THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. E : } SHY EEN ST. SADA SCHOOL 55 2 er FI 'gessions to Be Held During 'George Richmere Wounded in fl Extraordinary Sale At the oun at Usual | Back When ar Fails The Sunday school officers 253 Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 6.--Ac-|| teacpery of Queen street Methodist |.ording to information received - by H church, Wield their annual meeting | District Attorney ~ William D. Jo- || el Sr OF. _ ee PT Thursday eventg. AN enjoyablg He | gram, George Richmere, Massena, || was first ispent about the SUPDT | was shot by local officers of Massena "| table. Rev. W. 8. Lennon presided |and customs men who were after Ii- || : 9 at the meeting. The well-prepared | quor smugglers. Richmere was rid- 1 3 0 = [reports of the heads of the various ing in: the automobile . of Brevos: || departments and- other officers gave |Payment. also of Massena.. When || THE LAST DAY OF UR | great satisfaction to the earnest [they were just outside of Massena || i a bd ha ------------ Ey --e---- band of workers avery report making [they were ordered to halt. The stop || | it more ar that the school is in a | was not mads quickly enough and || very flourishing condition. The re- (one of th officers fired. The bullet || ® A | port of the secretary, F. T. Paynter, lodged in Richmere"s back. | eC earn {showed that the membership of the | Payment halted the car and Rich- . | school, including the ¢radle roll and mera wag cared for by a physician. " . ' [thé7home department, now reaches Payment declares there was no liqu- || |two non-attending departménts), is (had not been informed to-night as to OFFERED : | 260. The account of her stewardship [the full details and whether the car {by Miss Knapp, the retiring _treas-|contained liquof. Richmere was mot . urerof the school, brought out the fatally wounded, it is reported. | ee -- fact that the school had raised by di- ------------ . . oye [rect contribution dpring the year Have you properly liberally availed yourself of the opportunities for - {over $915, of which $189 was ; . ; < 5 » | misslons, $78 far Christmas benevol- it offered ? There remains only one day more. Every Deck . {ences and $66 for the Chinese famine | £ ; : y i Te Clearing Item carries its goodly savings, and its quality we'unhesi- , e balloting resulted in e re- B . . sd . election of the superintendent, Dr. x } : : : : : = Je | CC. Nash, and his wholo body of as. _ tatingly vouch for. It would be a pity to miss getting, at a sav istant ith th ti f th . : ' . . aati Eaisseplion ot the ing to-morrow, what you're going to get later and pay full price. | fe-election. The staff of officers is as | follows: Superintendent, Dr. C. C| A saving of from $5.00 to $10.00 a { Nash; assistant superintendents, J. : . iR . M. en; secre i . . Suit--all are good materials, correct Pach and 2 Allan, pg ; | | L Th q . ] styles and well tailored. Sizes 34 to 44. Sradive SHeer, SC: A. Shuver;, are EY €Ié Are ce PECla S ~ thant eS a Be fonny . [the fine figure of 646. There 'are |or in the car and that he and Rich- i : 4 ee . H EE SUITS : [fitty-three officers and teachers and |mere had been on a trip down toward SEVENT Y-T R : | the average attendance, (exgjusive of Hogansburg. The district attorney | qa e toonist. H. BE. Law; pianist, Miss Doris Williams; leader of the orches- tra, W. J. Allen. The staff of teachers BEST ARROW BRAND SHIRTS and the departmental superintend- x for $2.45 ents, Miss Hoppin (beginners), aud AE BLEACHED SHEETING--72 inches wide; SPECIAL WHITE COTTON--36 inches wide. Miss Lambert (primary), were also 3 b durable Canadian make. 3 15 d re-elected. It was decided that the : i 4 . Sale Price . serie sia C. yar Sale Price 45c. yard : NEW SPRING CAPS Sunday school sessions should be for $1 98 continued in the afternoon at the . : regular hour dyring' the summer ; BEST WABASSO SHEETING -- 72 inches BLACK MESSALINE SILK--35 inches wide wide, for double beds; full bleached. Regu- --our standard $1.50 quality. Sl BT al Al) months, WILLIAM McFADDEN of London, now in Toronto jail lar price 90c. yard. . CASHMERE SOX FOWER PROJECT FOR FARMERS (a i ag ool on Set. So, Sale Price ........65c. yard | Sale Price .......$1.00 yard egular $1 23 for a. 75c. ph Cecil Sabine, the Toronto druggist. " Sir Adam Beck Promises 3,000 Miles IED IN BROCKVILLE CIRCULAR PILLOW. COTTON---42 inches ALL WOOL SERGE--38 inches wide--Navy, Power Line, P IN wide; best Canadian make -- regular 60c. Brown, Copen and Black. Regular $1.25 yard. Toronto, May 6.--Sir Adam Beck, He Was President of Wright Com- Sale Price Sualiny: Sale Price 95c¢. yard chairman of the Ontario Hydro-Elec- pany, Ltd. tric Power Commission, who had a Brockville, May 6--Robert Wright, @® @® : ; : Yow ROE i J conference with Premier Drury on president of the Robert Wright Com- SAMPLE BATH TOWELS---ranging in value ¥AvY LoTANY Co TERE 5 ihe the proposed rural transmission lines, pany, Ltd., departmental store, died from 60c. to $1.75. wide; sr ra value a 00 a yard. estimated that approximately 3,000 this morning in his seventy-nineth Sale Price iv eits, 33 1-3% off Sale Price steer $1.85 yard miles of rural transmission lines can year after several months fllness. ? y be constructed by the Hydro-Electric B ty Mills here, he e ] 47. orn a onge , near here, Founded 18 Commission under the legislation | came to Brockville as an infant and 75-77 BROCK STREET passed at the recent session of the|naq since been a resident. After soma a. & ow legislature. years in commercial life, he founded FINE WOOL FROCKS SILK DRESSES If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." A statement of the amount of in 1870, the Robert Wright Co., now : = : For W, d Mi k work possible to be done within the | one of the most important firms of Re ular Value to $35.00. or omen an isses, mark- limitations of the revenue provides its kind in eastern Ontario. He was g eted value up to $30.00. y present water power rentals will [chairman of the board of managers | be prepared for the premier, who re- of St. John's church for several i SALE PRICE wae. $13.95 SALE PRICE "awe wea $16.95 quested this. Water power rentals at [and is survived by his wife and five | Navy and Sand Al Wool Beautifully embroidered and present amount to $300,000. sons. James A. Wright, Montreal, is : Sir Adam sald after the confer- a brother, and Mrs. R. H. Bryson, beaded designs on French ence that the Hydro-Electric Commis- | Montreal, and Mrs. Janet Bellamy, | Dresses; handsomely embroid- Satin and Chiffon Taffeta sion had been asked to make sur- Vancouver, sisters. | : : : : veys and supply estimates to cover msi nr-- ; ered; latest styles.' Sizes 18, Sizes 16. 18, 20, 36. Colors: approximately 6,000 miles, affecting Special Services 20, 36, 38. Brown, Copen, Navy. ad about 18,000 farmers, Of this mile- Evangelist James Emblem, Toron- | i" age probably one-half would be built, to, will conduct special services in . h hs It is thought that the commission's Bethel churé¢h, commencing Suaday, r ) @ working force will have about three May 8th. - Children's service at 7 years' work ahead of it. o'clock each evening, and adults at / 8 o'clock, Come and hear the gOos- . Limited MILLIONAIRES ELoPEs | Pel messase. | Long Japanese Crepe Kimonas 17-Year-Old Girl E From Condition Unchanged Home. stapey Tv Ottawa, May 6.--No change was ' {1} prusvures, Pa, Say 5 -- Some. | reportea tuis moralig 14 the condi- Value up to $4.50--your pick SALE PRICE tion of Sir Sam Hughes, formerly : * ? where in the South," Miss Susan Crabbe, a young millionairess, grand- | minister of militia, who is lying crit- 00 a ues child of the late Robert Pitcairn, for- ically {ll here. $ 2 3 5 mer resident assistant to the presi- dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, is| If you are a householder it would enjoying her honeymoon with her | Pe Well to see Swift about your coal For Every Home [|i mini oom = pe Cambridge, Ohio, last Saturday and | the United States. 10 dozen Washable Japanese Crepe Kimonas; cleverly embroid- PRIME RICH CHEESE as made a he rides imoumine ak | og ADE MORANDO. Ff] designs on Pink, Blue, Mauve, Rose, Empire : 1 ,000 lbs for wy tien 290. Ib. jef she had soraped Irom the parental sa uiufactuess, Dinner and Progrard | I style and Jap Sleeve. H MEAT D T avenue, this city. Hunt, the bride- - FRES EP groom, is 24 years old, and is the son J A . . ' of Clinton Hunt, president of the HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR A very fine selection of Western Beef, Memphis Steel Construction Com: Spring Lamb, Fall Lamb, Mutton, Veal. pany, of this city. He is a graduate of : , the Memphis, Tennessee Hlgh School, Kindly assist us by shopping early. Sale starts 9 o'clock. and of Georgia Tech., in Atlanta, Ga, MARKET SQUARE. KINGSTON. YOUNG FARM FED PORK The bride is 17 years old and heit : 8 : : | : to an estate valued at $20,000,000, TI : Boe and Chars. hr BEER nt wf] John Laidlaw & Son, Limited |] | : . | Mrs. Victor Lee Crabbe, mother of 1921, to Mr. and Mrs Frank Lin. VICTORIA BRAND CREAMERY ff | the bride, is reported to be prepar-| den,'9 Johnson street' a daughter. BUTTER . ing to seek angannulment of the mar- f : Huge. pi a Dw. 1 Hospital y : : COLES---In. Kingston General Hospital, \ a None better won first prize at Industrial BETRAYAL Kiss | May sin 193i hucindy, vowhgent Exhibition, Toronto, in competition with : - 'rack Street, aged ¢ years and 3|} N : Three Wives and Policeman Waited Funeral took place this 'afternoon at i best ke f th D mirii . a jon, .30 o'cloc Cataraqui Cemetery. or : : ; Ee us z WO -Sny deb) en Nay § Hiss A. Now. [DEMTEEA fo Kinkos: on ap 1 MODERATE PRICES ton, an actor 'who gives his address ed wife of Hubert O. Dempster, and LARD--our own rendering ..... 20c. Ib. [fu ise Caivert 'soul, Fora: relitF SPE SC ll ADD STILL FURTHER INTEREST TO THESE NEW STYLES CORN FLAKES--1000 pkgs. . . 10c. pkg. SY TT He ert of A MEE ata loved Future prices cannot possibly touch the low levels we have reachad oe mer. omiis Traves, aged fifty- 3 : because he kissed his wife. - ; PINEAPP LES--500 vi DRC and 39c¢. ea. When his wife threw her arms|Fune trom ner late yesidance, Tati now. around his neck and kissed hima at ' : BANANAS large ripe stock, 180 dozen. |Jl&icund bis nec Station «yesterday | Friends 4nd aéquaintances respecttully a 'Black Kid Cross Strap Pump---Cuban' Heel; +svvianint..... 40c. and 45¢. dozen a phe Signal tor Wak | oman : re _. Sewn Sole. Sizes3to7 ........... $4.75 ~ GRAPE FRUIT, ORANGES, LEMONS [f152"en,*% 2, hare, of Yieam: fex| gue tt Dndertakers. Black Kid Oxfords--Cuban Heel. Sizes 3 to 2 STRAWBERRIES --will be reasonable in |} Mending aearsy watering. 0° "| Phos Die | RR price for Saturday. In Tombs court, Newton pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy and was held in $3,000 , bail by Magistrate . VEGETABLES in abundance-- : J Eoseubiatt tor ative ny: ma grand v Lanots, Beets, Green Ey | flan Bs SUL 10 the Tomue'tu detanh b, » Tomatoes and Radishes. | Harry James, wn od Ottawa ranger for California by the Wood- ICE CREAM--BRICKS and CONES, ~~ [Hristo Cini ty as he with James Swift & Co. Limited. W. 8. Loggie, M. P., Chatham, N.B, is improving in health follow- {gmp illness, 5 Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. EE Sa ------------ O ing a serious |