Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1921, p. 16

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family, THE DAILY ¢ BRITISH WHICG NEW HEAD OF MACMILLAN COMPANY. The new president of the MacMil- lan Book Company in Canada, Ltd. Ig Mr. Hugh 8. Egyrs out doubt one of the Youngest men if. not the youngest, to occupy so re He is with- | Sponsible a positon ih Canada's pub- lishing world. Nine years ago he | ¢ame to Canada with thé intention of going into newspaper work and served for a time in the publicity de- partment o Railway. the Canadian Northern His work attracted atten- | tion and he was soon financial editor of the Canadian Courier, Some time he spent with the. 'McLean Publish- ing Company, Lean's and editing trade Here he met T, B. Costain, the Saturday Evening Post, and w him mat " Millan Company and has advancing rapidly untiy papers contributing to Me- now of ith got out "The Amateur Diplo- In 1916 he joined the Mac- since been he has now | reached the presidency, the appoint- ment having been made in February Mr. Eayrs comes of a his father . Eayrs, Soclety and author of n, less than | fourteen books. ---- 4 LOGY OF CANADIAN GENEA ¥ % STUARTS. (Canadian Bookman). Professor A. H. Young, of Trinity [3] TWO NEW BOOKS YOU WILL ENJOY © Your Book Seller Has These. By W, J. Locke. THE MOUNTEBANK. Locke the inimitable, has produe- ed another; different from what any One else\wolld do; unusual as al- | 8 In its conceptions; but just ag | cha¥ming in its character Séveiope | ment. §2.00. Edison Marshall, The STRENGTH OF THE PINES, "A year ago, in "The Voice of the Pack," Edison Marshall set a new note in combining romance and na- ture-study. ke has done this again in the new book and as wel] added an' element of thrill which will stir anyone. $2.00. THE RYERSON PRESS i { hip over the on] PUBLISHERS TORONTO - . . ONTARIO rary o efin © ARE YOU A MEMBER? "No club has advantages larger than your PUBLIC LIBRARY. ! London in the form Of a small park "Interesting Books are there for old and young FREE | Ibel. | College: Toronto, is the author of an | important genealogical study on the | | Rev. John Stuart, D.D., U.E.L., ! his family, who in various subse- | | quent generations contracted - | | ances with over a score of the ol 1 i families of Ontario and Quebec. Only { 300 copies are available to the gen- eral public, and can be obtained from | Protessor Young. The volume deals | with five generations descended from History agree th a Sceto-Irish native of Pennsylvania, is gigantic beast which lived way back who Was 'a grandson of Governor |; paléozoic times, man' when in a | Dinwiddie of Virginia; who graduat- hurry, on its hind Tegs ! | ed-Trom the College of Philadelphia | x | > Hs Nobo G 59 3, (now the University of Pecnssl |, dy ever saw a Gorgosauru aay fo but scientists Snooping around his | Poa); married Miss Jame Okill, of ancient habitats haye Jound enligh- Le ha elphia; Served 2s a missionary tening footprints ang other evidence {2 lhe Indians a1 Fort Hunter mn the that he once lived in what is now the with Che poy J orks collaborated Canadian province of Alberta. They | Moan: Lion dr fon In making |) oo that this carnivorous dinosaur | tOvas d 201 the Berip.| _q all fours in ordinary traveling te ord the Prayer Book; removed but being spurred to high speed, the |e Canada in 138); sale the first big fellow got up on his hind legs. Hike of O ) BOW the Broy. Accordingly, a Gorgosaurus skeleton istiipishad yd founded "the recently acquired by the museum Canada-- Kingston, Brockville, Ham- [0 the Red Deer River beds of A!- ilton, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Moni. werta has just been mounted in his real, Quebec, Winni 0 running pose. ' =. [Viatoras B.C Peg, Okotoks, In explaining the probable habits | A related volume is the Parish |°f the Gorgosaurus, Dr. W, D. Mat- | Register of Kingston, 1785-1811, thew, curator of the museum's de- | kept by the reverend sulject of the | PATtment of vertebrate palaeontology, | above study, and edited by Profes. | Pictures the prehistoric moauster in a series of chase of a couple of unwary duck- the | Pilled dinosaurs that have carelessly wandered from the banks of rivers and lagoons which served them as re- Was the osaurus Ancient Times, But Short on Brains. ---- New York, May 14. {the American Museum of Natural Y¥ of Stuart in ed contains aluable his jfu8e from land-lubbers like the Gor-| gosaurus, The Gorgosaurus was iong on speed but short on brains, Dr. Matthew said. In fact, he was a real lowbrow among the ancient animals. Intellec- tually he would have.been a good companion for crocodiles, which are ---- A HEROINE COMES TO LIFE, Jane Norman, the heroine in Har- {old MacGrath's new romance, "The | Pagan Madonna' nag an actual pro- | totype, although the author did not know it until he received 5 letter from the real Jane Norman in Vir- ginia. ! "Curiosity, nature's 'bounteous gift to those of ny sex," she writes, "impels me to intrude upon the priv- acy of your thoughts long enough to have you tell me from what source yoy sought the name of the heroine {in your latest novel. . 'The Pagan { Madonna.' Never having' been in | print before, to my knowledge, and exercising a jealous pride of owner- y name I've known f for the past nineteen years, it seems | to me but natural to be inquisitive," | Needless to say, Mr. MacGrath | didnt find -it anywhere. He wanted | Bargains, (& Bame for a charming, wholesome, | The cheap jack 'was exerting all | American girl, and Jane Norman | is delicate substitutes in the science | Seemed to sound just like her. He |Of drawing a crowd, and he wound didn't know that he was making her | UP by offering a bri | the namesake of an actual Jane Nor. | for sale by auction. iman Mr. MacGrhth's characters are "Now, gentlemen," he cried, "here Such real people that their creator in | IS the opportunity of a lifetime! choosing names to fit them often | What will you bid for this shilling? [ discovers that he has used one actu- Don't 'waste time, now. This is only { ally attached to somebody of whom | one of the bargains I've got for you | he has never heard, ; | today." | He gets many comments from | Bids came very slowly from the these owners, curious inquiries, pro- | doubting listeners, till at last the tests about the fiction person's tate, | childish treble of 'a small boy's voice suggestions, but never yet threats of | Was heard. His characters are all so lov- "Sixpence for it!" he piped. able, even the villians, that no one And no one seemed disposed to minds having them for namesakes. - any higher. 2008. So, Dr. Matthew said, this enor- mous, but rather stupid beast, would rely on his speed to catch the fright- tned duck-billed dinosaurs. Standing Up on his rear legs and using his massive tail to balance the body he would pursue _his prey. Catching them, he would attack ferociously with claw and tooth, The duck-billed dinosaurs had no means of defense, if caught, and they were promptly consigned, to a place on the Gorgos- aurus' menu, | | | | ---------------- "Very well," said the cheap jack, What is described ag. an "Adam- Where's "it's yours, ny litle lad, less Eden' is about t6"bé opened in your sixpence?" | "Take it out of the shilling and rls ma rest [hand me over the change!" piped the gg ¥ | rbed by young where London workin and mediate undisty men, chances. AS ZA » 'They Need Shelter RE is only one sure way of sheltering your loved ones from storms of adversity. NN SN ESSN Sn N ND N Ay iw 28 SW --_-- the The experierice of thousands of aN 2S A SPEEDY GIGANTIC BST of Best minds of at the Gorgosaurus, put at the foot of the class in most | ght new shilling | little lad, who was not taking any I 2X capable business men is that in the "last analysis" life insurance is the one dependable asset. When wills are probated 'a cause of intense surprise disappointment that there is no estate, and the life policy then becomes the one sure refuge "a shelier in the time of storm". : On the the Mutual \ 5:4 it is often, and keen | NI a 4 principle of co-operation Lift of Canada has de- veloped an institution so strong as to Se storm proof and this kh protection can be secured at net cost, The Mutual is the only Capadiar company equipped to. furnish life in. surance at net cost. It is the only one owned entirely by the policyhol ers. - Protect your family b life insurance, It is an absolute acai Protect your family by means of mutual life insurance.. It 'the largest possible amount of sound life 7 ai SA { His wa insurance for the least possible outlay. THE MUTUAL LIFE of Canada: Waterloo, Ontario S. ROUGHTON, Kinae'e~. Ont. WAIT THE NTIE [CALL BUILT WAT Made in'Canada Literature on request House of Waltham 189 St. James St. Montreal Ribbon. and Convertible Bracelet Watches in various shapes and sézes for the Bride and the Graduate. Ask your jeweler, = Ih F.W. ee ENA sim SMITH BROS, K NR HTD i es f ZY = THE hairspring is the 'small sized watch, 84, " TTT P-- pe TT ih { ! BR > ne ll nl brain of the watch. It is the spring made. For use in the springs are made from one most delicate tension pound of steel. Waltham hairs for the smaller The Fren most important part of the com spring is the forming and At entire completed hairspring is formed at one and the hardened and tempered part of Waltham leadership in watchmaking. using this n through diamond surfaces, and watches, to a third of the thickness of a human hair. Breguet, or over-coil (named after its inventor, a famous old ch watchmaker), is used on every Waltham watch. The plete operation in making a hair tempering of the Breguet over-coil. being formed or bent by hand as a separate operation, the x a e Same time, after Which itis in form---the invention of John Logan, a genius who was a Waltham is the only watchmaker of making the Breguet hairspring. pring steel is draw Waltham, instead of perfect method Hand-made watch movements have hairsprings that are first formed in the flat, then hardened and tempered in the Then the outer coil is bent to form the Bfeguit Hat. over-coil, which, if the flat spring were as hard as the Waltham, and properly tem- pered like the Wa! be liable to break Itham hairspring, it could not be bent to correct form, and would in the attempt. rt of the watch--a Waltham superiority is in original method, secret process, un ing quality of i quality that cannot be pth Be by any every important pa "hand" method of a standardized watchmaking, ALT THE WORLD'S WATCH OV monn, SS ch now w COATES' KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE., 100 Prince Te ee ee Be Sy Seven Sentence Sermon. ~ In today already walks tomorrow. ~--Coleridge. . . The wealth of man 1s the number of things he loves and blesses, which he is loved and blessed by.--Carlyte. * * . - Self is the only prison that-caa ever bind the soul; a Love is the only angel who can _bid the gates unroll; And when he comes to call thes, arise and follow fast, y may lie through darkness, but it leads to light at last. --Van Dyke. - . -. Whatsoever a man soweth, that | ward them would depart, and if we shall he also reap.--Gal. 6:7. - . - It we would put ourselves in the place of other people that jealousy and dislike which we often feel to- put others in our self-conceit very much Goethe. i place our pride and decrease. -- 8 . . » 'Tis guid to be merry and wise. "Tis guid to be honest and true. ---Burnp§. * . No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle, pure and good without the 'world being better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very ex- istence of that goodness. --Phiilips Brooks, Were shipped from Deseronto to the Peace River district will go to live Mrs. Woodring, of promise, Lyn, May 10th, of ston, Oak Leaf, and wi A Ar rrr Evans, Glen Elbe, the voters' eyes with Cust, i Pann, manufacture. That is why Waltham leads - the 'world in and why your watch selection should be a Waltham, ER TIME OD ua . Large choice at:-- hen prices are lower Jewelry Store 158 PRINCESS STREET Ing Street i | ss St Partridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturin, Wire Fencing, Flower . Border Guards, ete. ST. W. - . pHoNE ase, | statements fill Mrs. Bartley's housenold effects nis week. She with her daughter, in that great land The marriage was solemnized in Miss Martha John- liam George 62 KING Sweeping political Vacuum Cleaners To Ren For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry. Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. -------- -- ' N r EAGT EXIT] Lohan abr a » ren) Be aan REY

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