Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1921, p. 5

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BDAY, MAY 5, 1921 THE DAIL Y BRiTIS SH WHIG. 5 £ Austin's -- Store 3 ingston 9) i Announcement I beg to amnomnce that 1 Kingston and Vicinity have sold the business known as Prouse's Drug Store to Mr. M. R. McColl, who has Leen identified with the store as manager, for some years. During the past years the | people of Kingston haye been Moving to British Columbia very generous in their support Dr. Sauriol, Wolfe Island, is leave «ofthis store, and it has been Ling Shprtly for-New "Westminster; greatly appreciated, {B. C." He is a Queen's graduate, I trust that Mr. McColl will Doi Good Work ¢ t on 2004 or Hutton's &| Pe siven the same considera. | Every Sunday night the Knights 0 tion and that he may continue eo = viat ita ve ies | i Columbus visit the military hospitals | to enjoy your patronage. | in* Kingston and distribute tobacco, | (Signed) | ives, cigarettes, etc., to the patients | FL ORENC E J. EYCE J. PROV SE. | To Meet in Kingston provincial convention of the | will be held in Kingston in SEEDS THAT WILL GROW DUNKIRK'S RENNIE'S and FERRY: 8 The |A.O.H. July; FLOW E R SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS Try a, package of Hollyhocks to brighten up the waste corners of your lot. Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market one Kingston - Phons 330 + 4 debbie FOR MOVING OF Kingston Transfer Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Phone 877. 153 Wellington Street. DAVID Scorr Plumber Piamblug and Gas Work a special. AH work guaranteed. Address Phone 1277, deeded Strib Pe BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | Ald. Chown Improving Ald. P. B, Chown, who recently | underwent an operation for appendi- | citis, is getting along nicely, and it | is expected that he will soon be able to 'be around again. Are Scraping Streets : | men employed by the Board of Furniture--F'reight--Baggage ji | Works department have been busy TRANSFER | se raping, the streets din the uptown Phone 17763 {~~~ 2<:w S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Partridge Wire Works! NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING prepared to do this work. | : amiable tas; Flaws] Gentlemen Read This. ST. W. - = PHONE 380. Last week we bought from one of Ee -------- | the leading wholesale houses 25 daz- BE en of Tooke's colored shirts, reguiar price, $2.50 to $4.00, sizes 16% which we will put on sale for [$175 0nen Prevost, Brock street. | | A Mouse in the Bread and The Ottawa Citizen has the fol- | lowing: "Man in Kingston came to the health inspector. and showed him COOKED MEATS jo loat of bread with a mouse in it, . J : | Which tie had purchased from 2 Jos! McGEEINS | <5: Phone 1182 282 Princess Street ee ee | | Called to Russell, | Rev. D. M Patterson, B.A., recent | | graduate of Queen's Theological College and licentiate of Kingston Presbytery, has received a call from [the congregation at Russell, Ont. which he will accept. 45 Frontenac Street. DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | | Btreets Phone 8634 -- act | Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. TAXI FOR HIRE, G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan | hi | Ey |e P | | | 62 KING CHOICE WESTERN MEATS Phone 2586. | Ns | For the past few days a gang of | 14 10] { bakery. This should demonstrate the fallacy that half a loaf is better than no bread--in Kingston, any- way." More Baseball Fields Needed . At the-present time fhere are 80, Wiany baseball teams in the city (hat it is impossible to get enough 'dia- mounds on which to play the games. * Home from the West Rev. Father Lacey has returned from Regina, where he was called | owing to the serious illness of ns father. The latter is improved in health, . , Elected a Director the Canadian Daily New spaper Asso- ciation, held in Toronto, L. A. Guild, managing director of the Kingston | British Whig, was elected a director. Queen's Degrees It is expected that the degrees. in arts and science will be announced at Queen's university om 'Saturday. Next week will be the biggest con- vocation week held at Queen's in ycars., Left for Clilengo Rev: Dr. R. J. Wilson of Chalmers church left Thursday for Chicago to see his brother, Rev, Dr. P son, who has heen ill. If the latter is able to trav8l, he will conte bavi with his brother t6 Kingston fo. stay a while to recuperate. Erecting Monument The foundation for the monument Bd 3a CZEMA 55 t for Eczema and Skin Jala. tons. It relleves at once and gr 3 deals the ie ski. Sample LED Dr. Foren re Ron os pote ogi Tr sen stam 4 Fox; al all deal RD, or Bates & Co, --. IN TOU are Bow ex P e Hat. ER XN al =e a | MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? «+ You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. ] Get wise! Bave $10.00, and put it into that Suit you have in mind, The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite The College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs, 'Plione 1488, ANOTHER BIG REDUCTION IN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTH- ING, FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES ~--Men's and Boys Suits. ~--Spring Overcoats. --Rain Coats, --Fine Shirts. ~~Working Shirts. ~--Ties--Socks. =--Underwear--Overalls, --Boots and Shoes. {all and take advantage of our new low prices, * I. ZACKS Phone 2351 w. "W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. | | | | For Sale A new Sharples Milking Machine. 'Will sell cheap. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, 7 SN ry PATTON'S DYE WORKS (late Montgomery's), mn ENED (RI At Hmon = GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know Genuine Cast 'For Over Thirty Years ------ ASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 2 271 PRINCESS STREET Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty, Phone 214. 849 Princess St. Ny yo EVER TRY Yinger Marmalsde, Wagstan'y Fineapple La Wagstai's Bramere arma qe, We also have a foil Ais of other reliable makes of Marma- laa Jam and Jellies ra sale ~ FRONTS. .... IQ. Bon Marche LOINS Cor. King 'ana Kari Streery \* I15¢c. License No. 5-2T14p ; Phang 1844 LEGS .... v+.20c. CHOPS 15c. SYRU OF TAR fe] HINDS 18c. Alie= 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. H. GODWIN & SON . Real Kstate anu Insurance 89 Brock: Street. Phone 424 SS ------------ Gogh Sal. Cold Princess Meat a iooping Market At the parsonage, Nowborc, | April 30th, gr W. G. Bradford { united in marMage Henry E. Badour and Miss Sarah A. Green, both of the township of Bedford. on MATHIFU'S SYRUP is the putation has caused MATHIEUS o LIVER OIL Gri Rene, bi Cough, P Brons ihe FLT Ee ree At the second annual meeting of | H Wii 1 {in memory of the late Dr. J.- Harty. {has been completed at St. Mary's { cemetery. The plot is also being fit- Tl ted out with a low granite wall. It | {is expected that the monument will | | arrive here next week, | | Pumping Out .Steamer | n- Wednesday afternoon two | | tugs ed by the Canada steam- | ship lines were busy pumping out {one of the steamers which is tied to {the pier near the M. T. Co.'s eleva- | The steamer wags resting on the | tor. mud 'bottom. | > eee ) To Be Ordained Martin James, Montreal] (and will cele | Kingston on May 23rd. eminary on May 22nd, Father James is a son of the late Martin | James of this city, The First Haul Made It is a well-known fact that motor boats have been carrying liquor from Kingston to the American shore for a long time. Only for the prompt action of the police constables on Wednesday morning, some lan or would have crossed the wa- ters, ER | Working at the Stadium On Wednesday a gang of men employed by the Queen's University authorities were clearing the rubbish off the playing field at the new sta- dium. In the course of a couple of days the men will start to finish the coucrete work. A Splendid Superintendent The announcement that Dr, A. E. Ross has consented to continue as ton General Hospital was received with pleasure by the people of the city, Dr. Ross has been acting as superintendent for the past seven ments in the hospital, Visited Minden Lodge, £8 A, M., received the district deputy grand master, 14th Masonic district, Right Worshipful Brother North- more, Bath, on his official visit on Tuesday evening. There was a very large attendancé of the brethren as well as of representatives of the sis- ter city lodges, and a large delega- tion from Bath, The work was ex? emplified by Worshipful Brother George L. Van Horne and his offi- cers in. a manner that called forth many compliments. Right Worship- ful Brother Northmore replied to the toast to "Grand Lodge," which was proposed by Right Worshipful Broth- er Johm Nicolle. Brothers Shaw, P.H. Burke, J. deP, Wright respond- ed fo the toast to sister lodges and Bros. McTear and Skinner for the visitors. Other speakers were H. Milne and J. Higgins, Harold Sin- gleton and Allen Lemmon contribu- ted to the pleasure of the occasion by singing some very fine songs. Must Not Wear Uniform Strong protest is being made by the military authorities against per- song in their civil occupations wear- ing articles of uniform without au- thority, and steps have been taken to put a stop to this practice, which is contrary to the statutes * Indeed, only last year the Criminal Code was amended to cover this matter, and Chapter 43, section 10, reads as follows: "Any pérson who without lawful authority wears any uniform of His Majesty's Naval, Land or Air forces, or any uniform which is so similar to the uniform of the' said forces as to be likely to be mistaken therefor, shall be liable on summary convic- tion to a penalty not exceeding $300 or to imprisonment to a term not exceeding twelve months or to both fine and imprisonment." Instructions now sent out from military headquarters direct atten- tion to the fact that uniforms must not be worn except for military ' jpur- poses and commanders of units are directed to see that the order fis carried out. ----------tnid MAY PROROGUE THURSDAY, Manitoba House Discusses Ministers' Increases, - Winnipeg, May 5.--By finally pass- ing the supply bill, authorizing cur- rent expenditure of 12,662,778, put- ting fifteen billy through the final stages, giving second reading to nu- merous other bills and making good progress with consideration of the Jsupplementary estimates, totalling $607,402, the legislature got through a considerable amount of work to- day, With such expedition was busi- ness despatched that the opinion 'was confidently expressed by mem- bers at the close of the night session that things would be in fine shape for prorogatiou Thursday evening, An item in the supplementary estimates providing for increasing the salaries of cabinet ministers from $56,000 to $6,000 was discussed and the item for $1,000 increase in the premier's salary wag passed. It was decided to make a test vote of this item when the house went in concur- rence on' the supplementary esti- mates, the decision, for or against, to apply to all the items raising ministers' salaries. ms WOMEN WILL TAKE PART. Equal in Liberal As- Ottawa, May 5.--Women will 'be given equal representation in (he management and direction of busi- ness of the Eastern Ontario Libera! Association, the annual meeting of which is to be held in Ottawa on PINE LUMBER Used Pine Lumber resawn and freshly matched. We can afford to sell this at Hemlock prices,' though it is in many re- [| ..soects better than new Hemlock. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Stress. KINGSTON, Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phove 1415. Kingston, will ba | {ordained into the priesthood at the | rate his first- mass in | more |g FOR SALE 3 Frame house on Frontenac St.: good lot; 7 rooms; garage; and possession on May 15th. $2350. Cash required $800. Balance to suit purchas.r. . : A. F. PURCEL L 1113 Brock St AND INSURANCE Price: Thone 704 REAL ESTATE medical superintendent of the Kings- | months and fas made great improve-- ds Minden Lodge, No. 253, A."F. &" SPRING FURS Dealer inF urs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at' Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at . --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. is (One door below Randolph Hotel), (JRTAIN and DRAPERY ~ MATERIALS SCRIMS, NETS, MUSLINS, ART *, SATEENS, CRETONNES and etc. | _ All new goods at the new low prices. - ; 3 'W. N. Linton * Phone 191. §. If this is carried out a man woman will be elected for each of offices, The Liberal women of Ottawa wil also be asked to take full charge the proceedings on the evening, the annual meeting, : June 2nd. At a preliminary meeting held in Ottawa the opinion was ex- pressed that at the annual meeting it would be well to change the constitn- tion to provide double representation for each office, including the execu- tive committee and advisory comneil.'

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