Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1921, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ---------- a -- a pe TA ---- v---------- ot te a e re eon SLIP ILL IG Fd Perit PETIT GRATEFUL WOMEN. Gratitude and-appreeiation - for 2 a ego La ° eo: ; oy ¢ Austin's Drug Store £155 BE | BE ngston and Vicinity | 5 Ane ce ut PN » | men fram all paris of the anany. wo 3 ASPHALT SLAB SLATES, ROLL : R \ ROOFINGS, ETC, AT REDUCED + | write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- | | { cine Co., of Lyn, Mass., the letters of | Sale of a Residence. Sunday just as Mrs. Roseboom was time. Her family are all married | ps pi mm------" TET Moth Balls. ~=Moth Camphor Flakes. ~=0il of Cedar. | praise which. we publish from time A. Wiseman has purchased Mrs. [about to leave the house to go to and settled in homes of théir own to time. Women who have always yy Madole's residence om Centres [church He bas been unconselous | except one som, Ben, who has lately | { had their health cannot realize what street, Napanee, 3 since. He conducted a plumbing and [gone to the-Peace River district. Mrs. | ; | it. means to others, many of whom - haréware business, Healey boasts of fifty-two grand- | DISINFECTANTS have Syfiered montha 384 even Years Forty Hours' Devotion, . children and seven great-grandchild- Bl --=Formaldehyde, | well and happy through the use of | The Forty Hours' Devotidn is i Travelling For _ gale nes, FOR Rr | this natural restorati Lydia i open--in-the church of the ~ Sacral arry Turner, who for some year -- | n has been a missionary in the Argey- " Barn Burned REE Pn chdm's, Vegetable ompound. | Heart, Wolfe Island, op Sunday. he | -- tine Republic, Bouth America, visit- Percy Smith's barn at Union Vale | ¥ PD Yr The Tax Bills Coming. ed at his home at Cempbellford for |theese factory, Prince Edward | ® | The tax bills are being prepared |a couple of days during the past Saupty, was burned, Several holes | : 9 p 'in | were burned in the roof of Mr. | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? and they will be the next trouble the week, Mr. Turner is travelling 3 ! Phone 1415, \ Estimates given by {people will have to face. They will [Canada and the United States, in the | Luther Smith's house which is near- | . . 5 ' | be larger than last year as it is cost- | interests of the Missionary Alliance. | by. The lumber taken from the | 3 . 3 p 0. Aykroyd & Son | ing more every year to rin Kingston. y bee Union Vale factory with which Mr. p Austin % Drug Store 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. as TE Engagement Annonnced. Smith intended repairing his house, ps ' + Still More Trouble. The engagement is announced of i a the barn, ale a wages, | * p Sing : To add to our troubles. the mos- | Alleen, fourth daughter of the late arness, corn and grain. BEvery--| 4 Sarge x aay Bork Snare 3 Ww H STE SON quitoes are more numerous and larg- | Mr. and Mrs. Benson O'Hara, Madoc, | thing in the barn wa burned. Mr. 2 i HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH fer this month than ever befd¥e. The ont., to Lieut.-Col. Roscoe Vander- | Smith '7as hoeing strawberries when Waggons and Trucks Repaired, {mosquitoes are reported véry thick | water, D.8.0,, Argyll Light Infantry, | he discovered the fire and has no idea Prices moderate. in the district, and the city has been | only som of Mr. and Mys. Charles | #8 to how it started. The neighbors 81 KING STREET BAST invaded. Vanderwater, Foxboro. The mari | turned out quickly and succeeded in : age will take place on Wednesday, | saving adjoining property. : p An Er, Cartage of every aeseription---~ -9 . June 1st, '. c ove S eparns Rev. Dr. Alex. Macgillivray, To- Kingston Trans er * ronto, is enjoying a complete rest at Cape, Vincent Pastor Returns Two carloads of cattle have been Scales, . Toixs ass . oh aah bi 9 po . A. F . P URCELL y Talking Achines, Bieyeles, |his coun home, "Jura Farm," ev. Arthur T. Cort, pastor of the |s pped to Senator O'Brien's 6,000- > | 2 Broce! = Phone 877. 153 Wellington Street. a Tepair Sori Tun Moms ete] We Georgian i Ay J. K. Lochrie, a |Presbyterian church, Cape Vincent, {acre ranch at Kitscotty, Northern Al- | Phone /04 * MK x5 FIA AA AAA Arn Ae 1.1 1N GTON : nephew, of 'Queen's University, is|N. Y., has returned from a visit | berta. Besides some good Durham | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ¢ - man a STREET with him. ¢ |to his former home in Leicestershire, | grades, the fifty-one head fnclude DAVID SCOT I \ England. Mr. Cort left Cape Vin- [two Hereford registered bulls and . Plumber . moke cent about fouf months ago and |three registered Hereford heifers, & Senator O'Brien has shown his | Fiumbing and Gas Work a special. 5 wvork nteed. A Hart, manager for B. W. Coon, has | visited France and London during | preference for Hereford cattle by | Ye Pane re Street, Phone arn @ gang of Italians at work cleaning | Lis absence, the arrival at Renfrew of a herd of | " up. the debris caused by the recent fifteen splendid animals which are Ry : : : fire at the E. W. Coon cheese storage 'Spoke in Kingston, now housed at the senator's farm. i ; plant. T. R. Donovan, national secretary | In the herd 1s some of the best blood : \ % DRA W WINNETT . hb ------ of the Self-Determination for Ireland | of the breed obtainable, the progeny : § ® * i | . Re-Engaged Teachers. League of Canada and Newfound- [of the famous sire Claud Fairfax be- | The longer you use it, W. Bellamy, - B.A., principal of land, addressed a meeting of the Pa:- Ing prominent. This, we understand, | 28 the better you like it | Brighton high school, bas been re- |rick Pearse branch, Kingston, iif the | is the second lot of Herefords bought nr eye | engaged at a salary of $2,400. Miss A.O.H. hall, on Sunday evening, | by Senator O'Brien. \ | Margaret J. Hinds has been re-en- Rev. D, A. Casey presided and the ----------e f as assistant at a salary of | vote of thanks moved by Rev, P. J. "Seashore and Mountains," cer pa a a - < ; re ~ S~ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone '66. ¥ + S68 S5d 2 TTT TTTIeITIESeNY i Tl i N ~=Fecto, ~=Sulphur and "Formalde- hyde Candles. ~ Tree ye FOR SALE Brick House, 7 rooms, 3 Plece bath; electric lights; hot air heating; gas for cooking; first class location. Possession at once, Price $4,800, : ns FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furnitare, Safes, Pianos and * Visiting His Uncle. \ -- a From the Herefords | 7 moving Debris At Cape Vincent, N, Y:; Robert | traveled nearly 10,000 miles and FURS DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | Strects | Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | 7 $1,600, =~ Keaney and seconded by Rev. FD Portland is the gateway to all the Hyland. favored points in the State of Maine. CHOICE ------------ HM Would Pay You To Call. The- attractions of this (wonderful Our range of made to measufe Annual Meeting, territory are manifold,' tHere being and suits are -6f the best material and At the annual meeting of the Na- innumerable natural beauties and J a workmanship. We carry a large stock | panee Musical and Literary Club, €ool retreats. Among these the sea- COOKED MEATS of blue and black serges, English | the following officers were elected: shore' takes pride of the place. Casco worsted and Scotch tweeds which we| President--Mrs,. W. 8. Herring: | Bay and its many islands washed by 9 will make to your measure at a very | ton. the restless ocean offers unlimited I M reasonable price, Prevost, Brock St. 1st vice-pres.--Mrs. W. J. Robin- | choice for a summer home, Scarhoro ' e J C sop. Beach, Prouts Neck, Ocean Park, 9 ' s Shop Bréaking, . 2nd vice-pres.--Mrs. B. Black. Old Orchard Beach, Bayview, Kenne- The hardware store of J. M. Rec.-sec.--Mrs. C. I. Maybee. bunk Beach, Kennebunkport . and Phone Hungerford & Son, Clayten, N.Y. Cor.-sec.--Mrs. C. Wilson York Beach are among the most at eh vas entered by burglars and about{ Treasurer--Miss Alma Thomp- | tractive of tke Atlantic Ocean re- . 282 Princess Street Dealer in Furs only. WATTS . People's Florist 177 Wellington street. ' Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding BROCK STREET $300 in goods and $50 in Canadian | son. sorts, Back from the coast are moun- Visiting Her Big Famuy; money taken. There is no clue to tains and forests, beautiful valleys; the robbers, who entered by break- and shimmering Jakes. The Grand Mrs. Susan Healey has come from Trunk have just issued a handsome- || Parry Sound to spend some time with | ly {llustrated booklet telling you all ing a glass in the rear of the store, bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Jites., 1137, Hat Dye Does your Hat nest to be freshened up a bie? If so, COLORITE will do it and you are sure to get good results, We have all colors and colored cards to display the different shades. M. R. McColl (Phouse's Drug Store) --ei J. G. Roseboom Critically 111. At Cape Vincent, N.Y., John OC. Roseboom, veteran merchant, is critically ill. He suffered a stroke on IVEAR OF GREAT PROGRESS On Sunday School Work 'at Princess Street Methodist Church, i. The annual meeting of the Sun- day school board of managenient of Princess Street Methodist church was held on Tuesday night. Tea was served at 6.30 o'clock and thir- ty people sat down to the table. Fol- lowing the tea, busffiess was taken up, Rev. J. A. Waddell presiding. Miss E. Wilder, the superinten- dent, in reviewing the work of the year, spoke of the splendid: co-op- eration of the teachers and officers, and stated that the progress of the year was marked. 3 ; Wallace Gilmour associate super- intendent, also gave a short address, New Dublin. Mrs, Healey visited her twelve sons and daughters in air- ferent parts of Canada inside a year's PN Ny of the primary department, reported a year of splendid service. Sixty- five are now on the roll, ment, recently organized under the supervision of Miss Aleda Gardiner, was most encouraging. 'It is a com- mon event in this department to have every scholar and teacher pres- ent. : Reports were given by each of the organized classes and every offi- cer dof the school, all giving evidence of special progress. The treasurer reported that the school had contributed to all pur- poses the sum of $1,013.95, and that $189 of this amount was contri- buted to the general missionary fund. This wae in'addition to gen- and the Chinese Famine fund. There are now fifty-one on the cradle roll, sixty in the home department, with thirty-seven officers on th staff, her sister, Miss Sarah A. Bolton, | about it, «na giving a list of hotels, The repjort of the junior depart. | boarding houses, etc. Copy sent free on application to J. P. Hanley, C. P. &T.A, GT. Ry, Kingston, Ont. Sssesssivnes o* ~) esscassny . temsasenese erous donations to the Serbian Relier | We're Ready for Spring With a Large, * New Stock of Fine Quality : See our fine quality Blue ~$35.00 -- Lower Prices and Po wd oats For Men and Young Men at $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 e Suits at ! , ey § Cho'cest ' uality of Scranton Coal. No other kind' sold by BOOTH & CO. Stove Ing Xara Phone 188 HINDS ,..... I8c. FRONTS .... 10. LOINS .. LEGS . ... 20] CHOPS ...." I5c. , PI age" work should be given more at- DODDS ; A Miss Emma Wilder 'was re-elected I 5c. : a | 1s with' this Sunday school. Jarrow, receiving such a severe Wy J teation and Miss Maud Quirt and 1 Miss Maud Graves be given the su- ASL IA 4 as superintendent of the school, v(/ The meeting marked one of the + ----------i + Mirza Nichols, an aged resident of aking up that his progress toward | - recovery is slow. He is contined to - fat heart a i : and the superintendents of the vari- The total enrollment of the hool is ' is 1 'WEDDELL"S ous divisions then gave thelr report, 433, with an average attendance . . - . * Miss Etta Quirt, superintendent during the year of 304. . Lr : ~~ | The librarian reported 481 vol- - 3 131 Princess St. ot : } ) umes in the library. / ea ; : ; Tt was decided that the "teen. (One door below Randolph Hotel) pervision of this department. IR most successful years in comnection Tcledo, was thrown from his disc his bed. ' LINENS FOR | 53, THE BRIDE | Beautiful, pure Irish Linens in Table . Cloths, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Ser- viettes, Runners, Tray Cloths and Fancy Pigces--all at attractive prices. Princess Meat {|-----~ tare Market GRUMBLING IN THE GLOOM (Copyright, 1921. Al Rights Reserved by United: Feature Syndicate.) San TRANSFER one 1776J "216 QUERY SHIRE It talk about our aches and pains were suppressed, a third of the Conversation of eivilized lite would cease. ; If 'to this interdicted subject were added that of 'unsatisfactory A thet third would be ¢ ? a Sti : F

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