all improvements; diate possession. ..- E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Heal Estate Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. - « - Phones 539w and 580J. electric imme- SUMMER OXFORDS - FOR THE LITTLE MISS "The Juvenile" Misses' Black and Brown Kid laced Oxfords-- medium, nar- row toes; wide low heels, and heavy sewn leather soles; very neat and dressy amd will give Splendig wear. All sizes 11 to 2. IN BROWN KID ..o.0civeiia.ns IN BLACK KID terres asa nseaas 221 S. J. MARTIN. "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" Phone 2216. 185 Princess Bt.

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