me eV EID ITE THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921 Bring Your Films to Best' DRUG STORE New 48-hour service on all de- veloping and printing: Lowest prices in the city. T16¢ a roll | PRINTS >, each . each (All. work guaranteed) L. T. Best, Druggist Prescription Specialist « Open All Day Sunday L Phone 59. Keeley Jr, yo Insure Against After Regrets, by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, M000. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan ical apparatus, but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG PXPELRI- ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this combination of minl and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. --S-- Special "FOR WEEK .OF MAY 8rd During this week any of our Pearl Necklets can be purchased at a discount of 10% from their market Price. Amongst them are many very beautiful strings. . Wedding Rings. SMITH BROS. Jewelers: - Marriage Licenses. Established 1340. Registered Opticians 850 Kirg Street ------------ ae Smoke T&B Se Improve the Value of Your Property If you wish to sell, a coat of Paint will add $500.00 or $1,000.00 to the price which you are thinking of ,asking for the building. Phone 237 - - z= E B z s E o E == E == n no bn m= = bn SE iB on u be a = We Sell Brandram Henderson's Pure Paint - "If you wish to rent, rooms freshly paper- - ed will enable you to ask more rent for your house than a house with soiled paper. We Sell Wall Paper and Do Paper Hanging If you are living in your own home it is much nicer to have your friends call after you have had the Electric Wiring renewed, the rooms decorated and painted. Our Mechanics do all classes of work. Get our prices and have your work done. We do Carpenter and Mason work. You will be satisfied. McKELVEY & BIRCH, of Big Busy Hardware, Kingaoh. i Pat up in all | sized packages A A na PE-- Floor r Coverings Just now you will be interested in making your sanitary and attractive for the coming' summer a Qur experience in the House Fu business has rnishing taught us that there is nothing better for Mischen, pantry, or bathroom than Linoleum (inlaid or printed). Let us measure your floors and quote you a price. CALL AND SEE OUR NEW HEINTZMAN PIANOS AN J SICAL DEPARTMENT, PHONOGAPHS TE Harrison Co, Limited os - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Company Able to to Meet Heavy | Demands and Yet Pay Dividends. | Montreal, May 5.--The report of | President Beatty presented at the an- nual meeting of the Canadian Pacific Railway yesterday stateg: --'Phe-operattons-of the company aur ing the year have been under conditions which wen so ex- ceptional as to costs, as to make i: 'unique in the company's history, as well as in the transportation annals of Canada. * The back pay; which accrued be- {fore the increased freight and pas- {senger rates became effective, amounted to a little less than seven | million dollars and. the additional |amount required to pay exchange on { coal and other purchases to four mil- {lon dollars. The total, including pro- { vision for income taxes, involved ad- | ditional costs of approximately thir- {teen million, five hundred thousand | dollars, which were charged to the | expenses of the year. All these extra- ordinary and additional expenses the | company was able to absorb and pay {its fixed charges and usual divi- dends. This result was only possible because of thd excellent character of the coMfipany's facilities provided in { onducted | previous years at large capital ex- 'pense and the possession by it of equipment used with the greatest possible effict ency, which enabled the | heavy fall mOvement of traffic to be | effected with a despatch which has | rarely been equalled. About the middle of December il pronounced contraction in business | took place, resulting in diminished traffic of all descriptions. This de- pression still continues but by rigid economies the net results for the first three months of this year are some- what in excess of those of the corres- ponding period of last year, notwith- standing the greatly increased costs of labor prevailing in 1921, The parity of conditions which has existed in United States and Canada resulted in the forced adoption in Canada of what is known as the Mc- Adoo award and amendments and of | the award of the United States labor | board made in August, 1920. In- creases in wages may have heen justi- fied at that time by the abnormal in- crease in the cost of living, but they were accompanied by alternatives in working conditions of such a charac- ter as to impose a heavy and, in the view of the companies' unnecessary burdens on the transportation agen- cies of North America. The combined effect of them has been to greatly in- crease the cost of productions of-all companies. The conditions which ren- dered them necessary being rapidly ameliorated, it is apparent that read- justments will be essential. The ef- fort to secure reductions in wage and alterations in working conditions has already been commenced in'the United States and is proceeding in a sane, orderly and legal m®aner. What is accomplished there will un- doubtedly reflect on the rates of pay and working conditions in Canada. These increases in wage scales, which will not be the only element which entered into the increase in freight and passenger rates, were still a very outstanding and potent factor, and when the readjustment of wages takes place it is only right that the rate situation should be again recon- sidered with a view to revision down- ward. The rdtes are high but the ex- isting scale of wages and consequent high freights is not responsible for the present business depression; the causes of that go much deeper than the mere standard of wages paid to any given class and are world-wide, while reduction in wages does carry with it a reduction purchasing power in the individual. Such reduced pur- chasing power is not represented by the difference in the scales of wages because of the general decrease in prices of the commodities to be pur- chased. Nevertheless, the reduction in both wages and freight rates would have a pronounced and beneficial ef- fect on the general sentiment in'the country through the encouragement it would give and the confidence thal normal conditions had been more == | nearly reached. ------ See Jenkins' $15.00 Suits. The line fence and the tongue are both peace disturbers. Rh DonDS" K | bf NI Labor Party, the National Labor Par-. 'en and children. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO A 6% 15 Year Bonds Price 99.50 to Yield 6. 05% Kindly order early and insure yourself of the above attractive price. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "ihe Home of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. THE C.P.R. ANNUAL REPORI | HE. A DA CHE 2 Headaches are one of the most ag- gravating troubles ofie can have, and | it is hard to 'sgruggle along with a | | head that aches and pains all Be time. Headaches seem to be habitual | with many people; some are seldom, f ever, free from them, suffering continually from the dull throbbiigs, | the intense pains; sometimes in one {part, sometimes in another, and then | again over the whole head. | Thore is only one way to get relief | from these persistent headaches, and | thet is by going direct to the seat of | e trouble, "for unless the cause is | removed, the headaches will still | continue to exist. The fact that Burdock Blood Bit- | ters keep the stomach, liver and! bowels toned up is proof enough to show that it will eliminate the cause of the headaches. Mrs. Harold Lanain, Owen Sound, Ont., writes:--"My system was run down and my blooG out of order. I suffered a great deal from severe pains in my head, which made me feel very miserable. After having tried other remedies I purchased a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and was very glad to notice a decided im- provement in my health, so I took another and am glad to say that it has done me an enormous amount of good. I have recommended it to my friends, who were in a similar con- dition, and they all say it is a won- derful remedy." B. BE. B. is put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. CONDEMNED MAN ACCUSED A woman {Wife Charged Wit With Murder of | Husband Created Dramatic Scene in Court. Utica, N. Y., May 5.--When Rut- ger B. Warder, sentenced to die in the electric chair for the murder of | Henry Werner at Ilion, pointed an | accusing finger at her in the court- room at Herkimer yesterday, Mrs. Henry, Werner, on trial for her life for cqmpHcity in the murder of her husband, broke out into a vehement and impassioned denunciation of Warder. Mrs. Werner never took her eyes oft Warder while he was on the stand, but when he dramatically accused her of plotting her hus- band's .death, pointing to her and shouting "That woman there!" she cried out in a shrill voice, heard throughout the courtroom, "You're a liar!" She continued to repeat this until calmed by court attendants. Warder denied having killed Werner or having been present when it was done, He charged that the killing was done by Mrs. Werner in the cel- lar of his home. His story on the stand flatly contradicts that given in his confession on the day after the murder which figured largely in his trial. In his confession he said he shot Werner in a ravine near the latter's home. Warder's testimony pictured Mrs. Werner's mother, Mrs. Minnie Wood- bridge, who is also under indict- ment for complicity in the crime, as urging her daughter to get rid of | her husband and even suggesting | means for disposing of him, COUNT UPON HUNGER ENDING THE STRIKE Call Made to Whole British Labor Movement to Defeat Strategy. London, May 5 --An appeal to the whole labor movement to support the miners was issued yesterday by the joint committee of the Parliamentary ty executive, and the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Unlon Con- gress, In the course of the appeal it is stated that "the mine owners and | the government have declared war upon the miners. The weapon fis starvation, its first victims are wom- It is to be a war of attrition. They count upon hun- ger forcing the miners back to work in a fortnight on terms which Sir Robert Horne tried to dictate to them last week. They calculate that both the spirit of the men and the unity of the federation will by then be bro- ken. Organized labor must defeat such strategy. It must defend its own future by rallying to the miners now." See Jenkins' $15.00 Suits. Two daring attempts toescape from Toronto jail by criminals convicted and others waiting trial were discov- ered and frustrated within 12 hours over Tuesday night through the vigll- ance of the jail guards. With these attempts, it makes three since Fri- day. Swift would appreciate your coal order. Now is the time to see about it. Men available for farm labor are still 'considerably short of the de- mand in all parts of Saskatchewan with the exception of the Estevan district. Most districts report $60 a month as the<Prevailing wage. Kingston debentures are good. Buy them, Amounts $100 to $1,000. PHONE 1728. p-- PROBS: fine and mederately warm. BARGAINS AT STEACY'S To-morrow should prove an exceptionally; attractive bargain __day at our annual 'Clean-up Week Sale," as we have added as an ex- tra attraction that special sale feature-- oo Double Discount Stamps From 9 Until 1 O'clock An opportunity that all thrifty women should avail them- selves of, as you save 10%.on every regular cash purchase. Silk Sweaters Sale Price $9.95 Regular 18.75 to $35.00 values! 21 only, imported English Silk Sweater - samples. The colors are Copen, Canary, Rose Green, Navy, Black, Pink, Grey and Purple, in sizes 38 to 44. Regular $18. 75 to $35. 00 each. While they last-- FRIDAY $9.95 "ste 0 seas NOVELTY TWEED COATS--3 only, in Rose, Copen and Green; Novelty French Tweeds with Belts; reg $25 values. Friday $4.98 UNDERSKIRTS--63 Silkine Colored Underskirts; in colors Rose, Copen, Green, Grey and Black ; reg. $1.50 values; while they last . . Friday 98c. [esas es eeee vsaoe tee sisinene WOOL JERSEY SUITS--6 only, Paddy Green, pure Wool Jersey Suits; in sizes 18 to 42; one shade only; our extra special value at $25.00; to clear this small balance, in one shade only -- . Friday $13.95 \ s'y ole oe \ "eee 8 se 0 BOYS' BLOUSES--25 Boys' Chambray, Blouses; ase sizes and regular $1.25 values ....... . Friday 79¢. GREY COTTON MILL ENDS- 600 yds. only, of Grey Cotton Mill ends; in lengths messing 2 to 10 yds.; worth 25¢. a yard. ..... Friday 15¢c. a yard Pricedtoclear ........ MEN'S HEATHER SOCKS--60 pairs only, Ribbed Heather Socks va siaannpinaeises Friday 39c. --reg. 75c. values ....... FLANNELETTE SHEETS--25 only, Grey and White Flannelette Sheets, with blue and pink borders in 10-4 and 11-4 sizes. Friday 98c¢. each. st srs is asils sss aslie ss rss srs asus NAVY BLUE SERGE--35 yds. only, of all wool Navy Blue Serge; full 54 inches wide; reg. $2.50 value .......... Friday $1.69 BLACK TAFFETA SILK--55 yds. of fine quality French Taffeta; full 39 inches wide; worth $4.00 a yd. epee .Friday $2.29 Limited of Steacy's