Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1921, p. 5

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SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921, # Austin's Drug Store FILMS? New supply in to-day (Saturday) BROWNIES and KODAKS hire 00 OWE window 1 CHOCOLATES Fresh Page and Shaw's, Huy- ler's and Neilson's ! Austin's Drug Store Corner King and Market Square Kingstes - Phons 330 ¥ FOR , MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and Cartage of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. 153 Wellingtoy Street. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Addresy 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, DRAW. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets a Phone 865 dtd lb ibd Pie ¥ SEPP PEP Fd bed | Announcement I beg to announce that I have sold the business known as Prouse's Drug Store to Mr. M. R. McColl, who has been . identified with the store' as manager, for some years, During the past years the people of Kingston have been Nery generous in theix support - of this store, and it has been Ggreatly appreciated. I trust that Mr. McColl will be given the same considera- tion and that he may continue to enjoy your patronage. (Signed) f FLORENCE J. PROUSE. BUILDING ? KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. _ Phone 1670. | ; -- f Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER '{ Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen. who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colie, Inflammation of the ' Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper, ete, Send 25c. for Mailing Pagkage, etc. Agents wanted. Writs your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.S,, KINGSTON, Ont. | | | | mn THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Dr. Waugh | 106 Wellington St. EP --------------_--. FOR HIRE G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 235 | w. Phone 256. tery line, Estimates given om all kinds WwW work: also hard- kinds. All orders Shop of repairs and wood floors of | Wi fog anything done In the carpen- | wos recelve pi mpt attention. 28 Queen Street. HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, | Waggons und Trucks Repaired. i Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST CEMETERY LETTERING : and REGUILDING A SPECIALTY. Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal., No other kind sold by ure BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty, Phone 214. 849 Princess St. TT -- a -- J. E. Mullen 161 FRQNTENAS STREET Phone 1417. COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00, and put it into that Suit you have ih mind. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite The College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. 'Phone 1488. mr ee ---- | ho W. H. STEVENSON - - ie, e, We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lages, Jam and Jellies for sale Ali Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Ean Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. H. GODWIN . 18. 10c. 15¢. 20c. | 15¢. ss Meat Market HINDS ... FRONTS . LOINS .... LEGS... . CHOPS ..... ~~ X THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A ty Will Erect Houses, Mott Bros, have purchased lots from Mrs. Sweetman, Frankford, and are 'preparing to build four pew houses. soli Again Inspecting. oe Lieut.-Col. G- Gillespie has recov- ered from his recent illness and left on Thursday on cadet inspection | duty. Brown A Bad Black Man John Brown, colored, was given {three years in the penitentiary after | having been convicted "of breaking {into the premises of the Independent [Cloak Company, Torénto, and steal- {ing forty suits of clothes. Gentlemen Read This. Last week we bought from one of the leading wholesale houses 25 daz- {en of Tooke's colored shirts, reguiar | price, $2.50 to $4.00, sizes 14 to {16% which we will put on sale for [$1.75 each. Prevost, Brock street. | -------- | Good Crop of DandeMons, Lovers of dandelion wine will now ve in their element, as Kingston and vicinity will have a good crop of dan- { delions: They are much in evidence Just now and another good rain will bring them out in fine shape, i | } O'Hagan-Pelton Marriage: At Ottawa Rev. G. A. McIntosh united in marriage Miss Lillian Beryl | Pelton, eldest daughter of Mrs. | Ralph S. Pelton, Ottawa, formerly of | Iroquois, and James Harold O'Hag- |an, son of the late Capt. and Mrs. James O'Hagan, Ottawa, formerly of Kingston. -------- Who Owns the Red Lantern. | Who owns the red lantern? This is | the question being asked in Police Kingston and Vicini of the city, a few nights ago and has, been kept at the police station, but | the pplice this far have been unable | to find the owner. Left to the People SR When the question of daylight sav- ing arose in the Smith's Falls town council this week a division of opin- fon was found to exist with the reé- sult that it: was decided to submit it to the people 'n the form of a by- law. May Be Retired, Three Kingston men, who are old empldyees of the Canadian Pacific Railway" have, it is learned, been put on the pension list, but it is stated that they have made application for a renewal of their services, and the names have not yet been announced, Ban on Polic® Gazette. The customs house officials have received notification that a ban has been placed on the Police Gazette en- tering Canalla. The Portsmouth Phil- osopher says that next the old maids Bailey, Carleton Place; Gladys Mae Bouck, Iroquois; Doris Agnes Arm- | strong, Carleton Place; Myrtle Evva | Latham, Brockville, i -- The city carfers are reaping their | harvest these days, removing ashes and refuse from the yards around the | city. A large number of citizens are | responding to the call of the chair- | man of the Civic health committee ta | clean up their premises, | Se ------------------------ | New Patrol Delivered, | Kingston's new motor patrol was delivered to the police department on Friday afternoon by George Boyd, | and everyone is wondering now who will get the first ride in the 'Black Maria," the name given the new car. The body of the car was turned out here by Mr. Laturney, the well- known carriage maker, and it shows the very best of workmanship. The patrol is similar to the kind used by the police in Toronto. Death of Sergt Lorne Sanders. of uncertain age will be asking that the men be compelled to take their bath fully garbed. Mails For Overseas. A British mail left here on Wed- nesday and also on Friday and it is stated that on both days the grist of mail was quite heavy, but of course It does not at all compare with the overseas mail that. left Kingston while the war was on. Graduated at Ottawa. Among the graduates of the Lady Stanley Institute, Ottawa, are: Ethel May - McMullen, Verona; Myrtle Gwendolyn Simes, Lyndhurst; Mar- garet E. Scott, Pembroke; Iva Isa- bell MacFadden, Carleton Place: Etta Bissell, Brockville; D. Carolyn circles. It was found on the outskirts | Sunday Services in Churches | Present Truth Hall.--Evangelist | Belleau will speak on "The Jew--a | Proof to the Inspiration of the Bible," | Sunday night at 7.30, All welcome. St. Andrew's. -- Rev. John W. Stephen, minister. Services, 11 a.m., {and 7 p.m., conducted by the minis. { ter. | welcome. ? ony, i i / Ts + [St Paul's.--Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, | M.A. | Sunday School, 3 p.m.; Even- |ing Prayer, 7 o'clock, Preacher Cancn | FitzGerald, M.A. W. C. T. U~--The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union will be held in the Y. W. C. A. parlors, Johnston street, on Tuesday, May 10th, at 3:30 p. m. All | ladies welcome, Calvary Congregational Church-- | Charles and Bagot streets, Services {11 a.m. and 7 p.m.'Y.P.S., Monday, | 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. All are welcome. Rev. A. | F. Brown, pastor. | Rl Gospel Hall, ground floor, new {Orange building,--Sunday evening, 7 fone "The Glorious Gospel of the | Blessed God," will be preached. The | prayer meeting on Wednesday is well [attended and interesting. All heartily | invited, : Bethel Congregational Church.-- | Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. James Emblen. Manchester, Eng., will preach at both services and conduct | evangelistic gervices in the church for the following thrae weeks. All tare invited to attend the services. Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine street--Rev. Edwin H. Burgess, min- ister, 11 a.m., text: Ezekia'! 36: 25 27.7 p.m., "A Mother's Day Sermon." The minister will preach at both ser- vices. Seats free. Everybody wel- come. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock St.--Special Mothers' Day services vill be held at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Fhe minister, Rev. W. Tay- lor Dale, will preach. Appropriate music will be rendered. Sunday school (open session) at 3 p. m. Pa- rents and friends invited. Queen--Street Methodist -Church; corner of Queen and Clergy Streets-- Rev. Walter 8. Lennon, B.A, BD, pastor, will preach at both services. A special Mothers' Day service with a Ladies' choir will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday school and organized adult classes at 3 p. m. Seats free. Everyone welcome. St, James' Church, corner Union and Barrie Streets--T., W. Savary, rector, The Rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 a m., Holy Communion; 11 a. m., morning prayer and litany; sermon subject, "The King." 3 p. m.; Sunday school, 7 pm. evening Students, , soldiers and visitors, The death took place at the Chris- tie Street Military Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday, following ah opera- tion, of Staff Sergt. Lorne W. San- ders. Deceased was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, of Bowmanville, and was educated there. He enlisted with the 235th battalion, but owing to physical dis- ability, he was unable to BO overseas, but served for four years at district military headquarters in Kingston in the D. A. A. and Q. M. G.'s office, be- ing chief clerk in his department at the time of his discharge. About a year ago he entered the employ of D. F. Johnston, as manager of his cloth- ing store at Whitby. A few weeks ago he returned to his former position ip the West End House at Bowmanville, Removal. of Ashes...) PINE LUMBER Used Pine Lumber resawn and freshly matched. .We can afford to sell this at "Hemlock prices, though it is in many re-. ~. spects better than new Hemlock. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington » KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. \ Ne : Frame house on Frontenac St.; good lot; 7 rooms; garage; and possession on May 15th. Price $2350. Cash required $800. Balance to suit purchaser, A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 111% Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Two weeks ago he went to the mili- tary hospital in Toronto to undergo an operation. Deceased wah a mem- ber of Minden Lodge, A. F.& AM of Kingston. Interment took place at Bowmanville, prayer and sermon; sermon subject, "The Vision of the Land." First Baptist Church, Sydenham ' and Johnson streets.--Rev: J. S. La- Flair, pastor. Mother's Day. 11 a.m., sermon theme, "Mothers." 2.45 p.m., bible school. 7 p.m., sermon theme, nead0thers Who Are Not Mothers." | At the morning service there will be | a child dedication. Special music at all services. Princess Street Methodist Church. --Rev. J, A. Waddell, minister. 11 a.m., children's service. Music by the primary department. 7 p.n., "Mother's Day." Music by a mothers' choir. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m.; Ep- worth League, Monday, 8 p.m,; prayer meeting, 'Wedhesday, 8 p.m.; W.M.S.,, Thursday, 8 p.m. Strangers and visitors 'cordially welcomed. First Church of Christ, Scientist. --Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington. Sunday school, 9.45 a.m, Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject: 'Adam c¢.d Fallen Man." Wednesday evening, 8 p.m. Public reading-room, same address, every afternoon 'except Sunday and holi- days, 3 to 5 o'clock. All ore Sordial- ly invited to the services a to the reading-room. St. Luke's Church, Nelson strect. ~--Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D. rector. Sunday after Ascenion Day (Mother's Day). 11 a.m.,' morning prayer; 2.30 p.m. Sunday school and bible classes; 4 p.m., holy bap- tism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Music --Solo, "Come Unto Him (Mes- siah), Mrs. Harryett. Seats fre. Strangers and visitors cordially 'in- vited to attend. Union Street Baptist Church, cor- ner of Union and Collingwood Sts,-- Pastor, Rev. J. K. Fairfull, Services THE MAN ON WATCH Once again a scientist reminds us | that man is .ot descended from Adam and Eve, the story of whom 1s | a myth. Some Queen's theologians | | are also of this belief. If you have the coin, buy coal, | since you cannot any longer purchase liquor from Quubec. Doctors are not the only ones who can save a person from death. An! undertaker performed the trick this week, and did it most successfully, Every bootlegger caught by the police means ths addition of several hundred dollsrs to the city's revenue and helps to build our roads, Our vigilant peelo.'s saved 168 bot- tles of good whiskey to Canada by nabbing those exporting gentry the other night, A Toronto church wants to get rid of its assistant pastor. Well Jet it cut off his salary at once and he'll soon get out. ! In police court one day this week, out of seven drunks arraigned only one appears to have imbtbed whiskey. The others got their jag by using lemon extract and Florida water. Wood alcohol will he the next thing to be heard from, and the coroner, instead of the police magistrate, will sit on the bench. After reading a pamphlet contain- ing the' evidence of a divorce case, one does not wonder that the senate SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET v and commons are making no big ef- fort to establish-divorce courts. They 11 a. m. and 7 p. m_ Morning sub- ject, "Treasure Ideals." Evening subject, "A Nation's Asset." Male voice choir, solo, W. J. Eva. Sunday- school and Bible class, 3 pm, B. Y. B. U, Monday, 8'p. m. Bible study and prayer service, Wednesday, 8 P. m. Mothers' Day services. Come and worship with us, St. George's Cathedral.--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street, Bhone 2156, Rev. W. B. Kidd; M.A" M.C., curate, 17 Wellington street, Phone 869w. Sunday after Ascen- sion, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, prezeher Rev. W. E. Kidd; 8 p.m., Sunday School; 4 p.m., Holy Baptism; 7 p.m., Even- song, preacher, the dean. The Salvation Army Citadel, Prin. cess street.--Adjufant George P. Goodhew, commanding officer, resi- dence 464 Princess street. 'Phone 798. Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th, special meetings conducted by Adjutant N. R. Trickey, of Toron- to. Sunday will be observed . as. others Day." 3 pm. mus festival by citadel band and song- sters; also a floral tribute by children of Sunday School. 7.30 p.m., Salva- tion Rally. Welcome for all, -- evidently want to retain the monope- ly of hearing the evidence. Queen's college authorities have refused the Sunday schoo! boys the use of their campus for baseball, Apparently the college people do not, think the Sunday. school teaches its pupils to be gentle, meek and mild. No, it wasn't a Queen's college girl, who on retur:ing home and be- ing 'greeted by her father with the exclamation that she was looking well, responded: "Yes, father, I weigh 140 pounds stripped for gym." and whose excited dad yelled "Who's Jim?" ' To Howe Island goes the prize for being the wettest Place in Frontenac, The Howe: Islanders are trying to find the one man in the municipality who voted against liquor at the re- cent refersndum and promise to give him a bath if they locate him, The Lampman thinks that this new disease called "the golf spine" may invented for the purpose of aiding golfers io got a doctor's pre- scription for a bottle, . ---THE TOWN WATCHMAN. IR We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- - TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St... (One door below Randolph Hotel) ¥ CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS & SOX Special values at 25¢., 35c¢., and 50¢ pr. WOMAN'S COTTON and LISLE HOSE - At the new low prices--25c¢., 35¢., and ~~ 50c. a pair. pic WOMAN'S SILK. STOCKINGS Black, White 'and colors; plain and fancy, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.90 a pair. | Anyway, the man who never tins, After they have been married the waiter will never die of indiges- | encugh a wife gets to believe tion, He'll eat slowly and sparingly, | her husband is about a3 truthful all right, : + ithe olden inhabitant of a small &SON = Real Estate and Insurance 80 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, : tives, Wednesday, 8 P. m. of joint church boards, Thursday, 8p m ; The individual who is excessively | found of praise usually deserves it | the least. ;

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