use 1, EIT safest for leather Sherwin-Williams SHER--WILL--LAC VARNISH STAIN is "the fest' Varnish Stain on the Ten different shades you can': market. choose from. It phone 216. W. H.- Cockburn & Co. TTwhose "bodies 'were brought from call, | escorted the soldiers' biers from the Ita] SYRUP | OF TAR & COD LIVER OIL a Coughs, Colds; Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic i the Gitative 25 abies of TAR ang t the strengthening Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise consequences of suchagrave Sptacter thatyou not risk using inferior preparations. MATHIEU'S SYRUP fs the only remedy whose ve: has caused to crop up many of dogbifel value, ON BALE B HH, li | | | l i LN CII | OUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE fii 3 WATS SASL JL .| co-operation in marketing and more BIG REDUCTIONS IN USED CARS AT BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED - ~ . We have a number 3f used cars which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. --Studehaker's . --Reo's : --Chevyolet's : - Chalmers' ~--Chandler These cars are going ta be sald. We have decided to make a sacrifice. You can make --MecLaughlin' Forder ms Foal % ~ oy THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Ki; ---- Plaudity Should Not Be Given Him But Crippled ¥ % Lisbon, May 1%.--An incident which may suggest a characteristic of Marshal Joffre occurred at the im- posing funeral services held over the two unknown Portuguese soldiers France recently and .placed in the Cathedral of Batalha. The ceremonies were attended by the great French marshal and by o*h- |er Allled commanders. . Joffre 'was easily the most notable figure in' the funeral cortege which | railway station. He marched behfvd the coffins with the other Allied gen- | erals, walking with a slight limp sad |earrying his ebony and silyer mar- {shal's baton in Ris hand. Flowers were showered on him from the windows and once, when the acclamations became especially over- powering, the hero of the Marne, vis- ibly affected, lifted his baton with a {HEROIC CASHIER FIGHTS BANDITS Robbery of National Bank in Irish Capital--Make Off With $25,000. Dublin, May 11.--A daring bank hold-up by armed men, who stole about $25,000, and a plucky pursuit of the thieves by the cashier, who was shot twice by the bandits, oe- curred" during the business hours in Dublin on Monday morning. Six men entered the National Bank in Camden street and at the points of their revolvers ordered the staff to hold up their hands. While a few of the gang secured the doors and the others continued to menace the clerks, one of the thieves, with methodical coolness, went behind the couriter and emptied out all the notes and a large quantity of silver and coppers. Another man put the money into a large bag, while others stuffed notes and coin into their pockets, 3 During the raid, T. R. Swayfie, the cashier, made a plucky' attempt to foil the thieves. Suddenly pouncing on the man who was keeping him sudden gesture sand pointed it toward the detachment of mutilated soldiers from the war who preceded aim, in- dicating that'the plaudits of the peo- ple should be for them. WHAT 18. NEEDED For the Successful Development of Agrictiture, Calgary, Alta.,, May 11.--Greater efficient 1% rming methods are two of the outstanding factors necessary for the successful development of agri- culture in the west, according to an opinion expressed by Professor Geo. H. Hutton, president of the Western Canada Livestock Union and superin- tendent of the agriculture and animal industry branch of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, in a recent interview. There were, he sald, two consider- ations which, would help matters. They were that the average man could produce more efficiently than he was doing and the other point was what the produce of the farm should be brought to market at lowest pos- sible cost, As an example of co-operation he cited the Canadian Co-Operative Wool - Growers' Association, which last year paid all the wool producers of the west. a price which was not only satist®actory to themselves, but also to the manufacturer, That, stat- ed the professor, had given a great impetus to business, ---- DIES AT BOWMANVILLE. Successful Wimbledon and Bisley Competitor, Also Postmaster. Bowmanville, May 11.--Major Wil- Ham Crickmore King, postmaster here for about ten years, died in Bowmanville hospital on Monday covered, Swayne grappled with him. Another raider fired almost point blank at the cashier, who was wound- ed in the forehead. Takipg advantage of the confusion the robbers left the biilding, and in the stréet divided into two parties. But the wounded cashier followed and an exciting chase ensued. Sev- eral people joined in the chase, but the 'escaping thieves kept them off by brandishing their weapons and firing occasional shots. Swayne was Ait again, this time in the leg, -but he continued the chase. In their haste two of the fugitives, who had separated from the others of the gang, dropped a bundle of notes worth $500. The chase De- coming too hot the paiw leaped into a butcher's van in the hope of escape ing. But Swayne commandeered a bicycle, and crossing. the Portobello bridge the two thieves jumped from the van and separated, leaving be- hing in the vehicle a coat containing $6,000, which the dauntless cashier recovered, No arrests were made, Three Years For Stealing Mail, Niggara Falls, May 11.--Horace Pritchard, 24, of this city, was sent- enced te three years with hard labor at the penitentiary by Magistrate Fraser for stealing registered letters. A marked lottér sent from Toronto was found on him. Pritchard admit ted the theft of letters during Janu- ary, February and March of this year. Dr. H. Wightman, Peterhoro, Peterboro, May 11.-----The death se¢- curred on Monday of Dr. Harry Wightman prominent local dentist and sportsman, after an iliness of about three weeks, He was !u Mis after two weeks' illness from pneu- monia. He was widely known among military men all over Canada. He Was a member of the Counéil of the Ontario and Dominion Rifte' Associa. tions, and some years Ago won cone sidérable fame as a Bisley rifleman. New Pulp Mill Starts Productjon, Fort William, May 11.--Produec- Hon of groundwood pulp has begun at the new plant of the Fort Willfam Paper Co, at Fort Willlam the first samples raving been received in the city yesterday. Operations are to be extended until the capacity produe- tion of 120 tons of groundwood pulp per day is reached. Later on, a paper machine will be installed to carry the products to that further de- gree, . A ready market is found for the pulp in nearby parts of the Unit. éd States, where. it is made into finished paper. The pulp mill was completed and put into operation ahead of schedule, it not having been expected to be :eady before the early part. of June. ---------- Soldiers to Be Producers Creston, B. C., May 11.---It is ex- pected that three-quarters of the one hundred. farms tt the Lister soldier seftlement area, peopled entirely by veterans, will be producing before the end of the present season. The area embraces seven thousand acres of land. Each soldier nas a twenty- acre farm, and on most of. these five acres has been cleared, stumped and "blowed"" and is ready for seed. On each farm is a house built £o the des sign of the owner, with suitable out- buildings. The large patches cleared" and planted with fruit trees speak volumes for the industry of the ex- soldiers. : ------------ Egg Meat in Cpuada - Victorias, B. C., May 11.---People of British Columbia are not eating Chinese eggs despite large importa tions, according to the department of Fieulture, Thirty-eight carloads nese eggs recently they all went through the ' forty-eighth year, and had resided in Péterboro twenty-four years, having teen born near Toronto, He was an sctive. promoter and participant in buseball, curling and Y.M.C.A. work, Pn BOILS SO BAD HAD TO GIVE .UP WORK From the days of Job, up to the Present time, boils hake been' one of the afflictions of the human race. All the poulticing and lancing you may do will not prevent them from breaking out again. . 1 BOUL are simply ediised by the bad (5100d must be made pure before the bolls will disappear. Burdock Blood Bitters, which has been op the market for over forty years, is well known as the greatest blood medicine procurabie, - It purifies the blood by removing -every particle of foul matter from the bolls vanish, and you hou ser 8 vanish, you never be troubled again. Mr. James Fahey, Newport Island, Que., writes: --"1 was troubled with bolls on my back and neck, so bad that 1 was obliged to'give up work. 1 tried several remedies, but got no relief. Finally I went to a doctor, and he treated me for several weeks, and all without benefit. At last a friend told me of Burdock Blood Bit- ters, so I decided to give it a trial, 1 got three bottles, but before I had taken two the bolls were all gone. It is eight months now, and I have had no return of the old trouble, and have never felt so well." Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, ra a-- - . SVANAY. MAY 3) tof A B.B.B. is put up only by The T. I NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 6% Bonds Dated May 1, 1021--Due May 1, 1086, PRICE KIN 5. 0, HUTTO «0035 and Interest. To Yield 6.05 Per Cent. GSTON AGENCIES, Limited ons 02 3 - B. G. ROBERTSON 67 Clarence Street. .. Vulcanizing WHEN You VULCANIZE TRY US. WE SAVE You MONEY. TIRES TESTED AND INSPECTED FREE OF CHARGE. w. FREE AIR - . most D. Johnston * © "70 PRINCESS STREET ommend great care in WINT, STORAGE for {t immediately when car is laid up, W and PANAMA HATS |{ Our workmen are experts----o Send them to us--Kingston Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND OUR SERVICE and ADVICE experience. We your battery well charged while car is in use, and EXPENSE LAT ER ON are the result of years of battery kgeping DRY ur charges most reasonable, 's' only Battery Specialists, WILLARD SERVICE STATION i | 10 Brock street Phone 1340. L LESSES, Prop. Of special interest | now our initial showing of ~ A whole Orchard full of them _ Ripe for your picking 3 Presenting the correct S pring styles and proportions for every man 'and young man. You feel as well as you look in one of our hats. Each is its own eloquent testi- monial of excellence and character. $3.00, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 "THE BETTER VALUE STORE"