ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG. 1 FLOURISHING CHR [DAYLIGHT saving COSTLY FOR SCHOOLS | Queen Street Methodist Con- It Will Mean an Extra Expen- || emi | 2H HOST OF SUMMERY Tie -- | The meémbers ang adherents of | Kingston went on daylight saving Queen Street Methodist church met |on May 1st, and the Whig learns | Tuesday evening in 'their annual [that jt means an extra expenditure ||8 Ill ie s | congregational gathering for the TE [of $500 on the school boards ol ception. of reports. The pastor;-Rév: {ilk il ! {W. 8. Lennon, presided. and, ater With the opening of the schools | devotional exercises, called for the an hour earlier these chilly morn- {Presentation of reports by tbe vari- |ings, it means that the janitor must {ous organizations of the church. {fire'up for a couple of hours in or | These -were interspersed with solos {der to make the rooms comfortable | bY Mrs. J. Bvans and Mrs. J. Craw- {for the scholars i | ford, and recitations by Miss Prin- Many citizens are of the opinion 1 wanQf Flowered Voiles | gle. that daylight saving should not be : The Teport of the Ladies' Aid So- [commenced until the middle of May. clety showed a very prosperous | By this time the sun would be much ---- 0 3 [year's work involving the raising | warmer and there would be no need | f Crisp Organdies of $1,162.57, notwithstanding which | of putting on fires. * boys we're RC 3 generous society only -- . ° ea $25 in its treasury. The Woman's STOCK MARKETS. | ===Of P refty Gin hams specialists. Missionary Society and its protege, < 5 y g the Mission Band, reported $463 | Quotations Furnished by Bongard, raised by them for missions. A | _ Ryerson & Co., 287 Bagot | Wh 1 Try us once pleasing growth in the membership | N Street. ether you are going to have . » of the Sunday school was also re- Been : in Boys POrted By the ool SEO. 1e- Now Fork Socks. two, three or a dozen Frocks this \ crease in the school's contrihution Opening. Closing. . . . . Clothes and to missions, which amount this year |Am. Sum. Tobacco .. 641, 64 | summer, you will enjoy choosing : to $189. The Epworth League -re- |Baldwin Loco. «ce sv 88% 881; ¥ ' youre OWr i |iported forty-five members and _u|Central Leather .5 41 sia ~ them all right now while every | budget of $220, of which $61 went Crucible Steel .. .J 7934 78 . : : l jo micsions. The treasurer of the (Inter. Paper ., .. 73% : mode 18 new, fresh and unhandled. Of course, you may not wish i general account reported that the (Kénnicott Copper .. 214 . . 1 b . . . x | [church beghn tho year with a deficit | Mox, Petroleum. 14914 ; to don them immediate y, but you will be mighty gratified that fi ever after. SS Tan thu year el % 10M : 5 I $245 and was closing it with a |Plerce Arrow 29% "(Bll you made your seléttion of pretty .tubable Frocks bright and it In Clothing c us tomer reduced deficit of $175, notwith- Pere Marquette ... 227% (Standing the fact that the payments |Rep. Iron & Steel ~o BOY 4 early, when those who delayed will be searching about for ap- | for pastor's salary, connextional (U.S. Rubber . "ines T3% 3 . . | |funds, etc, were thuch in excess of |Royal Dutch (N.Y.) 44+ * of propriate modes after the first heat wave has made itself felt. {former years. The congregation [Studebaker ,., ., .. 9% ES f Special | | Was delighted to Joatn that the |Sinclair Oil .- .. . 37 214 8 ll ~ Prices lower than they have been for years. v { church's contributions to missions | Tobacco Prod. ., .. LEA Childs' Suits for Boys--4 to 7 years-- [this year, not including those of the | Texas Pacific 27% ° | W.M.B., amounted to $1,198, but it (U.S. Steel ., .. .. 83% 8' $5.50 and $6.50 was still more manifestly pleased | ---- | X when Capt. Crawford, treasurer of | Canadian Stocks. 4 : BOYS' SUITS the re-building fund, reported that {Brazilian .. ., . «. 30% .e ; . ; fund | Brompton the total recdipts for. the Fit boys 8 to 18--$9.50 to $13.50, risus, fo $3040, of (Conata' Coment" 1 02 LL {BH Pricedfrom ..............cun tein. $4750 81850 which $30,442 had been expended. |Canada Steamships. YOUNG MEN'S HIGH SCHOOL The sBpaid obligations. were' mew | CHD | FROCKS OF VOILE OR ORGANDIE | ly $2,000, of which "$1,000 was | SUITS iB d by subserip. | PID NOT KNOW WHO : First | T . Er iagiely Sqveted Pot hac FIRED THE FATAL SHOT Priced. . ........ trtrieireies. a. $9.00 t0 $25. rst ong rousers--size 34, 35, 36. was hoped would be paid shortly. ------i i ' Only $19.50. The remaining debt of $1,000 vas Roy Hotrum Said That He 4 debt within the family, the amoun R H an, Followed by . . being due to the Ladies' Guild of ' - ng ue McFadden. andsome 00 Irtinos 3 ® ® : On motion of Chief Armstrong, . Livin sto 9 [seconded by George A. Bateman, the | Toronto, May 17.--Roy Hotrum, Ww. h . 1 - L . gathering expressed its gratification | convicted of murder on Saturday in ! e are showing a! arge ass a g n & at this result and its thanks to the connection with the death of L. C. . 4 5 g . g ortment of smart wool materials Sabine, druggist, on March 5th, took in stripe and plaid effects, so much In vogue for pleated skirts. treasurer for the very efficient way in which he had handled this out- | his stand in the witness box-this » . . . op te Founded 1847. [standing financial interest 'of the | morning to testy tr hess 0%; his Don't fail to see this collection if you wish the correct style for : church. After further interesting | fellow robber, William McFadden, : : . . 75-77 BROCK STREET | reports from the choir and the |who is being tried before Justice Lo- your skirt. 54 to 56 inches wide, Priced-- : treasurer of the benevolent fund, | gie on the same charge. The convict- | "If Off Your R " i : . our route It Pa ( 8 « ; the pastor reported an increase of |ed youth is in a pitiable state of ner. --- a a yato Walk. sixty-six in membership during the |vousness, and his infifference has gi- . 5 yard 4. 50 yard 5.95 yard : : . year, this making the total now |ven way. Telling of events leading up 622, while the adherents of the to the shooting of Sabine, Hotrum's church represented over 450 fam- evidence was substantially the same | ° : . nor, ilies. He also repoxted the per- las given proviously. He claimed Me- | ' formance of thirty-three baptisms | Fadden had a large black revolver. cau 1 u ° as a Y1CS ------ - i and of seventeen ' marriage cere- | He claimed he warned McFadden to 2 monies by himself and his prede- | be careful and not use his gun. The cessor during the year and that in do ort seemed nervous and replied, | The popularity of our Wash Goods was never better reveal- the same period the church had rais- "Don't worry," said Hotrum. When : : « ed in all its departments the very |Sabine grappled with McFadden, an in the hearty response of the public to the offerings now A er Nl : Br respectable rand total Of $11,013. | Hotrum said he heard a shot but hs being made. Women are recognizing the significance of the ' The balloting for society repre- n't Know whether it was ne or 3 : . . . ; . " @ sentatives on the .quarterly' official | McFadden who fired. Witness sald he prices we are placing on Voiles, Organdies and Ginghams, and ! : J board resuited in the election OF the | was at the door and ran, followed by are responding accordingly. This is the time to make your summer ; , following os the To Bator: Chief di, D es. You are sure to like our lovely patterns, for designs are - Limited ee mite rE, pMcCatlum, | China's cabinet hus. resigned and (R00 7) original. See our vast collection and choose the nicest for George A. Smith, F. T. Paynter, M. the reform members have been elir- 3 MacDonald, and James Rankin. inated. : yourself, The business was followed by a . : ' S halt hour of congregational social DAILY MEMORANDUM. FLOWERED VOILES allan rte aaa seus OBE. up fellowship during which refresh- Hear Evangelist James Emblen, Be- | y ments were served by the ladies of th careh, 8 mach might. next TRANSPARENT ORGANDIES ies se wnivin buns 85c¢. up ¥ the congregation, and the gathering Wednesday in the market at 9.30. | 2 : ) : e sing- Next British mail the King- ng rout to 4 clase by th 'ng ston post gftice Friday, May 20th, 4.30 GINGHAMS . san callnie dante vn oie SOC up , : A em 1,000 LBS. F RESH CREAMERY. MARRIED IN MONTREAL. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Butt er 3 3c | Ib ~~ iz ~~ PRINTERS || Imported Pongee Silk The marriage took place at the : a First Presbyterian church Montreal, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. at 85¢ yd. on Monday, at eight o'clock of Miss Helen Grace Bowley, daughter of PTAERINO RED. at 200 yards ofa splendid quality All Silk Pongee, in the natural MEAT DEP ARTMENT wo Urns Mrs. aT: ans on Tuesday. Mag snaps pesion (B fl color P. ongee. Silk of this quality is in 'great demand for Sum- VL Victor William Sargent, Alexandria,| Dr. a ical WTC ll mer Dresses, Undergarments, M en's Shirts, Window Drapes, etc. Brown 1 v Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Sar- dson, daugh f the lat Cured Meats with Cabbage; tasty for a gent, Kingston. The ceremony was and" Mra. "George Richardson, oi | boiled Dinner-- Western Beef. Poiiormed by Rev. Malcom Camp-| [JEHO% fo Dr. Frederick Kiner-1(8 f 1 5¢, 1b bell.: The bride was given away by | ssmoin . - . Bi her father and wore a travelling cos- ; \ DIED. ( : i tenes 124c. 1b. tume of navy blue tricotine with a BIRCH--In Fort William. ont. on May h I idl ° . blue hat trimmed with platinum gray , Robert Meek, infant twin son | f : Ny bage etn atin uve 080, Ib. French flowers, grey squirrel furs ven months Sng stetao chy, A8¢d i O n al aw & on, Imite yo Boiling Pork--handy cuts . . 25¢. Ib and grey shoes and stockings, and | GRAY--Died in Kingston, May 14th |{D | : : . : ; 2 5] Ninn Foon her shower bouquet. was of orchids it David John Gray, 478 Albert E a =r y i" ee -- i : : ( ito bs. each) ei sunset roses and lilies of the Puscral Wednesday, May 15th, at 4.00 0 g > > : valley. Miss Jean Rowley attended IR : Pickled Bacon--streaky side . . oe : her sister as bridesmaid and wore | TTT ------ Pickled Calves Tongues «ivi. .3for25¢. 4 navy blue taffeta gown with a has DEAREEY MEMORIAM. LR : . . of the samc shade and carried a nald M. Deare. wis Memory of Reg- Pickled Pork Hocks--small sizes 12%c. Ib. bouquet of xarguerites. The best | May. rus, Jeu who Boris M. Diary : : best man" was Dr. Kenneth Munde!s. | Who passed away ow May 17th, 1920, j USAGE i ! Mrs. Rowley, mother of the bride, | No one knows now much we miss'them. No one knows the bitter pai \ Wore a gown of black taffeta and We have suffered since Wer lost them, been the same. . 1 300 Ibs. Oxford brand. Try these for break- Seorgetie with a biask ontion lov- | Hono has never 4 . : / ng @ ceremony, a rece Dn was i very tasty; nicely browned and Kot [fis or church parlors, owing (5'| Tears uf sone Sik Some Cer us, es E186. POUND : Huo in the home of the bride. Dr. When we think of ar tw Jo i ru and-'Mrs. Sargent will spend their | missed by father, honeymoon in Kingston, Buffalo, ttle brotnas db ? : | Frat d . : Niagara and Lake Placid and w ee ll ) A ¥R3 ; % | Tuit and Vegetable Market fr fone! wnat gAMEsRED ll 10 BARGAIN LOTS IN LITTLE § Well stocked every day. Specialties: -- '40 Out of town guests included Mr. ana ral: Undertakers, | ; s 'o = . ' hn [om [ESESESSssed opps shors gp Bw Bl | nance testing nies. [1 Baty Chocolate Strap Pillow Welt--sizes 2, 3, 4 . . .. * Strawberri Spinich Chum Der De, | pa Bo ell Babyacho re > gi ing a ; a mas BF. ~-- : Baby's White Canvas-"sizes 2,3, 4 ..... les : Blood Beets rh Mondey afternoon that Song bd - | Ba by 's Patent Barefoot Sanda l--sizes 410 ?... ... Bunch C : on the watarmary.! pe, debentures Underisking Varios 258 prince sc [I] Baby's Patent Vam 'White Top Button --size 4 to 7. 4 ro Car Tots yy har m_-- prcgges --~ : § Baby's White Kid Button Rul C18 7 or 5 teva ucumbers haar: Wie pant worn], SIN Feminine [Hl Children's Chocolate--Elk ers--sizesSto 74 ....... arly $900,000, ! Li Bory nice ttle Shoes here and cheap. : : | 7 The width is 33 inches, x -- er & oh pon in -- wt fh w-- »o or eet -------- @ "u At Simla, India, the Earl of Read- ing, viceroy of India, has had a long' iersiew with \ |p | Karamchand 'Gandhi, leader I the a) Indian Nationalists. ar - |