Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1921, p. 13

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SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1921. sisson SEE THE 1921 BRISCOE TOURING CAR The leader of lightweight Cars, at a medium price. Ea This car is strongly built, easing riding, and comfortable. as graceful, up-to-date lines, makes an attractive appearance, has plenty. of reserve hill climber. power and is a splendid \ . Motor slows down or picks up quickly, at the will of thé driver, Ask for demonstration. ANGLINBROS.,, Bay St. my Mr. Robert: W. Anglin, Manager. y- from being chaffed or pinched. Tires from 1 to 5,000 miles with EASTERN CANADA MAXOTI 284 Ontario Street. USE MAXOTIRES wMake your Tires practically puncture-proof. oF Keep yoar Tubes Une your weak or evea rim cut afety, iE & RUBBER COMPANY Phone 2050. -- When In Trouble Phone 634 Our Service Cars, are thoroughly equipped with all necessities and Ready at a Moment's Notice. . COOK'S AUTOSERVICE COR. KING AND QUEEN STREETS '- We are increasing our space fn the Auto Laundry, and can thoroughly wash twenty cars per day. Being compelled to add two aiore mechanics in the Repair de- ent, means only one t THAT OUR SERVICES AND CH ARGES ARE APPRECIATED The largest ground floor stovage in Kingston ! - HARVEY MILNE Hyslop, R Cleveland Bicycles Auto Tires and Violet Ray Lenses, Electric Carpet Cleaning, Sewing and Laying 272 Bagot Street - Phone 542 ambler and ---- a da Mickelin ¥%) for Fords. Also fabri¢ for Fords. in. red-rubbed thelr alas Brice quality. Tire Co. : Montreal | AGENTS ron FRONTENAC # 0 . > The famous French Tire that was first on thé market-- and "Super sturdy cord casings-- indluding Clincher Cord ( fad ply Cc ring- mped Tubes fit the casing and "No road too rough tor Michelin.' f rice: 350x836 'Heavy Universal i 'Mi h L ; {Wholesale only) 31 Bleury St ° Wome suse 58 OBO Has Been Completed from Cellar to Garret 'at Blue 7 Our repair department is % New cars are being sold. Watch them pass on the s McLaughlisi's ,of course. ~. The Standard Motor Car o Oshawa. : Come and see our assortm You are assured of courteo service (which means the most A new order of things has been estab- ~ Confidence is restored. Garages. a rushed with work. treet. t Canada made by Canadians at ent in the show room. A us treatment and McLaughlin efficient type.) ages, Limited Thos. B. Angrove, Manager. . CORNER QUEEN AND BAGOT Education jsn't such a much, after Io A high brow uses logic to calm angry wife, and loses out. A low & r 3 Ame STREETS. \ ---- -- Arar itea K brow uses his shoe on his wife's {eatures to calm her anger, ané wins out, y i i In the Ante World FOUL GAS LINE THEN DEAD MOTOR {Keep Line Clean and Avoid Annoying Trouble to Re When the motor of Mr. Motorist stops dead, the first question he us- ually asks himself, either in plain or profane language, or both, is "How did it get that way?" He may ask himself that, he may question his passengers, if any, or he muy stop innocent passarsby to get them into an argument. Sometimes he gets busy and finds the trouble, thus answering his own question; sometimes to, gets some good passing Samaritan to come and see why the wheels woh't go 'round. What every motorist chould leatn to do is diag- nose Ris own car's ailments, The gas line from the tank to the carbureter is one great trouble maker, Dirt, water and rust from the tank walls get isto this thin line and cause all kiads of worry before the actual trouble is discovered. When the motor stops from a stopped feed pipe, the only thing to do is to clean it-out. But how? Suppose your engine quits with some funny sounds from the direction of the carbureter. First, see that there is gas in the tank, and if there is, your trouble is a dirty carbureter. or a clogged gas line. - Open the petcock at the bot- tom of the carbureter and see if the gas is in float chamber. No gas com- ing out? Well, disconnect the gas line leading to the carbureter and it gas comes out, the trouble is a clog- ged scréen just in front of the line connection, Here is where many gas lines becomes clogged. How to Clean Strainer, To clean strainer, unscrew plug and drop connection, remove dirt un- til flow is free and then make con- nection again.' If then the gas does not flow, the trouble is farther back, probably in the screen right at the gas tank, near the water pocket. Clean this out by disconnecting. Con- sideration trouble can be eliminated by draining the tank occasionally through the petcock provided for that purpose, under the gas tank. Cars provided with vacuwgy tks have another s:ralner on top < the vacuum tank where the géa line con- nects, To-elean this strainer make disconnection in usual manner, the logsened coupling and line discover ing the business end of the screen. If all the strainers are lean and no gas comes disconnect the line and blow through the pipe." Sometimes a mighty blast from compressed air is necessary to completely free the line of all dirt. A dirty gas line 1s sel- dom noticed, particularly on cars with no vacuum tank, until one starts uphill. Then the motor spits like a cat. The. line needs attention. On cold mornings a little attention to the carbureter will prevent trouble. If the engine splits and pops, adjust car- bureter by closing air valve one-eigh- th turn, ' _ Ignition Causes Trouble, The other reason for a sidden quit- 'ting of the mo'or is ignition trouble, a case when the motor dies without niurmur or spit. Ignition troubles may be caused by reglected connee- tions, loose or exposed wires, looses fitting brushes, loose battery con nections, or ¢imait breaker not breaking right. If {ignition * runs from the battery, test out system by stepping on starter and watching dial on dash. If ammeter does not quiver and the starter does not kick. 'er over, look at Jour battery econtiections, par- ticularly tite ground Wire, which can be found by "getting under" the Place where the battery is kept, Bee that these terminals are securly con- nected and free from corrosion. The battery should be refilled with distil- led water every two weeks. Clean battery connections by un- screwing plug on ead of wire connec- tion and sctape.with a knife. Treat both connections this way. Another Place to trace trouble is a loose wire. connection on ground 'coil or distri- buter box. Sometimes trouble may be traced {o the key connection. By working starter and wiggling key round in its socket this can be re- medied temporarily, although expert attention should be given the part as 'soon as possible, ; Around the Bes You Skt Binding of the bushings that sur- round the push rods causes trouble. may be caused by the oil be- toming gummy of by valye grinding grit that has got into the interior. It the aperture is closed with a cloth before the valves are ground this latter trouble will be obviated, When he speaks to a strange gir, Bis voice is oll and velvet. But when he speaks to his own wife, his voice is 'sandpaper and nutmeg grater. Typhoid germs thrive on sweets. THIS IS THE WAY TO KEEP YOUR CAR IN GOOD CONDITIO Look over the car before taking a tour. - A little inspection mow and then will never hurt any ear, and it will go a long way in giving you a smooth running car and save a lot of bills, } Be sure to try out the brakes. Speed up with the accelcrator and ap- ply the foot brakes to see if the car gomes evenly to a stop. Try this sev- eral times and try the emergency brakes: You might need them while on the road. / Test the fan at various times to see it the belt is tight enough. If you fin® that the fan will slip with the slightest effort, the fan is all fight. Be sure to watch the ammeter, It tells the automobiMst everything about the batteries. If the engine is stopped and the lights are put out, the ammeter should show zero. When it indicates a discharge there is a short-circuit, - Never run up against the curb, as ft wiil throw the front wheels out of alignment and cause the front tires to wear out rapidly, A knock is very often due to over- heating and will be noticed upon go- ing up a hill, but it is also likely to be noticed on a level road. It is al- ways accompanied by steam from the radiator. , It is very easy to remedy. It quits often happems that after new piston rings have been put in for the purpose of preventing ofl leaks, the condition continues, . It that is the case, lap in the rings, If the cylinder is worn out of round it will be absolutely necessary to fit the ring to the proper shape, and lapping must be done. & Carry a fire extinguisher!" You may have a fire on the road, where there is no fire department handy, rsd i------ IMPORTANT REDUCTION Chovrolet Cars Come Down / Price. The Chevrolet Motor Company of Canada announces an important re- duction in the sales prices for this season. These prices went into effect on Thursday. This was made pos- sible by the reduction ' in costs of raw materials and labor, while the high efficiency and durability of the cars has been maintained. This reduction amounts to $106 on open models and $150 on closed models. or roughly speaking, about ten per cent. The announcement is also made that purchasers of cars since January 1st, 1921, will be given a refund of $70, so that these people will suffer no loss by reason of having placed their orders early The local dealers report a large in- crease in the number of sales since the reduced prices came into effect and the growing popularity of. tho Chevrolet car is clearly evidenced. ---------- Overhauling Hint. Do you have trouble in getting everything done you want done when "I'the car goes into the garage for over- hauling or even for smaller job? Haven't you left it to have the grease | cups filled only to have it come back with some of them yntouched? A very simple way of getting all the things done you want done is to make out a Hst of them. Write them out on the typewriter or with pencil on a sheet of paper .n the windshield, just attaching it top and bottom_ Ask the garage man to check off each item as he gives it attention. If there are grease cups often overlooked because of being in an unusual place, men: tion those, or count all youf grease cups and give the number that are to be found and filled. Verbal instruc- tions to the man who takes in your car may be fully understood, but much of what you say will be forgot- ten by [he best of them. Tracks Damage Tires. 'Continual driving on street rafl- way tracks is hard on tires. It tends to cut a groove in the rubber and injure the fabric, The weight of the automobile is concentrated on a very small area. The destruction is Tapid even when the rails are in good condition but when the joints are broken the jagged edges will ruin a se' of tires in a short time. -------- How He Could Use It. A bright little newsie entered a business office and, approaching a glum-looking man at one of the desks, began with dn ingratiating smilé: "I'm selling thimbles to raise enough money to--" "Out with you," Interrupted the man. "Wouldn't you like to look at some nice thimbles?" "1 srould say not!" "They're fine, and I'd like to make a sale," the boy continued. Turning in his chiir to fully face the lad, the grouch causti- cally inquired. "What in seven kinds of blue blazes do you think I want with a thimble?" Edging toward the door to make a safe getaway, the boy Answered: "Use it for a hat." : Blood-Cleansing, Strength-Civing to 'Hood's Sarsa i An { tr ! i : He i hezduche, parilla PURIFIES, VITALIZES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Models. | CHEVROLET LEADS THEWAY SMASHING REDUCTIONS IN CAR/VALUES Owing to reduction in costs of raw' materials and la- "bor the CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, OF CANADA, LIMITED, following their usual policy, are in a position to pass the bene fit on ta purchasers of 490 The reduction amotnts to $100.00 on open models and $150.00 on closed models, or roughly speaking about 10%, and the new prices will be as follows: of tools. ~~ livery dates. 490 ROADSTER 490 TOURING . Tn 490 COUPE ... /490 SEDAN ... PHONE 400. < "ev ee ..$ 925.00 .$ 940.00 .. $1600.00 . $1660.00 . J This is the greatest car value ever offered to the Cana- dian public for acar fully equipped with electric lights, starter, demountable rims, spare tire carrier and full set Ownig to the increased demand arising from this re- duction, intending purchaser s are recommended to place their order early so they will not be 'disappointed in de- We are pleased to dem onstrate this wonderful car. BAWDEN & EDWARDS | CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE MONTREAL STREET HRI STRANGE LAPSES OF TIME. One Brother Prelleceased Another by . 150 Years, It is reported from Brussels that an applicant for poor relief stated that his only brother died one hun- dred and twenty-five years ago, and that, although his statement was at first disbelieved, it turned out to be true. A still more extraordinary lapse of time between the birth of two bro- thers is recorded by a well-known lawyer of the early nineteenth cen- tury. One of the witnesses in a pro. bate aétion in which the lawyer held a brief was asked whether he had any brothers or sisters. "My only brother," he replied, "died one hun- dred ahd fifty years ago." A murmur a incredulity ran evidence was produced to confirm the old man's statement, His father had married & the age of nineteen, and by his wife had & son who died in infancy. He married again at the age of seventy-five and "had another son, the witness, who was ninety-six when he gave his evidence, The Fox family can show a re- markable record of this type. There were only two generations in the direct line of descént between Sir Stephen Fox, who was born in 1827 and, so it is said, attended Charles I. on the scaffold, and the third Earl of Iichester, who died in 1868. Thus it happened that of the two aunts of Charles James Fox one--his father's half-sister---died in 1653 and the other--Lady Sarah Napier, his mothay's youngest sister--died in 1828. . The Maudes form another long- lived race. Capt. Francis Maude, R.N.; was born in 1798, and survived until 1886. His parental grandfather was born in 1678, and his father, the first Lotd Hawarden, in 1729, the Lord Ha- warden married In 1777, ror his third wife, a bride of eighteen, who 'dled in 1851. There were thus one hun- and twenty-two years between and thirty-six years after the of Sir Jolin Acton, whom she married Tn 1799 ---------------------- The folly of fools attrasts isrger | crowds than the wisdom of the wise. through the court, yet documentary | It Made a Difference, An American tourist in. Scotland took a great fancy to a handsome collie he saw and offered to buy ft. The owner askod some questions, and on learning that it -vas the would- be purchaser's Intention to take "Jock" to-America he refused to part with the dog, . Just then an English ist came along ad he also made a bid for the colle, Which, though less than the first offer, was finally accepfed. The American was an- noyed and when the 1 had departed, he sald, wySusiishuag you wouldn't sell your dog." "Na na," replied the canny Bcot, "I said I couldna' part wi* him. Jock'll be back in a day or two never fear. But be couldna swim the Atlantic.' tn Vulcanizip WHEN YOU VULCANIZE TRY US. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. TIRES TESTED AND INSPECTED FREE OF CHARGE. Ww. FREE AIR D. Johnston 70 PRINCESS STREET WILL SAVE YOU ANNOY. OUR SERVICE ang We strongly rec ommend your battery well while car is in yse, and STORAGE 207 It ameiug oriile car is in use, a1 Our e enables us to do auto repairing 'in the shortest possible time consistent with good work. So if you don't want your car out of commission any longer than is absol neces sary send it here and you'll get it back 'again in so short a time 298 Bagot Street. Phone 100ew, Attenion Now AND EXPENSE LATER ON 'are the result of f Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's 19 Broek Street Phone. 1340. 1 LESSES, Frop.

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