& THE 3 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. © THURSDAY, MAY 5, 192 198) Clohat would you do with if ? If constipation were a lighted bomb, would you carry it 'about with you waiting for someone to put it out? No. You would get rid of it as quickly and effectively as possible. ( But constipation, though not so sudden in its effect; is an insidi- ous and grave danger. Leading megical authorities agree that minety per cent of human illness is caused or aggravated by a clog- ging of waste in the bowels, and that pills, castor oil, laxative waters and salts only force the bowels and bring greater Weakness afterward. Nujol works on an entirely new w principle, | Instead of forcing or irritating the system, ## simply softens the food waste. 'This enables the many tiny muscles in the walls of the intestines, contracting and expanding in their normal way, to squeeze the food waste along so that it passes naturally out of the system. Nujol thus prevents constipation because it helps Nature main- tain easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals-- the healthiest habit in the world. Nujol is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Try it. Nujolis sold by all drugyiees in in jaaled bottles only, bearing Nujol Write ujol, Xi treet, PQ. for booklet "Thigey Fa na Navies Stimt The Medorn Method of Treating as Old Complaint Nujol or Constipation Internal and External Pains are PECLEC relieved p= THoMAs' ECLECTRIC ol L THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEAR Gl EVER SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR COOKING Economic - - Wholesome a rs Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. What's InA Name? Everything. stance, on a Piano, vouches for that piano' s quality, beauty' and durability. The name Lindsay, for in- "If Lindsay's Sell It--It's All "Right" Piano Storge $2.00 and $2.50 per month | a . a immr-- m-- The. International Sunday School Lesson For May 8th Is: Rest and Recreation." --Lev. 23:39-43; Deut. : 5:12-15; Markie :31, 32, By William T. Eiils. r since returning from uy trip to the east I have been advising friends who are overwork- ed and overwrought and broken in {health or spirit to go to the Desert of Sinai. They forget the bible prin- ciple,--which is perfectly under- standable to any one who has ridden a camel over the vast silent spaces, or marvelled amid the mighty moun- tains, or mused in the starry stili- | ness of the chill nights of the desert, --that a man should go apart from his fellows to rest, and to find him- self afd his work,~and to get clear views of life and of God's will. Phat | was the programme for Moses and !the prophets; and it was also the | programme for Jesus and for Paul. {The recreation idea, which we in [these days call the vacation habit, 1s {as old as the old testament. { These lessons have more i " than Liar lines: -- "By all means use some times to be| dlone; Salute thyself! See what thy soul | doth wear: Dare to'look within thy chest, for | it is thine own; And tumblg up and down thou findest there." what A change of scene helps to al | change of mind. Also it vconduces | Ito breadth and loftiness of thought. {In the wide spaces of seclusion and | | solitariness a person>~ may think | | mora clearly upon life's proportions {and emphasis. We are better fitted |to live with people if we occasion- |ally get away from them. There is| | recognition of the sanctity and in-| |diyiduality of the human spirit 'n| the bible summons, "Come ye your- | selves apart and rest awhile.' Two At The Seashore. A little girl known to me is 2at| the seashore with her family; clamant desire is for the merry-go- {round and salt-water taffy.. These | are her conception of the ocean's] best gifts to her. Really, of course, a new robustness and serenity are coming to her, not because of the occasional indulgence in the '"'treas" she covets, but because of her play on the sands, and becauss of the salt air and quiet life. In contrast with the child's con- ception of recreation is that of her grandmother, who said, as she seat- ed herself on the warm sand the first day, and looked out across the tumbling billows, "It always gives me a. feeling of hope and faith to look on the ocean and the moun- Aching Li EE hryiom Suse Pits, are quickly removed by the use of Dr. Chase's - Kidney-Liver Pills. One pill a dose. 25c. a box, all dealers. | - To Wear Thin Waists or Sléeveless Dresses once quoted George"Herbert's famil- | her | (Beauty Topics With the aid of a delatone paste, it is an easy matter for any woman to from face, neck, and arms. Enough of the powdered delatone and water is' mixed into a thick paste and spread on the hairy surface for about 2 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed. This completely re- moves the hair, but to avoid disap- rointment, get the delatone in an original package. remove every trace of hair or fuzz. tains." ed her from the littleness of domes- tic cares to the sense of the 'great- ness of God and His handiwork, which wrapped itself about her soul lik¢ a mantle of peace. In those two attitudes is pictured the difference between the world's conception of rest and recreation, and that set forth in the Bible. "Good times," as popularly conceived, are set to jazz. They mean 'something doing" every minute. Swiftly-chang- ing fashions; novelties in food to tempt jaded palates; pleasures that pile distraction upon distraction, di- version upon diversion, from "the dansants" to after-theater midnight cabarets} stories that are both light and highly spiced; such are the mod- ern conceptions of delight. All is of | the flesh, fleshly. Tittilation of al- ready overwrought nerves by a va- riety of excitement is the quest of {our pleasure-mad era. All over the world the men and women who re- | tain their sanity are crying aloud that this way lies physical and moral | shipw reck for the race. Thrust athwart this mad 'scramble | after "life" is the Bible's clear teach- ling of- the greatness and quietness. and sufficiency of peace and joy, The world wants . merry-go-rounds and | lolly-pops: the Bible offers the | mighty contentment of the eternal | stabilities. _ The Bible's Big Idea | Many persons will be surprised to {learn that the"Bible is a joy-book, land ont a gloom- book. Even in the | first five books of Moses, the Hebrew | nation was organized on a basis of | happy relationships, Abundant pro- vision was made by the Law for rest and recreation, for feasting and mer- | rymaking. And the early Christians were ra- diant with a spirit of happiness that | gave them joy in all the lesser de- lights of -life, and was the envy of | the pagan world that surrounded | them. Even today the challenge may | fairly be flung out that the Christian homes are the happiest homes, even as the Christian nations are the hap- ptest peoples. Nobody else has such direct access to the deep, welling, abiding springs of joy as the diciple of Christ. | Furthermore, the heaven to which Christians look forward with assur- ance--and as one recently back from the portals of eternity, having clearly anticipated entering them, I can bear testimony that this faith holds good to the end--is a place of light and music and play and per- fect peace and knowledge. God's plans for His children in two worlds are plans of real happiness. Into the fabric of organized life, the law of God wove the big idea of a rest period, a recurring Sab- bath, to which mankind should be entitled by Divine right.. A large part of what the scriptures teach about rest and recreation centers i: the Sabbath, which is first of all a rest day. "It is also a memorial day and a worship day and a family day and a health day and a joy day; but it primarily is designed to provide rest for man, by linking him in eternal succession of the Divine ex- emple of one-seventh of time set apart for the uses of the spirit. A holy Sabbath may not be a Puritan Sabbath--should not be--but far less should it be a secularized day, made like unto other days. For if the spirit of religion departs from the Sabbath the spirit of rest will quickly follow after. The Rock In the Desert, In the Ereat crises of life, as in the great heart of the desert, the travel- ler along life's way must seek shelter beneath the shadow of a Rock. Palm trees are not shade trees, however beautiful they may be. Vain is the effort of the troubled who rush to the distractions of the Great Whize Ways to life for heart-surcease. One has to go to bible lands to learn the full significance of many scriptural' figures. It was in the wilderness of Sinai that 1 learned the meaning of "The shadow of a great rock in a weary land." For there was no refuge from tha burn- ing noon-tide heat of 'the desert ex- cept the shadow of a great rock. The rare/trees afforded scarcely any protection, certainly none adequite for the mid-day halt. They came as for short of being real shelter as the merry-go-round does of furnishing rest and recreation for the spirit of man. Only the Rock, Christ Jesus, can suffice when the sun beats hard- est or the sand-laden winds blow most bitingly. Even the physicians understand that thera is no remedy for some iils like the voice which says, "Come unto Me. all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." A friend of mine, once a trained nurse, is now amployed by a group of physicians a&s a sort of spiritual assistant -- she visits cer- tain classes of patients 'and reads the Bible to them and prays with them and strives to impart the heal- ing touch of faith. Hers it is to ery, "Rest in the Lord!" When med- felines fail, and man's uttermost is of no avail, then it is that souls turn to Him whois our peace. "Good Times" and "Good Fellows" One further great essential of Test Their vastnesses transport- | a A SI SS al , JERSEY CREAM (X:1,7 n n the Realm of Women--Some Interesting Features 0 ZF] "00D TIMES" AND THE 60OD BOOK. Cleanliness in our bright sunshine factory and quality of materials ex- plain the constant increasing sales of 10 ORMICK'S ? ¥ and recreation is stressed by secrip- ture. That is Christian fellowship. As the spirit of man sometimes needs solitude, for a re-establishment of a sense of proportions, so at other times, and oftener, it needs the intercourse of congenial minds This idea of fellowship, which is emphasized by such modern organ- izations as the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs, is central to the Christian church. "The communion of the saints" is a fundamental doctrine that holds good for two worlds. The church has no fault to find with the world's "good fellows'--- except that they are so often neither truly "good" nor true "fellows." Their fellowship often runs no deap- er than the bottom of the inebriai- ing glass. It is not the sort of qual- ity that will endure stress and storm. When genuine "good fellows" ars one of the best sources of "goud times." The scripture bids Chris- tians not to forsake the assem- bling of themselves together the art of friendship is a Ghristian vir- tue, to be learned from the Master Himself. who found refreshment for His soul' in the company of His disciples in the Bethany home, at the wedding feast and in constant BISCUITS. contact with His kind. Everywhere Christians sing: -- '""We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear, And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear." Dr. William F. Hazelton, a native of Leeds county, is now the proprie- tor of a manufacturing, jobbing and wholesale business at Enid, Okla. where he has resided for many years. IF Sis Seer may be Many are the stories regardin, od origin of coffee. One tell that the Angel Gabriel, Sia Mohammed lay sick, brought him « up of the delightful beverage and restored him to bealth and A happy event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Marshall, Mallorytown, on Wednes- day, April 20th, when their third daughter, Anna S., became the bride of William T. Grunsell, Perth, Ont. Rev, F. W. Myers, Lyn, officiating. Good example is always anxious for a large following. One way to have and keep credit is not to abuse it. Hurry and Worry make a reckless span to drive. . given credence, the one service for NIL: ALE is a delightful luxury to the palate. to a feast--the delicious beverage raises to the order of a banquet even a common- ts fragrance is like an invitation place mi Sold sealed in %, 1 and 2 Ib. tins. Whole, ground and fine ground for Tricolator and percolaton use. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. 1 <3 PR %, Hoar quickly more SLIM "going-away" Fifth Avenue~--bewitching miracles of summery frocks -- foamy. oceans of the Frenchiest lingerie -- and the Bridal Gown! A dream that could come from only one place in the world -- PARIS! What wouldn't you give to have such a trousseau! But you CAN -- and more easily than you ever dreamed possible--with such a wonderful help as he DELTOR The Marvelous New "Picture-Guide" That Saves You 50c to $10 With the Deltor, YOU yourself can make ALL the dream-things for the June trousseau--as smartly as if they came from Fifth Avenue or Paris--as 'surely as a professional modiste--and ically than 'it was ever possible to create such, wonderful clothes at home! By pic- tures, the Deltor shows you FIRST--how to make each garment out of X to 1X yards less material, SAVING YOU 50c to $10---through & layout chart, worked out by experts, jor Jour size, your pattern, The Trousseau of Your "Dreams -- Made by Yourself! suits that are aristocratic any width of suitable material you THEN--how to put the garment together exactly as the --with each step pictured so plainly that you cannot help getting the same perfect result as the ~ artist-creator of a Parisian studio! FINALL Y--how to put in those clever touches that only a Parisian modiste could ever think of --giving every tiny detail the finish and chic of a real "confection" imported from France! Ask for "Butterick Patterns with Deltor" (for only with Butterick can you get the Delfor) and se- - cure a marvelous new aid that not only saves you money, but helps you to create what only PARIS or Fifth Avenue could produce before! BUTTERICK Style Leaders of the World v a Sid het bg pd Fee; 3] ~N <3, = A A gs a | herb am Ebowakiv ss Seni ER EIR RE rr EE area