Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1921, p. 14

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v THE DAILY BRITISH: WHIG. .. ¥RIDAY, MAY 9, 1988: xow To-nigh ALLEN ==. | & Saturday ANNETTE KELLERM Daily at 2.80 and 7.30 The. Worley ost Famous Lady WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS mmer ; PEARL WHITE Daring, Darling of Thrills, in I swaines TENTS, FLAGS, canoes. IB hE tae -S"THE WHITE MOLL2 Phone, 436. F. W. Cooke. (Episode Eight) BY FRANK L. PACKARD | A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE *THE SON OF TARZAN" Thé Greatest Super-Crook Drama Ever Screened! ROLL OF CARPET, FELL FROM { 94, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Overture: .."The Rainbow Girl" a moving 'van Wednesday . AND Allen Premier Orchestra ns Riel chase, Frank Herring, Ccleman night, at the corner of Livi. BED, SPRINGS, * MATTHIERS eS COMING MONDAY! Ir WA ib. hase sion and Clergy West. Own- sofa for sale. Apply 6} Union St. HELF WANTED. ; P. 0,'E. Toremo. - er may have same .at 45 |! West. 2 The Biggest Picture of the Year - w-- . © Clefgy street west. : i . a PL TO MRS.| BECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO d x bv | es TE NE | DOROTHY PHILLIPS a AURSENAID. A) PLY 10 ere Tor cash or in palit payment of new A SHALL Sum oF MONEY, ON | WHITE BABY CARRIAGE, N ARlY Sof Ree d . planus and grafcnelas. C. W, Lind- ng street west. Apply 27 | new; a bargain. pp "MAN-WOMAN-MARRIAGE" oy : 1 ui. say Limited. 121 srincess straet. King Street West. Charles Street. : % : ONE NIGHT ONLY TH = AUNDRY ~ ' "rh qt i iS. A MAID WANTED etn Liotta) | NEW AUTO LAUNDRY, CARS WASH- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- |[|IRISH COBBLER SEED POTATOES. a i Nuk, ab TP : ed, polished and greased, at rea- ED FREE | Apply J. H. Keyel, BR. R. 3 $ Hospital. I Te a ns, TISED FREE. { ston. Phone 2284. r 3. TO LET. : mr ; = . © ONCE, A CAPABLE WOMAN AS 236 Queen street. Phone 1270M. | y i a : NUT UPRIGHT PIANO IN AUGUSTUS PITOU Fd AT © MIs RJ Anyone finding anything and |BURR WALNUT U Mrs. | FURNISHED HOUSE. APPLY 50 WEL- i H C ; cook; general. Apply BRS " a first rate condition. Apply ye LAWN MOWERS TO GRIND. WILL wishing to reach the owner may | Cuthush, RM.C., phone 2350W. lington Street. First insertion. 1¢.°& Word. Eien on ---- secutliv: insertion thereafier, haifl RON kate ea ceat a word. Minimum charge fur ¥ ON SY coms RTENT STENO. FOUND one insertipn, sic; three luservons Caio. od rler ne | 'SED ADVERTISING ei oon: | an WANTED GENERAL 8 Sein. / 'y ' be abuv¥ rates are for i Yl FARM TO RENT, ABOUT 200 ACKES, when charged they are double. by practical farmer; view 1) pur- Koger, 161 Karl street. call at your home and grind your uo 80 Dy reporting the facts to vo - re i 2 IFERENCES lawn mower properly. Drop a The British Whig. The adver- | - " r la : PLY 2 3 - alt COOK, GENERAL, ERENCES rd to» W. Kelly, 471 Ellerbeck tisement will be printed in this ONE PLAYER PIANO, (IANOGANY, GARAGE, APPLY 5. BEARANCE 207 ] reyuired. Apply t et. . Phone . 2047W. column free of charge. Heintzaman Co.; cond tion as 800 rontenac s . bulge Enuly Street - me | as new. Apply Box W-28 Whig ms vo ---- = Hh i Office. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH KITCHEN FJ Vv gy GEN FOR SMALL FAM- LRH n "Found articles" does not in- privileges. Apply 476 Brock St OH, Apply Mos J. C. Stewart, 97 AGENTS WANTED clude lost dogs, cattie, horses, BIG SALE OF TIRES FOR THIS Vel N, a Centre street. Phone 2275w. etc. These, if lost, may be ad- week only--500 Bicycle Tires on| FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET; DESIR~ IEA" Col Fob AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET-| vertised for in the "Lost" column. sale at George -Muller's Bicycle able location. Apply by phone ENE SERVANT, MIDDLE- ters for stores, office windows; © Works, 371-373 King street. 1087. : A i grt preferred; family of ily applied; will not wash off; free l---- - meres |r ! : & H J i tnree. Apply No. 90, Barrie Street samples. Acme Sign Co. 546 N. | === -- EE = | PI{INK OF IT! PROVINCE OF ON- [TWO STA GARAGE, EQUIPPED - Wells, Chicago, IU. | . EN tario 15 year Gold Bonds. Price with »r hose and work bench WANTED ENGINEER FOR PASSEN- LOST OR STOLEN. $99.50 and interest. Yield 6.05% Apply 286 Queen street. ger steamer. Apply 5 Aberdeen | OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN AND Wo-| Mills Company, 79 Clarence Street i hone 22681w. Capt. L. Whal- men, students, teachers, and | NO. 11627 MASSEY SILVER RIBBON FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; ] = k ave. P others tu earn $10 or more per day | Bicycle Ban oppusite the Garden| GENUINE GRAFPHONOLA AND TEN | all Improvements; ceatrally locat- All ROERS | 4 a --- for hundred days or longer; guar-| Dance Hall, Bruck street, Wednes- selections; your own cholce, $42.50. €a. Apply 243 Brock Street. ir at . crs ieane es. DO-75-81.00-81.50-82.00 MAN TO DO COOKING; ALSO ONE antee COVErs necessary expenses; day evening. Kindly return to 21 Terms $i casi; $5 per month. C. W, -- i ex <u wo a assist in care of children. Ap- spare time or full time, rxperi- Chatham Street. Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princesa -St. STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER .n ly to the Orphans' Home, Union| ence unnecessary. Write for par-| erm se of Wellington and Barrack street, Seat ow on Sale. treet. | ticulars. Winston Co. Dept. O. To-| . MOTOR BOAT, 28 FT. x 5 FT.; 40 hp. by May 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St . Fonte 8 LOST. speed 20 miles. Also 1 hull, 35 ft. - -- - - A YOUNG LADY, 18 TO 20 YEARS OF ee x 5% feet; Dalmber engine, 16 hp LARGE LODGE eons, 23 x 180 Sty age, as clerk in general store. Ap- 0' ' A NTE HE 0 TOOK MR.| 4 Cycle. Apply McAuley's Book- over King Edward; possession May a oe F. -W, . Edmondson, Sharbot| POSITION WANTED, Ww 1, THE rERsoN WHY 7008 Hr Hore 1st. Apply 189 Princess Street. «ake, Ontario. EAE ETE Amt CLE Albion Hotel, kindly return some eh . A RDOTTE FIRS; Cl i 3 5 TUATION WANTED AS HOUSE- to Whig Office or Albion Hotel. PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND noanu; iff 9 A YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN as ay rans grr Pi to bb oo tor 13 De hgh Ea ed. 'Apply 243 Brock §treot ra M Y 1 h i in housewqr Apply Mrs. 2 steady anc rel ie, pply OX | * . ; ES o $5. 0 . $0 eg as fe 3 . A Ot sist A : FEMALE BULL DOG, WHITE STRIP Pale Tnctoator. TJ urns or 5 P. Chown, "Edgehill" 3 K D-20, Whig Oftice. on face and chest; long tail; dark : TURE | 387. t 3 uth. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND street west or telephone 38 8 iE EDGAR, PUBLIC brown. An¥wels Lo nalie vl Juug:| mouth merchandise; clean) aud dry, Me- ONE NIGH | ONLY GIRL ABOUT SIXTEEN YEARS OF Stenograpner, Stencil and Mimneo- tius Colar. Finder please phone' ,niyy HoUSK; ELECTRIC HT; Cann, 36 Brock sige. Phone $28 age to assist with housework --| graph work done, 5 White's In-| 15t7w, | Wate aif h.w. Boor PALL; i or 631 Trans-Canada Theatres, Limited, Announce the: Final Engagement small family. Apply at once sta' | Phance price, 239 Bagot Streel|,;ve DOLLARS REWARD OFFERED Sa anes na sey oma "av | A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, This Season. of . he 28s, LO is | meee ee es for information leading to the re- 29 Hickson Ave. - 146 Montreal St, all improvements. i i ce. - turn of a boy's Bicycle taken from | = Phone 109% ring 3. Vacant April MARTIN HARVEY A CAPABLE, TRUSTWORTHY GIRL | TEACHERS WANTED, Yicioria - School. (Phone $34 orfa FRAME HOUSE, COLLINGWOOD 1st. by May 14th; also is . street; e. t rooms; furnace; W. C.; - » "YY > - > Be ang Dreher Work | ores as | Ee ef ei. BbL Foose: Than Nia ax ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE SUPPORTED BY MISS N. DE SILVA Lingston i ty ACI ROWING SKIFF 3 ! o 'he on Princess. Street; all conveni- : ADDIY 0 the, Satron, Kingston | S: 1 Section No. 4, Wolfe Island long: bottom uvuiside painted green, Cheap eh ale. Apply Box ries: cont reduonnble. Apply Box and his special London company, in the Famous R¢mantic Drama jeneral Pp ' | ities to commence May 1st. Apply varnished t Lost April 8. No- - CANVASSER TO TAKE ORDERS IN| A. Rattray, Wolfe Island. tify A. C. app, Boat Livery |7HIRTEEN PURE BRED WHITE AN- the city for an historical volume i Kingston. lieward. | gora Rabbits, large metal cage | FURNISHED ROOMS; SUPPLIED OF Experienced salesman or saleswo-| "ARTING ee a | containing three black squirrels. with running water, at 406 John- man preferred. Apply in first in-| CARTING. LOST SUM OF MONEY IN LEATHER Will sell cheap for cash. ~ S. A son To rent by day, week or stance to Box E-11, care Whig | en cn meet pouch on Front road, between] Stewart, Cataraqui, Ont month. Phone 937m. ! a lL a v YOU ARE MOVING THIS SPRING Edgewood Park and Princess St. | -- = - PLUMBER, ALSO STEAMFITTER; | place your order with. us now; Finder kindly leave at Whig Office | COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST RENT, OR FOR SALE, COTTAGE first class men only. Steady work general carting, ashes moved. etc. and receive reward. fuel (on the ackel: We are de- SE olfe island Re Tront | daisy PRICES ;--Floor, $2 and $2.50. Balcony, $1.50 and $2.00. Gal- ear round for good mechanics. Ap- Charles Andre, corner of Bagot| = . NW ove vering 1-4 tomy at $2.50; % tons arden; " 2 > . . ply, stating Wages and experience and Charles Street. Phone 18438 | WILL THE PARTY WHO PICKED uP at $495, or 'a Tull ton at" $5.00 Phone 12 r 2, Wolfe Island. lery 75¢ Seats now on Bale to The John Lewis Co. Ltd, Belle- Ea ied Persian Lamb Collar on CPR. Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. ---- = - ville. hyd ; 9 train at Tichborne on April 22nd, | A FURNISHED FLAT FOR LIGHT - FINANCIAL please return to Mrs. John Allen, | BARRED ROCKS, RHODE ISLAN housekeeping; also other furnished - = Sharbot Lake and recelve reward. Reds, Brown Leghorns, Aprfl| rooms, by weék or month. Apply WATKINS LADY OR GENTLEMAN IN ex : S a Ea cnicks, #0c. each; - also custom | 263 King street, or phone 153s. 7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY SUMMER the city of Kingston for the fam-| STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE a SALE hatching; bring your own baskets ] q SATURDAY PRICES ous Watkins Products. Known agents; established .in 1860;, only FOR . No. 8, Ontario street, cornér West. psromaae FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, . : -- verywhere. This is a big oppor- the most reliable companies repre-| _ - - - diay, airy rooms; your own lock Er Write to-day for full' par. sented. Office 95 St atence street, | M LAUGHLIN FOUR, IN GOOD ,CON- $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN ROOM and key: "Frost's City Storage, 299- . « 9" ile. and 22e. ticulars, The J. R.. Watkins Co opposite the post-office. dition; equipped with good "tires single frame; electric lights; gas 305 Queer. St. Phone 526; res. 959w. m. mn ee ---- Dept. H-3, Hamilton, Ont. Apply H. Sayers, 128 Clarence St Jor cooking; Johnsen Street: H, EL o rtainge: . Ee ain, o C ea Ea 34 cash. alance on time t.| FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT; ALL CON- Red-Blooded Tale of Virile Combats + *s 'coME AT ONBEESMEN 96-10 DAILYS BRON A A ea a3YEST. $735 BUYS GOOD MOTOR CYCLE; Chas. Mell, 130 Clarence Street. veniences; possession June' 1st, special short courses; one month President. W.'F. Nickle, K.U.; vice ready for the road. Palmer's Gar- - Sydenham Apdrtments, Brock Coming Monday ! GRIFFIN "HIS MODEL Mat dally Auto Mechanics' course $50; one resident. A. B. Cunningham age, corner Bagot and Queen POOL TABLE (LARGE SIZE), FULLY Street opposite Sydenham. Phone DOUG, CONCERT AY" 2.30 and iy month Gas jNractor Course $50; Pa A on ily nisgham. streets. | STUppEa; sost over Js00.90, Quick | 652J. FAIRBANKS ORCHESTRA Two reel comedy L.30 a 7.30 lenty of time to finish for the ¥ et hea i | sale $75 Ci . UATE PIAL | s-- eee - ring rush. Hemphill Bros. Auto ey Tunisie any Suny WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF (Stevenson) in. good condition | THREE ROOMED APARTMENT; ALL ms Tractor School. 183 King st, investment bonds for sale; de osits$ musical instruments, also tloth- $65.00 casn. S. A. ptewart, Catara conveniences. Possession imme - W.. Toronto. Board and room received and, interest allowed. R. ing and furniture. Call and get our qui, Ont. diately Sydenndm Apartments, 8.5 Call Frit ad v . Pig ces. L. Routbard, 289 Princess Brock street, Opposit Syde: $8.50 up or write. C. Cartwright, maneger, 37 Clar- Prices. Lo outbar T COUNTRY CLUB, OVERLAND, OVER- Phone 668. Pposite Sydenmam ° ° BETTER 4 . fir Steel naan --- = $ hauled and newly painted: 5 new . ac ng em n HURRY FRENCH . HOSPITAL TRAINING | PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND tires with spare wheel; bargain for| TWO CR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED . o 4 NE: ; School for Nurses, registgred In ! "RN T MINTS New York State, lr of-| # FURNITURE FINISHING D-3, Whig Oftice. hite Wyandotte Baby Chickens, quick sale. Apply to Dr. Gordon, or urturnished for light house- 40c. each. Hatching eggs from corner King and Johnston streets. keeping; gas for cooking. and all PLAYING ALL WEEK fers a two years' and two months' | = 8 ~ prize winners, $2.50 per 156. Joseph Phone 2042w. otier conveniences, Apply 168 Di- T course in nursing. Bight hour day,| CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- White, phone 2301 r. 4, Portsmouth, | = - vision Street. : - four weeks' vacation in each year coll 22 John street Ont. SCHOONER +"BERTRA CALKINS" : in Allowance $25.00 a month ang carrying capacity 500 net tofis. Cap | FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. maintenance. Requirement for ad BARI ay GOOD USED CARS be inspected at Picton, Ontario. wood floors, électric. light, gas . mission two years hi chool or FANCY GOODS. ~ roadster, $100 cash, balance ar- Further particulars and price on stove, heater, refri r @ : uission two .years high school o Ford Roadster, § s Ar het Sartsuiar Aud price on gerator. modern 66 9 Big Reels its. equivalent. Knowledge of |. - ranged, in every way. Apply to White's In< French not e ential, For further! HEMSTITCHING, ACCORDION PLEAT- 490 Quavrolet Touring, $200 cash, bal- tun, Ont. surancs Office, 239 Bago: street. articulars y to the Superin- ing. Braiding, Knife Pleating, | ance arranged. . " endent of Training School 450 hand-made waists and lingerie Py. McLaughlin Light 6, $400 cash, bal-| IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE| TWO FRONY APARTMENTS, ESPE- D of Joy CONCERT BY THE FAMOUS Co x Mon. Tues, CECIL DE STRAND ORCHESTRA MILLES "Forbidden Fruit" West 34th Street, New. York City. reasonable prices. EB. Abigal Card, | nce arranged. well-built stone residence, 98 karl clally furnished for light house- 179& Wellington Street, hingsion 490 Chevrolet Roadster, $200 cash Street. Interior just painted and keeping; gas for cooking and ght, ¥ parlor over Mrs. Potters' Art Shop. | balance arranged. decvrated; 12 rooms. Open fire at the Pioneer Apartmeuts, 212 and SALESMAN «= SELF - RESPECTING mee Ford Touring, $150 cash, balance ar- grates. For inspection, apply to J. 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. salesman, whose ambition ls be- 2 ranged. uilbert, 194 Barrie Street. : yond his present place, might find TAILORING. 490 Chevrolet Touring, $250 cash, bal- APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS AND BATH, more congenial employment with ance arranged. CITY LOT, 60 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 ; . { 4 : * us, aid at the same time double his EE TCDA SPRING AND Same BAWDEN AND EDWARDS feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also Nd oars: rolrie light; gus A > X 3 S pt nub : 3 y; Jani- income. We require a man of clean uits cleaned and repaired now. Re- Montreal Street Incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- tor's service, Sydenham Apts. P character--sound in mind and ana as do mpt ers, hot water heated. Only used session June 1st an a body, of strong personality, who PE work guaranteed TW HJs:| TWO BRICK HOUSES, 93 . AND. 93 once, Cawson, 248 Ci on St. : ne 454. ba ation, Pe So Wha Dr, Al york suraiteed" WOGHE| TWO, BUICK, HOU te AND | RULE viclods eee -- | GRAND OPENING, CRICKET FIELD a fast growing concern, where in- cess Street got 8 . E mn water furnace, gas and electric TR FRONT ROOMS, ONE SINGLE NE . } dustay Would, be rewarded with far »s8 Stree light. Apply to W. H. Sullivan, 36 | LARGE MOTOR. BOAT 35x¢; SACRI- double, Farnished SINGLE, ONE SATURDAY MAY - 3 above average earnings; married 9 Clarence S.reet. fice price; owner leaving city; THIEL To asle; ah: ' s th, p.m. man preferred. Apoly Mr. White- HELP WANTED R nes h o cylinder four tral location; fi 4 : head, 2nd floor Royal Bank Build- » A . - cycle; large cabin; in running or- n; free use of telephone; ing, Kingston. ui -- -- a---- WER HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF der. Apply W. Little, Boat Bor pine and etc. Apply 213 Division ALEXANDRIA BAY vs. PONIES & . » ---- em | GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO good second hand furniture and prietor, Kingston. Phone 1661. take ofders and detiver the Anest stoves. Any person having stoves - - ARCHITE! Yo. > NEN Tho #85 ¢ furniture to dispose of, we wil} : n a rer, ------ i fwcumrece adn. "uighess commission of any | 48) MERE prices" Jk Thompson | THIEE BEST KINDS EVER-BEARING | ™™ 0.etr Frinceos: 'suitable for. denial Practise "Safety." : 3 re es r Roa 9 ; x st. : : ro- ie POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI. concern in the country paid; - all gressive and Americus, $3.0 parlors. offices or (Jiving apart- | You're enjoying good nealth, cts, Merchants Bank Chambers anded. Ban. Abptioant mus. be hundred. Mall orders filled promps : Also dwell Hear ants. that's Pleasant Wh Y Eat cornér of Brock and Wellington unded. Each applicant must be| RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT Phone 1970J. S. McCormack, 58 Fas nelling on Monires) street, 5 en lou streets. financially responsible. 1f you are AND SOLD Collingwood street : + Cohen & Co. \ You want to remain so, . = looking for a good,' independent, | pig Bargains in Used C haa] =~ -- that's Natural Let It Be the Best. MASONRY AND CARPENTERING permanent position with unlimited Reductions. . ; p) 3 a > » ® EE -------------------------------------------------- earning possibilities, this is your Exchanges made, Terms arranged. | SUMMER COTTAGE, FOUR ROO aay ATE AF ARTMENT, 3 rooms | | YOu may be careless, Ask for MeCLENNAN & BATTERSHILL -- oppor un ¥ Qui action neces- GEO. A. PALMER . and ice house; lot 200' troniage : > : ra tchen, den, privategbath- that's Possible brick work, plastering and genera! sary. Patricla Blend Tea & Cot- Cormer Bagot and Queen 33s' 'depth; situated 'on tohegy water heating cul y house repairs by the day. Also fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, Bay near Christie's Lake, C.I.R. decorated; mantel. Wellington | { You may have an e¢ccident, GOLD BOND painting. Satisfaction given. 10 Ont. SPECIAL OFFER--PURE BRED BAR- staiion. 'Terms, casa. Apply Pub- street, near Clarence., Ready May that's Probatle » h . = AE : 15th. Box 247. 5 i trie Busts Kingston. Fhone red Rock eggs for hatching from! - ustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto -------------------- | ¥'OU sincerely. hope not Ly 2183. + - Cobourg a 1 ; - ohh 41 I Rear a % "ANN MATO. LAND SURVEYOR ony EE ahs Gus oh strain; worth FORD CAR, 1020 MODEL, PRACTL. Rw ey that's Eviden. CANNEI ) Toms ES, R > (Bile 8 ew must e 3 "Q ol CO and AS : PASTURE "4 F. F. MILLER, B.Ap, Se. CE. OLS. rE Crorrsy Waa ue Nempedty BINS Sermn Abel mores wii Lua Th prac, Sa that's Wisdo - : - D.L.&, M.E1C., Napanee, Ont. On- ¥ ms. 80- Chevrolet car, at's sdom PASTURE FOR: THIS SEASON, BRO. tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- 1920 model; in nrst class condition'| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- | (Rochester Gas and Electric News) AT ALL GROCERS © phy's Point. Apply J. J. Brophy. at fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- | STUDEBAKER CAR, ¢ CYLINDER, 7 Must be soid at once. Apply Harry ers and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence 3 the Point. Phone 1631. : ence street. passenger; in .good running order. Asselstine, Verona, Ont. street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- equipped with Cord Tires a fam, Cyril M. Smith, / The home niissionary sometimes Bumper. Newly painted and var- BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. ¥TC, y 1 nished:-- Apply to §. Anglin & Co. 2 parlor suites, walnut--3$18 and $35 AMBRUSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER dees more talking than pa paying LEARN TO DANCE Bap and Wellington Streets, King- i iady"s bicycle, $15.00. and Folleltor. jaw oXice, Sues of . ston, Ont. 'amp cots and new mattress, $8.50. | ing and Brock, over Royal Ban o ent dances taught at the SideBoards--$4.00 to $18.00. 34.30 Money to loan. Phone 1999. CHIROPRACTIC. Gen Studion: denwons given by ap- Kitchen Cabinet--$20.00. TR = = mE ment only. Dining Room Tabs 3.00. : . WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C., Ph. C., Cor. | POlntmen EN 111 BROCK ST. factory to home---Settees, Arm Dining Room Chairs--$2.75 each DENTAL. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd MRS. 8. COH . Chairs, Arm and Nursery Rockers,| ~~ LESSE'S ANTIQUY SHOP > floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston. | Studie Phone 357. Residence; 16% Mothers' day, Sunday. Buy her a |, Wx buy all kinds of Fursiture DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 258 PRIN- Ont." Consultation free. Telephone | Ontario Street. (Opposite G. T. R. Sta- comfortable Arm Chair. June, the |" Phome 1045w. 307 Princess Street cess Street. Office now open for 822J. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to 6 p.m.-| tion. Phone 1578. ' bride's month, is coming. Beautiful . business. . . bridal furniture made to order. Al- : 80 new innovations in Tea Wag- REGAL ART FURNITURE, FROM DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, URN. 'gone and Floon Lamps. Any of the [RP +S 2244+ 24400 tists, 16% Wellington sireet. over above in all shades of Green, Old Carnovsky's. Phone 346. 3 CHV * Sud jfrory, Erench Grey, Manog- 3 VEY ouEvRuier TueR 3| DIL RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 AND SERVICE a Steg to sulf_the sui i % ton, 'with op, complete, 3 Pripcess Street. Phone 1860. uped ; 3 + Co.. 400 King Street East. Never been used. ce $550.00, evenings by appointment. "1 E} EIR 0 3 AIO y yy » 4 LOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. DO YOUR fi, key Siblad™ THY OH ghmed praciice ac. 33 rincess St. : MONTREAL STREET {ohn MeKay, Limited, 149-151 Sl | EER SRI eeeeoseaereree yd) HIER PY CL showing a A A UPHOLSTEIING. PERSONAL OY Tyo pany 2 ; afd Sih EE Son ween 3 pom dew | Wm, sous wane wan ||| complete line of Passenger and Commercial Two ton truck--heavy, strong and ful, Sally Tota Tn Folens fabtok od | eam mero | ieied, sony, seuatscery I] Cars to meet all requirements. # vy, 8 ng an power u also ake | care of the children's| ¥» W. HAROLD FOR YOUR P. a and Tiiuished Me : double transmission, chain drive; large plat- & Seotchy Woollen Company® a3 Lest or ery ac Gro Sharh] Bsa experience "br Eimer o # PLEASURE MODELS . . cess Street. . Ty stre Te Rams go to ] $ ; ! form, suitable for moving van. Complete new - = orn | COVERED wurrons Mim To on. ARPENTHEDNG 490 Roadster. | FB 20 Roadster. : ; BA' v 8! Ss sizes - . outfit. . Can be seen or demonstrated. Call at TA on sabe nT Uphelsferia and 'idling. ome | -- ee 490 Touring. FB 30 Coupe Avenue, see James Selby, Contractor, 212 FB 40 Sedan i : ) 2.000rFRANE, 4 ROOMS; NEW; Bj -- eee eee University Avenue. Phone w. . DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. © and CJ electric lights. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND Fix. Te i ag FB 50 Touring . . T ired : . . East End of Wellington St. Fg INEDETIONED: SX] Slaiion's Slecth, 35 Frincess Se. | Tow ETRE EIT os FB 50 Special. {next door plano factory). 3,000 aR AME; NE I a Paperh 2 : ' and C.; po Pgh AN Ag ouMgy B. SIGNS A Sounisere 4 Arch stedet © COMMERCIAL MODELS ion Sa Sc Vintiegs. Fag Frey op ames cute wong | ~anae, ae, raven muvee ll 490 Light Delivery G Light Truck on Sales o'Ratn: 'slectric IEN| OW Jent: posters showcardn ore | a es can: paper gl 8 Te xl = . Hoo A Reo Truck $11 am the best auctioheer in Kingston. : Timmins: on ore ioraid Cypress] | oy Thea? Wrikien, and designe ry. Tih rd pr al B All 9 hi a Truck. ® - . . ; s y + Make me prove " ; Oks 10 mis; Savery . AENKY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, a (4 stan equipment) . side santa cof 13, vizio aan {| BEDEORD) The Auctioneer, |= =orovements: contrat PIANC cri | ere vane end gunn ace ill Telephone 400 and secure a demonstration only. Also § soda water cy- four, interior decorated. Phone 18673, . : : Phone 1721 or 1428. $16,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE; linders cheap. ; hod. PIANO TUNING AND REGULATING 1 4 A k He who shows pity ought to, if 2% S-- pi rr ALSTING AND PAPER HANGING --J. BAWDEN & "EDWARDS the occasion requires it, receive It. | HOUSE To RENT, 10 ROOMS; ALL : torr bd eo in 80 MONTREAL STREE® + - . PHONE 400. Life still amounts to'much if you AL REAL ESTATE : MEDICAL by rhe gg Bd LB -- - : Vv "WE A still have a hope for tomorrow. 150 Wellingion Street, ningsten. | DR. C. H. ELLIOTT, 382 BROCK ST. Phone 1432, gi)

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