Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1921, p. 11

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'THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. Theatrical "Evangeline" ' rhe immortal pbem has been adapted to the screen by Wil- lam Fox, and it makes one of the most beautiful and, impressive pic- tures ever produ uced. lows the story "as closely as possible, | and the many beautiful scenes, as well as the admirable acting of the = capable cast: who surround Miriam Cooper, the star, make this a mo- tlon picture masterpiece. Another extra fine feature that is playing the same dates as the above is "Should a Husband Forgive." The story deals with a problem that is as old as the bills yet is evér new A beautiful love story runs through this picture, and the excellent cast, headed by Mi- riam ' Coopéf and Mrs. James K. Hackett, are seen at their best, To eamplete this bill there is @ Sun- shine comedy that is a sure cure " Wor the blués. This bill will be seen at the Grand Opera House tonight, Friday and Saturday --Advt. * At The Strand. " Ofte of the most highly entertaim- ing ph shown here in some time is "Buried Treasure," starring Marion Davies, wliich was 'presented last night at the Strand theatre. Adapted from the engrossing story of the same nante by F. Britten Austen, the Eng- * Mish author, which . caused nation- wide comment when it was published in Hearst's Magazine, the screen ad- aptation is repléte with romance and spirited action. The heroine, the dau- ghter of'a Wall street capitalist, goes into a trance from which there deve- lops a siw-of old' Spain, of pirate ships, mutinies and battle, the char- acters in her own life being but réin- carnations of those of long ago. The girl guides her. sweetheart to an is- land where he locates buried treasure ond they are married. Norman Kerry plays the hero splendidly and Anders BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER Exceptional Prices. '12c., 14c., l6c., 18c. , and 20c. per roll. | Borders from . 3c. up "Hancock the Decorator" 155 Bagot Street - The _plot_ fol- | || Grant hall this evening, the follow- ll! ed: Prize in practical hursing, Miss Miss | Walker, li of Dr. manslaughter in connection with' the | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (Rando i3"the cruel Tather to Parton tion.--Advt, i b At The Allen. | As the constant dripping of mater | wears away a stone, so-the monotony of existence in the great north pounding relentlessly on the nerves | of man wears away reason. The con- | stant sameness of things in a coun- | try lashed by winter gales and chaijr - ed by leagues of ice and snow is the greatest menace to life. In time the 'merest trities are -magnified 10L | monstrosities of thought. Love thug encompassed, dies, and men are in- spired to wild deeds and treacher- ous impulses. "The North Wind's Malice," Rex Beach's thrilling tale of the northlands, moves on ths undertow ¢¢ monotony. But while it} is monotony that forms the basis for the theme there is no monotony in the action of this =ivid, slashing romance, The mighty deeds of strong men, the inspiring love of faithful women live on through the monol- ony of an existence that tries men's souls. "The North Wind's Malice" is a powerful story of life under the theatre Thursday, Friday and Satu-- aby. SIR GODFREY COLLINS \ Liberal M. P. for Greenock and forr- er chief Liberal whip in the British House of Commons, who announces that he cannot give further support to the Lloyd George government. Nurses Who Win Prizes. At the commencement exercises of the Kingston General hospital in. ing additional prizes will be present. Helen R. on, Wingham; prize in dietetics) Miss Georgina Ferguson, Kingston; prise in senior medicine, Beulah Burleigh, Kingston; prize in anatomy, Miss, Edith M: Perth; intermediate class prize, Miss' H. Wilson; jundor class prize, Migs Elizabeth Walker, Napanee; prize in anaesthetics, Miss Helen Wilsen; prises in pediatrics, Miss E. MacLean; practical economy prize, Miss Mabel Detlor,: Napane:; firg drill prise, Miss 1 Detlor, Napanee. - The assize jury at Toronto return: ed a verdict of not guilty in the case Percy Faed, charged with death of Miss Monica Kenney, who died following an injection of diar- 39c. Gallon ~ G. C. MILLARD Cor. Main and Raglan Phone 235 lw. senol. Rev. Leo W. Power, St. Thomas, will be ordained to the" priesthood on May 21st, at St. Peter's cathedral, London. He is a nephew of Mrs. E. F, Burke, Portsmouth. . Mrs: Jgmes Armstrong was able to be removed to her home from the Hotel Dieu to-day: Archbishop Spratt visited brother in Lindsay on Wednesday. German troops have crossed the Oder river into Silesia. Alberta -and Saskatchewan gets hig copious needed rains. [THE NAMES ENGRAVED | Which Is to Be Unveiled in City Park on May 22nd. The following is the list of offi ers, N.C.0.'s and men _of the Royal 'Canadian Horse "Artiferys J hose names 'are on the memorial tablet of the monument dn the city park, to be unveiled on Sunday, May, 22nd, fol- lowing the garrison parade. The tab- let bears the inscription: "Erected by the Officers, N.C.0.'s, and Men of the Royal Canadian t their comrades who fell in the reat War." ? Lt.-Col. D. 1. V. Eaton, Major T. D. J. Ringwood, Major H. W. Mac- Pherson, M.C., Captin W. BE. Steacy. Lieut, A. D. Williamson, Lieut. A. R. Stewart. Sergt. E. A. King, Cpl. 6" Artillery, in glorious Memory G (8.8) JL. open skies of the north. See it at this Blagg, Corporals W. Bailey, J. Dalg- leish, J. W. G. H. Twitt. Bdr. 8. V. Moore, Bombr. JX Stoddart. Bombr. W. BE. Cass, (Lien*, R.F.C.), a-Bdr. P. Ashby, a-Bbr. F. Coker, a-Bdr. F. R. L. McAuley, a-Bdr, C. Nelson, a-Bdr. A. C. Ross, (Lieut. Can. Inf.). Gunners E. Andrews, R. Clarke. J. P. Harper, E. J. Hockin, H. J. Juhel, W. R. Jerram, H. 8. Lewis, (Lieut. €an. Inf.), A. Pepin, E. Ryder. Drivers J. A. Cooper, C. E Chalney, A. C. Norwich, R. E. Pea- cock, E. Quinn, W. Robertson, D.GM., J. M. Wallace, Trptr. I. Lowé, Armt. QMS. Phillips, R.C.O.C. The lieutenants appearing as serv- ing in other units went overseas with the R.C.H'A. and afterwards transferred to the Canadian iu- fantry and the Royal Flying Corps, where they won commissions and later fell in action. SPORTING NEWS Collegiates Defeat Regiopolis A good game was played in the high school baseball series at the cricket field on Wednesday after- nooft when Regiopolis and K. C, 1 met for the first time. The result was a victory for the Collegiate squad. Both teams have a strong line-up and the class of baseball was good. Only seven innings were played. Goodfriend was in the box for Reglopolis and Morris for K_ C. I. Both did good work 4nd played a Steady game. Dr. J. Lk. Walsh han- dled the game, with Mr. Lawes on the bases. The combination of thése officials was entirely satisfactory, to all. The scoring: KCL. ........ 28 "Regie" vs ess ss 0--8§ Simpson, M.M., H. 2'02020 020103 ow y Belleville Here Saturday. Belleville and Ponies meet at the cricket field on Saturday afternoon, in the second senior class ganie here this year. The bays from up the Bay of Quinte usually kn¢w a thing of two about baseball as well as hockey, and a good game can be expected. Belleville carried Goyef in the box last year and in ongmemorable game the fans were 'enabled to watch Goyer and Gallagher battle. It has not been heard here yet whether Goyer {8 with Belleville this year but if he aliould be an interesting pltch- er's battle may result. Ponies have" shown remarkable speed 80 far for an eatly season start and should improve as the summer advances. "Kingston has a team in them of which it can justl§ be proud, BASEBALL RECORD. i a International League. Buffalo '6, Newark 5, i Rochester 8, Baltimore 4. - "- rice . ... Regula week . SUDDABY BROS. Corner Queen and ~ Phone TIRE BARGAINS Oversize Non-skid Goodrich Tires for 30x31. tr over 330.90 Wellington Streets 1988. | any longer than is absohitely néces- | 7 ury send it here and you'll get it Our Complete Eqipment enables us to do auto repairing in the shortest possiblo time consistent with good work. So if you don't want your car oyt of commission again in so chort a time as to amaze you. - | number. eral of the Jersey City 20, Syracuse 9. 3 Reading at Toronto--Postponed. American League. $t. Louis 1; Philadelphia 0 Detroit 2, New York -1. Cleveland 14, Washington 1. Boston 3, Chicago 2. National League. New York 4, St. Louis 1. Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 4. Boston 1, Pittsburg 0. Chicago 19, Philadelphia 8. A ---------------------- GAVE VARIETY SHOWER. fo 8 Young Lady Wh Who was Married Tuesday. eC barioston, May 9.--Miss Loucks, Lyn, is visiting Mrs. H_ Webster. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, Athens, spent a fey hours on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. 'ebster recently visited Mr. and we . Monnle Slack at Wilstead, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slack, visitors over Synday. here attended the fun- te Joseph Greenham at Athens on Thursday, Mrs. J. E. Web Star gave a miscellaneous s shower. on Ready iy i lay afternoon in hO%or of Miss. (h Johnson who, ox Thursday, 10th, becomes the bride of be 'Evanj, Elbe, The house was pre 'decorated with the seasbn's wers,. their perfume filling the Lyn, were Quite a'| QUEEN'S ALUMNAE TEA -- Well As New. The local brangh bf Queens Alum- nae Association is to be congratulat- ed upon instituting the tea in the caf- eteria immediately after convocation, for here the events of the day are talked over, the girl graduates re- ceived congratulations, men students, too, who have just reaped the re- ward of their labors, afe here with friends are glad to meet, and who have long been looking forward to this day. On Wednesday the reunion brought still ahother element iunto the throng for meh, and women were here to whom Queen's, as she is to- day, is the fulfilment of their most rosy dreams, and whe, looking back to the old days, can hardly realize that' these stately halls of grey lime stone set on their back ground of liv- ing green, now starred with golden dandelions, are the offspring of the fold medical and old rts buildings. Miss Florence O'Bonnell, the pre- sident of the local branch of Queen's Alumnae, and Miss Anaie Fowler re- ceived she visitors, who poured along the corridors in a steady stream. At thé two long.tea tables centered with yellow flowers in silver college cups, tied with the red, blue end yellow, Mrs. Leadbeater, Mrs. J. K. Robé¢rtson, Miss Margaret O'Hara and Mrs. H. E. Day made the tea, society were untiring im their care for their guests. As well as being a most charming function, the tea net- ted a good sum for the Residence fund. * NEW CHEESE FACTORY, It is Nearing Completion--Attending a Funeral Junetown, May 9.--Newton Scott and B. J, Ferguson spent Thursday in Gananoque. John Marshall is spending sometime with friends at Oak Leaf. , Several from here at- tended .a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gibson at his home, Young Mills, on Friday night. The new cheese factory is nearing completion, Mr. Blancher, Athens, is the carpen- ter and J. Dixie, Pallycanoe, is mason. Born, on Monday, April 25th, to Mr, and Mrs, E. V. Dyke at Smith's Falls General Hospital, a son. On Sunday, May 1st, at the home of his niece, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant, oc curred the death of Thomas Steven- son, aged 74 years, S.veral from this vicinity are at Lyn today to attend the funeral of the late Alexander Tennant, a former resident of "this place. 2 E, V. Dyke re-opened ' school on Thursday after a fe days absence with relatives in Smith's Falls. Mrs. M. G. Herbison is spending a few days at the home of her brother, the late Alex. Tennant, Lyn Miss Hilda @ilroy, Brockville, and Miss Velma Graham, Caintown, spent the week- end at W. H. Frapklin's. Miss Vera Scott has returned home from a few weeks stay at Lansdowne, Mrs. Jacob Warren is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walton Sheffield, Athens, Miss Beatrice Avery, Lyn, spent the week-end with her parents here, NEWS OF CATARAQUI The Late Mrs. Rowe--Working at : Pittsburgh Culverts Cataraqui, May 11--Arbom day was observed in the school here last Friday. The children were very busy ig the morning cleaning the yard, and in the afternoon théy held a ple njc in Heaton's woods. Arnold Jack- son has moved from the city gnd is living in Mrs, Fegg's house. Wilfred Knight has moved to the «City. He has purchased a home on Princess street, near University avenue. An- son Leach, wife and baby, are visit- ing at Mr, Smith's, Sydenham road. Tyler Jackson, North Bay, who has been spending a few days with his 'parents here, has left for a trip to England. Gibson & Kish are now working at their contract of building culverts on the middle road, Pittsburgh town- ship. Little Miss Thelma Morley, who has been quite ill, is better. Rev. E-R. and Mrs, Kelly will spend a féw days this week at thejr summer cottage at Ivy Lea, ' Mrs, Wyman Rowe, an old resi- dent of this place, dropped dead on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. Smith, where she had been stay- ing for a few days. She had been living for some time with her son, John Rowe, Kingston. She has a daughter, Mrs. M. Jeffrey, Sackett's Harbor, and two other sons, Charles, Rochester, N. Y., and Edgar, Ther esa, N Y. All the sons were present at the funeral, which was conducted by Rev. E. R. Kelly, to Cataraqui cemetery. Irish bishops and priests have pre- sented gifts te Archbishop Mannix. aged 102 years. on tris] for sedition. ~ Wood is scarce in China. Attended By Many Old Graduates as | ON RCHA. MEMORIAL "thelr parents, 'whom. their Kmgston and a bevy of the members of the' "Fresh as New, my dear-- and I washed it myself" pn mse gy HB "Its my old georgette--another tussle with the washer-woman sod I. believe it would have fallen to pieces. So, of course, as things 'are so dear now and we must make them last, I thought I'd wash it with Sunlight. Or rather--let Sunlight wash it, for there's no need of any rubbing--ijust sosping and rinsing. And see--isn't it just lovely?" Sunlight Soap The purity of Sunlight is such that it will not fade or discolor anything washable-- it contains absolutely no fillers or adul-. terants--it is the most economical soap your money can buy. It's all soap. Insist on gétting the Soap you ask for--SUNLIGHT SOAP A) LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO [ [4 o Person-to-Person - Long Distance Calls When you ask the long distance opera a fate Tos such calls ia about wne-fourth greater thn the '""Station-to-Station" rate. : Again, when the Sling party, in 3 Placing 4 eall, names a specified time at which he to talk and the conversation is held Iv, the "Appoint ment" rate applies. Additional operating labor and circuit time have been required to make the ap- pointment. The "Appointment" rate is about one-half greater than the "Station-to-Station" rate. ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA James Cook dies at 8t. John, N.B., 3] Secretary of British Communists 1a z Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed s practice, cor. Wel- "lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Dr. J. L. Stewart © $1.00 Served 12 Till 1.30 (new time). Consisting of Relishes, Soup, Fish, Entree PROVIN CE OF ONT ARIO » 6% 15 Year Bonds Price 99. 5 to Yield 6.05%

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