Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1921, p. 6

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THE i - ' DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 'THE BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ; €O., LIMITED J. G. Elllett ' Leman A. Gulla... : Mansaging-Directoe TELEPHONES; Businesh Offer... 5. Sicedss a. 243 * Editorial Rooms sins ins Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES; (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city ......$6.00 One year, if paid in advance ....$5.0 Ona yeaf, by mail to rura] offices $2.50 One year, to United States 3.00 (Semi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cash ........ One year, if not paid in advanc Ona year, to United Btates OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES IE Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal W. Thompson ..190 King St. E. Toronto Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer. Attached is one of the printing offices in Canada. best job | MOTHERS' DAY, To-morrow gll over the Anglo- Saxon world some millions of men will wear a flower ip honor or in me- Juory of their mother; and the thoughts of some other millions wil! turn to tender memories which in the stress of other days they hide not only from the vulgar gaze but almost from themselves. It is a commonplace to say that mothers ape not like any come from his mother in the full as- surance that she will believe him and shield Him against all the world. Most men who have risen to emin- ence have gladly acknewledged tha: the influence of their mothers was paramount in their, upward progress The most recent biographer of the Honorable Herbert Hoover devotes the first chapter to his ancestors. The first thing he can remember is his mother down on her knees with the morning sun bathing her face ard shining {n her hair, such a wonder- ful face, such wonderful hair, as he | says 'talking with God" and speak- ing to Christ. And though he was left an orphan at ten, the sweetest memory he Has is that of his mother, and the greatest thing about his mo- ther was the way her face grew radi- ant as she spoke with Christ.. Thi has bedn the steadying influence through all the years of his pheno- mental success, this the greatest herie tage the past had to contribute to his making." Doubtless there are many others, who would gladly make the same admission, and many who have not achieved great success who still regard their mothers' sweet ways and | The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by thie i ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations. | Normaley will mean that little | Willie will again be satisfied with al nickel, : | ---- | Tax payers wonder at times if the last syllable of conquest fsn't super- | fluous. i | ------ie Diplomacy: The art of demanding all that can be obtained without mo- ®ilizing troops. | > TE -- ---------- | The air will be conquerei when | man learns to soar like the birds and fall like prices. 7} -------------------------- | | radiant face, and trustful prayers as the one priceless gift from the past and the one star of hepe for a brav- er struggle in the future. Is it not a wonder that there are not more radi- ant mother faces, when it means so much to «young life? Perhaps there are more than most people see, and that because so few of us are permitted to see mothers at | prayer. There is a general disposition to | affect a disdain for special days, but [somehow we suspect that Mothers' | Ment in power, Day may become not a fad but an in- stitution, ' WOMEN IN POLITICS. IHI.--~What Is Government? The Three Great Functions, Qiher-people-in--the world: that wher all others fail and: all others forsake | {him a man may still count on a wel | citied as belonging to the other two. | « In Canada, as elsewhere in the British Empire, the judicial function ic carried on by a separate and inde- ndent class of officers. There are as there are in certain of the tes of America, elections to the e of judge. The power of appoint- ment of judges, so far as the erimin- al law Is concerned, rests with the )ominion Goverdment. The separate Provinces control hoth law and proce- dure in the sphere of civil matters. As an outcome of this penitentiaries are established and maintained by the Dominion, prisons and reforma- tories by the Provinces. The indeper- dence of the bench is one of the Sta proudest boasts of the British Sys-; tem. No judge can be removed from office except on the request of both Houses of Parliament. The highest {court in Canada is the Supreme | Court, consisting of a Chief Justice and five other judges. It considers | appeals from the highest court of ev- {ery Province, and it may be called | upon to decide matters of difference {between any of the Provinces and [the Dominion! In cases where the | amount involved is over $4,000, or | where matters involving certain prin- [ciples are in dispute, there is appeal {from the Supreme Court of Canada | to the ivy Council, which is the | highest tribunal of the Empire. The Privy Council is in reality the appel- {late division of the House of Lords, and it is formed largely of jurists of the highest rank. It still maintains' in theory a connection between the fup- reme legislative and the supreme judicial functions. The Dominion Government. In legislative matters. the Federal Parliament consists of a House of Commons, a Senate and a representa- | tive of the King, known as the Gov- | ernor-General. Each Provin¢e in the Dominion elects a certafi number of | members to the House of Commons, | based on a fixed representation of 65 | | members for the Province of Quebec. The 'members of the Senate are ap- pointed nominally by the Governor- General, but really by the Govern- Elections. for the | members"of the House of Commons { take place at least once every five | years, but the Senators are appointed | for lite. The Governor-General is the | representative of the King in Can- | ada. He acts towards the Canadian Parliament as a Council, composed BITS OF BY-PLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. Strange! As nice a man as I have met Is Uncle Henry Heet; _ ' I-knoew he is good-natured. yet He lives on a cross street. Paw Knows Everything. Willie--Paw, what is a breach of eti- quette? gets to shake hands with his opponent before he starts in to murder him, my son. Geod speed Is Right! L. F. Goodspeed drove an auto one mile in 34 seconds at Daytona Beach, Fla. the other day under-the auspices of the A. A. A. The Genius, The genius walks the floor till day, 'His home sounds like a riot; "or he can't think of a blame way To keep his baby quiet. Mean Brute! "My goodness!" exclaimed Mrs. Gabb, as she looked up from the woman's publication she was reading. "It says here that there is enough phosphate in a woman's body to make 7000 boxes of matches!" "Huh!" grunted Mr. Gabb, "No won- der you are always flgring up!" What Next! Rev. Frank Scheell Ballantine has completed a modern translation of the New Testament which he calls "The American Bible." In this version he refers to Johm the Baptist as 'John the Cleaner." We did not delve deeper into the American Bible. We knew that the Apostles were fishermen and we feared the volume might refer to them as "Piscatorial Artists" sing Faet, Hig friendship doubles, And his pelf, Who keeps his troubles To himself. -- Some Difference. "Aftér wll, there isn't any difference between a dream and a nightmare, is there?" asked the Old Fogy. "There isn't eh!" replied the Grouch, "You call your wife a dream, and she'll k'ss you. But call her a nightmare and she'll kill you" Ho, Hum! The poet cannot make a pile, And he is always broke, poor jay! He clothes his thoughts in grandest style, But he can't clothe his wife that way. Ain't It A Grand and Glorious Feeling! (Houston «(Texas) Post) 'The world is growing better," says Paw--That is when a prisefighter for-' » Now-- Men's Pure Silk Hose Grey, Tan, Navy and Black. paid $1.50 and $1.75 for this, very kind. - $1.00 Per Pair Men's Pure Cashmere Hose Black, Tan, Grey and Heather. Look good. $1.25. Special 75c¢. Per Pair. Men's Lisle Thread Cash- merino Hose" : Black, White, Brown, Navy and Sand. Sold most everywhere for 50c. and 66c. Special 3 pairs for $1.00 You have Clothing Talk . : Wise heads read our ads. We aim to have the best for less. Cheap goods are not much good at any price. We are putting forth our best et- forts to give you good goods cheap. Run your peeps over this list and see it it | doesn't look as though we mean business. Young Men's Suits THE ANGUS New model, smart style Suits that have been sold in-many stores at $30.00, $32.50 --hdve nothing on these at-- $24.75 French Balbriggan Shirts Sizes 34 to 42. You have high as 76c. and 90c. 'Men's Underwear Special 50c. per garment Men's and Young Men's Hand-tailored Suits Designed and cut w tailored by experts: and Drawers. likely paid as ith artistic skill and all the newest anq acknowledged correct styles; newest color- Made by such makers as Regal; new patterns; made up to sell for §2. them-- $1.98 , ' o . .'Men's Fine Shirts Tooke, Long and imported Shirting; 75 and $3.00. Just to stimulate our Shirt business we mark ings and designs. Suits that we could safely sell for $45 and $47.50. In order to get more business, still more business, we offer them at-- s $35.00 MEN'S SUITS ........ $13.00 AND UP BIBBY'S ' Extension Ladders Light, handy and strong in 24, 28, 30, 36 ft. lengths. STEP LADDERS Nts Our own blend is once agajn the genuine-- OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA d In every community there is one | °f the Cabinet, advises him. The Pro- | ; 'vi Sov: are m on individual or a determinate body | Yinclal Governments ie Jormed %n who exercises authority over the rest, | © same pan, ap another ! » Al » and whose commands the community inces of British Columbia, Alberta heart, Ontario, an ARABIAN MOCHA (Real pre-war quality) = Russia can't expect to share in our @xportings it she won't receive our deportings. uke McLuke. Luke has discovered cellar, whose owner has a 4,5, 6, 7 ft. Well built, strong and rigid. The price : 1 Saskatchewan, Manitoba 4 \ . | This s E18 : . . Practice of the goose step should | are bound to obey. This sovereign au New Brunswick and Prince Edward Have prepared Heinle to toe the mark | 8nd foot, the bill. Some oritors imagine that so long . #8 you talk loud enough you do not Heed to say anything. . Talk about women beddg fickle! A n is either trying to get & woman trying to get away from her. | S---------- Even the millennjum will be al Sreat disappointment to those wha | are not on the winning side. x -- | "A few years ago maftiage with a | Bobleman was called an alliance; now | it seems more like charity. EE ------------ 2 The only basis for the hope that Building material will come down {is the gravity of the situation. | No doubt Lenine's troops wonder &t times if the Injunction {s to prey r those who despitefully use you. The chief concern of nations in this #lad era of self-determination is the internal policy of the other fellow, --------, i Aenine's fear that hie is almost re- lable indicates that he is related 'the man who called it néar-beer. ; ---------- ~ A nation that claimed God as a artner while sinking without trace ould naturally call it the 'horror the Rhine. -------------- : The reason why Europe can't un- Ie d-the United States 1s because 6 latter's idea of a momentous estion is Sunday baseball. ------------ An advertisement declares that 4 t water doesn't soften the beard. = At any rate it doesn't appear to sof- od an Irish policy. ~ EE ---------------- ~ It would be an easy matter to set- ' the railroad controversy except ir the public's unsportmaniike refu~ to be the goat. * | Arthur Ellis; Canada's "official han, made $12,500 last year. hanged if We wotld want the job ten times the remuneratipn. "To Uncover Ruins of Severai ties," runs a newspaper heading. ~hasten to remark that this 't apply to Belleville, which still undisturbed. : ------------------ Hr Adam Beck has outlined to ler Drury & plan whereby 3,000 of rural transmission lines can It to supply power and light to. thority exists under various forms, but it is known in all ils forms as the "Government." The system of a com- munity gexisting without such autho- rity is called anarchy. From the very earliest times philosophers and writ- ers of political economy have analys« €d and classified the various forms of. government. Aristotle wey prob- ably the first to subdivide govern- ments under three heads, monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy. The unit of government in Aristotle's time was the city, but the same generalization holds goad when the unit becomes & nation. Thé question of forms of govern- ment belongs almost entirely to the European races. Outside of toem there is hardly anything but despot- ism, although, as in China, the des- potism has recently been clothed in democratic attire, It was the Romans who bequeathed to the world the task of solving the problem of sovern~ ment, not for cities and small units, but for whole nations. In England even before the Norman conquest, there was an embryonic form of feu- Norman times by the highly develop- ed feudal system of France being forced upon England. The Three Es- tates graduaily developed the feudal system along the individual line in England. The Commons early de- manded to ghare the power of the King and of the Lords, and it was not long before they asked for the exclusive .right to taxation. After a period of civil war the system of li- mited monarchy was established in England in 1688, and since that time the external form of government has been practically unchanged. This par- liamentary form which developed out of the feudal system in England, has been deliberately chosen as the type of constitutional government in all parts of the world. Its leading fea- tures are popular representation more Or less extensive--a two-cham- ber Legislature and a Cabinet of Ministers. It is on this system that the Government of Canada is based. -- The Real Power. The strength of this form of gov. ernment lies in the fact that the real power must rest ultimately with the House of Commons, While in the past the suffrage has been restricted, and women especially 'have been debarred | fronr voting, yet even in those days the representative body had far more real power than is owned by soma foreign systems of government where the suffrage is far more extensive. 8 farmers. Eastern Ontario should. ® in this project. 5 D. Black, . M.P.P.,' housands of fry have been 1c the small laXes of Adding county. What about stocking the adjacent to Kingston with to W. There are three great functions of government, the Legislative, the Ju- dicial, and the Administrative. The clearly defined under the British sys- tem, upon which the system in forcs in Canada is based. Of the adminis- trative function it may be said that it is fish? branch to carry out all work not spe- dalism, and this was developed in' limits, of each of these functions are. Island have a single chamber, while Nova Scotia and Quebec have two chambers. New Brunswick was form- erly bicameral, but an Act abolishing the Upper Chamber came into force in 1892. Prince Edward Island has a compromise, having fifteen Assemb- lymen and fifteen Councillors, the former elected by manhood suffrage, and the latter by property qualitica tign, but all sit In the same chamber | and'vote equally. Beneath the scale in the Provinces there are the various forms of muni- cipal town and village councils, which will be discussed more fully later. The system of Government is round- ed out by Canada's relationship with the British Empire, of which she forms a"part, and to whom she looks for protection against foreign aggres- sion. Canada, as a separate nation, has full right to govern herself, al- though in matters affecting the safe- ty of the Empire the British Govern- ment has certain rights, Every woman in Canada, therefore, is affected directly by the legislation of, and is subject to, the laws and by- laws of : A---The village, town or city in \which she lives. B--The Legislature of her Prov- Ince. C--The Parliament of the Domin- ion. D--The Parliament of Great Brit- ain in so far as it exercises control over Canadian affairs, X (To be Continued.) Walt Mason NOTHING DOING. I haven't been appointed to any office yet; my Hopes are all disjoint- ed, 1 cannot help but fret. I thought a hint to Harding would certainly suffice, but he is mute regarding the hint I sent him twice. . I am the Harding bugater wha Ait luag Sut his name, and, like a, e8s. rooster, I crowed him into fame. "T'was in the Podunk Banner some umpty y ago;~that I, in ardent manner, for him: began to crow. - "Who is this n:an you're tooting?" subscribers oft inquired; "this everlasting naking people tired." I said, the task pf the administration sassins fired White-Blissard, Helen White and Donald Bliszard were married in Cincinnati this week. » Haw, Haw! You cen't keep some men down. They had tdrred and feathered a man for horse stealing and were riding him out of town on & rail "Well, how do you like this? sneer- ed one of the men, who was helping shoulder the rall on which the vietim was riding. f "Well," was the reply, "If it wasn't for the honor of the thing, I'd just as soon walk." Hibrow Poetry. We have often tried to. hold mod- ern magazine poetry up to ridicule. And we have parodied it and written mean things about it. Bo we'll ask you to read this gem of the modern school published in Current Opinion, Carl Sandburg wrote it. Carl is one of the leaders of the cuit started by Amy Lowell. Here y'are: My shirt Js a token and a symbol, more than & lover for sun and rain my shirt is a signal and a teller of souls. I can take off my shirt and tear it And so make a ripping raszly noise, and the people will say, 5 "Look at him tear his shirt." I can keep my shirt on, I can stick around and sing like a little bird, and look 'em around and sing like a litttle bira and look 'em all in the eye and never be fased. I can keep my shirt on. Now. this isu't supposed to be fun- ny. It is eo very serious pome and has a deep-meaning for long-haired men and short-haired women. No wonder Chicago has become the lt- erary center of Amerios! + [ Netiee! We would like to call the attention of some of the big league managers to the fact that Riley Bats llves in Memphis, Tenn. AFé You Hard or Soft? : Sign in front of a hat store Sydney, Australia: "Gents' Hard and Soft Cleaned Here." x . -- Our Daily Special, Most Of Our Geod Intentions Are Too Good To Be True. in 'BUNT'S HARDWARE ---------- Ae Phone 20 ana 090, MAY PRICES SE Egg, Stove and Nut . . . Pea (If carried, 50 Take advantage of this will be h James Sowards Coal Co. sereeeen vine... $15.00, delivered iE The House of Satisfaction as «...$16.50, delivered . REMOVAL NOTICE I beg to notity my 'customers and friends that I have remove ed my Real Estate and Insur- ance Office from Clarence cents extra). price, 'as JUNE prices igher. we Street, to 58 Brock Street (near Re-invest Your Victory Bond Interest Don't 160 your Victory Bond Interest, due May ist, le idle. Buy more 'y Bonds with it, or add to rf other good interest yield- - ing Government or Mun- cipal Bonds. Telephone or write and we will send you immedi ately a list of very de- sirable investments. W. A. Mackenzie & Co, 110 ACRES, 100 ACRES WORK LAND) ance ure snd bal wood; soll, cl rs. ment floors; u cattle. Barn No. 5 house; hog pen; hen house 10. buf King street). Real Estate, all kinds of In- surance, Cogveyancing, money to loan, Victory and Municipal Bonds bought and sold. 2 T. J. Lockhart G.Hunter Ogilvie INSURANCE 'AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Munici- pal Bonds -for sale. FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials, L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 887, 281 KING STREET Phones 568) & 1087 ---- Lake Oatario Trout . and Whitefish, Fresh RES 3 ibut " Cod BOOTH FISHEIERS Phone oa. | oS Divi st | 7 et watnutmatrgth (---------- Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and Westen Kailroad's Celebrated ~ Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford "It's a black business, but we treat you white." 'bought only from re-. "liable Canadian seed 'houses. Dr. Chow's Drug Store # © May 17th 1s set as the date for the Grand Trunk-decision,

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