Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1921, p. 3

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: < i y =~ - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1021. - - en ---- ---- a ------------ Bring Your Films to Best's DRUG STORE New 48-hour service on all dee! veloping and printing. Lowest prices in the city. : Developing PRINTS t. each . each . each (All work guaranteed) L. T. Best, Druggist | Prescription Specialist Open All Day Sunday L Phone 59. Keeley Jr, MOD. < THE Re bili There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on others for any part of it. _ Rings. SMITH BROS. WE TAKE THE GREATEST. CARE | both as to quality and price in the selection of all our-- Diamonds Rings, Brooches, Bar Pins, Pendants Marriage Licenses. Wedding Jewelers - Established 1540. Registered Opticians 8506 Kirg Street Told In hoe | Twilight | (Notice--Heéreaft r, the Whig, in common with other papers all cover Canada, will maks a charge.of $1 for inserting an engagement, mar- | riage or @eception 3 -agnoyyeament, ) To gét the Whig" s society writer, | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. The dance given in the Nurses' | Home on Friday evening by the in- | termediate class of nurses to the | graduates of the year, was a very bright and jolly affair indeed. Flags, | ferns and palms decked thé rooms | with some of the lovely roses of | which the graduates of Thursday ev- | ening were the recipients, the bal- conies were hung with colored-lights | and an air of festivity pervaded: the home. Miss Carey and Miss Meigh- en received thé guests, who spent the evening dancing,gp | the excellent sic of Allen's orchestra. A dainty supper was served in the dining room | and altogether the affair was a most successful one. . - . Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl-street; en= tertained at dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of her house guests, Mrs. Arthur Meighen, Ottawa, and Dr. Helen Reid, Montreal, when the other guests were Mrs. W. B. Shut- tleworth King, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, 'Mrs. John L. Whiting, Mrs. Oscar D. Skelton, Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Mrs. A. 8. Ferguson, Mrs, Francis King, Mrs. Elmer Davis and Miss Wilhelmina Gordon. | The party went on later to the reception given by Principat and Mrs. Bruce Taylor at the Principal's Residence, Queen's University . Lady Mheaonen.: Mrs. Arthur Meighen, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. William Jackson and Mrs, James Millar, Miss Carey-and over the tea cups was a very Fleas by ant one indeed, | - . «a $ Mrs. J. L' Whiting, Clergy street, entertained at- bridge on /Thursday | evening in honor of Mrs, George dl McLeod, St. John. It was an exceed- ingly bright little party and the Pret ty prizes were won by Mrs. ruthers, Mrs. 'Frank Strange, Mrs: MacLeod and Mrs. T. D. R, Hem- ming, % : . . Mrs. Howard Adams, Detroit, will! be one of the out-of-town guests at the Etherington-Richardson wed- | ding. | Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, Fort William. lave taken one of the apartments in the Villa St. Clare. Mr. Leigh has! been appeinted accountant in the | King street branch of the Bank ¢f | Montreal. . * . ' Dr. James Inches, Detroit, was in town for a day or so tkis week with his sister, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, King street. Dr. and Mrs. James Denny have left for Toronto. Mrs. R. T. Bry, ner went to Belle- eo Fee ville oh Wednesday for a short visit. Mrs. E. B. nid Brooklyn, N.Y,, is with her mother, Mrs. A. S Brooks, Earl street. Mrs. I. G. Bogart and Mrs. Herbert | Bibby went to Toronto on Friday, to] visit their daughters at Havergal College. | . * * { Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Turner, who | were with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Sla- ter during 'their stay in town, have | returned to Hamilton. % | Mrs. Durnin and Miss Edith Dur-| nin went to Goderich on Friday. | Capt. Edward McKay, M. C., was | in town from Brockville this week. | Miss Annie Randall stopped a few | days in Kingston on her way to Uti-| ca, N.Y., after visiting her sister, | Mrs. Robert Greener, at Burriss, Ont. | Miss Irene Stanton, Barriefield,| has left for Buffalo where she will | visit relatives and friends. " » | | | | her sister, Mrs. Herbert D. Bibby, An after-supper sale of exce ptional importance, when worth- while savings may be affected on seasonable wanted merchandise. a 5,000 One Ounce Balls of SWEATER FLOSS 15¢. each Mrs. Odell, Ottawa, is the guest ot | i Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans, From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Miss Hunter were the ladies not tak- Barrie street, tah ; lly | Ing part in the mypical programme, | Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnee have | g = Regular 25c¢. quality Hon. Besish Bowman officially, oH * the fl decked } ray 3 is 1 , i Service. { announced Friday that the T. and N. "ut the mao Mower decked [moved into their apartment on Queen | = ES This is the greatest offer made in We are vitally interested -in Raflway has purchased tn new lo- platform at the nurses' graduation street. | 2 = = . A - the result of our work and to | 0. Railway p 50 - | On Thursday evening Kingston so- Mrs. Wallace, Albert street, who | years on high grade Shetland Floss--- insure success do 211 of it our- | comotives at a total costgof $750, . selves. j Son > Sety came out In force to show has been in Belleville the guest of | pure wool--full weight. The colors i ' t Methodist church their interest in this tmportant year- | Mr. and Mrs. Branscomb, returned | ' { Holloway Street Me ly event and were rewarded by ato town on Thursday. are Pink, White, Peacock, Tur- K J M 0 D 0 { of Belleville has just ourned a $6000 | =o enjoyable programme Mrs. Bartlett, who has spent the ee I, ILU.D.V. | [0 y PE me winter with her brother, J. B. Wal. quoise, Buff, Coral and Navy. This 226 PRINCESS STREET | o8 1args rolls of toilet paper for Mrs. ¥ Robinson and Miss Leeder | kem, K.C., at "Kewadin," left today | is an opportunity that every knitter Phone 927 {25¢ to-day .and Monday o returned on Thursday from Ottawa, | for Montreal, to visit her neice, Mrs, | Lemmon & Sons. where they attended the convention | Henry Joseph. | should avail herself of. Reg. 25c. of the Victorian Order of Nufses. Mrs. Herbert Goode, Ottawa, will | Ji While in the capital they were guests be with, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brynner, | TO- NIGHT 15c. of their excellencies, the Duke and West street, for the Etherington- Rieh | > Duchess of Devonshire, at Govern- ardson 'wedding on Tuesday. | ment House at a tea. given in honor Mrs, H. M. Mowat, Toronto, 1s | of the convention, and were also with the Misses Mowat, Johnson guests at a luncheon given a the Ot- | street. Mr. Mowat, who was in town tawa Country Club for the delegates | on Wednesday, for the meeting of ; . by Mrs. Hugh Fraser, president of Queen's University trustees, has .re- ' , CORSET CO VERS, 48c. the Ottawa V.O.N. Motor drives were turned to Ottawa. * C C 1 dd b id d arranged, and the visitors were giv- * eo 0 fine White Corset Covers -- ace and embroider trimmed: en the opportunity to see everythiiig Misses Richmond; Johmson street, 60 only, ¢ y ? . Tonight 48c. of interest in the Parliament Build- | went down to their summer home, ings, as the guests of several of the | '"Roseneath," Bostwick Island today. ministers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks, who were In town for the graduation of their daughted, Mrs. Scott, have re- turned to Hamilton, taking her 'with them for a visit, Miss Georgina Conklin, who came up from Brockville to receive a| Greek scholarship at convocation, has returned home. : Miss Marion Laird, who.was with Judge and Mrs. H. A. Lavell for con- vocation, went up to Toronto .on and Miss Nora Macnee were thé prize Thursday, with her father, Rev. winners and the other players were | Robert Laird. . Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Eric Phillips, e on Mrs.R.J.Leech, Miss Katie Berming- Dr. and Mrs. James Millar have ham, Mrs. Mackenzie and Miss Alife | moved ouf of the house lately occup- Rutherford. ied by Prof, and Mrs. W. G. Mac- Neil. i Mrs. Arthur Meighen returned to] Ottawa on Friday aftér a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street. Dean Brock, who was the guest of | his sister-in-law, Mrs. Donald Mac- Phail, King street, for Conyocation, has returned to Vancouver, B.C. | Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Coon, who were ll| in town for Queen's week, motored || back to Elgm on Thursday. 1] - . . all sizes. - Reg.' 75¢c. ....... . . * Miss Lucy and Miss Gwendolyn Waddell entertained at bridge at the Country Club on Friday afternoon, in honor of Miss Violet Mackenzie, Toronto, who "is the guest' of Mrs. Henry Richardson. The air was fra- grant with the lilac, now in all its beauty, which decked the rdoms and the tea table, where Mrs. John Wad- dell made tea, Mrs, W. G. Beeman ALLOVER PRINT APRONS, 75c. 180 light, colored, Allover Print Aprons; in a good assortment of Regular $1.25 .... v's sins vv. TO-night 75e¢, " "ee colors. HE ------; WHITE COTTON, 15c. 800 yds. fine White Cotton; full 36 inches wide; worth 23 cents a . To-night 15¢. » . . Mrs, R. J. Roger, Earl street, en- tertained at tea on Friday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Rymal, New York, who is her guest. Sweef- scented apple blossoms and lilacs filled the pretty rooms and the hour | | BARGAINS | IN WALL PAPER Exceptional Prices. 12¢.; He. 16¢c., 18c. and 20c. per roll. Borders from . 3c. up | "Hancock the Decorator' ; 3% t Street Admission, 10c. (Continued On Pages 3 and 20) cacti ---- $1.00 cach LETS GO! WHERE? To buy a pair of those new Oxfords-- the . best Goodyear Welt, Brown Calf Ox- Other linea of Wels at... $6 and $7 : prise. a ie - While here, don't fail to see our new line of Rubber Soled Canvas and Tennis goods for Men, Boys and Children. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 2311.70 Brock Stret Repair yard "ss ae ss SHEETING, 45¢c. YARD 500 yds. good quality, heavy, Whi te Cotton Sheeting; full two yards wide; a splendid value at the old pr ising of 65c. a yard To-night 45c¢. | "room McKELVEY & BIRCH, Ltd. 530 5m. Screen Doors and Windows For Comfort--Lawn Mowers for Beautiful Lawns SCREEN DOORS that will not sag-- Fe --8x6. 2--10x6.10 $2.50 -- 3x7 : ADJUSTABLE WINDOWS-- All sizes, from ... . .40c. to 85c. LAWN MOWERS-- ' The very best Canadian made--12 in. 3 blade, 14 in. 3 blade, 16 in. 4 blade, 18 in. 4 blade. GARDEN HOSE-- } to 3; suitable for any parpose--made ecially for us by Canadian firms by ais goods. Lawn Sprinklers, Grass Shears, Watering Cans--everything for the lawn and garden. McKELEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingaton. S Phone 237 we - Kingston 2 Mes. J. Howard Box sag hes baby | il rm | mors paren a, Ms. and Mss. 1.6, Ei} | ! Arnprior, to join Dr. Box in their || new homes. PURE LINEN TOWELS, 31.19 60 only. pure linen, fancy Huck Towels, with hegstitched ends. "Mrs. T. 8. Scott, King street, will Regular $2.00 values nee suns . Ti $1.19 each spend Se week-end in Brockville, , with Prof. Scott. i x : * Miss Helen Reid, LL.D., who spent several days in town with Mrs. W. F. | Nickle, Earl street, has returned to Hl | Montreal. Principal W. L. Grant, who was the i | guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdon- | { nell, University avenue, during his visit to Kingston, has returned to Torohto. Gerald Stevenson, Queen's Univer- {| sity, left on Friday for Ottawa. hu i ! [| 180 heavy Denim Overalls and Smock. Navy ad Black with stripes: our regular $2.50 quality. For a quick clean-up-- ve+v... Tonight $1.49 i ® 8 8 8 bes esses a Chalmers Ladies' Aid tea and sale "fil | home-made cooking, Friday, May 20th, 4 to 6 p. m, at church hall. WHITE TERRY TOWELS, 6c. 120 large sized, extra weight, White Terry Towels; special value at «++... Tonight 69c¢. each se aie aan Wien AE Ee see ae : CHILDREN'S HOSE, 25¢. PAIR 360 pairs fine, one and one, ribbed Cotton Stockings; in black only; - in sizes 6 to 10; formerly priced from 35c¢. to 50c. a pair--at one flat . Tonight 25¢c. Floor Coverings | Just now ot will Bo faterseicd in sinking yout floors saniary ani airaciive foe (he coming summer monhe. Our experience in House Furnishing business has taught us that there is nothing better for kitchen, pantry, or bathroom than Limoleum (inlaid or printed). x let us meature your flours avd quoté you & price. CALL Axn SEE OUR NEW MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, : PIANOS AND PHONOGAPHS ses 0000 Lien Jon msmaminn les] cre r-- {53

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