CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY Lim ited KINGSTON, ONTARIO. 'EVERYTHING Lath VICTORIA STREET - Shingles OUR SPECIALTY: Hardwood Flooring - ALLAN LUMBER CO. \ IN LUMBER Trim - PHONE 1042 THOS. G. Pome 38 - - - ENGINEER AND MACHINIST Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Weldlag BISHOP - King and Queen Streets : J FEEL HOT PHONE 94. - - AND DUSTY ? "So do the, rest of the staff. Get that fan now. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner of King and Princess Street, £ Now Masufacturi the Automatic Sealed Urave Van tsGuaranteed Waterproof KINGSTON SENET PRODUCTS 7 7 H. F. Norman, Manage "Corner Charics snd Patrick Forersn. Phone 730w. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO, Automobile qnd Motor Boat Re- irs, Gasoline Engines built and re- peared, dry docking and wood work- ing. East End of Wellington Street. FAULTY PLUMBING Is Conily No Matter How Low the Price Our Plumbing is being built up on a quality first basis. DAVIE & BARRETT 208 Wellington Street Phone G58. . HOOPER & SLATER Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete All kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber. 128-132 ONTARIO ST. - Phone 74 J Manufact 380 PRINCESS STREET - "The Laturney Carriage Works | BUSINESS, WAGUONS AND Special designs made to order. } AUTO BODIES PHONE 132. FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. . MATTRESSES WADE T0 ORDER Renovating a Specialty ar Balaclava st. Phone 2106w, o \ CANADA CUTLERY CO. Limited Manufacturers of POCKET and PEN KNIVES C. A. Eaton, General Manager Kingston, Ontario, TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC Tire value ok be judged by the service it gives. Ours will measure by the highest standard, as the mileage records of our Tires they are unexcelled for endura nee and long life, at pe & specialty. We also, Corner Queen and W hua Streets Sur. a full line of Ofls, Grease and Gasoline. UDDABY BROTHERS prove Steam Vulcanls- Phone 1088. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes W. H. COCKBURN & CO. #5 PRINCESS STREET - HARDWARE - - PHONE 216 oo THE DAILY] INDUSTRIAL BACK TO THE LAND Al] around us at the present time we find unemployment. The slack- ness is almost entirely in manufae- turing circles and extends all over the world. In certain lines there is still brisk business, due to the fact that unusual conditions have kept the demand at a good level, but in the 'main the return to nor- mal has compelled many to pause for a short time until they find their bearings in the business world and | get away to a fresh start. Manufacturers find that the prices {of their articles must come down. { Many of them, accustomed to run- | ning things with a lavish hand, due {to the fact that they could dispose {of their goods during the war pe- riod at exceptionally high prices, | must now cut down in such a man- {ner as to be able to meet normal prices. Others, although they know {the cure for their troubles, hesitate | to be the first to apply it, for which | they canont be blamed. A very few [have been making "easy money," | and now, since making money means | working for it once more, they will retire and live comfortably on. their war gains, caring little what becomes of the employees whom they turn out into the street. During this dull period, which is nothing more than a, pause to, look {around before going on with the | business of the world, there will be a great lack of permanent employ- ment. In this city even, where it fs seldom that we know real hard- ship, the situation is making itself felt. The expense of keeping up a house without any, source of rev- | enue soon mounts up and many are beginning to find out. There is a slackness in the Locomotive Works. The Collingwood Shipbuilding' Com- pany is not working with anywhere near usual strength and other small- er concerns have been letting 4 man go now and then, ~~There is one source of help to which men out of work may turn. The cry for several years now has been that the people were leaving the land for the cities, deserting ag- rieultural pursuits for manufactur- ing. Now is the time to emphasize this fact. Much was done whe men had plenty of work in factories, | with go 2 wages coming in stead- { ily, to show them the advantage of farming. Now, when the workers have nofhing to do, the dominion government and the various provin- cial governments should start their campaigns for more farmers. This is the time to offer inducements to men to take up land. This is the time to boost the Canadian West, to study and advertise the various kinds: of farming in the east < It was not much use talking farm to well-paid workers in the cities when a mechanic was as well re- warded for his work as a business man of the best class and a laborer thought nothing of having his own i BRITISH WHIG WEEKLY REVIEW car. That was a waste of time and money. No man could be expected to give up & prosperous life in the city and go to. the heavy labors of breaking in the land and working | it to produce foodstuffs. Now, with good active campaigns carried on by the governments to place workers on the land, the re- sults would be exceedingly benefic- ia}. The first direct result would, of course, be a'relief of the unemploy- ment situation. Then there would be other results which would follow in time as an increase in production, gradually as the increased number of farmers made the land give results. There would most certainly be among those claimed or re-claimed by the land a tendency ro more mod- ern and scientific methods, more up- to-date machinery and system, the result of the training received in the manufacturing world. The manufacturing workers world is overcrowded. The only solution is "back to the land" for some of the workers. In the natural course of events they must go. The sooner they get there, the sooner the ten- sion in the manufacturing world will be slackened and the sooner all things will revert to the normal state which we have hailed for so long. ANYWAY, There's No Slump in the Automobile Business. That the buying of motor cars is on the upward trend in Canada is evidenced by the report of the de- baker Corporation of Canad ta, which shows that sales for the first four months of this year have an in- crease of 157 per cent over those in the same four months in 1920. They further report that their factories at Walkerville, Ontario, have been into full production since the 'first of April. W. G. Palmer, sales manager of Studebaker, says: 'Throughout the Dominion there is a marked revival in the buying of automobiles and there is every indication that our sales for 1921 will more than double those of last year. I attribute this demand solely to the low per capita ownership of. cars in Canada as com- pared with the same figures In the United States. Then, too, we must re- member that the automobile is fre- quently an indispensable factor in our daily work and this fact will always give foundation to a Sousistent de- mand for cars." Here is at least one tudustry that is not complaining of dull times. Busi- ness, two' and a half times as good as the same period last year sounds No and should help out im other lingg. Other manufacturers of motor cars probably have the same story to tell, some with a larger percentage of increase, others with a smaller, but with a great increase generally. , Iceland has numerous hot springs, KI NGSTON ,A PROBLEM SOLVED "HeMo, Bob." "Hello. how's it going?" now and then, Where'd yuh get the new suit?" "That's not a new suit. I've had that for 'bout four years now." "Tell that to the marines. How'd yuh ever keép it looking so good. No- body ever told me you Were easy on clothes." "I'm not any easier on clothes than the average man but I'm in on a little secret. I might tell you though." "Well. let's hear it." "Well, I tell yuh. There's a place on Princess street, up there past St. Andrew's a little ways and a few doors from Barrie apd when yuh find some old thing that ain't all tore up and yuh- think it's a shame to throw it away, yuh "take it there and say: 'How's chances a gettin' this fixed up? Feller there name of Patton says: 'Pretty good, I guess.' Then yuh come back in a coupla days and there's yer new suit. Yuh want to try it." : "'Betcher life I will. I'll do it right now. S'long Bob." "8'long." Dere Merrie) Reeceeved yer letter an thanks fer it. Mother says | must bee verrie cairfull to ansser you rite away so heer .gos. The other day me and Mamie that lives nex dore wur offul hott and we poked roun fer a while wonnering what too do bout it. Well, i says wed beter get sum mgny an maibee that wood help. Well, we mannijed to get sum mony (20 sents) an we wooked rite over to that grimm's place on Princess street an got ise-creem soddas. Gee, they wur luvly. The ony thing that both- erred us wuz that we dident hav enny more 20 sentses/ Hoapin you hav one of grimm"s soddas pritty soon, {i remane, yers respeckfully, Yer affekshonate cosin, NELL. ------------ The baby cries just the same in the Sweet springtime as he did all winter, only you can hear him a little better because people are leaving windows open. They say the early bird gets- the worm, but how about the man who draws last and catches four aces after the open has been bumped three times? The poetically inclined individual who drinks in the spring atmosphere often inhales his soup by way of compensation, Somehow or other, a woman never gets very friendly with the woman her husband was to have married and didn't, The reason a married man likes to be called the head of the Tamily is be- cause he knows it is a darned lie, "THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited -- Operating «Phone IMPERIAL LAUNDRY .....s......Phone 802 KINGSTON LAUNDRY Astsareses. oo =z - gr-- Let us pr 40 Princess Street. KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS e orr work, by giving us one trial. Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS G Cadillane. { Phone 214 7 A Real Vacuum Cleaner vf Would You Like To See One? Two experts will be here mext week demonstrating our new model Can we have your mame? J. R. GC, DOBBS & CoO, 41 Clarence St. HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL 2 IN THE HOT WEATHER IT ISNO GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR- self to a nickel now and then. Take a Tide home or to work on the It'll be the biggdst n Howe s worth you've had in a long = Strent oars. time. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC WE HAVE THEM. BAKER'S CIGAR STORE % 2 RAILWAY DEVELOP YOUR CITY own home' and and beamtitying 13--Batemans Real Estate By owning ERT ure--and rr A BATEMAN, 159 WELLINGTON STREET you a lot-iend you the inter, profit, EO, % & § 2 'r THE MAN WHO WILL NOT IN- sure his life for the benefit of his wife, doesn't deserve to have a wife. 7s The Imperial Life Assurance Company J. B. COOKE District Manager, Kiagston, Ont. KEELEY'S Eyesight Service Eyes examined scientifically. Over 20 years' experiemce, KEELEY JR, M.O, D.O. 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, \ 5 3 MeCALLUM GRANITE CO. Idmited MONUMENT BUILDERS 305-807 Princess Street. Phone 1981. VINEGARS ; All Grades. Absolutely standard quality, Largest factory in Canada. The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co. Lid. + Bagot Street "Oh, pretty fair with a little hitch | Manufacturers of MOTHER'S and | QUAKER BREAD 193 Ontario Sg, DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Tey our Species Dias Jritm 1130 4; to 7 pm, . Jie--Reaulsy PRINCE OF WALES ig Servieemmfiricts Hoderw nt. oderate. a En te--IJe. A or Corum Flakes, Ham, Ba. Egs. Teast, Whedt Cakes, Toa: Co Gomes or Milk, iy Ha 01 1 PRINCESS STREET, American Manageme PHONE 544. ARROWROOT BISCUITS Have you tried our ARROWROOT BISCUITS? 1f your grocer does not keep them ring up the office. Try a on them. pound and be convinced. THE W, J. CROTHERS CO, Limited The Kiddies thrive a JAS, SWIFT & CO, Limited Importers and Skippers. Domestic and Steam COAL TAD Florist 280 Princess Street me -- HOLTON Phone 861. S. S. CORBETT -- Funeral Director Ambulance Phone 143, Residence Phone 2135, { JAMES RITHARDSON & SONS Lid.) Established 1857 Head Office - BRANCHES: Calgary Fort Quebec Saskatoon Winnipeg Kingston, Ont, William Montreal . Toronto - We Promote any Build Character by Rendering Service LCS. Representative A130 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont Y KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited Open for charter for ' Call us up and get & 8.5. ST. LAWRENCE-- 530 PASSENGERS §.85, BROCKVILLE- 300 PASSENGERS, 4 a Laveen QNE 190 a8, Plenles and Excursions. AGENTS FOR NEILSON'S AND WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES Phone 797 102 Princess Street. N GRIMM'S . 3 Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Expert Watch Repairing A Established 1840. 330 King Street - THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. . "Belfast Ginger Ale" JFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 304 McLaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers, Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. If we didn't think these brands were the best in thelr line we "wouldn't 2 handle them for ome day. PHONE 067, BLUE GARAGES Limited. UG M. Fair, Manager, T Y BIG SALE GOODYEAR BICYCLE TIRES Fis WEEK PER COL QV AND TA BICYCLES GEO. MULLER, 371-373 King Street. Photie 1032w.' r- LUMBER FOR SALE Good Hemlock Sheeting, sized and dressed to order. THE K. D. MANUFACTURING COY MONTREAL STREET. Frank Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR" 4 Chairs----eBest of Service We Specialize in CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING 185 Wellington St. Phone 1318J, JOHN McKAY, Ltd. ) BUYERS and EXPORTERS woo WIND. GINSENG, In RAW FURS Write for further information, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Save food by using Ice. Our Ice ig certified to by Queen's University Labggatories 8s being 'pure. Telephone orders to 1307. Prompt delivery is our specialty. The moublenwith mast of the sowne advice you get is that it is nearly all sound and mighty Httle advice. home. y { THE HYD (Publie Utl 208 tl WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willard Service now effective, IL LESSES 19 Broek Street Phone 1340 7 HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY It would pay you. to drop into THE HYDRO SHOP on Princess Street and have our representative demonstrate the types of Vacuum Cleaners. A kinus of iiectricai Appuances lor the ~~ > DONNELLY 341 I most improved RO sHoOP Ld ) Jun street. SALVAGE A TR w , LIMITED Tugs, Cine Shalt 3 Lighters, Divers, rethite 254 Saisie work since M. AMODEO : | Announces that the season ia open: The FROST CITY ing for BANANAS and all the Cholee Rooms and Spaces ia our early Greens. Storage---clean, bright and dry. 200-305 Queen Street. Phone 536 : 1 1 Wholesale and Retail Fruit and Commission Merchant 5 Phone 776 240 Princess Street -- VESTA BATTERY 00 THE BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS Place our Vesia Battery in your car and forget all your Battery troubles. it is a res] Battery of service. Whatever you use it for--for «ignition, for starting, for Lighting, ete, it will serve you well, A Battery you Will recoiamend to your fellow motorists. Phone an and Bagot Sts. MILNE and F. KIM \ he BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO.Ltd | JOBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY 63 BROCK STREET - - PHONE 320, i830 a v JOHN DONNELLY i and Gr Mn for Scrap Irom, Metals, Rags and 140 RIDEAU We Are Always hile Market i you to ring 2057 or 2060J. We are willing to give our best stten- y tion to any call, which may be received through 'phone. e M. ROSEN & CO. Rubbers. It will be of benefit to STREET MONTREAL DOMINION TEXTILE COMP2 € MAN EDs OF: "PRUE COTTONS" TORONTO KINGSTON 6% 10 YEAR BO Denominations $100°"$500_$1000 : PRICE 160 AND ACCRUED INTEREST $ No better investment to be had than your own home city. Applica. tiong hg bo Po this by mall or in person and bonus deiiverad wherever Paine, salt ® Be issue. Jt your orders in eariy. e 237 Bagot Street eo - yy PHONE 172% 31 - - - J 5 The Medial ath Of Kivi The Hedin OF AL Mil "Why pot Jot 48 da 1 for you did do it HEM? Wa clarify it first and then pasteurize it. It is clean--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest food you (can buy, "he a2 3 | PRICE'S DAIRY Phone 843 . - - - «77 Princess Street.